Can DOJ eliminate ATF?
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David Codrea
Website: http://www.davidcodrea.com
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"But no sourced information has been received by this correspondent regarding outright elimination of the Bureau. And while others report they have received such information, there is one other important consideration that must be factored in:
"Appropriations language."
Growing Trend: Allowing Guns on Campus
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Officials at the Oregon public university system are scrambling to figure out how to limit guns on their campuses following a court ruling that overturned a long standing ban on guns -- the latest state to allow weapons on campus. The Oregon Court of Appeals ruled last week that concealed weapons permit holders can bring their guns anywhere on public university campuses. While officials mull an appeal, they are looking into ways around the ban, such as prohibiting guns in dorm rooms and the football stadium. |
OH: Is Ohio’s New “Guns-in-Bars” Law a Smart Move?
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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People may find more than just good food and drinks in their next trip to a local bar or restaurant in Ohio. Other patrons could be concealing their registered firearms thanks to a new state law.
On September 30, the state of Ohio joined 44 other states that allow customers to carry guns in locations that serve beer, wine and liquor. Restaurants, bars, and stadiums are included in the list of locations. The catch is that persons carrying guns into these establishments must have a concealed-carry permit. Of course, they can’t drink alcohol while on premises, either. |
NV: New Gun Rights Group Intends to Actively Lobby Legislature
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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The National Rifle Association (NRA) this month formally approved the Nevada Firearms Coalition (NFC) as its new, officially sanctioned state association in Nevada.
The group is a registered nonprofit Nevada corporation and according to its website is dedicated “to the ownership and safe use of firearms for self-defense, competition, recreation and hunting.”
The NRA says it is pleased to again have an active membership association in Nevada. |
MO: Cape County prosecutor talks about self-defense laws for Missouri property owners
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Mark A. Taff
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If social unrest similar to August's London riots occurred in Missouri, there would have been more deaths and it would have been more difficult to successfully prosecute the rioters, Cape Girardeau County Prosecuting Attorney Morley Swingle told members of the Cape Girardeau Rotary Club on Monday.
Swingle was invited to speak about the rights of Missouri business owners and residents to protect their property during mayhem and riots.
Under a 2007 statute known as Missouri's Castle Law, home or business owners may use deadly force if they reasonably believe someone is trying to commit a burglary or arson, Swingle said. |
WI: Soon-to-be Conceal Carry Law Triggers Historic Discussion
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Mark A. Taff
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Wisconsin will take a step away from its decades long tradition of criminalizing anyone carrying a weapon starting Nov. 1 as the carry conceal legislation goes into effect.
Under previous Wisconsin law, in place since the 1960s, it was a crime for anyone other than a peace officer to go armed with a "concealed and dangerous weapon." Anyone found guilty of that crime faced a misdemeanor, punishable by up to 9 months in jail. |
WA: Gun club trial to resume Thursday
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Mark A. Taff
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The court trial involving the Kitsap Rifle and Revolver Club will move into its third day on Thursday, when Kitsap County deputy prosecutor Neil Wachter is scheduled to call more witnesses to support the county's case.
The county is seeking to have the gun club's shooting range on Seabeck Highway declared a nuisance because of noise and risks to neighbors. |
FL: Florida Carry Sues Over University Parking Lot Gun Ban
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Mark A. Taff
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Florida Carry, Inc. has today filed a lawsuit against the University of North Florida (UNF), seeking a permanent injunction from enforcing its unlawful ban on firearms and weapons and a court order to repeal their unlawful regulations, remove all preempted signs.
Also that UNF pay fines, costs, attorney’s fees, and damages. Since 1987 the Florida Legislature has preempted firearms law and issued statewide licenses to carry for self-defense. |
AL: Shooter may have been acting in self-defense
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Mark A. Taff
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The 54-year-old who was killed had attacked his two roommates with a wrench at their home on Fosters Ferry Road around 8 a.m., said Tuscaloosa County Metro Homicide Unit Capt. Loyd Baker.
A 58-year-old roommate told investigators that he fired the shots in self-defense. A 68-year-old roommate received a head wound from the wrench attack and was being treated Monday at DCH Regional Medical Center. |
VA: BOV ban on firearms is a loaded issue
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Mark A. Taff
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I strongly support the individual right to bear arms guaranteed by the Second Amendment of the Constitution, and I believe that law-abiding citizens should have the ability to purchase firearms for defense or recreation. However, I feel that firearms should not be allowed in certain places, and a building on a university campus such as the College of William and Mary is one of them. |
Gun control: Supreme Court refuses to hear landmark case
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Mark A. Taff
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The US Supreme Court on Monday turned down the appeal of a Maryland man who said the state’s restrictive gun-permit law violated his constitutional right to carry a firearm in public for self defense.
The case, Williams v. Maryland, was being closely followed because it might have set the stage for another potential landmark Second Amendment decision by the high court.
The justices did not explain why they rejected the appeal, but the action does not end the possibility of a gun-rights case reaching the court this term. The Supreme Court is awaiting briefs in at least one other gun case, and several other Second Amendment cases are working their way to the Supreme Court.
Ed.: SAF's MD carry case is Woolard v. Sheridan |
HI: Debunking Gun Control Propaganda
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Mark A. Taff
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With the lawsuit against the state of Hawaii’s infringement of 2nd Amendment rights moving forward, the issue of concealed carry is getting some air time in various news outlets around the state, and the usual suspects’ anti-CCW propaganda is being re-hashed.
One of the worst propaganda machines is the Violence Policy Center (VPC), a national anti-CCW lobbying group. The VPC, among other propaganda pieces, keeps a running tally of fatal shootings by “Concealed Carry Killers”. |
Hot New Campus Accessory: Guns
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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Inside Higher Ed has an overview today of the rapidly expanding field of States Where Crazies Have Somehow Made It Legal to Carry Guns on Campus-ology. I mean, sure, we expect this stuff from Arizona. And Texas. But Oregon and Wisconsin, allowing concealed guns on campus? Believe it, thanks to conservative legislators and lawsuits from gun nuts! Thank god that your children will now be safe. |
KY: Join Us At 2nd Annual Open Carry Kentucky Gun Rights Rally
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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Oath Keepers Founder Stewart Rhodes and Sheriff Richard Mack (who is on our National Board of Directors) will both be speaking at this open carry event at the Kentucky State Capitol, in Frankfort this next Saturday, October 8, 2011.
This march is organized by Oath Keepers founding member Rex Bartley, who also organized last year’s march. This is an important event. So far as we know, this is the only open carry rally (including open carry of rifles) at a state capitol. Please turn out to stand with the strong patriots of Kentucky as they exercise their right to bear arms. |
Mike Vanderboegh & David Codrea Awarded JPFO’s David and Goliath Award 2011
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Mark A. Taff
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David Codrea of “Gun Rights Examiner” and Mike Vanderboegh of “Sipsey Street Irregulars“ (both unwavering pro Second Amendment writers with blog sites) have performed a service to America that is far from being fully weighed.
These two “everyday” Americans researched and broke the story about what may likely end up being the most despicable criminal scandal in modern American political history. We’re talking about the blood drenched BATFE debacle called “Fast and Furious”. And it’s not just BATFE involved. Homeland Security is in it up to the armpits. The FBI is in it up to its neck. |
MT: Montana objects to gun ban for medical pot users
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Mark A. Taff
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A federal ban on selling guns or ammunition to medical marijuana users raises constitutional concerns and complicates matters for states where medical use of the drug is legal, Montana's attorney general said Monday.
Steve Bullock wrote U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder a letter in which he says the federal government should act carefully "when its laws and policies involve conflicts with those of the states." |
Charter Arms Bulldog
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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The .44 Special revolver has always been one of those great guns for which I have held a special affinity. It is a relatively mild shooting cartridge that throws a big chunk of lead downrange. Plus it is easy to handload hotter rounds if you so desire. |