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Newslinks for 10/31/2002

Going ballistic over fingerprinting
Submitted by: P. Jones

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Josh Horwitz, executive director of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence says:

... "Sadly, the mere mention of 'fingerprinting' and 'gun' in the same sentence is enough to drive the gun lobby ballistic. The most ardent gun-lobby supporters have sprung into action, citing every conceivable reason that we shouldn't help police solve crimes with ballistic fingerprinting. Along the way, they've generated a few misconceptions that we'd like to set straight." ...

"...the gun lobby asserts that criminals could very easily alter a gun barrel with a simple nail file. This is questionable - individual bullets and shell casings are 'fingerprinted' at several different points. That means altering parts of a gun is highly unlikely to prevent a match." ...

"A gun owner's privacy doesn't enter the picture at all - unless that owner pulled the trigger." ...

"Gun Debate" article told half the story
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"In the front-page article entitled 'How the Gun Debate Died' published in Legal Times on Oct. 21, reporter Jim Oliphant writes as a matter of fact that Americans for Gun Safety is a 'lobby group that sits squarely in the center of the [gun control] debate.' "

"In fact, there is not a dime's worth of difference between the AGS and the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence." ...

"A bull's eye on ballistic fingerprints"
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"Gun-control advocates (see today's op-ed page) and this editorial board support the idea of the federal government having on file the ballistic fingerprint of every new weapon manufactured in the United States." --Philadelphia Daily News

New Details Emerge In Sniper Investigation
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Federal prosecutors said they also found two boxes of .338-caliber cartridges in the back of the blue Chevrolet Caprice allegedly used in the shootings."

"Guns experts said there's no way the Bushmaster rifle could handle a .338-cartridge. They say the .338 is just too powerful -- four times more powerful than the .223 and used primarily for big-game hunting."

"Investigators said it raises the question: Did the sniper suspects have other guns or were they planning on getting other guns?" ...

CA: Five arrested in Fresno home invasions
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Four men and a teenager have been arrested and charged in home-invasion robberies in the Fresno area, police confirmed Tuesday."

"Fresno has had 48 home-invasion robberies reported this year. About 35 were reported for all of 2001."
Sounds like a case of 48 home invasion teams who should have been met with armed resistance.

NJ: School shooting incident leads mayor to call for metal detectors in schools
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The shooting prompted Mayor Glenn D. Cunningham to call for installation of metal detectors in the state-controlled school system." ...

"A small-caliber handgun believed to be the one used in the shooting was recovered inside the school, although not in the suspect's possession, Carter said."
Stringent gun control in NJ is apparently not enough to stop these incidents from happening. How will turning the state's schools into minimum security prisons help?

Sweden drops Ryanair hijack probe
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Kerim Chatty, a 29-year-old Swede whose father is Tunisian, may still face a weapons charge."

"He was released from custody last month after spending four weeks in jail under suspicion of planning to hijack the airliner as it flew to Stansted airport."

" 'I haven’t been able to find enough evidence that the purpose of the weapons possession was to hijack the plane,' chief prosecutor Thomas Haeggstroem said today." ...

KY: Man shot by wife sues security firm that hired and armed her
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A man who was left a paraplegic after his wife shot him in the chest and penis has sued Keeneland Association because it employed her as a racetrack security guard and provided her with the gun she used in the assault." ...

"The suit accuses Keeneland of neglect and says the racetrack should have known that Cook-Cerritos was unfit for the job or to possess a gun." ...

Gun owner testifies at civil trial
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A middle school teacher's widow is suing the distributor of a cheap gun used in his shooting" ...
More on the case where it's a gun's fault some screwed up kid misused it.

Columbia University feels heat from gun groups over lying Bancroft Prize recipient
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Gun-rights groups are calling for Columbia University to rescind the Bancroft Prize it gave last year to a historian after an investigation found he 'willingly misrepresented the evidence' in his award-winning work."

"Michael Bellesiles last week announced his resignation from Emory University in Atlanta after an academic panel said his book, 'Arming America: The Origins of a National Gun Culture,' showed 'evidence of falsification,' 'egregious misrepresentation' and 'exaggeration of data.' "

" 'Along with the prize, [Mr.] Bellesiles should be required to return the $4,000 cash award that came with it,' said Alan Gottlieb of the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), based in Bellevue, Wash." ...

AZ: NRA's Heston to attend rally; Salmon bows out
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Actor Charlton Heston... was expected to attend a pro-gun rally here today as scheduled, despite the fatal shootings of four people at the University of Arizona just days ago."

" 'The timing on this is extremely poor,' said Suzanne Saenz of Citizens of Arizona to Prevent Gun Violence. 'Now is not the time to have him come here to speak.' "
Yet another lame attempt by the anti-freedom crowd to place the blame for these shootings on the shoulders of the NRA -- and on firearms, and the 83,000,000 gunowners who didn't do it.

Local chances to see NRA's President pledge to defend a militarily useless rifle with his life
Submitted by: Anonymous

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See NRA's President, Charlton Heston, hold a single shot musket above his head and pretend he'd defend its possession with his life.

See his act in these cities:
• Wichita, Kansas
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
• Fayetteville, Arkansas
• Nashville, Tennessee
• Pensacola, Florida
"From my cold dead hands," he still amazingly proclaims -- as recently as last week, in New Hampshire -- even though he never used his influence publicly to stop a recent attempt at banning a firearm in his own state.

Australia: ASIO raids slammed for 'heavy-handedness'
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Police and ASIO officers, who have raided four Australian homes in search of information about the Jemaah Islamiah terrorist group, have been accused of engaging in a publicity stunt." ...

"One of the men whose Perth home was raided yesterday morning says his family is in shock."

"Jan Herbert says armed officers broke into his home on Spencer Road, Thornlie and confiscated family videos and computer equipment."

"He said the officers also held a gun to his head." ...

"Perth's Helena Joyce watched federal officers enter a neighbour's home."

" 'They had on black helmets, balaclavas covering their face, flakjackets carrying submachine guns, they were very frightening to look at,' she said." ...

TX: Death sentence given in slaying of San Antonio officer
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A man convicted of capital murder in the 2001 slaying of a San Antonio police officer has been sentenced to death."

"A jury convicted Manuel Garza on Thursday in the death of Officer John Anthony 'Rocky' Riojas."

"Riojas was killed in the parking lot of a Houston apartment complex on Feb. 2, 2001, when he was shot by his own gun during a struggle with Garza." ...

CO: Sheriff's deputy loses machinegun in vehicle break-in
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"While recovery of a 9 mm Colt submachine gun stolen Oct. 22 from an unmarked Douglas County sheriff's car is the 'No. 1 priority'..."

"An investigations deputy, who was off duty but on-call for the Douglas County Sheriff's SWAT team parked the agency's Dodge Intrepid outside the Inverness Hotel at 200 W. Inverness Drive."

"At 11:45 p.m., the Intrepid and a rented Chevrolet Blazer registered to a hotel guest were broken into..."
Ever wonder where criminals get their guns?

MD: Countering criticism on gun checks
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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" 'Now Bob Ehrlich is trying to blame crime and gun violence in Maryland on Kathleen Kennedy Townsend,' an announcer says. 'In fact, for years, she's worked to protect our families and children from crime, and taken on the NRA." ...

" 'Ehrlich. The NRA candidate for governor.' The ad ends with a photo of Ehrlich next to a large logo of the National Rifle Association."
More sleaze - less substance. That's Kennedy in a nutshell.

UK: "Masked gang armed with handguns and a sub-machine gun"
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A masked gang armed with handguns and a sub-machine gun forced staff and shoppers to lie on the floor in a raid on a Coventry supermarket." ...
More defenseless Brits victimized by still-armed criminals.

MD: Ehrlich edges past Townsend in new poll
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Republican Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. holds a 4-percentage point lead over Democrat Kathleen Kennedy Townsend with one week to go in Maryland's race for governor, according to a new poll released today." ...

"Townsend also holds a crushing 82 percent to 6 percent lead among African-American voters." ...

MD: Ehrlich makes pledge on guns
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"If he is elected governor, he says, armed felons will face longer terms; Would bring Project Exile here; Townsend announces plan to expand review of semiautomatics..."

"Vowing to go after 'gun bangers,' Republican gubernatorial candidate Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. pledged yesterday to strictly enforce the state's gun laws and work with federal prosecutors to ensure that felons [even non-violent ones] who carry guns go to prison for at least five years with no chance for parole." ...
A tyrant in freedom fighter's clothing.

UK: Witnesses appeal in brutal bus robbery
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"POLICE are appealing for witnesses to an armed robbery on a bus in north Belfast in which the driver was pistol-whipped." ...

"...two youths got onto the bus. One of the youths produced a hand gun and shouted at the driver to hand over the money, which the driver did."

"The gunman pistol-whipped the driver about the head before making off in the direction of Ballysillan Leisure Centre." ...
Police are obviously unable to protect the disarmed populace in the UK. But they'll sure arrest any subject uppity enough to arm him or herself for self-defense.

OH: DeWine backs effort to track bullets (another report)
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Sen. Mike DeWine, Republican from Ohio, said yesterday he supports establishment of a national database to help police in criminal investigations trace fired bullets back to a gun's original owner." ...

"DeWine... is backing legislation by Sen. Herb Kohl, Democrat of Wisconsin, that would require each new gun to be test-fired so a ballistic image can be made of the grooves and divots that are marked on bullets as they speed through the barrel of a weapon." ...

NM: "Green Party" candidate for Attorney General is a rabid, schizophrenic anti-gun loon
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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NOTE: If you'd like a good laugh -- a hearty glance at a genuinely disturbed anti-gun yahoo -- definitely read this short article.
"[Green Party attorney general candidate Ann Tyner] Gleason wants to abolish the death penalty and favors stringent gun control."

" 'Guns have no place in the home - period,' she says. 'The Second Amendment did not mean you could have a gun in your home. It meant that you could join the militia and fight the British.' " ... [The Bill of Rights was ratified years after the Brits had already been defeated.]

But such is the logic from someone who also uses precious media time to inform us: "I'm the only person I know who arranges her clothes according to the colors of the rainbow." ...
A moron on a mission. Thank your lucky stars this so-called "attorney" doesn't represent YOU!

AR: Campaign Gets Dirty
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"In one of a series of disputes Tuesday between the U.S. Senate candidates, Republican incumbent Tim Hutchinson said Democrat Mark Pryor’s comments this week showed why he is not a strong gun rights advocate." ...

" 'Mark Pryor was forced to admit that he supports the Brady Bill, the overreaching assault weapons ban, and closing down most gun shows. Now we really know why he refused to answer the NRA questionnaire and readily accepted money from pro-gun control groups who want to do away with our Second Amendment rights.' " ...

MO: Missouri's Carnahan Biggest Election Worry for Dem Chief
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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" 'Because she's a Democrat, I think she carries the veneer of wanting gun control,' Kropf explained. So 'she went on a skeet shoot in August [to show] she's not anti-gun.' "

"Mel Carnahan was a prominent gun control supporter, and Jean Carnahan has supported background checks for gun buyers, trigger locks, and a continued ban on certain semi-automatic weapons. Sen. Carnahan spoke at a 1999 gun control rally in St. Louis, and she's been endorsed by the Million Mom March." ...

MI: League forum features third-party perspectives
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Graeser said the United States has co-opted what he calls 'Nazi gun laws.' "

" 'The second amendment says we have the right to bear arms. It's been in our tradition that the populace has a right to be armed. At the federal level, I'd be reluctant to pass any laws,' he said. 'I've kept this in mind. ... The police take a report after the assault. The gun will protect you during the assault.' "

"Opponents Hoekstra and Grisley, of Pentwater, both said they favor some form of gun control." ...

The Snipers: Another Excuse For Gun Registration
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The people who are using this crime and act of terrorism to attempt to take more of our Second Amendment Rights should be arrested and taken to court for treason. They are the lowest of all to take advantage of anything like this for their own personal political agenda. I think it is a crime for them to do this." ...

CA: Shooting Declared Self-Defense; Bar Bouncer Free
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The San Francisco District Attorney will not press charges against a bouncer who shot and killed a man in the Mission District earlier this month." ...

"Argueta soon returned wielding a broken bottle. Licensed to carry a weapon, Kumar fired several shots, hitting the man in the head, chest and leg." ...

District Attorney Jim Hammer says, "The law of self defense says you have the right to use lethal force if you reasonably fear either death or great bodily injury." ...

OH: Hagan Campaign Never Authorized Auto Plant Letter
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry

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One would think Democrats learned their lesson about gun control in 2000, but apparently the Democrats are ready to lie about their position on Concealed Carry Legislation so they won't lose their Union votes.

Don't believe us? You've got to Read This Letter (PDF) and the story on our website. The letter is bogus, but it was distributed to hundreds of workers at the GM Powertrain Plant (UAW 211) in NW Ohio.

NY: "Council Panel OKs Tougher Gun Measure"
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The NYC Council's Public Safety committee passed historic legislation yesterday that will outlaw people convicted of misdemeanor assault or domestic violence abuse from purchasing rifles and shotguns in New York City, officials said." ...

OH: DeWine backs bill to gather gun data
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Ohio Sen. Mike DeWine became the first Republican in Congress on Tuesday to endorse a national database for ballistic images, saying it was foolish not to use all available technology to catch criminals."

" 'It will solve crimes. It will save lives,' the former Greene County prosecutor said." ...

UT: Letter to the Editor: Anti-gun Arguments Faulty
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"I would like to comment on The Chronicle's Oct. 29 article, 'Arizona Shooting Only Reinforces U's No-Gun Stance.' Unfortunately, these types of horrific events are becoming all too common. But if anything, this recent event exemplifies the need for law-abiding citizens who possess valid concealed weapons permits to be allowed to bring their guns to school." ...

Prospects for gun control appear dim, experts say
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Even as the Washington area was tormented by a .223-caliber rifle fired out of the shadows, politicians began promoting new measures to deal with gun violence."

"Already, gun-control advocates are promoting ballistic fingerprinting. And the sniper shootings are expected to play into a debate in 2004 over extending, and potentially expanding, the assault-weapons ban." ...

TX: Amarillo City approves consultant for gun range
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The Amarillo City Commission approved a consulting services contract Tuesday for a new shooting range the city plans to build."

"The contract, with Kramer One Inc. of Scottsdale, Ariz., will help the city develop a safe gun range, City Manager John Ward said." ...

OH: Sen. DeWine endorses ballistic "Registration" (and another report)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Ohio Sen. Mike DeWine became the first Republican in Congress on Tuesday to endorse a national database for ballistic images, saying it was foolish not to use all available technology to catch criminals." ...

"DeWine's announcement puts him at odds with other congressional Republicans, the National Rifle Association and even his own president, who has said he has reservations about whether the technology is reliable." ...

OH: Is the AFL-CIO / UAW lying to its membership for Tim Hagan and William Flanary?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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We can only assume that an effort to mislead these honest union members to vote for Tim Hagan and William Flanary has taken place. If you are employed at this facility, or any other facility where false documents are being distributed to sway voters, we highly encourage you to bring it to our attention. This kind of dirty politics is absurd, and we all know where Tim Hagan stands on concealed carry, or individual gun rights in general.

MD: Countering criticism on gun checks
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Democrat Kathleen Kennedy Townsend began airing a TV ad last week that seeks to counter criticism from Republican Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. that the Glendening-Townsend administration had failed to perform some criminal-background checks on gun buyers. It is airing in the Baltimore and Washington markets."

"What the ad says: It opens with an image from an Ehrlich commercial, and shows a newspaper headline reading 'Ehrlich Assails Rival on Gun Issue.' " ...

Truth, academia and guns
Submitted by: John Fansler

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"The departure of Bellesiles leaves the gun-control debate more or less where it was before his book was published."
Not quite. His fraudulent book has been used as a reference in a court case in Ohio to discredit the true meaning of the Second Amendment, It will take years for gun rights to recover from this fraud.

Slow Economy Means Government Must Cut Back Too
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"The reality is that many government officials are in denial and unwilling to restrain themselves from squandering the taxpayers' money. ... Then they run back to the trough expecting more from the taxpayers. This wasteful tax and spend cycle is simply unacceptable. As long as private citizens and businesses are forced to prioritize and restrain their spending during tough times, government should be required to do the same." ...

MA: Effort To Abolish Income Tax Still Alive In Massachusetts
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Michael Cloud, a Libertarian Party candidate for Massachusetts' U.S. Senate seat, is convinced that 'the establishment' is afraid of a ballot measure in his state that would abolish the income tax, thus eliminating about $9 billion from the state budget." ...

Privacy Villain of the Week: DARPA's HumanID at a Distance
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has been one of the more fruitful government agencies in the past, its DARPAnet computer network being the foundation for what would become the Internet some years later. That is why reading about what this outfit is up to now can at times be disheartening. One such project is the HumanID at a Distance program, which aims to move beyond face-recognition technology and purportedly identify people by the way the walk." ...

MI: Michigan Gun Store Owner Shot Dead
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A man armed with an assault rifle killed a gun store owner and wounded his son before the gunman and an accomplice stole cash and handguns, police said."

"The father and son were closing Smitty's Market for the day Tuesday when the robbers, dressed in camouflage, entered the store." ...
Extra vigilance in gun stores is in order, especially in the area where this took place. Deepest sympathies to the families, and may the perpetrators rot in Hell.

OH: Man grabs deputy's firearm and shoots officer - in courthouse
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A man grabbed a deputy's gun in the lobby of a county courthouse Wednesday and shot and wounded an officer, authorities said. Another deputy shot the gunman, who died at a hospital." ...
Someone ought to train this LEO in gun retention tactics.
Few courthouses in America allow citizens to carry firearms for self-defense. A primary response to the "what about my safety?" complaint from citizens is often: "There are police officers here to protect you." Uh huh.

New Zealand: 15-year-old arrested after gun-shop raid
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Three people aged under 17 are alleged to have taken part in the theft of up to 20 guns in a Labour Weekend burglary of a Hastings hunting and fishing store."

"Detective Brent Greville, of Hastings CIB, said two, including a 15-year-old, were among four people arrested yesterday, while another juvenile was still being sought."
Ever wonder where criminals get their guns in gun control havens?

"Heston On His Way to Tucson to Gloat After Latest School Shooting"
Submitted by: Joel Miller

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"To the people of Tucson and the students at the University of Arizona, I am so sorry for the tragedy you have suffered, and I feel terribly sad that you will have to endure the sight of Charlton Heston and his gun nuts today. Take some solace in knowing that your fellow Americans by an overwhelming margin want tough gun laws -- and that the day of obtaining them is not far away."

- Michael Moore

Racist program misnamed "Affirmative Action" goes to Supreme Court - again
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Supreme Court appears to be headed for yet another showdown on affirmative action, this time involving the admissions policy at the University of Michigan." ...

"And, again as usual, the stakes are very high. Any decision in the case would affect colleges and universities across the country."

"Actually, two University of Michigan cases have reached the Supreme Court. In one, a federal appeals court upheld the Law School's use of racial preferences in admissions policy to increase the number of minority students."

"In the other, a federal judge upheld the use of racial preferences in the general admissions policy of the university as a whole. The challengers in the second case are asking the Supreme Court to review the dispute at once, despite the fact that an appeals court has not yet ruled on the matter."

"The challengers in both cases are white applicants who were denied admission to the Law School or the university, but who would have been admitted had they been members of a racial minority." ...

"The challengers cite the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment -- equal protection under the law -- and Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which bans discrimination based on 'race, color or national origin.' " ...

Pumpkin cannon crew ready to go distance
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The prizes are puny and the effort and expense great, but the chance to best his contemporaries and destroy perfectly good pumpkins keeps Bruce Bradford going."

"Bradford, the owner of S&G Erectors of Howell, will be among about 80 competitors competing this weekend in the 17th Annual Punkin Chunkin in Sussex County, Del. It is the fourth year in a row that Bradford, 55, and his team will compete in the event."

"Armed with the nine-ton, 100-plus-foot long air cannon dubbed the Second Amendment, Bradford's contraption has finished third in the competition -- the world championship of pumpkin tossing -- the past two years and fifth in 1999." ...

"The Second Amendment has already blasted a pumpkin more than 4,600 feet." ...

MN: Law addresses issues following Wellstone's death
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Laws already on the books address many of the issues that have arisen as a result of the death of Sen. Paul Wellstone."

" 'According to Article 1, Section 3 and the 17th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, the Governor is authorized to make a temporary appointment of a United States Senator to represent Minnesota in Congress," said Minnesota Secretary of State Mary Kiffmeyer.' " ...

However, "Minnesota Statute 204B.13 provides that if a vacancy occurs in nomination, the major political party [in this case, the Democrat Party] may fill this vacancy,' said Kiffmeyer." ...
Kiffmeyer, by the way, is a Republican.

Click here to see Minnesota Secretary of State Mary Kiffmeyer's public communication regarding this situation.

Lessons from the sniper case
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The continuing sniper case deserves in-depth analysis, but don't expect most of the press or their leftist counterparts to get the story right."

"For instance, what was all this expert speculation that the sniper was a lone, angry white male? White or black, what did color have to do with this picture? Turns out, two black men are the suspects in the case." ...
Several other good observations, as well -- but none that the Lefties will appreciate.

One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. — DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.

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