Straight Talk About "Assault Weapons"– A "Survival Guide" to the Expiration of the 1994 Ban (PDF)
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Bruce W. Krafft
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Straight Talk About 'Assault Weapons'– A 'Survival Guide' to the Expiration of the 1994 Ban is 12-page PDF (Adobe Acrobat Reader required) intended for people who are 'on the fence' on the issue of the AWB... in other words, people who are generally not against gun ownership, but who 'draw the line' at these particular guns due to the fact that they have been misled on what the ban actually restricted."
"Last week, I received an e-mail from a site visitor asking, 'what sane, legitimate purpose is there in civil society for the use of assault weapons, which are designed strictly for assaulting enemy troops?'" ... |
VIN SUPRYNOWICZ: Exposing our congressional rape enablers
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John Fansler
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"In a maneuver probably designed to force Democratic rape enablers to reveal themselves, the Republican leadership of the U.S. House on Wednesday passed a measure to repeal a District of Columbia self-defense ban which (because it disarmed law-abiding victims while leaving criminals armed) had made that city the nation's murder capital."
"There's a lot of shouting about how this means the District now has no restriction on the carry of firearms, open or concealed, by law-abiding citizens, just as the Founders guaranteed."
"... Actually -- even should the Senate go along and the president sign the measure, which isn't likely this year -- all that would be re-legalized is the use of firearms for self-defense in one's home, a far cry from District residents being 'allowed' to 'keep and bear arms' without 'infringement.'" ... |
Doing Annie Oakley proud
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Bruce W. Krafft
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... "I'll let the experts explore the Freudian undertones between women and guns, but this male has identified four distinct stages, similar to those found in relationships between men and women. The first stage - fear and revulsion - is followed closely by curiosity and fascination. Third up is infatuation, the unbridled obsession with the physical and emotional exhilaration of shooting, particularly the feeling of empowerment it ignites. What I call the mature stage, the last stage, is marked by the self-confidence, freedom, security and peace of mind common to those who boldly step out of a world of fear, bogeymen, and stereotypes ruled by self-appointed guardians to create their own destiny, form their own opinions and think for themselves." ... |
Jamaica: In the cross hairs of the weapon worshippers
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Boy! Did I mash some people's corns last week!"
"As you will probably recall, last week's column discussed how the national legislators of the United States chose not to renew [the AWB]" ...
"I am sure not one of those people who fired off angry emails had ever heard of the Observer, let alone read the musings of a humble columnist every week. More likely that they had programmed their computers to roam the Internet and lock in on certain key words relating to anything smacking of limiting, controlling, or banning the private ownership of these diabolical engines of death." ... -------
In the 20th century genocidal governments killed almost 170 million of their disarmed citizens. What exactly constitutes "diabolical engines of death"? |
Austria: Rusty old gem find a new life
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A professional hunter in Southern Austria inadvertently performed the longest, most realistic, environmental test on a rifle scope in history. A Kahles (pronounced kah-less) scope, lost in the high mountain region of the Austrian Alps in the late '70s was found recently in technically perfect working condition."
"In September, 1977, on a chamois stalk, a jaegermeister (professional hunter) from Carinthia climbed to the top of 'Kometeralpe', a 2,500-meter picturesque mountain. After shooting a chamois with his Mannlicher Luxus 6.5x57 topped with a Kahles Helia 6x42 riflescope, the jaegermeister rested his firearm against a boulder and ascended to where the game was taken. ..." ... |
Canada: After third trial, jury convicts Alberta Mountie of murder in jail shooting
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"An RCMP officer convicted of manslaughter for shooting a prisoner clung to his sobbing wife outside court Thursday and maintained he had done nothing wrong."
"'I just want to say that I will be tried by God and not by man,' said Const. Mike Ferguson. 'I’m innocent.'"
"Ferguson had originally been charged with second-degree murder, but after 13 hours of deliberations the nine-woman, three-man jury found him guilty of the lesser charge." ...
"Crown prosecutor Rick Saull suggested in his final argument that Ferguson fired his gun in a fit of rage."
"He said self-defence was not a credible option because evidence indicated Varley was likely bent over, clutching his abdomen, when he was shot in the head." [emphasis added] ... |
Canada: Gun policy review likely
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The case of a veteran RCMP officer who went to jail for killing an unruly prisoner who grabbed at his gun may prompt some policy changes at the force, a Crown prosecutor said yesterday. 'Probably a good change would be that there be a very clear policy for RCMP officers when you're arresting a prisoner, to secure your weapon in a vault or something like that - for the benefit of the prisoner and the police officer,' said Rick Saull."
"He was speaking outside Court of Queen's Bench after a sentencing date was set for RCMP Const. Mike Ferguson. After two previous trials ended with deadlocked juries, a third jury found him guilty Thursday of manslaughter." ... -------
And so the spin begins. It wasn't a cop shooting someone in a fit of rage (as the jury found) it was a "policy" problem. |
UK: Stabbed Shopkeeper May Be Charged with Assault
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A shopkeeper who was stabbed by a shoplifter said today it was 'ludicrous' that he may be prosecuted for lashing out at the thief."
"Colin Moore, 32, who owns four convenience stores in Norwich, was stabbed in the back when he chased after a gang who had just robbed his shop."
"Mr Moore admits he punched one of the thieves but claims it was in self-defence."
"The knife wound was within two inches of his spinal cord and millimetres away from his kidneys."
"He was arrested and released on bail after the youth complained to police." ...
"Mr Moore, who runs the family business with his brother, said his shops have been repeatedly targeted by gangs of youths for the past two years."
"'We have had seven armed robberies, five assaults on staff and three burglaries. Each time we report it to the police but no one has ever been caught.'" -------
Fifteen felonies have been committed against this man's business. FITEEN! And the cops arrest him. |
CA: Weapons Incident Probed
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David Codrea
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"Los Angeles antiterrorism chief John Miller is not authorized to carry the handgun seized by airport officials last week from his carry-on luggage as he went through security at LAX, authorities said Friday."
"The Los Angeles Police Department has opened an investigation into the incident to determine whether a crime was committed …" ... -------
Do you think they’d have any trouble determining “whether a crime was committed” had the violator been one of We the Mere People? |
MA: Police defend delay on warning
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Boston police yesterday defended their decision to delay warning the public that a college-age woman had been kidnapped, pistol-whipped, and raped by a pair of men at gunpoint until a second, similar attack eight days after the first." ...
"At a news conference Thursday, police called the brutal attacks so distressing that they advised women to avoid walking alone anywhere in the city and at any time of day. Yesterday, a police official said the department is so concerned about the assaults that it plans to extend the hours to obtain a license to carry pepper spray so that women who work during normal business hours can apply." ... |
MA: In-Defense plans rape aggression classes
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Bruce W. Krafft
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In-Defense is holding a fall program for the R.A.D. Basic Personal Defense (Rape Aggression Defense).
This safety awareness and self-defense program for women has its foundations in education and awareness, but includes a physical training component. This program is suitable for women of all ages, abilities and fitness levels.
Classes will be held in Arlington, but are open to anyone who wishes to attend. Evening classes run for five weeks (Oct. 7, 12 and 26 and Nov. 2 and 8 from 6:15 to 9:45 p.m. (17.5 hours).
For more information, visit www.indefenseboston.org or call 781-643-7353. -------
Poster's Note: Since Mass. requires a $100 license for pepper spray and effectively bans handgun carry, courses like this offer women their least bad legal self-defense option. |
VA: Armed citizens shake up council
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Bruce W. Krafft
Website: http://home.comcast.net/~bruce.krafft/
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"It seemed simple enough. Suburban Falls Church, Va., officials recently drafted a policy that would require city workers to call 911 immediately if anyone stepped onto city property carrying a gun. Police who responded would check to see whether the gun was properly licensed and report their findings to city officials."
"With all seven council members and many residents of this little city inside the Capital Beltway firmly in the anti-gun camp, only a few officials expected any problems with the procedures."
"But if the intent was to discourage gun toting in the city, the effort has so far backfired."
"About 30 people, pistols strapped to their hips, strode into the council's meeting this week protesting the policy and warning that it violates their right to bear arms - and possibly state laws, as well." ... |
TX: Even non-Bubbas back 2nd Amendment [second letter on page]
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"After reading Mr. Allen Essex’s Sept. 16 As I See It article several times, I felt that a response was required. I couldn’t tell if Mr. Essex was trying his hand at humor, satire or perhaps it’s his idea of journalistic intelligentsia. Whatever, he missed his target."
"First, I am not a geek, a Bubba or a Skoal-dipper, nor do I have a gun rack in my pickup. I am a lifelong hunter, competitive-match shooter, retired Army airborne ranger, life member of the NRA, and a supporter of the Second Amendment." ...
"Now for a few corrections. The ban that expired on Sept. 13 was the "assault weapons" ban, not the assault rifle ban. The ban covered 19 specific weapons, including handguns and shotguns. ..." ... |
IL: Illinois capitol murder proves gun laws do not stop killers
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LFA Editor
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"Monday's brutal murder of an unarmed Illinois Capitol security officer by a shotgun-wielding killer proves that restrictive gun laws like those in the Prairie State cannot stop determined criminals, and never have, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) said today."
"'If the Draconian gun laws in Illinois worked,' said CCRKBA Executive Director Joe Waldron, 'then security guard William Wozniak would still be alive. Instead, the anti-gun philosophy has so permeated politics in Illinois that cold-blooded killers can stroll right up to the Capitol with a shotgun, while security guards are expected to perform their duty unarmed.'" ... |
OR: Portland police collect 93 guns in voluntary turn-in
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Bruce W. Krafft
Website: http://home.comcast.net/~bruce.krafft/
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Police in Portland collected 93 firearms today in a voluntary hand-in sponsored by doctors and groups opposed to gun violence.
The group Ceasefire Oregon Education Foundation says about an equal number of long-barrel and handguns were turned in.
One man turned in a Chinese SKS assault rifle, saying he feared he could not store it safely and that it might wind up in the wrong hands.
Guns turned into the program are destroyed.
The collection marks the eleventh year the group has collected guns in Portland. -------
I wonder just how many murders will remain unsolved now . . . |
CT: A Woman's Right To Bear Arms
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"In the chilly, early morning miasma, Rae Brown tries to steady the .22-caliber target rifle, butt against her shoulder, eye squinting through the scope."
"'Take a nice deep breath and hold it for a few seconds until after you've settled,' says Mary Evans, her instructor on this range."
"Brown inhales ... exhales ... steadies herself, then squeezes the trigger. With the required earplugs in place, you can't really hear the shot, but the corner of the paper target perceptibly flutters. Brown boomerangs backward ever so slightly."
"'Did I hit it?' she asks."
"Brown was one of the 17 women who participated in 'Ladies Range Day' Saturday - a day of basic gun safety and instruction at the East Windsor Sportsman's Club. ..." ... |
OR: Gun Enthusiasts Browse The Gun Show on October 2 & 3 At Josephine County Fairgrounds
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The timing of the Collectors West & Rose City Gun Collectors 2004 Gun & Knife Show couldn't be more perfect for the many gun enthusiasts and deer hunters in the Rogue Valley."
"Sunday, October 3, is the last day ... of the 2004 Gun & Knife Show being held at the Josephine County Fairgrounds... There will not be another show until December 11th and 12th at Jackson County Fairgrounds."
"According to the co-owner of Rose City Gun Collectors, whose name shall remain anonymous, this event happens somewhere in the valley on a quarterly basis and is just as much of a social event for gun enthusiasts as it is business." [emphasis added] ... -------
Freedom of association and assembly anyone? |
NH: Londonderry High officials panicked over nothing
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The official policy of Londonderry High School is to 'encourage students to express themselves' but administrators have a muddle-headed view of what is appropriate expression."
"The demeaning treatment of Lancer student Blake Douglass by Superintendent Nathan Greenberg and Principal James Elefante attests to their muddle-headedness."
"The controversy stems from a photograph of a smiling Blake leaning with his left elbow on his knee and his right hand holding the barrel of his shotgun, which is broken open at the breach and straddles his right shoulder."
"The photograph was taken professionally to depict Blake proudly expressing himself as a sportsman."
"Yet, when Blake submitted the picture for inclusion in the Londonderry High yearbook, as students routinely do, the administration went bonkers." ... |
ME: Target practice triggers gun debate in Brunswick
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A couple of times a week, Jean Murray goes into her back yard, sits down in a plastic lawn chair, and aims her .22 caliber pistol at a makeshift target several hundred feet away. Murray is often joined by her daughter, Linda Rall, and Rall's boyfriend, Windy Skillin, each using a gun to fire at the sheet metal propped up by tires, which serves as their target."
"For the 67-year-old grandmother, target practice is not just a way to relax." ...
"Her weekly target practice sessions have riled neighbors and thrust Murray into a community debate over a new weapons ordinance that would require anyone who target-practices on a regular basis to register each year with Brunswick police." ... -------
From an order in Nazi occupied Belgrade, Yugoslavia: "All Jews must register with the city police on April 19 [1941] by 8:00 a.m. ..." |
SD: Attorney General says gun in car doesn't require permit
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Rep. Larry Rhoden, R-Union Center, is hailing an attorney general's ruling that South Dakotans do not need a permit to carry a loaded handgun in a vehicle as long as the gun isn't completely hidden from view."
"Attorney General Larry Long, in an opinion issued last month, said a series of legislative amendments indicated that the Legislature 'did not intend to require a license or a permit to carry a handgun in a vehicle if any part of the firearm is capable of being seen.' Long said a permit is not required unless the handgun is 'truly concealed' in a vehicle."
"... An article in the [South Dakota Gun Owners] group's newsletter quoted Capt. Bill Armstrong of Pennington County Sheriff's Office, who said that if a handgun is inside a vehicle, it is considered concealed." ... |
NY: Barbaro takes aim at Fossella over handguns
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"Democratic congressional candidate Frank Barbaro yesterday sharply criticized Rep. Vito Fossella for his vote to allow more handguns in Washington, D.C."
"'I am shocked and outraged,' said Barbaro. 'Congressman Fossella voted for a bill that would put guns in the hands of cop-killers and criminals.'" ... -------
KABA Note: Oh, you mean current laws are keeping guns out of the hands of "cop-killers and criminals"? |
MT: Aiming to educate: Instructor stresses safety, proper use of force
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The handguns cracked in sequence along the firing line as Pat Goodale tapped each shooter on the back. On cue from the firearms instructor, each let loose a rapid two- or three-shot volley from a handgun held firmly at the hip."
"Cary Allen felt a muzzle blast hit her face as the man standing next to her fired. It was too much for the 28-year-old Billings woman; she stepped back and off the line."
"After a few minutes, Allen gathered her nerves and rejoined the other six shooters. With some encouragement and instruction from Goodale, Allen was back to shooting her borrowed 9mm Glock semiautomatic."
"Four hours and 300 rounds later, Allen was ready to go shopping for a Glock of her own." ... |
IN: Learning How to Protect Yourself from Rape
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"With an alleged rapist still on the loose in Evansville, and a rape just the weekend before that incident, a rape prevention class could keep you from becoming a victim."
"A free rape prevention class was offered Saturday in Evansville at the Salvation Army, and organizers hope to start having them more often."
"Organizers say they were happy with the turnout of about twenty women."
"With one out of every six American women being victims of rape, organizers say helping even one person is worth their time."
"Organizers said that since most rapes happen within just a couple hundred yards of safety, self-defense is the key strategy in the event of an attack." ... -------
And the best self-defense tool is a gun, so get armed! |
VA: Congressman Schrock Supports Second Amendment Rights For D.C. Residents
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Today, Congressman Ed Schrock (R-VA) voted in favor of restoring Second Amendment rights to residents in the District of Columbia. H. R. 3193, the District of Columbia Personal Protection Act passed the house by a vote of 250-171."
"'The District of Columbia has the most restrictive gun laws in our nation. Yet, at the same time, DC holds the title of 'Murder Capital of the United States' for fourteen out of the last fifteen years. Prosecuting criminals should be the focus of DC law enforcement, not preventing law abiding citizens from owning hunting rifles,' states Schrock."
"H.R. 3193 restores Second Amendment rights to Washington, D.C. residents by ending firearms registration requirements, allowing ownership of handguns, and allowing people to use firearms to defend themselves in their own homes. ..." ... |
ND: Governor candidates vie for hunters' support
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"It's hunting season in North Dakota, including for two candidates for governor who are out to bag the votes of sportsmen."
"While Republican incumbent Gov. John Hoeven basked in the National Rifle Association's endorsement Wednesday, opponent Joe Satrom has been running 60-second radio commercials in eastern North Dakota blasting the governor's record on hunting issues."
"Satrom doesn't mention groups, but his message is clearly inspired by the North Dakota hunting organizations that last spring announced they were endorsing him. Satrom's campaign is paying for the making and airing of the spot." ... -------
Poster's Note: The Second Amendment is not about hunting! |
New Zealand: Children play with guns at Auckland show
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Family advocates are alarmed that children were playing with firearms at a gun show in Auckland yesterday."
"Organisers of this weekend's 15th Auckland Arms Fair say tight security from stallholders ensures children are not able to handle weapons at the event."
"But a Sunday Star-Times photographer saw several pre-teens handling weapons including a World War II assault rifle at a stall supervised for some time by a young girl."
"Children's commissioner Cindy Kiro said exposing children to handguns and assault weapons was inappropriate. 'Any situation where you're glamorising guns is totally undesirable,' she said. 'I don't understand why we would want to encourage children's interest in those weapons.'" ... -------
We want to encourage children's interest in weapons so that they become well-rounded, non-phobic adults and productive members of society. As for "glamorising guns", how is showing them what they are really like "glamorising" them? |
India: Big guns for big boys
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"After calling for ‘big guns for the big boys’, some senior army officers involved with the NCC, an organisation of 1.3 million young men and women, are worrying about the induction of the 7.62 mm self-loading rifle, till recently used by the Army."
"The 7.62 mm rifle was the mainstay of the army jawan till the new 5.56 mm INSAS rifle arrived and the NCC called for this weapon — about 80,000 of them — for its cadets. About 20,000 are to be used for drill, and these weapons cannot be fired, but the rest are for firing practice."
"Now that a few thousand have arrived, NCC officers are worrying about the validity of asking for the 7.62 mm."
"In the past, members of the NCC’s senior division ... used the .22 rifle. ..." ... |
Malaysia: Robbers unable to crack gems showcase
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Three armed and masked robbers walked into a jewellery shop planning to make off with a bundle but ended up getting cold feet and left empty-handed."
"The trio had entered the shop ... and confronted a woman worker there."
"Instead of making a quick heist, they had trouble breaking open the showcase." ...
"Nervous over the number of people gathering outside the shop, the men fled ..."
"The 48-year-old shop owner, who declined to be named, said he suspected something was amiss when he spotted a car with three masked men stopping in front of his shop."
"'One of them was armed with a pistol while the other two had a knife each,' he said." ... -------
But guns are banned in Malaysia! |
Jamaica: Police report 11 violent deaths, six guns, ammo seized
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Eleven violent deaths between Friday afternoon and yesterday morning kept police across the island busy. At the same time, the cops took six illegal guns, ammunition and a Molotov cocktail bomb off the streets and shot and injured two persons." ...
"On Friday, the man known only as 'Sheldon' was shot by a group of rifle-toting men at a yard on Mark Lane. ..." ...
"Meanwhile, the South St Andrew police reported the recovery of a submachine gun, a .38 revolver, a Smith and Wesson pistol with two magazines, a homemade shotgun, a Molotov cocktail bomb, three 12 gauge cartridges, 10 9mm and six .380 rounds of ammunition during an operation in Brown's Land at about 4:30 yesterday morning." ... |
UK: Gun drama at city club
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"POLICE were called to Time nightclub in Norwich after a customer was spotted with a gun."
"The man entered the popular Riverside nightspot shortly before midnight last night."
"He was later involved in a minor scuffle with another drinker and was therefore made to leave by the club's door staff."
"As he was being escorted out one of the doormen realised the customer was armed with what appeared to be a pistol."
"Police were called and the man was taken to another room, separate from the club's 1,700 revellers."
"It later emerged the gun was loaded with blanks." ...
"The [club] spokeswoman added: ... 'The management have praised the door staff for their quick-thinking. Had it not been for them it could have been a serious situation.'" ... |
Haiti: Gunfire erupts in Haitian slum as unrest continues after days of political clashes
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Gunfire erupted in a slum teeming with loyalists of ousted President Jean-Bertrand Aristide on Sunday, sending people scattering through trash-strewn streets following days of political clashes that have left at least 14 dead."
"Residents said men fired into the air, stole food from market vendors and burned tires in the streets in the slum of La Saline."
"The unrest came a day after police arrested Haiti's Senate president and two other pro-Aristide politicians following a six-hour standoff in a radio station. Justice Minister Bernard Gousse told reporters the three were suspected of being 'intellectual authors' of the violence that erupted Thursday during demonstrations demanding Aristide's return." ... |
MS: Rebel Rifle Team Takes Second In Ole Miss Fall Invitational
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The five-day Ole Miss Fall Rifle Invitational wrapped up over the weekend as Birmingham Southern, Mercer and several junior teams visited the brand new Patricia C. Lamar National Guard Readiness Center. The Rebels ended up in second overall with an aggregate score of 4593. The total included a second-place effort in smallbore (2287) and third-place finish in air rifle (2306)."
"Sophomore Jennifer Lorenzen, who fired all of her rounds last weekend, hung on for second in smallbore (582) and third in air rifle (586). Junior Megan Sandage and freshman Casey Phillips also cracked the top 10 of the final smallbore standings. Sandage managed a 572 to place seventh, while Phillips turned in a 571 to finish 10th." ... |
NV: Nevada Beats USF, Improves To 2-0
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The University of Nevada moved to 2-0 with a 1536 to 1393 win over San Francisco here Saturday in collegiate air rifle. Five-time All-American Ryan Tanoue led the Pack with a 393 and younger brother Michael Tanoue shot 389. Lee Lemenager shot 381 and Eric Okamoto shot 373 for the Blue team in easily beating the USF Gold squad."
"Nevada's Silver team competed against USF Green in an exhibition and won easily, as well, 1494 to 1457. Dawn Tarbet shot 383 for Nevada and Meghann Morrill shot 381, Corrie Holmes 365 and Candy Noel 365 to lead Nevada."
"Nevada next plays at TCU, October 8-10, in a three-day dual meet in Fort Worth, Texas." ... |