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Newslinks for 10/3/2007

What 'Chappaquiddick' Kennedy says about BATFE Sullivan and their agenda for firearms confiscation
Submitted by: Red's Trading Post Inc.

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... "We all know what needs to be done and it’s a scandal that we have done so little for so long."

"* We need to strengthen Brady Law background checks for gun purchases, especially for persons with mental illness."

"* We need to close the gun show loophole once and for all."

"* We need to renew the assault weapons ban."

"* We need to pass Senator Feinstein’s bill for stricter requirements on the sale of extremely dangerous fifty-caliber sniper rifles."

"* We need to amend federal law to ensure that all cop killer bullets are banned."

"* We need to do more to see that law enforcement has access to the newest and most effective crime-solving technologies – like microstamping." ...

Gun Bill Not Anti-Veteran
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"There is no such thing as the 'Veterans Disarmament Act.' There is no pending legislation that would take firearms away from veterans. There is no pending legislation that would prevent a person with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), veteran or not, from purchasing a firearm or ammo."

"But, there is a huge campaign of misinformation and scare tactics being forwarded by a small gun owners group who view themselves to be in competition with the National Rifle Association (NRA)." ...

"Included is anyone 'has been adjudicated as a mental defective ...' ... the government's definition of a 'mental defective' is: 'A determination by a court, board, commission, or other lawful authority that a person ... (1) Is a danger to himself or to others ...'" ...

No Duty To Retreat?
Submitted by: motoboy

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... "Would the self-defense laws in Michigan and Louisiana [and elsewhere] provide legal protection to a citizen who shoots a law enforcement officer threatening the illegal use of lethal force?"

"If this principle were widely recognized, Mississippi resident Cory Maye, a young father who shot an armed intruder who proved to be part of a police SWAT team conducting a no-knock raid on the wrong address -- would not have been convicted of capital murder."

"But ours is a form of despotism under which the immunities enjoyed by the State's enforcers are so complete, and their very persons so sacred, that a police officer can arrest and charge with 'assault on a government official' a sick man who coughs in his presence." ...

Some in U.N. pushing for worldwide arms-trade treaty
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Britain, Japan, Australia and others are pushing for an unprecedented treaty regulating the arms trade worldwide, in a campaign sure to last years and to pit them against a determined American foe, the National Rifle Association."

"In what U.N. officials say is an 'overwhelming' response, almost 100 governments have submitted ideas for such a treaty, to be reviewed over the next year. There's an 'extremely urgent' need for controls on the international gun trade, says Kenya, echoing the sentiment in much of guns-besieged Africa." ...

Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There is a bizarre concern buzzing in the far reaches of the blogosphere that the United Nations is currently plotting to take Americans' guns away. Wulfe's Mom Alaska asks, 'Is more butchering of the US Constitution in our future?' Texas Fred is somewhat less measured, 'this is nothing more than an effort to take guns out of the hands of every man and woman on earth, and unless you're a part of this coming Gestapo, you'll give up your guns or die keeping them...'"

"Why this sudden fretting from the Tinfoil Hat crowd? It may have to do with the fact that the National Rifle Association is fixing for a fight with the United Nations, with former Congressman Bob Barr leading the charge." ...

TX: Neighbor, 83, shoots burglar
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Raymond Charles Bunte, 83, shot and killed a burglar who broke into his neighbor’s house ..."

"He told deputies from the Wilson County Sheriff’s Office that he heard a loud noise from his neighbor’s house ... Sheriff Joe Tackitt Jr. said. Since he knew his neighbor was at work, Bunte drove his vehicle around his neighbor's home."

"Bunte saw a vehicle he knew shouldn’t be there and blocked it in with his own. He saw that the front door was kicked in and, with 12-gauge shotgun in hand, shouted for the burglars to come outside, Tackitt said."

"One suspect ran, but the other, 23-year-old Dustin Brandon Houston, got into his vehicle and tried to run over Bunte."

"Bunte fired once, hitting Houston in the head and killing him instantly, Tackitt said. ..." ...

IN: Appellate court hears gun case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The stern remarks and sharp questions posed Monday by the Indiana Court of Appeals gave the city of Gary hope its 1999 lawsuit against gun manufacturers and dealers will go forward in spite of a federal law designed to shield the industry from liability claims involving criminal misuse of products."

"The three-judge appellate panel appeared to take umbrage at the industry's assertion that the federal Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act that Congress approved in 2005 prohibits Indiana courts from moving ahead with the Gary lawsuit."

"'How can they be changing the law when it hasn't been decided yet by the courts?' Judge Patricia Riley asked during Monday's oral arguments." ...

OR: Teacher Lawsuit Update
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Our lawsuit against the Medford school district has attracted an amazing amount of attention and an amazingly generous response by supporters of the Oregon Firearms Educational Foundation. We have received help from people all across the country and we are humbled and grateful for your kindness and willingness to contribute."

"We have had assistance from many long time supporters, and many new friends as well. It would be impossible to overestimate how much you all have done. And all your help came without OFEF once sending out a press release or seeking any publicity on this case. Although we have responded to countless media inquiries, we never sought to exploit the media circus this case has become." ...

IL: Ideas in conflict (third letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"OK, how many union members vote the way their union bosses tell them -- straight liberal Democratic?"

"How many union members are hunters and own guns? A large percentage, I'd guess. Well, what political party is always coming up with new anti-gun and hunting laws? It's pretty obvious, isn't it? The Democratic Party keeps trying to do away with the Second Amendment and restrict the ownership of guns." ...

"How can union members vote for someone who would take away their right to hunt and legally own firearms? ..." ...

"Join the National Rifle Association, it fights to help preserve our Second Amendment rights." ...

Submitter's Note: As do the SAF, JPFO, GOA and dozens of other organizations.

NY: HVCC eyes guns for guards
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Would-be criminals beware."

"Security officers at Hudson Valley Community College may soon have the authority to make arrests and carry weapons. In the wake of the April massacre at Virginia Tech some public and private colleges and universities are taking a closer look at their own security practices. HVCC is no exception, according to incoming Public Safety Director Fred Aliberti." ...

OH: Buckeye Firearms Assoc. Endorses Bill Todd for Columbus Mayor
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Buckeye Firearms Association and the citizens of central Ohio recognize the poor leadership that the City of Columbus has experienced over the past 8 years under the direction of the current Mayor. ..." ...

"Under the incompetent leadership of the current Mayor, the citizens have experienced a direct assault on our Second Amendment Rights. ..."

"The citizens of the City of Columbus also experienced the loss of the 2007 NRA Annual Convention and the 20-30 million dollars it would have brought ..."

"Bill Todd has given Buckeye Firearms Association his assurance that under his mayoral leadership of the City of Columbus, he will protect the 2nd Amendment Rights of the Columbus citizens. ..." ...

MS: Barbour Receives N.R.A. Endorsement
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Governor Haley Barbour picked up the endorsement of the National Rifle Association, in his bid for re-election today. His opponent, Democrat John Arthur Eaves Junior says the N.R.A. endorsed the wrong man.

The N.R.A.'s Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre came to Florence to endorse the governor. He also praised him for his support of N.R.A. causes back to the days when Barbour was chairman of the republican national committee.

But Eaves brought some of his personal guns, that had been passed down from his father and grandfather to show reporters. He says he is the one who should have gotten the N.R.A. endorsement.

Gun games in the Senate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It is a travesty that the U.S. Senate has failed to vote final approval of a law intended to close a gun-control loophole laid bare by last April's bloody massacre on the Virginia Tech campus. ..."

"Three months ago, the House of Representatives voted to close this gap and promptly sent the measure to the Senate. But it foundered there in Democratic infighting as the Judiciary Committee burdened the single-focus bill with 50 pages of amendments ..."

"Finally embarrassed, the Democratic leadership moved to bring the simpler, cleaner remedy to the floor last week for a fast vote of approval. ..."

"Fast as you can say stick 'em up, Senator Tom Coburn, Republican of Oklahoma ... blocked Senate passage ..." ...

Gun crazy
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Even the National Rifle Association admitted after the Virginia Tech massacre that federal guns laws had to be tightened to keep weapons out of the hands of people who were demonstrably mentally ill. Could anyone oppose background checks to determine whether a would-be gun buyer had ever been deemed dangerously disturbed?"

"There is one such fanatic in the U.S. Senate: Oklahoma Republican Tom Coburn has irresponsibly blocked a measure ..." ...

Times Attack on Coburn Validates Action Against Gun Grabber Ramrod Tactics, Says Right to Self-Defense Advocate
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"'When The New York Times editorialized Monday against Sen. Tom Coburn (OK) for blocking a gun bill it supports, the Times confirmed the significance of Coburn's action,' John M. Snyder of Telum Associates, LL.C., said here today."

"Coburn last week prevented Sen. Chuck Schumer (NY) from fast-tracking a NICS alleged improvements bill out of committee directly to the Senate floor by objecting to the unanimous consent agreement Schumer and others propose."

"'The Times wants Coburn to drop his objections,' said Snyder. 'The gun control advocacy sheet believes 'the gun lobby, and (Coburn's) colleagues, should call Senator Coburn to heel.' Coburn obviously has stung the gun grabbers. Good for him!'" ...

NE: Broader concealed gun law is sought
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association and other gun advocates Friday urged state lawmakers to force Nebraska towns and cities to allow concealed handguns."

"The 2006 state law permitting licensed Nebraskans to carry concealed handguns allows cities and towns to adopt their own ordinances regulating those weapons. At least 16 Nebraska cities and towns ban concealed weapons."

"State Sen. Mark Christensen of Imperial, who tried and failed earlier this year to pass the NRA legislation, said he would not offer a similar proposal in 2008."

"He said he hoped to craft a compromise to establish more consistency among city ordinances." ...

IL: Perry County supports gun rights, discusses recycling
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Perry County joined about 40 other Illinois counties in voicing its support for the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment Tuesday."

"Perry County Clerk Kevin Kern said the county board in Pike County, located in the western part of the state, is trying to convince 101 of Illinois’ 102 counties to pass a resolution supporting the amendment."

"'It has no meaning other than they want it passed on to the governor and the legislature to say we don't want any more gun laws,' Kern said." ...

An Inquiry into the Principles and Policy of the Government of the United States - "these hereditary representatives invariably disarm the people", By John Taylor, 1814
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"...Against the oppressions of Mr. Adams’s hereditary representatives, nations have no remedy but physical strength; against those of temporary representatives, the moral force of opinion suffices. The first remedy can never be legally exerted, because no government will make laws to punish itself; to avoid which, these hereditary representatives invariably disarm the people, and so make the remedy for the coercion of this virtual representation quite nominal...."

"...Without a sound militia, all popular rights, including election itself, must become tenants at will, of monarchical or aristocratical landlords...."

NJ: Ex-corrections officer's gun tied to gang death
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The gun used to kill a 15-year-old Trenton youth in a gangland slaying two years ago was provided by a former Mercer County corrections officer who then helped to dispose of the weapon, an admitted accomplice allegedly has told investigators." ...

"Skylar Weissman, the assistant county prosecutor handling the case, declined to comment on Gold's filing. In an answer filed with the court, Weissman said, 'We are not obligated to hand over any information of an investigation until the completion of one,' referring to the investigation of whether the corrections officer provided the gun used in the crime." ...

PA: Officer Accidentally Shoots Self In Leg
Submitted by: jac

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A police officer accidentally shot himself around noon on the 1900 block of Cheltenham Avenue Tuesday, police said.

The warrant officer from Northwest Detectives was serving a warrant when he said he felt threatened by a pit bull at the scene. He went to shoot the dog but accidentally shot himself in the leg, police said.

The officer was in stable condition and expected to be fine, police said.

Police said he was able to shoot the dog in the leg. Animal control picked up the animal.

NY: City Cops To Surrender In Yonkers Brawl
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two Bronx cops plan to turn themselves in to the Westchester district attorney today in the off-duty beating of a man during a bar brawl in Yonkers ..."

"The violence erupted Sept. 14 at the Rockin' Robin bar on McLean Street. The street is the county border, and the bar - which off duty NYPD officers often frequent - is across the street from The Bronx."

"The two off-duty cops allegedly punched and kicked a 26-year-old Yonkers man who was walking with two women. What triggered the alleged attack was not clear."

"Officers from the 47th Precinct, driving by the fight, grabbed the two suspects and handcuffed them, sources said."

"But when arresting officers learned the two were off-duty cops, they let them go, sources said." ...

NY: Prosecutors: N.Y. Mob Bribed FBI Agent
Submitted by: motoboy

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"The Mafia bribed an FBI agent with cash, stolen jewelry, hotel rooms, liquor and prostitutes for tips about wiretaps and other help, prosecutors said in a letter unsealed Monday."

"In the letter to a Brooklyn state Supreme Court judge, prosecutors leveled fresh accusations that ex-agent L. Lindley DeVecchio provided security for a crew of bandits during a bank burglary and alerted mobsters that their social club was under surveillance." ...

TN: Guns are not at fault in tragic deaths
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I'd like to see evidence of even one 'guilty gun.' I'd like to see the gun possessing the power to force people into crime. I'd like to see the gun capable of committing murder, robbery, suicide or other such evil acts. Please show me this gun and I'll help the letter-writer destroy it. ... until then, consider this. Criminals will always be armed. Criminals choose to be what they are because primarily because they are greedy, too lazy to work or too stupid and careless to stop themselves."

"I don't see the letter-writer blaming cars for the tragic deaths of the thousands caused by negligent drivers. I guess cars are taking possession of drivers, causing them to arm themselves with alcohol, cell phones and Big Macs!" ...

FL: The meaning of the right to bear arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Sept. 28 letter Keep U.S. secure asks, 'Who is here to defend us with the Army and National Guard overseas?' The militia, of course, as set forth in the Second Amendment -- civilians armed with their own weapons."

"Adm. Isoroku Yamamoto, commander-in-chief of the Japanese Navy during World War II, said, 'You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass.' He meant he was afraid of civilians with military rifles, not the National Guard."

"Isn't it funny how the people who seem to distrust our government the most are the ones who are willing to relinquish all of the people's weapons so that the government is the only one with weapons?" ...

MS: The right of people to bear arms must not be denied
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Apparently the Jackson police returned some guns to someone who then murdered someone else ... The implication from the front-page headline was - I didn't spend $1.75 just to read the story - that if all guns could be taken away from people that murders would cease. Wrong!"

"Even if every privately owned firearm could be confiscated, it would do no good. Man is an intelligent, resourceful animal, and he will use other tools to rob, rape and murder his fellow man. "Gun control" does not equal crime control. If only the police and military are allowed to possess firearms, we will have a police state, and there will be no way to combat government-sanctioned crimes against citizens." ...

ND: Letter writer needs firearms education
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This is in response to Eric Thompson's Sept. 26 letter ('Keeping those who serve at home safe'). Thompson should take a look at what Gary Berube said in his letter concerning the Second Amendment and what the actual bills as presented are."

"My first recommendation is for Thompson to read the Declaration of Independence and Constitution, and, in particular. the first 10 amendments, that is, the Bill of Rights, not the bill of privileges. Privileges can be taken away at the discretion of the government, whereas '... certain unalienable rights' such as the Second Amendment, cannot." ...

Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it. — Thomas Paine

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