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Newslinks for 10/3/2008

The Second Amendment and its impact on the United States and beyond
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In 1789, after the Declaration of Independence was written, our founding fathers wanted to empower the public citizen with the ability to further define and secure their rights by writing another document to compliment the Constitution. The Bill of Rights is the second half of a two-part document that outlines the founding structure of America. ..."

"... The Bill of Rights ensures that our declaration of independence is protected and saves our basic freedoms. These 'freedoms' may seem to have been given to this generation as a gift, but this is far from accurate. ... These rights would not or could not possibly exist without one special amendment, the right to bear arms, our Second Amendment." ...

Buying my 5-year-old her first gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"My little girl is growing up. That very special change is coming in her life. She is about to blossom into a new stage of maturity. As a father, I have to face facts."

"She's 5 now; it's time to buy her first gun."

"I actually picked out her first rifle back when she was just 3. It's a Remington .22-caliber rifle, just like I had when I was her age."

"Except hers is pink. And it has a Hello Kitty emblem inked on its pink butt. (Just like her mom.)"

"That one awaits her being an age when she can handle it. I'm thinking 8, like I was."

"No, her 'first gun' that she'll get to keep will be a plastic BB-firing Airsoft replica of a hand gun. ..." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

The Ancient Right
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The U.S. Supreme Court D.C. v. Heller decision now makes it clear to all — the Second Amendment affirms an individual right to own firearms for the purpose of self-defense. Even though the Court’s opinion leaves room for laws regulating guns in schools and government buildings, as well as restricting 'dangerous and unusual weapons,' these exceptions should be considered just that — exceptions. The opinion devotes only three pages to them, toward the end of a lengthy discourse on the historical basis for the individual right interpretation."

"Perhaps Heller’s deepest affirmation is that it invokes the natural right of self-defense in support of the constitutional right to have firearms. ..." ...

The Front Sight Experience
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After four days, over 700 rounds fired and at least 2000 presentations from the holster, the folks at Front Site Firearms Academy outside Las Vegas asked me what I thought of their four-day Defensive Handgun course. I told them that I was impressed. I have been shooting for over 40 years. I’ve shot and trained with some of the most prominent firearms experts in the world, and I’ve been carrying and competing with the same Colt Combat Commander for over 24 years, but even with all of that experience, I learned a lot in 4 days at Front Sight." ...

U-M study: Gun shows don't increase homicide, suicide rates
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Gun shows don't contribute to increased homicide or suicide rates, according to results of a study announced Wednesday by the University of Michigan's Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy."

"The joint University of Michigan and University of Maryland examination of gun death data in the weeks surrounding more than 3,400 California and Texas gun shows concluded tighter regulation of the flea market-like operations did nothing to reduce firearms-related deaths in the following month."

"Researchers compared gunshot death data surrounding every known gun show in California and Texas between 1994 and 2004. California has some of the most stringent gun sale rules in the country. Texas is among the least restrictive." ...

Sporting Arms Industry Statement on Failures of Ballistic Imaging Database
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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... "The failure of the New York and Maryland ballistic imaging database systems to solve any crimes in their nearly eight years of existence was predictable. In 2001, California wisely rejected setting up its own ballistics imaging system because research, including by the California Department of Justice, proved that a database of lawfully purchased firearms (that are rarely ever used in crimes) would not be an effective law enforcement tool. Another study released earlier this year by the National Research Council confirmed the findings and advised against setting up a national ballistics imaging system. New York and Maryland have wasted millions of taxpayer dollars on systems doomed to fail." ...

CA: Victory in 2008!
Submitted by: John Jorgensen/GS2AC

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"Gun Owners of California is proud to announce that all anti-gun legislation proposed in 2008 has gone down to defeat."

"Last night, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed the last two pieces of anti-gun legislation opposed by GOC. Both, AB 2498 (Saldaña-D) Firearms Training and SB 1171 (Scott-D) Open Carry bills were vetoed without comment by the Governor."

"Add this to the earlier defeat of AB 2062 (DeLeon-D) Ammunition Registration and AB 2235 (DeSaulnier-D) Smart Guns, AB 2948 (Leno-D) Gun Show Ban at the Cow Palace and gun owners can take a much needed rest…at least until next year. We fully expect that these measures will be re-introduced by their or other authors in the 2009-2010 Legislative session." ...

Informed debate lacking in culture of fear over gun ownership
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I value informed dialogue and debate. I value our democracy and the ideal of informed citizen participation. Therefore, I was saddened to read Mr. Elliott's recent letter sharing his fabricated fears for the future of gun ownership should Sen. Obama be elected. We have seen a culture of fear penetrate America, primarily to perpetuate those in power. Americans deserve an informed, truthful debate, not a fantasy of falsehood."

"Mr. Elliott states that Sen. Obama never mentions the Second Amendment. Clearly, he has not done his research. While emphasizing the need to find common ground, Sen. Obama stated in his acceptance speech, 'Don't tell me we can't uphold the Second Amendment while keeping AK-47s out of the hands of criminals.' ..."

Obama NRA rating raises questions
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Question: Why has Sen. Obama received a National Rifle Association 'F' rating in the past?"

"Answer: Because those ratings were based on actual votes, not campaign rhetoric."

"The May issue of the NRA Magazine (Page 9) points out that twice in the Illinois State Legislature he voted against your right to defend yourself and/or your family with a gun in your own home."

"Isn't that a big reason why more than 80 million Americans own at least one gun?" ...

"Finally, if he's on our side, why is he on record as opposing the Illinois Right-to-Carry legislation? I'm sure his supporters will think of some excuse."

NY: Anti-gun group (second item)
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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Democratic congressional candidate Michael McMahon was endorsed yesterday by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and its New York Million Mom March Chapters.

"As a member of the City Council, Mike McMahon has been a strong advocate for ensuring the safety of Staten Island communities from gun violence ... open additional police precincts on Staten Island ... and support Mayor Bloomberg in his efforts to combat the illegal gun trade that makes our communities less safe," said Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign, a nonpartisan organization.

PA: Allentown passes lost-gun law
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Allentown City Council passed legislation Wednesday requiring residents to report lost or stolen guns, joining Philadelphia to become the second city in the state to pass such a law." ...

"City Council unanimously approved the ordinance despite stern warnings this week from Lehigh County's highest-ranking law enforcement official." ...

"In a letter to the city on Monday asking Pawlowski to withdraw the legislation, Lehigh County District Attorney James Martin called it unconstitutional and unenforceable ..."

"Snyder told council Wednesday that he disagrees with Martin and believes the legislation is constitutional, in part because it deals with the illegal use of guns, not the legal use." ...

VA: Virginia's Attorney General Stands Up for the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Attorney General Bob McDonnell released an opinion in response to a request by State Senator Ken Cuccinelli (R-37) on whether or not the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation has the authority to regulate the open carrying of firearms in state parks.

In his official opinion, Attorney General McDonnell found that, "no specific statutory authority granting the Department the authority to prohibit the open carrying of firearms in state parks. A person's right to carry a firearm openly is considered universal within the Commonwealth, subject to definite and limited restrictions upon certain locations and classifications of individuals."

David Codrea: Chi-Town's Pell-Mell Gun Laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Alderman Richard Mell … is a former hunter with an arsenal of weapons that reportedly features shotguns, rifles and pistols, including a Walther PPK of James Bond fame,' The Chicago Sun Times reported."

"So Chicago gun owners ought to have a friend at city hall, right?"

"One would hope. But Chicago has some of the most draconian restrictions in the country — basically, if you haven’t grandfathered your handgun in since 1982, and re-registered it and your other firearms every year, the law forbids you from having them."

"And Mell helped pass that law."

"Thing is, Mell forgot to re-register his weapons last year. At first, he tried blaming it on a staffer failing to do it for him. The other thing is, gun owners are personally responsible for doing this." ...

Guns Funneled Through California Fueling Mexican Drug Wars
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Illegal guns being funneled into Mexico through Southern California are arming a violent drug war that could weaken the Mexican government, a top federal official said."

"U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Acting Director Michael Sullivan said that stopping the gun trade should be the agency's top priority and an obligation of U.S. foreign relations." ...

Submitter's Note: Why then, is the ATF more concerned with fabricating false charges against Americans, such as Army Reservist Major Olofson? I smell a phenomenally odiferous rat. Don't you?

CA: L.A. County sheriff's deputy charged in sexual torture of his wife, 2nd man
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After tricking his wife into introducing him to her lover, a Los Angeles County sheriff's deputy held the couple captive overnight at an Irvine apartment complex where he beat them, forced them to undress at knife point and ordered the woman to castrate her younger suitor, authorities alleged Wednesday."

"Deputy Robert A. McClain then allegedly sodomized his wife and chopped off her hair with the knife, Orange County prosecutors said as they announced the filing of mayhem, torture and sexual assault charges against the 34-year-old ex-Marine, who faces a potential life sentence if convicted." ... ...

H/t to David Codrea.

WA: Court: Police don't have to pay for damage during raids
Submitted by: none

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"In a split decision Thursday, the state Supreme Court rejected a plea by a Kent property owner seeking compensation for damage done during a drug raid."

"Affirming lower court decisions, five of the court's nine justices found the city of Kent was not required to pay $5,000 for damage to buildings owned by Leo Brutsche during a failed 2004 anti-methamphetamine operation."

"During the raid, narcotics officers used battering rams to knock down doors in buildings owned by Brutsche while searching for a meth lab they believed Brutsche's son to be operating on the property, according to court records. No drugs were found, and Brutsche contends he offered officers keys to the doors before they began knocking them down." ...

SC: SC trooper says he couldn't avoid suspect with car
Submitted by: Mitch

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"A South Carolina state trooper accused of deliberately running down a suspect with his cruiser said Wednesday the crash was 'an unavoidable accident' and that he regretted bragging about it afterward." ...

"The trial hinges on a key video of the collision that shows Grant sprinting from the patrol car, then being hit and flipping over the hood. On the recording, Garren says to a deputy: 'Yeah, I hit him. I was trying to hit him.'" ...

"A witness for the prosecution, crash reconstruction expert Geoffrey Germane, said Garren steered his patrol car twice into Grant's path. When Grant suddenly cut to the right in front of the cruiser, Garren steered the car toward the suspect a second time and hit him, Germane said." ...

IL: Gun owners sue Winnetka over gun ordinance
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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Gun owners have sued Winnetka over its handgun ordinance, saying the ban on operable handguns violates their Second Amendment rights.

The plaintiffs include the National Rifle Association and several Winnetka residents, Joseph H. Nesler, David Misiak and Robert Peter Morris.

The plaintiffs "are subjected to irreparable harm in that they are unable to obtain handguns and ammunition to protect themselves in their homes ... subjecting them to endangerment from criminal intruders," according to the lawsuit.

The suit, filed Sept. 23, seeks an injunction against the village ordinance.

UK: Brits urged to leave sheds open for thieves
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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"Bristol City Council is urging people to leave their sheds open because padlocks could lead to thieves forcing their way through doors and windows of the council-owned sheds to steal garden equipment."

"The council said that its new initiative could save taxpayers' money because fewer sheds would have to be repaired or replaced."

"'Don't padlock your shed; it can save the shed being damaged if someone does try to get into it. If there is a break-in, always inform the police,' the Telegraph quoted its guide as reading." ...

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. — Thomas Jefferson

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