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Newslinks for 10/31/2006

OH: Personal Activism Pays Off
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I started talking to the cashier about the sign and she said she was unsure why it was put up. She said she was not happy about the sign either because, like me, she believed it was only preventing law-abiding people from carrying. Then she said the owner of the property was there and that she would be honored if I gave the card to the owner and spoke to him about the sign.

GA: Lowering the bar for gun dealers
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Our state and federal laws, as well as the Second Amendment to the Constitution, permit law-abiding American citizens to own firearms - handguns and rifles. For that matter, if one is a law-abiding citizen of sound mind and has the money to purchase a federal permit, he or she can own a fully automatic machine gun. But along with the responsibility of owning or selling firearms come rules that set the parameters for buying and selling guns. These rules are intended to keep people who are not law-abiding from purchasing firearms, particularly handguns, and using them to commit crimes.

NY: McCarthy and Blessinger in Race for 4th Congressional District
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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It has been nine years since Democrat Carolyn McCarthy was elected to Congress to represent the residents in the 4th Congressional District following the ordeal she went through when her husband was murdered and her son was injured in the Long Island Rail Road massacre. While McCarthy remembers why she went to Congress - to fight for better gun control legislation - she has become involved in a multitude of issues including education and healthcare.

MO: Products enhance cleaning of firearms
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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A clean gun is a happy gun. So say active shooters and hunters. Kevin Howard, with Howard Communications in Elsberry, Mo., devotes much time and effort in owning and maintaining a personal collection of about 100 rifles, shotguns and other firearms. Howard's communications business handles many shooting products, many of which are designed for cleaning and preserving valuable and beloved shooting pieces.

There seems to be some type of misunderstanding....
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It was, he said, a chimerical idea to suppose that a country like this could ever be enslaved. How is an army for that purpose to be obtained from the freemen of the United States? They certainly, said he, will know to what object it is to be applied. Is it possible, he asked, that an army could be raised for the purpose of enslaving themselves and their brethren? or, if raised, whether they could subdue a nation of freemen, who know how to prize liberty, and who have arms in their hands?
- Theodore Sedgwick, Jan., 1788. The Debates in the Several State Conventions, (MASSACHUSETTS), on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution [Elliot's Debates, Volume 2]

CA: Ashton Kutcher & Demi Moore Believe In The Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Hollywood couple Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore keep guns in their Idaho home to protect themselves and the actress' three daughters. Kutcher owns a Springfield handgun while Moore has been trained to use a deadly semi-automatic Glock.

MD: Brady Campaign Endorses Maryland Candidates
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, the nation's leading gun violence prevention organization, along with its Maryland Million Mom March chapters today announced its support for several candidates in Maryland's general election.

Why all the lies and deceit?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The truly sinister side of the gun grabbers has reared its head this election season. You may have heard about this wonderful, new group of sportsmen. It is called the American Hunters and Shooters Association (AHSA). This group puts up an attractive website ( and proclaims that it has a Mission of Trust. That Mission of Trust states, AHSA vigorously defends the constitutional right to keep and bear arms, promotes safe and responsible gun use, and supports reasonable public policies, so that all Americans can enjoy the benefits of this crucial and historic liberty. The emphasis added is mine.

IN: Gun column jams mailbox
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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One sure-fire way to trigger an automatic response from certain readers is to write a column about guns that defenders of the Second Amendment believe to be off target.

Is that enough gun references in one sentence? If not, read on, pilgrim, about what some folks had to say about my recent column on repealing the ban on concealed weapons in state parks.

Canada: Is Canada's gun lobby an offshoot of the NRA?
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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I recently came across a Sept. 17 New York Times Magazine article by Joshua Kurlantzick, special correspondent for The New Republic and visiting scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, titled "Global gun rights?" Kurlantzick details the fact that the United States National Rifle Association (NRA) is going global. They've come to the conclusion that to fight gun control in the U.S., they must fight it everywhere (sort of like communism in the '50s). And so we have the same misinformation being dished out here as in the United States: for example, that gun control doesn't work.

UK: Britons 'could be microchipped like dogs in a decade'
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Human beings may be forced to be 'microchipped' like pet dogs, a shocking official report into the rise of the Big Brother state has warned.

They could be used by companies who want to keep tabs on an employee's movements or by Governments who want a foolproof way of identifying their citizens - and storing information about them.

The report, drawn up by a team of respected academics, claims that Britain is a world-leader in the use of surveillance technology and its citizens the most spied-upon in the free world.

It paints a frightening picture of what Britain might be like in ten years time unless steps are taken to regulate the use of CCTV and other spy technologies.

ME: Errant hunting shot strikes pickup truck
Submitted by: Anonymous

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CARIBOU - A father and son narrowly missed being shot Saturday morning when a bullet smashed through two rear side windows in their pickup truck. Neither were injured by the shot fired by a hunter who had spotted a deer along the Albair Road.

Caribou resident Mike Wilson and his 14-year-old son were described as "extremely shaken up" by the incident believed to be the first hunting accident of the 2006 deer hunting season, according to Caribou police Officer Nick Casavant.

Jesse Cote, 24, of Connor was charged with reckless conduct with a firearm, a Class E felony, and released on $10,000 surety bail, following the early morning incident.


KS: Getting a Conceal Carry Permit
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It's a new concept in Kansas, carrying a concealed handgun. You have to go through a class to get a permit...but who's taking those classes?

Kansas concealed handgun instructor Bob Muir of Salina says "the majority of them are just ordinary folks like you and me they're just people that for whatever reason determined that they want to take an active role in their own self defense."

PA: Amish: 'We Need To Forgive'
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Asked if Amish women are taught self-defense, Stoltzfus smiled. "Well, we have our fly swatters," he joked. "Our women pray and read the Bible. They dress modestly. They wear prayer caps, which have a large badge of protection." Asked if that is enough, he said "the bird who sits on the fence doesn't get enough to eat."

UT: Firearms possession debated
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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According to Mr. Hemenway, simply having a firearm available makes a violent act more likely to occur. Although I could not find a statistic to prove so, I'm sure that the percentage of gun owners in the U.S. has actually declined from revolutionary war times when the constitution and the second amendment were written. In those days, when you had to have a gun to feed and protect your family, the percentage of households owning firearms must have been near 100 percent, yet acts of violence were few and far between. Gun ownership in modern times is much lower, with around 40 percent of U.S. households owning a firearm.

The fault lies in ourselves
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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During my professional lifetime, liberals and the left wing have focused on failures and misdeeds of the private sector, while libertarians and conservatives have focused on the failures and misdeeds of the public sector or government. It turns out that both sides are right.

WI: Parents, experts split on school-safety plans
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Other parents have called for schools to be equipped with metal detectors, to have guards at every door monitoring the hallways, and to erect perimeter fencing with razor wire.

Several New Jersey schools already use eye scans to screen adult visitors. And Wisconsin Rep. Frank Lasee, R-Bellevue, has proposed letting teachers and other school employees carry guns on campus for self-defense.

Such measures could be very costly for already cash-strapped school districts, said Barbara Dorff, director of student services and district equity coordinator for the Green Bay School District.

MI: Sheriff Bouchard sprints to finish
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"Our Constitution's clear," Bouchard replied. "You have a right to own and bear arms and protect yourself and protect your family. We also know that gun control only applies to law-abiding citizens. If you passed a law saying you can't have a gun, the only ones who are going to say OK are the people who live by the law. The bad guys aren't going to put the gun down when they hit you over the head to take your purse. (Gun control) is intuitively a flawed argument. Washington, D.C., has one of the strictest gun controls. You can't own and possess a hunting shotgun in your house. Yet they have one of the highest crime rates in the country. People who follow the law ought to be able to defend themselves against people who don't."

OH: Ceasefire Cincinnati, 100 Male March Join Forces
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Ceasefire Cincinnati" is one of the city's newest ways for citizens to vocalize their anger about violence on our streets and this Sunday, neighbors expect to be heard. And on Sunday the push to drive violence from Cincinnati streets gained some momentum as the new group joined the "100 Male Marchers."

MO: St. Louis tops list of dangerous cities in the US
Submitted by: AvgJoe

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All crime is rising fast due to the large amount of Mexican meth that comes over a make believe southern border. Soon the answer will be to take our guns but leave the border alone.

PA: Brady Campaign Endorses Pennsylvania Candidates
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, the nation's leading gun violence prevention organization, along with its Pennsylvania Million Mom March chapters, today announced its support for several candidates in Pennsylvania's general election.

Resistance to sudden violence, for the preservation not only of my person, my limbs, and life, but of my property, is an indisputable right of nature which I have never surrendered to the public by the compact of society, and which perhaps, I could not surrender if I would. — JOHN ADAMS

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