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Newslinks for 10/4/2006

Pa. Gov. Rendell Admits Gun Laws Could Not Prevent School Shooting (CCRKBA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a remarkable moment of candor, Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell today acknowledged what the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms has been saying for years: Stronger gun laws could not have prevented the horrible shooting yesterday at the Amish school in Lancaster County."

"Rendell, a staunch gun control advocate, admitted, 'I believe with all my heart that we need more gun control' during a live press conference. But he also acknowledged that tougher gun laws would not have prevented gunman Charles Carl Roberts IV from carrying out his deadly attack, noting, 'You can make all the changes you want, but you can never stop a random act of violence by someone intent on taking his own life.'" ...

Anti-Gunners Fabricate Studies To Support Their Philosophy
Submitted by: NYSRPA

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"There is an old saying that 'figures don’t lie, but liars can figure.'"

"No better proofs of this saying can be found than the literature conjured up in what purport to be anti-gun think tanks or among academics who share the anti-gunners philosophy. The Brady Campaign and the Violence Policy Center are always touting studies or reports, usually funded by those groups or the same foundations that underwrite most of the anti-gun camp." ...

Gun Nuts - Can Bloomberg’s firearms initiatives hit their target? Turf wars, slander suits bedevil crusade
Submitted by: NYSRPA

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"Mayor Bloomberg's high-profile campaign to keep illegal guns out of the city is drawing return fire. Earlier this year, he dispatched teams of private eyes to collect evidence against what he called 'the worst of the worst' of small-time gun dealers in states like Georgia, South Carolina, and Ohio. In the process, he has set off a turf war with the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, which normally handles the interstate gun beat. And some criminal charges Bloomberg initiated against New York gun dealers are mired in the courts." ...

AL: Elderly Man Kills Attacker
Submitted by: clel adams

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Police say a 34-year-old Montgomery man was shot and killed when he allegedly attacked a 72-year-old man Friday night in west Montgomery.

Captain Huey Thornton, a police spokesman, said Jack Sanchez was pronounced dead around 10 p-m. Thornton said the shooting occurred after Sanchez kicked the man's truck as he drove by. He said when the older man got out to inspect his vehicle, Sanchez attacked him.

Police did not release the shooter's name because he was not arrested.

Thornton said the case will be sent to a grand jury to determine if any charges are warranted.

Three School Shootings
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"No one will rise up to defend a man who walks into an Amish school, lines young girls up against a blackboard ... and then kills them before killing himself. But a surprising number of people will inevitably rise up to defend his guns, to call the man guilty but his weapons innocent." ...

"... There are no simple solutions to this conflict. It is neither possible nor tolerable to secure every school or guard every child. Nor is it possible or politically tolerable to keep tabs on every gun. But in these killings we see an open society threatened by the ubiquity of its weapons, in which one kind of freedom is allowed to trump all others. Most gun owners are respectable, law-abiding citizens. But that is no reason to acquit the guns." ...

Rosie O’Donnell: The Second Amendment is 'Not Really a Right'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Well known liberal Rosie O'Donnell used the shooting at an Amish school in Pennsylvania as a springboard to promote gun control. O'Donnell, who famously sparred with Tom Selleck, stated on Tuesday's edition of ABC's 'The View' that the event should spur tighter restrictions:"

"O'Donnell: 'I think the horror of imagining six to thirteen-year-old girls handcuffed together and shot execution style, one by one, is perhaps enough to awaken the nation that maybe we need some stricter gun control laws.'"

"This quickly led to an exchange with the program’s token conservative, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, in which O'Donnell asserted that there is no right to own a gun:" ...

Gun Control Group Urges Americans to 'Ask More Questions'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The recent spate of school shootings is fodder for gun control groups. Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said on Monday it is 'too easy' for children, teens, troubled adults, criminals and terrorists to get firearms in this country." ...

""Incidents like this happen all too often ...' Helmke said on Monday. 'We know all too well that there are reasons why we have the levels of gun violence that we have in this country.'"

"Helmke said Americans 'need to ask more questions' of elected officials at all levels of government: 'Americans need to ask why there is so much gun violence. Ask where the guns are coming from. Ask why laws to restrict access to guns are being weakened, not strengthened.'" ...

Eroding civil rights killing us
Submitted by: NYSRPA

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"For years, Charlton Heston was the voice of the National Rifle Association." ...

"He said that if gun control advocate and presidential candidate Al Gore wanted Heston's gun, he would have to, 'pry it from my cold, dead hands.'" ...

"Not long after, they attributed his comments to the early stages of the Alzheimer's Disease that progressed rapidly and which, his family has said, could take Heston's life before the end of 2006."

"But why, I'm asking myself, am I dragging this tired old story out? ..."

"Well, the reason I'm revisiting the story is simple. The NRA is now in the process of hiring Tom Selleck as their official voice. So I have a question to ask. What is this thing the NRA has for hack actors?" ...

Too Many Guns in America Wreak Havoc as School Shootings Claim Lives Across Country, Groups Say
Submitted by: NYSRPA

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"In a spate of school shootings gripping the country, innocent students have been swept up in a tidal wave of violence in the last week." ...

"'Our thoughts and prayers go out to all of the victims and families who were affected by the rash of shootings.' said Thom Mannard, executive director of the Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence and a spokesman for the Freedom States Alliance. ..."

"'The common denominator in all these horrific school violence incidents was the use of guns to kill innocent people,' Mannard stated. ..." ...

Statement of Brady Campaign's Paul Helmke on White House Meeting on School Gun Violence
Submitted by: NYSRPA

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"'I was pleased that President Bush wishes to assemble a conference to study the issues surrounding school gun violence in America. As I said earlier in response to these terrible shootings our nation has witnessed in recent days, it is past time for us to have a national conversation about gun violence in America.'"

"'The gun violence prevention community is composed of passionate volunteers and survivors of gun violence who have a great deal of wisdom to offer on this subject. We have long worked closely with the parents of young people who have been killed or injured, with educators who have to cope with the aftermath and with law enforcement professionals who have experience in this area.'" ...

NY: Police Officials Point to Evidence Of Success Against Illegal Guns
Submitted by: NYSRPA

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"The police department's push against illegal guns has turned up valuable evidence about the flow of weapons and led to an increase in confiscations versus a year ago, officials said yesterday."

"In April, the police formed a new detective unit, the Gun Enhancement Unit, which interviews every suspect arrested for possession of a gun in the city. After becoming fully operational on July 1, the unit has interviewed more than 1,100 suspects, leading to 220 pieces of intelligence that resulted in a new investigation or assisted an ongoing investigation, according to police data." ...

PA: Can they dismiss this one?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"AS LAWMAKERS meet in the Capitol today for Day 3 of an unusual session on violent crime, perhaps yesterday's schoolhouse slaughter in nearby Lancaster County will help make deliberations a little more serious."

"I say that only because it won't change prevailing pro-gun attitudes."

"NRA member Rep. Katie True ... for example, tells me, 'As far as the gun issue is concerned, it's not going to make a difference... [the shooter] was deranged; the man wanted to commit suicide. I don't know what to do about that.'"

"She adds that Lancaster County lawmakers are 'pretty big on Second-Amendment rights.' So is most of the Legislature."

"But maybe, just maybe, yesterday's shootings will help push pols beyond just politics ..." ...

PA: Tragedy revives debate over gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Bills proposing tougher gun legislation were shot down last week in Harrisburg, but the Amish school house massacre in Lancaster County had some politicians fighting for change with renewed vigor on Monday."

"State Rep. Thaddeus Kirkland, D-159 of Chester, issued a prepared statement Monday saying, 'Now is the time to pass more stringent gun legislation.'"

"State Rep. Mario Civera Jr., R-164 of Upper Darby, said he has sided with Kirkland on the issue. Civera said he supports proposed legislation limiting residents to one gun purchase per month, and promised to never waver on his stance." ...

Submitter's Note: Dancing in the blood of slain innocents is despicable, no matter how 'pure' your motives.

WI: Can't separate school shooting from U.S.' gun culture
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dear Editor: What happened in Cazenovia last Friday is extremely troubling. However, I missed one important point in your reporting. Such events become so tragic because it is much too easy to obtain firearms. Canadians have as many weapons per person as Americans, yet these tragic events do not occur as often there." ...

"And evoking the Second Amendment? Consider this: How many armed uprisings against governments in industrialized countries have been successful?" ...

Submitter's Note: The American Revolution for starters.

WI: Naive regulations welcome violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "It would be an understatement to call Wisconsin’s gun laws 'lenient.' The State of Wisconsin does not require a permit or a license to purchase a gun. In fact, the only time that an interested gun shopper need bother with Johnny Law is if he or she buys a firearm from a federally licensed salesman. ... However, an informed buyer knows that the easiest way to acquire any sort of gun, be it a shotgun, handgun, rifle or assault rifle, is to attend the nearest gun show. Gun shows function on what is deemed a 'cash-and-carry' policy, basically meaning if you have the money, you can get the guns. Gun shows require no form of permit or license, and are convenient for the sadistically insane, as salesmen operating at gun shows do not need to perform a background check of the buyer. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: You can e-mail Mr. Schlusselberg at, Please remember to be polite when correcting his glaring errors; no need to give him fodder for an anti-gun-owner rant.

CT: School Board Backs Security Increase
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a unanimous vote, the school board on Monday approved the hiring of two additional security guards for New Britain High School and the purchase of six more metal detecting wands."

"The vote came after the Rev. Alfred Smith, pastor of St. James Baptist Church and the father of four children who attend the high school, presented board members with petitions calling for more metal detectors at the school. The petitions bore 1,039 signatures."

"Smith and others have been pressuring school officials to strengthen security at the high school since the Sept. 1 arrest of a 16-year-old student who allegedly had a .25-caliber pistol in his pocket and threatened to "snuff" security guards." ...

NV: Expelled Boy Shows Up at School Armed, Then Flees
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 15-year-old boy who had been expelled from his high school returned to the grounds there Monday morning with an automatic pistol and an AK-47 assault rifle, but fled when he was recognized and remained at large, the police said."

"The youth ... did not fire the weapons and apparently did not threaten anyone, the police said, but four public schools were locked down throughout the morning as the neighborhood around the high school was searched."

"The youth was expelled from the school, Mojave High, in the last academic year, though it is not clear why. The authorities were waiting for him there Monday morning, having received a tip from a student, said Sgt. Phil Gervasi of the Clark County school district police." ...

IL: Is it time to arm our rural schools?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"You see them in airports."

"You see them in hospitals. And bank lobbies. And office buildings."

"But outside inner cities, you don't often see armed security guards in the places where it's becoming frighteningly apparent we may need them the most."

"Our schools."

"Has the time come for that to change?" ...

"Now, we've known since the Columbine tragedy of 1999, of course, that our nation's schools are incredibly vulnerable to violent attacks. But in the seven years since that Colorado rampage it appears the steps taken to cure our Achilles heels have fallen woefully short." ...

IL: 'Top Cop' Takes Aim At Offending Officers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police Superintendent Phil Cline is moving to fire six officers for alleged offenses including steroid use, a hit-and-run, pistol-whipping a man, leaking information in a drug probe and threatening other officers, according to papers released Monday."

"The Police Board made the administrative charges public after the Sun-Times filed Freedom of Information requests. The charges were filed in August and earlier this month." ...

KY: Former Clark deputy pleads not guilty to drug charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Clark County deputy sheriff pleaded not guilty Tuesday to federal drug-trafficking charges."

"Brad Myers, 25, appeared in U.S. District Court ..."

"Myers ... was arrested last week after a federal grand jury indicted him on two counts of distributing Lortab pills and two counts of carrying a .40-caliber Glock semiautomatic pistol during drug trafficking."

"U.S. District Court Judge Joseph Hood scheduled a Dec. 5 trial date. Assistant U.S. Attorney Hydee Hawkins estimated that the trial will take two days."

"Myers, who is free on his own recognizance, must stay with his parents as part of a conditional pretrial release. He was fired from the Clark County Sheriff's Department after his arrest."

IL: Acquitted in gun attack, cop faces firing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Chicago police detective who was acquitted by a judge on charges she pistol-whipped a man and then shot out the back window of his car now faces being fired by Supt. Philip Cline over the incident." ...

"But Cline filed charges with the Police Board last month, charging that Capers did strike the man in the head with her gun and then did shoot at his car as he fled. The police charges also allege several missteps in Capers' telling her bosses about the case." ...

"The gun, which was not her service weapon, was not properly registered ..."

"She fired the gun during the incident but did not file a mandatory report on discharging her weapon, and she left the scene before other police responded ..."

TX: Judge won't dismiss suit in deputy shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Harris County medical examiner testified that sheriff's officials routinely ignored evidence of misconduct by deputies involved in shootings, according to an order by a Houston federal judge."

"U.S. District Judge Nancy Atlas cited the testimony in an order Thursday, denying the county's request that she throw out a lawsuit by the family of Hiji Harrison, whom a deputy shot to death during a traffic stop in 2004."

"Citing a deposition given in June by former county Medical Examiner Joye Carter, Atlas wrote: 'Dr. Carter testified that the (Sheriff's Department's) practice of ignoring evidence that incriminated officers involved in shootings was uniform, pervasive and widespread.'" ...

NY: Flaming Leaves skeet shoot held in Plattsburgh
Submitted by: NYSRPA

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"Skeet shooters from all parts of the Northeast and Canada took part in the Plattsburgh Distributing and Budweiser Adirondack Flaming Leaves NSSA skeet shoot held at the Plattsburgh Rod & Gun Club."

"Under less then ideal weather conditions, 18,000 clay targets were thrown over three days with Quebec shooter Marc-Andre Jodoin winning the overall four gun championship title, beating out Vermont shooter Dean King by four targets." ...

NM: Gun-friendly guv gains NRA approval
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association official wasn't sure he correctly heard the reporter's question over the clatter of gunshots from the firing line."

"'You said the NRA is a traditionally left-wing organization?' Dwight Van Horn said, incredulously repeating the question."

"The gun rights group - traditionally not a left-wing organization, to answer the question - lent its endorsement Monday to Gov. Bill Richardson, a Democrat."

"For governor."

"Richardson may not need the boost, as he is well ahead of GOP challenger John Dendahl in polls and campaign financing."

"But as he mulls a run for president, Richardson's history of close relations with the NRA could set him apart from other Democrats seeking the party's bid." ...

NE: Nebraska Game and Parks: Rifle Sight-in Locations for 2006
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hunters who need a place to sight-in their rifles prior to this year’s firearm deer and other hunting seasons have a number of locations across the state available to them. These ranges are affiliated with the Nebraska Shooting Sports Association. All ranges should have toilet facilities, however, the shooter should assume all are primitive ─ no water, electricity or telephone. Fees are charged at some ranges." ...

AZ: Ashton Kutcher and Demi Pack Heat
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ashton Kutcher is everywhere. The Hollywood actor has the number one and number two hits at the box office and in a recent interview not only spilled about Bill Clinton, but noted that he and Demi pack heat."

"Lisa Timmons writes from a Socialite's Life, 'When they exchanged nuptial vows, Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore decided that more than a ring, an even better token of their undying affection would be firearms.'" ...

Canada: Government declares gun amnesty
Submitted by: NYSRPA

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"Unwanted guns now have a place to go thanks to the gun amnesty declared by the Alberta government. During October, citizens are encouraged to turn in their unregistered firearms and they will not face any consequences."

"'I've met quite a number of people who say they have old gun they don’t know what to do with,' says Hector Goudreau, MLA for the Dunvegan-Peace. 'They might not have bothered to register it and this provides amnesty to turn in those guns and have them destroyed or moved out of the residence.'"

"While Goudreau says it’s hard to predict just how many weapons will be turned in, he says the potential numbers are quite high." ...

Australia: Handguns available in Australia
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The type of weapon used in a multiple shooting in the US is in widespread use in Australia, the National Coalition for Gun Control (NCGC) says."

"A gunman burst into an Amish school in rural Pennsylvania, shooting dead three girls before killing himself."

"CNN reported that a fourth girl later died of her injuries."

"The incident is the latest in a string of similar shootings in the US and Canada."

"The NCGC said the type of gun used - a semi-automatic handgun - was available in Australia and should be banned."

"Sam Lee, chair of the NCGC, said all semi-automatic guns should be banned in Australia." ...

Canada: Dawson College forms gun control coalition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Students and teachers at Dawson College have come together to demand stronger national gun laws, in the wake of the deadly Sept. 13 shooting at the school that killed one student and injured 19." ...

"Members of the newly formed Dawson College gun control coalition say the shooting shook many Quebecers out of complacency regarding gun laws, and has fostered a vigorous debate about firearms legislation." ...

"'In the immediate future,' Hlywa said, 'I think there is a threat to our security and safety. For many individuals, the first question is: 'How was it possible for someone like Kimveer to carry a semi-automatic military assault rifle and use it freely?'" ...

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. — C. S. LEWIS

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