Cast Your Vote, Protect Your Gun Rights, Says CCRKBA
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"In just a few days, the future of American gun rights will be decided at voting booths across the country, and the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) today urged all gun owners to 'take the necessary hour and vote to protect your gun rights.'"
"'It's not only a question of who will occupy the Oval Office for the next four years,' observed CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, 'but who will sit on the U.S. Supreme Court, who may be appointed to federal appeals courts, and who will guide the legislative agenda. These are critical considerations, because what happens in the next four years will not only impact your gun rights, but those of your children, and their children.'" ... |
Manual touts self-defense for the skies
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"Coffee. Magazines. Soda cans. Neck ties."
"These are the unassuming weapons of the war on terror, according to a self-defense manual for airline passengers by three Dallas-Fort Worth authors."
"The book, Never Again, provides diagrams of common self-defense tactics and advice for how to plan a counterstrike if an airplane is hijacked."
"The book raises interesting questions about the danger of passengers interfering with air marshals and flight attendants. But many industry officials say self-defense for air travelers could be beneficial as long as passengers heed the book's warnings." ... -------
Submitter's Comment: HORSEFEATHERS! If you really mean never again then the airlines should start issuing frangible ammunition to the passengers at the gate. For oddball rounds (like .45 Schofield for instance), passengers should be required to bring their own. |
Meaningless ban
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"It's been more than a month since the so-called assault weapons ban expired on Sept. 13."
"At the time, there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth in the media about how President Bush had let down the American people and how he'd be responsible for streets awash in blood from the sudden legalization of certain semi-automatic firearms."
"We wrote then that the public's ability to buy those firearms wouldn't make much difference, because the ban itself was simply feel-good legislation that took few, if any, guns off the street."
"Although a few weeks isn't much time to spot trends, we're unaware of any shootings with previously banned guns, much less the mass killings gun-control advocates predicted. ..." ... |
Right to bear arms: As American as apple pie
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"'The three great safeguards of American liberty are the ballot box, the jury box and the cartridge box.'"
"Former Sen. Steve Symms, R-Idaho, was the first person I heard make such a statement, much to the amusement of his pro-gun audience. ... Whatever its origins, it does reflect something true about the American experience and the conviction of a significant portion of every generation of Americans."
"The 'shot heard round the world,' as Emerson immortalized it, came from a gun fired near Concord, Mass., on April 19, 1775. Through firearms, Americans won their independence from Britain. When the Bill of Rights was ratified in 1791, the Second Amendment enshrined 'the right of the people to keep and bear arms.'" ... |
VA: Shotgun Sports And The Constitutional Right To Hunt: Virginia Court To Decide Zoning Dispute
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"'The people have a right to hunt, fish, and harvest game,' subject to regulation by the state legislature, according to the Virginia Constitution. Numerous states have such a guarantee, but few courts have decided the meaning of that right."
"A lawsuit pending in Nelson County, located in rural Central Virginia, promises to be perhaps the first in the nation to do so. Orion Sporting Group LLC applied for a conditional use permit to re-open an on-going shotgun sports business on a new 450-acre rural tract of property where Orion has a licensed hunting preserve. ... Even though the facility would have complied with the existing noise ordinance, the County turned it down."
"Orion filed suit, claiming that the denial violates the right to hunt. Hunting requires instruction in safety and proficiency. ..." ... |
AZ: Retired officer accused of molesting 3 girls
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Michael Lewis
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"A retired Scottsdale police officer has been arrested on suspicion of molesting three girls several years ago, Arizona authorities said."
"Nicholas Bultrowicz was taken into custody Thursday at his Ohio home on suspicion of four counts of child molestation, according to the Maricopa County Sheriff's Department." ...
"Bultrowicz worked as a school resource officer at Chaparral High School in Scottsdale from 1997 until he retired from the school in 2003." ... |
AL: Ex-cop Hatfield gets probation
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"Former Huntsville police officer Paul Hatfield walked out of court with seven years probation Thursday, despite having pleaded guilty to three felonies. He faces 40 years in prison if he violates the probation."
"Though convicted of stalking two women in unrelated cases in the past five years, the prosecutor and Hatfield's defense attorney say Hatfield, 36, does not pose a significant threat to the community. He was also convicted on burglary and theft charges." ...
"The news that Hatfield got probation instead of jail brought strong reaction within the Huntsville Police Department."
"'It's unreal, incredible and all of those adjectives along those lines,' said retiring Police Chief Compton Owens. 'He (Paul Hatfield) is a dangerous man.'" ... |
MD: U.S. Marshal Shoots Traffic Offender
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"An apparent fender-bender turned deadly when a deputy U.S. marshal shot a driver who drove toward him in a car."
"A Camaro apparently hit a Ford Excursion carrying the off-duty marshal and his family. Montgomery County police say the two drivers got into a fist fight, and the marshal told police he fired when the other driver got into the Camaro and drove toward him." -------
Submitter's Note: News footage shows vehicle w/nose into wall of building and rear window shot out. Street witness reported hearing Marshal tell subject "to get out of the vehicle or else he would shoot him again."
I hope the "good deputy" rots in hell! :-(
NY: Demonstrators want retired cop arrested
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Ten days after a Queens grocery store clerk was shot to death by a retired police officer, about 50 demonstrators demanded the immediate arrest of the ex-cop last night and asked that the case be presented to a grand jury."
"Chanting 'No justice, no peace,' the protesters called for the arrest of John Malik, 60, a former detective who says the fatal Oct. 18 shooting of Manuel Chametla, 18, was accidental."
"Councilman Hiram Monserrate (D-Corona), who joined the demonstrators ... said he disagreed with prosecutors' reasoning for not arresting Malik." ...
"A law enforcement source said that the night of the shooting, prosecutors told police not to arrest Malik because more investigation was needed." |
FL: Campaign for Orange sheriff splinters office
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"The battle for Orange County sheriff has split the ranks of the Sheriff's Office like no other race since, well, Kevin Beary first ran in 1992." ...
"Democrat Rick Staly has drawn on six years as Beary's confidant and second-in-command to gather ammunition against his former boss. ..." ...
"Staly, who was Beary's undersheriff from 1993 to 1999, has promoted his own list of Beary problems. His campaign literature cites state statistics -- Beary says the numbers are flawed -- that show a poor record of solving violent crimes. Staly knew to check inventory records that showed pages of missing departmental property, including shotguns, pistols, bulletproof vests, cameras and computers." [emphasis added] ... |
South Africa: Prisoner attempts suicide in escape bid
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A child rape accused's desperate escape attempt ended with him shooting himself in the head with a police pistol, after escaping from the Empangeni regional court."
"The drama began when he and another awaiting-trial prisoner overpowered a police officer who had gone to the cells to take one of them into court on Thursday afternoon."
"They disarmed the officer. Mphile Mnguni, 24, fled through the court doors while the other prisoner, aged 21, broke through a window and ran down Pearce Crescent towards the country club armed with the officer's 9mm service pistol."
"Police gave chase and as they closed in on him he shot himself." ... -------
Submitter's Note: But in South Africa, incompetents like the guard have a virtual monopoly on legal guns. |
Indonesia: Gun-slinging prison guard in hot water
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Activists have reported a Tangerang Penitentiary guard to police on Friday for pulling a gun on them when they were meeting detained street vendors in the jail."
"The representatives from the Jakarta Legal Aid Institute (LBH Jakarta) and the Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) reported the guard to the National Police on Friday." ...
"Suddenly, Ferly appeared in front of them and shouted: 'This is my territory. If you want to come in, don't say a word! If you don't, take your ID cards and get out of here!', Usman said."
"The team members tried to calm him but he got angrier."
"'He ran over his friend and took his friend's FN pistol then pointed the loaded gun at us,' Usman said." ... |
India: Ex-Air Force employee held for extortion
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A former Air Force employee and his associate have been arrested for trying to extort Rs 20 lakh from a west Delhi businessman."
"The accused had repeatedly threatened to eliminate the businessman, who owns a restaurant in Janakpuri, and had apparently fired in the air near his home on October 6 to scare him."
"The victim, V K Jain, recently received a letter from the accused, Pramod Kumar and Ranjit Mishra. It stated that the duo belonged to an organisation called the United Protection Front. A demand for Rs 20 lakh as 'protection money' was also put up in the letter." ... -------
Submitter's Comment: But Sarah and her ilk believe that people like this should have a monopoly on guns! |
FL: Murder Suspect Arrested, Victim Counted on 'Paper Protection'
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The search is over for a man investigators say murdered his wife while she was at work. The man who walked into his wife's office at Santa Fe Community College and fatally stabbed her is being held in Virginia." ...
"Lt. Jim Troiano of the Alachua County Sheriff's Office says, 'She didn't realize he was coming up behind her and he stabbed her several times and killed her.'"
"Samuel White was previously convicted twice for domestic abuse. The victim had filed restraining orders against her husband, but Managing Attorney of Three Rivers Law Services ... [said] 'She was afraid of him. He'd been physically abusive to her and one of her children.'" ... |
NC: Judge says he didn't know accused killer also charged with rape, kidnapping
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The judge who set a $1,000 bond for a man accused of killing his wife, three others and himself a day after his release from jail said he didn't know of pending rape and kidnapping charges and would have made the bail higher if he had."
"David Edward Wyzanowski, 37, had been jailed on a charge of violating a protective order barring him from contact with his wife by sending threatening text messages to her cell phone." [emphasis added]
"Wyzanowski was out on $50,000 bond at the time, charged with kidnapping and raping his wife two weeks earlier." ...
"Wyzanowski and his wife, Michelle, 31, were found inside a burning house near Marshville on Thursday ... Union County Sheriff Eddie Cathey said. ..." ... |
IA: Gun threat leads to arrest of student
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A Storm Lake High School student was arrested Thursday after allegedly threatening to bring a gun to school, authorities said."
"The Storm Lake Police Department said the threat was an apparent attempt to defend himself against any students retaliating for a previous assault he allegedly committed." ...
"On Wednesday, Severson allegedly struck another student with a stick, authorities said. On Thursday he said he would bring a gun to school, the police department said."
"Students who heard the threats reported him to school officials who called authorities, the police department said. ..."
"A consent search executed at Severson's home revealed a .22-caliber rifle and ammunition, the police department said." ... |
OR: Report of gun puts schools in lockdown
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Bruce W. Krafft
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West Salem High and Chapman Elementary schools were locked down Thursday afternoon after a high school campus monitor reported seeing a man with a rifle, police said.
Salem police searched the area for about 45 minutes but found nothing.
Police said the campus monitor saw the described person about 12:30 p.m. from across the football field. Emergency dispatchers received no other calls describing a man with a rifle.
The lock down was lifted about 1:40 p.m. |
VA: Boy, 14, brandishes gun at bus stop
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Police arrested a 14-year-old Huntington Middle School student today after he brandished a firearm at a 12-year-old student at a school bus stop."
"The boy, who was not identified because of his age, is being held at the Newport News Juvenile Detention Center. He was charged with brandishing a firearm and possession of a firearm on school property. Both charges are felonies."
"The incident happened about 7:40 a.m. at the bus stop ... The older boy brandished the weapon at the 12-year-old while other students were standing at the bus stop."
"The younger boy told school officials about the incident. Police arrested the older boy later that evening, when his mother brought him to police headquarters on an unrelated matter." ... |
PA: Error draws gun supporters' fire
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Last week's column inadvertently crossed swords with gun owners and supporters and drew several e-mailers from out of state who set me right on getting a fact wrong. In discussing the protection-from-abuse issue and extending it to encompass full funding of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and its reauthorization in 2004, which would help hundreds of thousands of battered women and their children, I tripped up this way: 'My guess is that the male-dominated Congress, which recently refused to maintain the ban on automatic weapons, would rather spend the money on another missile.'"
"Sentiment correct, automatic wrong. ..."
"Among the five e-mailers noting the mistake, this writer detailed it this way." ... |
NY: Gun control advocate backs Barbaro in run for Congress
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"Gun control advocate Sarah Brady endorsed Democratic congressional candidate Frank Barbaro yesterday and slammed incumbent Rep. Vito Fossella for not putting his name on a bill to extend a federal assault weapons ban. However, an aide said that Fossella actually supports the ban, which expired last month." ... |
OR: Homeland Security Agents Visit Toy Store
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"So far as she knows, Pufferbelly Toys owner Stephanie Cox hasn't been passing any state secrets to sinister foreign governments, or violating obscure clauses in the Patriot Act."
"So she was taken aback by a mysterious phone call from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to her small store in this quiet Columbia River town just north of Portland." ...
"Virginia Kice, a spokeswoman for Immigration and Customs Enforcement, said agents went to Pufferbelly based on a trademark infringement complaint filed in the agency's intellectual property rights center in Washington, D.C."
"'One of the things that our agency's responsible for doing is protecting the integrity of the economy and our nation's financial systems and obviously trademark infringement does have significant economic implications,' she said."
"Six weeks after her brush with Homeland Security, Cox told The Oregonian she is still bewildered by the experience."
"'Aren't there any terrorists out there?' she said." -------
Submitter's Comment: How long before owning firearms is deemed a threat to our economic system? |
NJ: Judge gives bear hunt a shot
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Bear hunt advocates have been given a courtroom victory, however, whether the 2004 hunt will proceed as scheduled remains locked in the legal process."
"Wednesday afternoon, Judge Jane Grall ordered the state Department of Environmental Protection to accept bear permit applications for this year’s December 6-11 hunt."
"The order by Grall, of the Appellate Division of Superior Court, comes in response to Environmental Commissioner Bradley M. Campbell’s continued opposition to the hunt." ...
"On Tuesday, Campbell raised the stakes in the ongoing dispute by closing all public lands under the DEP’s control to a hunt and directing the state Division of Fish and Wildlife to not issue bear hunting permits." ... |
OR: Turkey Shoot announced
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The Big Timber Rifle and Pistol Club announces its annual Turkey Shoot, set for Nov. 21 at the club's rifle range, located on Wade Road just outside Siletz. The public is welcome, and prizes of turkeys and hams will be offered. Sighting-in will begin at approximately 10 a.m., with the first shot at noon. Families are welcome."
"The club is also planning a fundraising shoot involving old military weapons; and a bench rest shoot is in the works. Interested persons are encouraged to contact Sam DuVall at 867-6333 or 961-2867." ... |
NY: Opponents Wrestling New York About Bear Hunt
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"THE mere mention of black bears always seems to conjure up bad news for local and state governments that seem to be in protracted battles with animal rights groups and hunters." ...
"Now the so-called animal rights groups are gearing up for another battle against the Pataki administration in New York, which wants to expand black bear hunting in the state for the 2005 season." ...
"[The antis] also assert that the real motive behind the proposed expansion is to sell more hunting licenses — which is far from the truth. Expanding bear hunting will not sell one more big-game license — only expand opportunities to the hunters who are already licensed." ... |
NC: Gun Buyback Program Exceeds Expectations (JTO)
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Law-enforcement officials in Asheville, N.C., have collected 504 firearms since Sept. 11, when a community-sponsored gun buyback program began, the Asheville Citizen-Times reported Oct. 20."
"The program, called 'Operation Save a Life,' was created by the Community Into Action Project, a group of business people, church leaders, and residents concerned about crime."
"Law-enforcement agencies use the money that they confiscate in drug deals to pay for the guns that people turn in, no questions asked. They pay $100 for pistols, revolvers, and assault weapons, and $50 for rifles and shotguns. Ross Dillingham, an investigator in the Buncombe County District Attorney's office, said that $46,550 has been spent to buy guns." ... |
South Africa: Armed to the Hilt
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"South African civilians own more guns than the police and military combined, according to a study by Gun Free South Africa and Cape Town University. Some 8.4% of the population own a gun, which amounts to 3.7 million firearms, the researchers found." ...
"According to the legislation, which came into effect in July, gun owners now have to reapply for their licences, undergo stringent checks and sit an exam."
"'South Africa's high rate is a result of the legacy of apartheid where members of the white community were encouraged to own a firearm,' report author, Guy Lamb, from Cape Town University's Centre for Conflict Resolution, told BBC News Online." ... -------
KABA Note: Actualy the high rate probably has more to do with the horrendous rates of home invasion, car jacking and sexual assault. |
Ghana: Bonfire of captured guns launches police crackdown on small arms
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The Ghanaian government has publicly burned a pile of several hundred captured guns to launch a national campaign against small arms proliferation."
"Journalists were invited to watch the bonfire in Accra on Thursday. The stack of hunting rifles and hand guns seized by police in and around the capital was covered with wood, doused in petrol and set alight."
"It was the second time this year that police have publicly burned captured weapons. A similar bonfire was lit in July." ...
"A police amnesty for the surrender of illegal weapons in 2001 went largely unheeded and is now acknowledged to have been a failure."
"'That exercise was not successful. A few weapons were delivered but a lot of people declined to give up their unlicensed guns,' Police Commissioner KK Manfo told IRIN. ..." ... |
UK: Gangster loses his jail term appeal
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A DRUG dealer who orchestrated a bloodbath in a rival crack house has failed to have his jail sentence cut."
"Damien Stephenson, 23, left three men for dead when he stabbed them repeatedly with a 'Rambostyle' survival knife."
"The Court of Appeal heard how Stephenson had travelled from Camberwell to wage war on rivals in Middlesbrough in March last year."
"Flanked by two accomplices acting as "back-up muscle", he burst into the crack house wielding the blade and demanding cash."
"He repeatedly stabbed each of them, leaving them with life-threatening injuries."
"Less than a month later he was caught by cops in London carrying a semi-automatic gun in his car." ... |
UK: Warehouse gang leader faces prison
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The leader of an armed gang found guilty of raiding an airport warehouse has been warned to expect a 'substantial custodial sentence'."
"Jonathan Aldridge, 35, who was seen on an undercover police video waving a loaded gun and directing operations, will be sentenced at Isleworth Crown Court next month alongside five other gang members who have pleaded guilty." ...
"Ringleader Aldridge was seen waving a stolen police warrant card at warehouse staff while herding them to the back of the premises. He held a loaded pistol to the neck of Jennifer King and made her operate a fork-lift truck to load computer equipment on to a stolen lorry." ... |
South Africa: Girl (17) Gang Raped By 11 Men
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Sharpeville Police are following every possible lead that could result in the arrest of seven suspected criminals. Together with four other suspects, they gang-raped a 17-year-old girl in Sharpeville last week." ...
"Four suspects have already been arrested by Police."
"Police seized an unlicensed 9mm pistol, jewellery that included bracelets and chains."
"It is suspected that this jewellery was robbed from other township residents during the gang's activities."
"Their incarceration follows the rape of a victim who has opened a case against her attackers."
"They repeatedly raped her for three days during their reign of terror in some Sharpeville areas including Putswa Sten." ... -------
Submitter's Note: South Africa's new gun law practically guaranteed that the armed BGs would face disarmed victims. |
Canada: Gun seized in high-risk take down
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"A semi-automatic pistol seized by police after a high-risk take down early Tuesday evening has been sent to Toronto for identification, says a Port Hope constable."
"At around 7:30 p.m., Oct. 26, police received a tip from an anonymous source about a gun in a motor vehicle, says Port Hope Police Service Constable Jim Dunn. Police intercepted the vehicle on Young Street and after a high-risk take down (stopping behind the vehicle to give officers cover and with guns drawn), the three male occupants of the vehicle co-operated with police and were taken into custody without incident. This mode of action helps ensure the safety of both the suspects and the officers, says Const. Dunn." ... |
UK: Lockerbie Cop Son Gets 10 Years For Armed Robbery
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A SENIOR detective's son was jailed for 10 years for armed robbery yesterday."
"Ian Bell, 32, armed himself with a sawn-off shotgun and automatic pistol to carry out two terrifying bank raids."
"The High Court in Glasgow was told Bell, whose chief superintendent father Harry, now retired, was a leading figure in the Lockerbie inquiry, had been driven to crime by debt."
"John Carroll, defending, said Bell had previously worked in a bank and knew staff were warned not to put themselves at risk during robberies. He said Bell's pistol was a replica and the sawn-off shotgun was not loaded when he raided banks in Bothwell and Stonehouse, Lanarkshire." [emphasis added] ... -------
Submitter's Note: If you reward behavior, you'll get more of it. |