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Newslinks for 10/29/2004

Here's What Will Happen if Kerry Wins
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A new and much more comprehensive Assault Weapons ban will be passed which will forbid all semi-automatic rifles or handguns. The legislation will also mandate registration of all firearms and firearms owners. I t will become a felony not to register, to use a firearm to defend your own home against invasion, or to buy or sell firearms privately without informing the authorities."

"A year or two after the new Assault Weapons Ban will have been passed, the police will start making spot checks, using the yellow forms people have filled out when they purchased firearms from a dealer, and rounding up anyone they catch not in compliance. ..."

The N Teams Up With Anti-Gun Violence Organization PAX To Present a Two-Part 'School Shooting' Episode of the Hit Teen Drama 'Degrassi: The Next Generation' Friday, December 3 and Friday, December 10
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The N, the nighttime network for tweens and teens, is partnering with PAX, the largest, non-political organization dedicated to ending the gun violence epidemic in America, to present a special two-part episode of its hit teen drama, Degrassi: The Next Generation that delves into the issue of gun violence on Friday, December 3 at 8:00 p.m., ET (Part I) and Friday, December 10 at 8:00 p.m., ET (Part II)."

"In support of this episode, The N will provide viewers with useful information about this issue, giving teens real solutions to help stop gun violence. PAX will consult on The N's parent discussion guide for the Degrassi: The Next Generation school violence episode which will be available on on Thursday, December 2. The episode-specific guide offers tips and discussion questions about the issues raised in Degrassi to use as conversation starters with adolescents."

As War Changes, So Must Homeland Defense, McHale Says
Submitted by: Don Hamrick

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... "The strategy also looks to ensure DoD ability to help civil authorities in case where defenses fail and there is an attack with weapons of mass destruction. He said al Qaeda does not launch single attacks. The military must be prepared to help in the event al Qaeda launching multiple attacks using these weapons."

"Finally, the strategy calls for DoD to share its knowledge and expertise with state, local and international partners. He said the services have been prepared to work in contaminated environments since the chemical attacks of World War I. 'DoD has the legal and moral obligation to migrate those capabilities to the civilian community,' he said."

NOTE: Fourth Generation Warfare, properly fought, requires the American people to "participate" through the Common Defence clause of the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution. That means repealing gun control laws back to the period when "open carry" was the constitutional norm and the social norm. THINK! State Defense Forces! Militias! Posses! A REBIRTH OF FREEDOM!

The Death of the Bill of Rights in America Part II (Pravda)
Submitted by: Don Hamrick

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... "Fear of losing employment for advocating 'unpopular' ideas, fear of censorship by a corporate-controlled media more devoted to enhancing their profits and promoting their agendas than serving the public interest, and fear of 'civil law,' where monetary damages can be assessed against individuals or groups engaged in speech activities, have incessantly transformed the Bill of Rights into a litany of impotent platitudes." ...

Submitter's Note: Will we be propelled to use the "Law of Internal Armed Conflict?"

WI: NRA, Kerry seek votes in Appleton
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"Both the National Rifle Association and Sen. John Kerry will be campaigning in the area Saturday."

"The NRA is sponsoring a 'Vote Freedom First' rally at noon Saturday at the KI Convention Center. Doors open at 11:30 a.m. Scheduled to appear are NRA president Kayne Robinson, executive vice president Wayne LaPierre and other officers and recording artist Lee Greeenwood."

"Kerry, the Democratic presidential candidate, will be in Appleton, his campaign office has announced. The location has not been announced but the event will be open to the public. Kerry was in Green Bay Monday and Tuesday and last in Appleton on Oct. 15."

IL: Illinois State Rifle Association Announces Major Hunting Safety Event
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"The Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA) announced today that it will be holding a major hunting safety event on Oct. 30 and 31 at its rifle range located in Bonfield, Ill. The ISRA Range is located at 1489 North Warner Bridge Road (7000 West), 4 miles south of Rt. 113 and 1.5 miles north of Rt. 17."

"Entitled 'Sighting-in Days,' the event is designed to give hunters the opportunity to sight in their rifles and handguns prior to the opening of firearm deer season. Experienced ISRA staff members will be on hand to deliver hunting safety and other topical briefings to those who attend." ...

IL: ISRA-PVF: Rep. Careen Gordon - A True Friend to the Hunter and Sportsman
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A true friend in the General Assembly is one who will go the extra mile to ensure that their constituents' rights are protected. A true friend in the General Assembly is willing to set aside partisan politics to ensure constituent issues are addressed. A true friend in the General Assembly is not afraid to butt heads with the establishment when it comes to doing the right thing."

"The hunters and sportsmen of the 75th House District have found a true friend in Rep. Careen Gordon. Although she is just a freshman representative, Careen Gordon has already made a name for herself as a staunch supporter of the rights of the law- abiding firearm owner. ..."

"Careen Gordon's tenacious defense of Illinois' shooting sports heritage should stand as an example to her colleagues - regardless of party affiliation or years of service. ..."

NC: National Rifle Association: Vote for Foxx
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"America’s oldest and largest sportsmen group, the National Rifle Association, has strongly endorsed Sen. Virginia Foxx, the Republican nominee for U.S. Congress in North Carolina’s Fifth District. The NRA Political Victory Fund (PVF) gave Foxx an 'A' rating, while it gave her opponent, Democrat Jim Harrell, Jr. a 'C-' rating."

" 'I am honored to receive my sixth endorsement from this very important group,' said Foxx, who is herself a member of the NRA. 'The right to keep and bear arms is one of the greatest freedoms that our forefathers ensured us. Few things upset me as much as when government tries to strip law-abiding citizens of their Constitutional right to protect their families and property.' "

"During a decade of service in the North Carolina Senate, Foxx has been an ardent supporter of Second Amendment rights. She has co-sponsored concealed weapons laws and has received a 100 percent approval rating from the NRA."

NJ: Hunters choosing President carefully?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Just because a candidate dresses in hunting attire or shows off a gun in public doesn't mean that he will side with the hunter when he gets into office."

"A great example of this is the time when Sen. John Kerry held up a Remington 11-87 semi-automatic shotgun to those attending a rally and thanked them for this gift. This is the same gun that a bill he sponsored (S-1431) would ban for being a 'semi-automatic shotgun that has a pistol grip.' "

"It would be interesting to see just how many times Kerry had been hunting in the years prior to being a candidate for president and just how many hunting licenses he had purchased in the last few years."

IL: ISRA-PVF: Rep. Careen Gordon - A True Friend to the Hunter and Sportsman
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As Election Day nears, voters across the state will be wading through the flood of last-minute mail from General Assembly candidates seeking their vote. The hunters and sportsmen of the 75th House District have found a true friend in Rep. Careen Gordon. Although she is just a freshman representative, Careen Gordon has already made a name for herself as a staunch supporter of the rights of the law- abiding firearm owner. Throughout last session, the state's hunters and sportsmen knew they could count on Careen Gordon to stand up on their behalf against the Chicago gun control crowd.

PA: Vice president makes appeal on conservative issue of gun control
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Highlighting an issue with conservative appeal, Vice President Dick Cheney on Wednesday mocked rival John Kerry's recent goose-hunting foray as the vice president hunted for votes in a traditionally Democratic area of southwestern Pennsylvania."

" 'You and I know the Second Amendment is more than just a photo opportunity.' Cheney told an applauding crowd of hundreds of people at Washington & Jefferson College."

"Cheney said the Democratic senator 'voted against gun owner rights at every turn.' "

"Kerry went hunting last week in Ohio, trying to win over swing voters, and bagged a goose, prompting Cheney to ridicule the image of the armed and camouflaged Democrat. ..."

Joyce Brothers exhibiting anti-gun paranoia
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"DEAR DR. BROTHERS: Our family recently moved from the East Coast to a suburb of a large Midwestern city, and my 10-year-old son has made friends with a boy in the neighborhood. The problem is that he came home all excited with tales of seeing handguns and rifles in the child's home. Of course, I immediately called the parents, and the mother told me that her family believes in protecting themselves with firearms, should a criminal or 'the government' try to mess with them. We don't understand that kind of thinking. Even though the guns are locked up, are these people dangerous? -- G.T."

"DEAR G.T.: It's great that your son has found a pal so quickly. I can't say whether or not the parents of your son's buddy are dangerous; certainly there is a potential for trouble wherever there are guns and children. ..."

"As for the family's siege mentality, I don't understand it either. Even in a suburb where crime is an issue, there are usually competent police forces around to handle the problem. ..."

LA: Covington police targeted by civil rights suit
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The city of Covington has been targeted by a civil rights suit filed by the parents of a man who killed himself after being cornered by police in June."

"The suit, filed in New Orleans federal court, alleges that officers used excessive force while trying to arrest Donald R. Randle, 50, with a stun gun." ...

"The St. Tammany Parish coroner ruled that Randle died from a self-inflicted wound to the chest from a .32-caliber pistol after police cornered him in the laundry room of his parents' Covington home on the afternoon of June 9."

"After two officers, who had warrants, cornered him in the laundry room, Randle aimed the pistol at his chest and threatened to kill himself, according to chief deputy coroner Michael DeFatta."

NY: Gun accidentally fires in restaurant, hurting woman
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"A police officer's gun accidentally fired inside a Brooklyn sandwich shop, slightly injuring a 19-year-old woman standing nearby." ...

"It was unclear why the gun discharged, but the bullet struck the floor and sent a piece of tile flying into the woman's arm, said Detective Noel Waters, a police department spokesman. ..." ...

"Last week, a retired police officer accidentally shot and killed an 18-year-old worker at a Queens grocery store. No charges have been filed against the officer."

WA: Seattle halts use of pepper-spray pellet gun after Boston death
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"At least one big-city police department has suspended use of pepper-spray pellet guns blamed for the death of a 21-year-old college student who was shot by police trying to break up a rowdy crowd of Red Sox fans last week."

"The Seattle Police Department said it has shelved the equipment until it can determine what happened in Boston. Department spokesman Scott Moss said that the guns are normally restricted to a few trained officers and have yet to be used."

"Other police departments around the country said they have found such crowd-control weapons to be effective and would keep using them."

NY: Student Civil War Re-Enactor Faces Weapons Charge, Suspension (Follow-up)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A student Civil War re-enactor who was charged with weapons possession for bringing his musket replica to school has been suspended for 21 days."

"School officials in Pine Bush have tacked on 16 days to Joshua Phelps' original five-day suspension.

"He was arrested this month after a security guard patrolling a school parking lot spotted the musket in Phelps' car."

"The senior had used the musket during a re-enactment the previous weekend. Afterward, he put the gun, a bayonet and his Union soldier uniform in his car and left them there."

"The student's mother accuses the school district of over-reacting. ..."

"Phelps joined the Civil War re-enactors' club after seeing a school-sponsored ad ..."

MA: Free gunlocks available from P.D.
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"As part of a national effort to keep home handguns out of children's hands, the Wellesley Police Department is providing free, easy-to-use gun locks to firearm owners."

" 'The goal is to provide people [who have] firearms with a safety lock and information about firearm safety at home,' said Deputy Chief of Police William Brooks. ..." ...

"...The purpose of the lock is to prevent an accident in the home and our goal is to get them into the hands of those who have firearms."

"The kit is part of an effort by Project ChildSafe, a nationwide program funded by the National Shooting Sports Foundation and supported by a grant by the U.S. Department of Justice. ..."

OH: City Residents Speak Out Against Proposed Gun Bill
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Outraged Cincinnati citizens spoke out Wednesday against a bill in the Ohio House that they say would allow guns in places that children frequent.

Ohio House Bill 559 was introduced in September by local House Representative Tom Brinkman.

Concerned residents say passage of the bill would allow concealed weapons in parks, preschools, university classrooms and houses of worship.

The rally was held at the Lunken playfield.

CO: Gun company honors the Friendly City with engraved rifle
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"The next time you hunt squirrel, or shoot a hole straight through the center of a bulls' eye, you could be using a Friendly City special."

"Investment Arms Inc. -- out of Fort Collins, Colo. -- has recently issued a custom-made, limited edition Ruger 10/22 that bears the city's name and its famous moniker as the 'Friendly City.' "

"Engraved by laser technology, the stock declares: 'American by birth, patriot by choice.' "

MI: State-wide grant to combat gun violence
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"A $510,588 Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) national grant was recently awarded to the Western Federal District of Michigan. The grant will help combat the illegal possession and use of guns. This will join a 2003 grant of $626,698 for the same program."

"William Crawley, an assistant professor in Grand Valley’s department of criminal justice, and Jim Bolger, an affiliate professor in the department of criminal justice, have been appointed by the US Attorney to act as fiscal agents and advisers to the PSN Task Force."

" 'It’s not an anti-gun program, it’s an anti-gun violence program,' Crawley said. ..."

Australia: Law reforms cut gun deaths
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"GUN laws in Victoria had cut gun deaths in that state by 65 per cent over a 21 years, showing Victoria's approach to gun control was a model the whole world should adopt, researchers said today." ...

"The study, by the Monash University Accident Research Centre (MUARC), found Victorian gun law reforms had cut gun deaths in the state by 65 per cent from 1979 to 2000." ...

"The annual average frequency of gun-related deaths dropped by 65 per cent from 1979 to 2000, the study showed, with suicide deaths down 54.5 per cent and deaths through gun assaults down 50 per cent."

KABA Note: As usual, the press doesn't paint a complete picture. For example, even though firearms deaths apparently dropped in Victoria, according to the Australia Bureau of Statistics, personal crime victimization rates in Victoria are actually on the rise, having increased from 4.2 percent in 1998 to 5.2 percent in 2002.

Robbery increased from .3 percent to .5 percent.

Assaults increased from 3.8 percent to 4.7 percent.

What does this tell you? It tells us that criminals don't need guns to victimize disarmed victims.

EU upholds laser tag ban
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The European Union's top court has backed a German ban on laser tag games in which players simulate killing each other in a maze."

"'The affront to human dignity posed by that activity justifies a restriction on the freedom to provide services,' the European Court of Justice ruled."

"Police in the German city of Bonn in 1994 had prohibited a German company, Omega Spielhallen- und Automatenaustellungs-GmbH, from operating a Laserdrome, a game developed and marketed by a British supplier."

"German authorities argued that 'acts of simulated homicide and the ensuing trivialization of violence" violated the principle of human dignity enshrined in the German constitution.'" ...

South Africa: Strict Measures Bind Firearms Legislation
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"Safety and Security Minister Charles Nqakula says firearm licenses cannot be given to applicants 'willy-nilly', as very strict measures have to be adhered to."

"Briefing the media here today, Mr Nqakula said government was bound by the law to ensure responsible firearm ownership, pouring cold water on the belief held by some that the Firearms Control Act seemed to ban certain categories of people from owning guns."

"Between June and August 2004, 6 686 firearm licence applications were successful while 19 053 were turned down. Four competency certificates were issued and another 286 were pending."

South Africa: Enraged dad shoots wife and young son (despite stringent gun control)
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"In a fit of rage, a Durban man last night opened fire on his wife and 2-year-old son, before shooting himself in the head."

"Kevin Brooks, 27, opened fire on his wife, Jolene Naidoo, 19, and their son Keenan, before turning the gun on himself in their Horseshoe Road, Clairwood, home."

"Brooks died instantly. His wife and son are in King Edward VIII Hospital."

"Neighbours were stunned at the shooting as they believed the young couple had a stable marriage."

South Africa: Gun-free zones are open invitation to mass killings (Letter)
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"SA police Commissioner Jackie Selebi says he will soon turn schools into gun-free zones where not even police will be allowed to carry weapons."

"Let's consider whether gun-free zones really do prevent homicidal tragedies."

"In 1999, John Lott and William Landes published a US study that showed mass shootings occur less often in areas where responsible citizens may carry weapons."

"Do mass shootings ever occur in police stations, shooting ranges or at gun shows? Mass murderers select soft targets. Expecting a suicidal individual to honour a law prohibiting firearms is sheer utopian fantasy."

UK: Alcohol Focus Scotland Attacks "Kalashnikov" Vodka (Pravda)
Submitted by: Don Hamrick

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"Vodka 'Kalashnikov' named after the infamous Russian machinegun inventor has recently become the main target of criticism of local teetotalers from the Alcohol Focus Scotland organization."

"Apparently, they did not find the brand name to be too appealing. According to the members of the organization, the product 'advocates terror and violence' since it enables people to draw logical parallel between the famous Soviet machinegun AK-47. That is why this vodka is considered dangerous."

"Well, this is no secret that many Russian products oftentimes do not get approval abroad. By the way, 'Kalashnikov' has been on the Russian market for over a decade now. In the course of these years, there has not been one instance when an individual wanted to get a hold of the gun and shoot everyone after drinking this vodka." ...

Bangladesh: Pirates Strike: 13 Fishermen Freeze to Death
Submitted by: Don Hamrick

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"At least 13 Bangladeshi fishermen froze to death after pirates locked them up in their boat's ice room after looting them, police said today."

"Police in Cox's Bazar in Southeastern Bangladesh said the 13 fishermen were found in the ice chamber of their boat, which was found anchored at the port."

"'We still don't know what really happened, but the boat was brought from the Bay of Bengal and anchored at the terminal by unidentified people,' one policeman said, adding that the pirates fled with the boat's engine along with other booty." ...

"'Following the search, 14 fishermen were found in the ice chamber with 13 already dead,' he said. The sole survivor was rushed to a local hospital." ...

UK: Plea over Police Cuts after Gun Attack on Station
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Chief Constable Hugh Orde faced new pressure today to reverse security scaledowns after gunmen opened fire on a police station in Northern Ireland."

"An armed gang held a terrified family hostage as they stole their van to mount the drive-by shooting in Randalstown, Co Antrim."

"As detectives hunted the men, Ulster Unionist MP David Burnside claimed private security firms employed at half a dozen bases were no match for the terrorist threat."

"With hundreds of full-time reservists who guard more than half the stations also set to be axed, the South Antrim representative delivered a scathing assessment of the arrangements."

Southeast Asia's Modern-day Pirates
Submitted by: Don Hamrick

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... "Pirate and merchant ships during colonial times could carry cannons aboard a form of defense. That was possible because weapons such as muskets, pistols and cannons then were regarded as normal commodities for trade in the same manner as silk or spices. In modern times, only ships belonging to state navies or maritime authorities can be armed with heavy weapons - ie, high-caliber guns, missile launchers, or torpedoes capable of sinking other vessels. Also, only state authorities have a license to either commission the manufacture of such weapons, or obtain them by purchase from foreign arms merchants. All other ships possessing such arms do so illegally."

"Modern piracy is a form of organized crime on the high seas. Pirates utilize light arms such as assault rifles, pistols or hand-held rocket launchers. Their vessels generally do not have guns of a large caliber capable of engaging in naval combat. In fact, pirate ships masquerade as ships performing a variety of other innocent roles, including cargo transport or fishing, in order to escape suspicion from maritime authorities." ...

Submitter's Note: Arming of American Merchant Seamen is the call!

The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground. — THOMAS JEFFERSON

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