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Newslinks for 10/31/2003

Justice Department's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Allows Sale of Handgun Disguised as a Pen Despite Law Enforcement Warning
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The U.S. Justice Department's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is allowing the sale to the general public of a small-caliber handgun disguised as a pen -- despite the clear public safety threat such "pen guns" represent -- the Violence Policy Center (VPC) warned today." ...

"VPC Executive Director Josh Sugarmann states, 'ATF and the Justice Department have been put on notice that the Stinger Pengun represents a clear threat to public safety and law enforcement. ATF clearly has the authority -- and legal responsibility -- to reclassify Stinger's pen and knife guns under federal law to tightly restrict them and should do so immediately.' "

Americans Flock to Get on NRA Blacklist
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Most blacklists are designed to intimidate. But thousands of Americans are clamoring to join one drawn up by the National Rifle Association." ...

"The list was found deep in the official NRA Web site by a group of grass-roots anti-gun campaigners..."

"The campaigners set up their own Web site and urged Americans to voluntarily put their names there. A full-page ad on Tuesday in Daily Variety -- the Hollywood trade magazine -- urged movie and music artists to sign up."

The pseudo literate hack who wrote this piece makes it sound like the list is hush-hush top secret. Fact is it has existed for a while and has been readily available with just a few clicks of a mouse on NRA-ILA's website.

Hopefully, sanity will prevail
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The latest news from the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) should sit well with either side because it addresses a problem that is not a political issue but a matter of basic fairness which is one of the cornerstones of our culture."

" 'With an overwhelming and bipartisan vote of 285-to-140,' the NSSF reports, 'the House of Representatives has passed common-sense legislation to stop the junk lawsuits seeking to blame law-abiding companies in the firearms industry for the criminal misuse of their legally-sold, highly regulated and non-defective products. Several attempts to water down the bill with amendments failed by similar votes.' "

"Even though 30 states have already enacted similar legislation, a reform to federal law is needed to restore integrity to the nation's judicial system and prevent frivolous, politically motivated lawsuits from being filed by municipalities and special interest groups in an attempt to bankrupt responsible companies by blaming them for the actions of criminals. Next, the 'Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act of 2003' will be considered in the Senate. There, S. 659 also enjoys broad support from 52 co-sponsors, including the minority whip, Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, among the nine Democrats.' "

U.S. to cut more airport screener jobs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Federal officials will cut an additional 'few thousand' airport security screener positions across the country by next year because of budget cuts, a top TSA administrator said Wednesday in Dallas."

"The cuts are part of the TSA's continuing development despite waning resources, Associate Administrator John Shkor said during an aviation-issues breakfast at Dalfort Fueling near Dallas Love Field."

"Beyond federalizing security checkpoints, the TSA's training of pilots to use handguns, the reinforcement of cockpit doors and the activation of thousands of armed air marshals help thwarting potential terrorists, Mr. Shkor said."

Right. And how many pilots are certified now?

Bypass Constitution?
Submitted by: rfawcs

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First report on the page

"Justice Sandra Day O'Connor predicts that the U.S. Supreme Court will increasingly base its decisions on international law rather than the U.S. Constitution, according to an article in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution."

"By doing so, the court will make a good impression among people from other countries, she said."

Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"In the Free State, would we still have problems? Yes. Absolutely. Will people still be greedy? Will they still lie, cheat and steal? No doubt. Will kids do drugs? Will drunk drivers kill people on the roads? Will food, medicine and education still have to be paid for somehow? Yes to all. We will, after all, still live on this mortal coil. The laws of physics and economics will still apply to us. We're simply acknowledging that and dealing with it, unlike a lot of other political philosophies."

I am not running for President - but I do have some ideas
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"George Bush and the Democratic Republican Congress say they love our children. They're lying. Their deeds show the truth. The Republican-Democratic leadership of this country--not the fine Republican and Democratic voters, but the Party leadership in Washington--hate our children. Bush and Hastert and Frist and Daschle and Clinton hate our children. They hate our children so much that they're selling them into tax slavery, slavery to pay their parents' bills."

"Our Libertarian message is simple, loud, and clear. Tax slavery not fair. Massive Federal budget deficits are unfair to our children. Saddling our children with trillions of dollars in debt is irresponsible and immoral."

NY: Two Officers Shot in Gun-Free New York City
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Two police officers chasing three robbery suspects were wounded, and one of the suspects was killed last night when a running gun battle broke out in East New York, police said."

"A police sergeant wearing a bulletproof vest was struck three times — in the chest, abdomen and arm — and the other officer suffered a graze wound in the arm. Both were taken to Jamaica Hospital Medical Center, where the sergeant was reported in stable condition and the officer treated and released."

"One suspect was shot to death and two others were wounded, police said."

FL: Gun Control
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Are you a straight shooter? You may soon be able to practice downtown. The owners of the Vets Army Navy store on South Florida Avenue in Lakeland plan to build an indoor shooting range next door that will open by April. Owners Mike Dunn and Becky Gridley will add 2,000 square feet to their neighboring property to provide the necessary space to shoot.

WI: How Well Do the Gun Locks Work?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Locks do help safety, but as the instructions read: 'No firearm's safety or lock can be subsituted for safe, careful gun handling and storage.' "

"The gun lock is said to fit 90 percent of guns on the market. We discovered one gun it won't work on was a lever-action rifle."

What gun locks are really effective at is rendering your tool of self defense useless when you need quick access to it.

NJ: Taxpayers purchase more guns
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Original title: Gun buyback effort gets more funding

"Money supporting a grass roots gun buyback program began to pour in this week."

"Concerned Citizens of Cumberland County will conduct its initial gun buyback program next Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the parking lot of Union Baptist Temple, located at the corner of South Pine and Willow streets."

"CCCC members learned Wednesday night at their weekly meeting at Cherry Street School that the county Improvement Authority and the county Prosecutor's Office have agreed to contribute $5,000 and $2,000, respectively, to the program."

OH: Charges Dropped Against Boy With Toy Gun (Follow Up)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Police have dropped charges against a 9-year-old boy who was arrested after waving a toy gun in the air.

The boy, Thomas Clark Jr., was arrested Saturday in Lorain when a passer-by saw the boy on a bench with the toy gun. The witness thought it was a real weapon and called the police.

The Sheffield Lake boy faced charges of inducing panic, possession of a deadly weapon and resisting arrest.

What about disciplining the "public servant" who terrorized this child?

IL: Reverse Stance on Teachers with Guns
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Republican U.S. Senate candidate Steven Rauschenberger said he's changed his mind about allowing some teachers who are trained to use firearms to carry concealed weapons in their classrooms."

"Rauschenberger said in an open letter sent Tuesday to supporters that after consulting with law enforcement officials and educators, guns do not belong in classrooms."

" 'I have concluded that the risks of having a loaded gun in a classroom outweigh any possible benefits,' Rauschenberger said. 'As such, I do not support legislation that would allow teachers to carry guns in classrooms.' "

Tell that to the families of the disarmed victims of Columbine, whose loved ones were left at the mercy of Klebold and Harris.

UK: Arrest after man shot dead in pub
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A man was arrested on suspicion of murder after another man was shot dead at point blank range in a pub, police said."

"The victim, a man in his mid 40s, was shot dead on Wednesday night in the pub in Wellington, near Taunton, Somerset."

"Police were alerted at 10.30pm by a 999 call reporting that a man had walked into a pub in South Street, produced a gun and shot another man at point blank range."

"Armed officers, police dog handlers and trained police negotiators went to the scene, which was immediately cordoned off, Avon and Somerset Police said."

Another shooting in the "gun-free" paradise of the UK, home to the mosy violent crime in all of Western Europe.

UK: Shot fired during city armed robbery
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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ARMED robbers held up a security van in Coventry city centre on Tuesday night and escaped with a “substantial amount” of cash.

Police are appealing for witnesses to the incident at 10.30pm on Tuesday outside the Abbey National in Smithford Way.

A gang of four or five men approached two security guards at the van and brandished a handgun.

The robbers demanded money and fired a shot into the side of the van.

The gang then escaped with what police described as a “substantial amount” of cash but the security men were left unhurt.

Anyone with information about the robbery should contact Little Park Street CID on 0845 1135000.

NV: Gun safety class scheduled
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A handgun orientation and safety class is scheduled for 1 p.m. Tuesday at the Douglas County Senior Center, 2300 Meadow Lane in Gardnerville.

The course’s objective is to teach basic knowledge and skills. Safety will be a major topic, and discussions will include different types of handguns and their operation.

For those thinking about buying a gun, selection and ammunition will be discussed. Other topics will be Nevada laws on handguns and handgun ownership.

Participants do not need to be senior citizens or own a handgun to take the class.

Handgun owners are welcome to bring their gun to class. Ammunition will not be allowed.

The class is free. For more information, call 267-4198 or 783-6455.

MO: Concealed handgun penalties tough for drinkers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Although on hold for now while being challenged in the court system, if the law passes, those who carry along concealed guns while drinking - including hunters - face tough penalties."

"The Platte County Prosecutor's Office will use the new law to bring felony charges against people who possess a gun while drunk, Zahnd said."

"The law changed carry a concealed gun while drunk from class B misdemeanor to a class D felony. The punishment is up to four years in prison and a fine of up to $5,000. Previously, the sentence mazed out at six months in the county jail or a fine of up to $500."

"Zahnd said the increased punishment makes perfect sense."

NC: Former police officer seeks return of gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Robert West, a former New Bern police officer, agreed to turn over his 9 mm handgun to police after a family disturbance at his home."

"The incident, which did not involve the gun, was investigated in June. In July, West went to the New Bern police department to retrieve his gun."

" 'Mr. West was required to fill out a federal firearms questionnaire before the weapon could be returned,' Hart said. 'In the section that asks about drug use, including marijuana, Mr. West checked the 'yes' block.' "

"Because of that, the gun was not returned."

"West's attorney, David Henderson, said West made a mistake in filling out the block, believing the question was about prescription drugs."

UK: Nipping gun culture in the bud
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A popular music venue in Hackney, east London, is packed with young people. But they have not come to see any bands perform." ...

"Instead they sit transfixed by images flickering across a giant screen on the stage."

"A succession of young men lie shot dead, sprawled on London streets in pools of blood."

"Occasional gasps ripple around the room as a particularly gruesome picture flashes on to the screen."

"The scenes are certainly horrific but it's not a horror film in the conventional sense - the screening is part of a conference organised for young people to educate them about the dangers of gun crime."

What's next? Electric shock and aversion therapy?

OH: Ohioans Calling on Governor to Stop CCW
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the last year Ohio legislators have voted to pass a new law to allow the carrying of concealed weapons in Ohio. That would mean loaded guns hidden by their owners carried in public, where you work and play."

"The Ohio House and Senate have passed different versions of this bill. They now have named a conference committee to reconcile their differences."

"HB 12 authorizes county sheriffs to issue licenses to carry concealed handguns. This legislation would lead to more guns on the street and more gun violence in Ohio."

"HB 12 mandates that county sheriffs shall issue a concealed carry license to anyone who is not prohibited under law from possessing a firearm."

WI: Police paranoid about an armed citizenry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Most law enforcement officials in Ozaukee and Washington counties are having trouble hiding their displeasure with a bill that would legalize the carrying of concealed handguns and other weapons in Wisconsin."

" 'I don't like it,' Ozaukee County Sheriff Maury Straub said Wednesday. 'Proponents say it's for citizen safety. As sheriff, I know of very few people who have had to protect their lives or the lives of others by deadly force.' "

"If people are allowed to carry concealed weapons, officers and citizens could be at greater risk of losing their lives, and relatively minor incidents could turn deadly if someone whips out a weapon, they said."

There's nothing a tyrant loves more than an unarmed populace.

VA: Galyan's suspends gun sales
Submitted by: David Adams

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"Galyan's sporting goods store at Stony Point Fashion Park has stopped selling guns until it receives the city's required permit for gun sales."

"Richmond Police Chief Andre Parker said that as of yesterday, 'I have not received a request' from Galyan's for that permit. But store officials have said they want to 'come in conformance with the current city code,' he added."

"Walter Barker, the manager at the Stony Point store, said Galyan's stopped selling guns Friday when they learned they were in violation of city code. The store is 'in the process' of applying for a permit, he added."

Just two weeks before the opening of general firearms deer season and this new taxpayer subsidized store will not sell a shotgun or rifle until they jump through the city's hoops. Just one more reason I do not shop in the City. I don't want to have any of my tax dollars support that circus.

LA: Seventh-Grader Uses Gun to Steal Teacher's Car, Abduct Student
Submitted by: paul raynolds

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A 14-year-old boy brought a semiautomatic pistol to school on Wednesday, robbed his teacher of his car keys and took a classmate hostage before leading deputies on a high-speed chase.

Police said the SUV with both boys inside was stopped without incident within 20 minutes, after a chase through northern Louisiana and southern Arkansas reaching speeds up to 90 mph.

Sounds like banning guns on school grounds isn't exactly effective.

VA: Housekeeping
Submitted by: David Adams

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"That Galyan's needs city permission to sell guns probably came as a surprise to the sporting-goods store. But Richmonders probably were even more surprised to learn the city requires a permit and a 15-day waiting period to buy a pistol."

"The waiting period is an antiquated measure obviated by a state law that mandates a background check through the state police. It should be stricken from the books."


Submitted by: Mark Richardson

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"A West Cumbrian man appeared in court yesterday accused of stabbing a 78-year-old pensioner in the arm with a screwdriver and biting off part of his ear during a burglary."

All this violence in the gun free utopia that is the UK, where irritant spray is illegal and you are not allowed a gun to defend your home and person because it is 'not necessary'.

NJ: Montville delays weapons-firing ordinance
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The township committee Tuesday night postponed its scheduled introduction of an ordinance to prohibit the firing of weapons in the township in order to form a subcommittee to determine where the rule should apply."

"Their decision came before a crowd of about 100 people gathered at the meeting, including hunters, supporters and opponents of the bear hunt."

"The ordinance would effectively block the statewide bear hunt in December from certain municipally-owned lands in Montville."

VA: Taxpayers pay for cops at new mall
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Richmond Police Department is paying overtime for two officers to patrol Stony Point Fashion Park every night, in addition to the private security that the mall pays for." ...

"It is imperative that this mall become successful and its patrons maintain a high comfort level. The overtime expenditure will ensure a high level of visibility."

"The overtime paid for the Stony Point patrol is paid time and a half, even if the officer has not worked a full work week."

Meanwhile, the mall bans CCW holders.

PA: Picked the wrong house to burgle
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"TWO BURGLARS picked the wrong victims and were shot to death early yesterday after forcing their way into two separate buildings in Overbrook and Southwest Philadelphia, police said."

"Police said the unrelated shootings occurred in a home in Overbrook and a market in Southwest Philadelphia."

"Norman Woodall, of Leeds Street near 66th, Overbrook, told police two men kicked in his front door at 1:15 a.m. He said when he heard the noise, he grabbed his gun."

"Woodall, described by a neighbor as owner of a mechanic's shop, said he struggled with the men before shooting one. The second fled."

DC: Halloween Costume Sparks Capitol Hill Scare
Submitted by: paul raynolds

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"Two Halloween revelers triggered a massive manhunt on Thursday, when the costume they were carrying included a toy gun that breached security at the entrance of a Capitol Hill building."

"The House of Representatives had been ordered shut down following reports of the breach."

"U.S. Capitol Police Chief Terry Gainer said the women who entered the Cannon Office Building became aware that they were being sought, and contacted police. Gainer said there was no ill intent on the part of the women involved."

WOW! They shut down the House because of a toy gun!

CO: Columbine shocker: First tip was in 1997
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"A 'concerned citizen' tipped off Jefferson County authorities to the exploits of Columbine High School killers Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold months earlier than has ever been known - a discovery that shocked victims' families, sparked a new investigation and raised anew the specter of a coverup."

"Wednesday's disclosure, made by Jefferson County Sheriff Ted Mink, came after a detective found the Aug. 7, 1997, police report stuffed in the pocket of a three-ring binder."

Uganda: Dams Will Help Karamoja by Cutting Down on Cattle Raids
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"GUNS HAVE replaced spears as the main weapon of defence in northern Uganda, an international report has revealed."

"In Uganda, the Karamoja region has particularly seen civilians use automatic weapons in daily endeavours. Herdsmen casually sling AK-47 rifles on their shoulders while out in the pastures."

"The gun has consequently come in handy in cattle raids in Karamoja and in neighbouring districts. There has been a lot of agonising over how to handle this - since the raids are violent, and many originate from across Uganda's borders, should the Karimojong be allowed to keep guns?"

Should the herders be disarmed and rendered helpless to protect their flocks from armed raiders?

TX: Take a free self-defense class
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Williamson County man is making it his mission to help women protect and defend themselves.

It's a gift Robert Cooke gives in memory of his daughter, Rachel. She was abducted nearly two years ago and hasn't been seen since.

Cooke wants women to take the MUST seminar, Mentally Useful Safety Techniques, to help them be aware of their surroundings and to keep them from being victims.

The technique isn't about kickboxing or fighting, said Southwestern University Police Chief Deborah Brown, it's about being prepared.

But nothing on the safest, most effective definsive tool available.

CA: Firefighters warned about armed residents in evacuated areas
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Firefighters battling blazes that are scorching Southern California have a new problem: armed residents.

Some people who've refused to evacuate are becoming frightened by reports of looting, and are arming themselves.

One resident became alarmed after seeing people walking near his property with flashlights. He waved a 45-caliber handgun in the face of a visitor, who turned out to be a firefighter.

A spokesman for the Department of Forestry says that when people in rural areas hear about looters, "they get nervous."

Firefighters have been told to be extra careful in dealing with residents.

Toy gun sparks Congress scare (Australian version)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A TOY gun carried into a US Congress office building prompted a full-bore, floor-by-floor search for the supposed 'gunman', and an evacuation of hundreds, if not thousands, of congressional staffers today."

"About two hours after the start of the supposed security breach, Capitol police admitted - a bit sheepishly - that the presumed weapon had been part of a costume that a congressional staffer had planned to wear at a Halloween fete later in the day."

" 'I don't think they had any ill intent,' Capitol Police Chief Terrance Gainer told reporters outside the office building where moments earlier a stream of congressional staffers were subjected to searches before being allowed to evacuate."

PA: Unless you're a hunter, lose your handgun
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Here’s the problem. I’m all behind the idea of frisking everyone that walks through the door. The frightening thing isn’t the precaution; it’s the apparent need for that precaution. Does that mean that The Pub is now a runoff spot for Kutztown gun nuts?"

"There are actually people out there who feel they should carry a gun to a place where they plan to drink alcohol in large quantities. I used to worry about getting clipped by drunk drivers on the weekends. Now, I have to worry about drinking and drive bys."

By that logic, why shouldn't the bar confiscate everyone's driver's license if they choose to enter the establishment, regardless of whether they plan to drink?

NY: Queens Village man guilty in nightclub rob
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Cory Manson was the second of three alleged conspirators to be convicted in the armed robbery at Club Illusions in Jamaica after Michael Overton pleaded guilty to robbery in March of this year, according to Brown."

"Brown said Manson was found guilty of robbery and reckless endangerment Oct. 23 by a jury of nine men and three women. Manson, who is free on bail, could be sentenced to between five and 25 years in prison, Brown said."

" 'The defendant used a handgun to commit a violent crime,' Brown said. 'The defendant's conduct was a threat to public safety and warrants substantial punishment.' "

In "gun-free" New York City? Doesn't the Brady Bunch keep asserting that less guns means less crime?

Australia: $27 million to buy guns that are then destroyed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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TAXPAYERS have paid $27 million to buy back 22,000 handguns in the past year.

The national buyback was introduced after the Monash University shooting a year ago.
Justice and Customs Minister Chris Ellison said the scheme had been a great success but more co-operation was needed between the Commonwealth and states to stop handguns flooding the black market.

Senator Ellison the issue of illegal handguns would be discussed at next week's meeting of police ministers in Melbourne.

There has recently been a spate of handgun thefts from within the security industry. About 4000 firearms are stolen each year across Australia.


PA: Three armed robberies hit campus area where most victims are guaranteed to be disarmed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Three armed robberies occurred in quick succession on and around campus last week after almost a month without reported robberies." ...

"Danks said that these three most recent robberies do 'not appear' to be related to the string of robberies that occurred around the University in late August and September."

Except in the choice of victims. Students are prohibited by the University from arming themselves.

Gun bans don't disarm criminals, gun bans attract them. — WALTER MONDALE

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