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Newslinks for 10/4/2012

Fast & Furious now officially a campaign issue
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Operation Fast and Furious has officially been elevated to the status of 'campaign issue,' courtesy of a new fund-raising solicitation mailed by Republican vice presidential hopeful Paul Ryan, just as Barack Obama and Mitt Romney prepare to square off Wednesday evening."

"Partisans on both sides in Washington State will be glued to their flat screen televisions, same as they were for Tuesday night's gubernatorial debate on KCTS. The Seattle Times also notes that Michelle Obama blew through town Tuesday, picking up more money from a state Democrats take for granted, which a growing number of people living outside the I-5 corridor find insulting." ...

MikeB is Wrong. Again. Still.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, 'You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.' I’ve applied this admonition to anti-gun advocates many times over the years; lobbyists who are to spin, obfuscation, distortion and outright fabrication what Fillippa Hamilton is to glowering. This time it’s TTAG’s resident anti Mikeb302000 who’s ignoring reality and, how do I put this delicately, making shit up. His latest rectally extracted “fact” arrived as a comment on David Liberman’s DGU Week In Review posted last Saturday . . ." ...

VA Tech professor touts radical new advance in weapons technology
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The self-described 'progressive' Democracy Now! news program recently interviewed Virginia Tech professor Nikki Giovanni, who taught a class in which VA Tech mass murderer [redacted] was (briefly) a student, before she demanded that he leave the class. In the interview, Professor Giovanni advanced some rather startling notions about guns:"

"I think that guns are not one of our good ideas. I read the Constitution, and I didn’t see anything that said that any fool that wants a gun should have one. What did I miss?" ...

Bullets and ballots
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Both sides of the Second Amendment debate are taking action in advance of the November election. The gun grabbers want to get as much of their agenda done while President Obama is still in office. The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, a group that never lets a tragedy go to waste, stooped low to influence Wednesday’s presidential debate."

"The group lined up relatives of some of those killed in the Aurora, Colo., theater shooting to pen a letter on Monday that appealed to debate moderator Jim Lehrer to ask the candidates a loaded question." ...

Demand a Plan to End Gun Violence? Here It Is.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the run-up to the presidential debates, gun control advocates are agitating like a Kenmore washing machine. In particular, the Mayors Against Illegal Guns are using Aurora Midnight Movie Massacre survivor Stephen Barton’s neck wounds (above) to 'demand a plan.' The 30-second spot has done its job: stimulating mainstream media 'debate.' But what, exactly, is their plan to 'end gun violence'? The website attached to the ad doesn’t say. In fact . . ." ...

Indian Country and the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "It is the sovereign right of tribes to control the hunting and fishing rights of its membership, as well as tribal members’ right to bear arms, on their reservation lands. Today, many tribal governments simply assume the gun laws of surrounding jurisdictions. In these uncertain times, tribes should consider visiting the gun issue, to enforce tribal hunting and fishing rights under treaty law. Tribes could also flex their sovereignty muscles by taking a leadership role in applying guns laws that may enable them to better protect and serve their membership, especially on reservations where crime is rampant." ...

Gear Review: Primary Arms 4-14X44 Mil Dot FFP Scope
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last week, I was suddenly and mercilessly bitten by the bug to have a mil dot scope. I had experienced such joy on the firing line with the McMillan CS5 and its Nightforce scope that made range estimation and holds so easy that I just had to get that ability for one of my own rifles. But as I sat there on my couch, Pop Tart in hand, I came to the realization that all of the good scopes with mil dots were WAY outside my price range. At that moment something I said to Chris Dumm popped into my head and led me to eventually place an order — 'when in doubt, Primary Arms' . . ." ...

Gun Review: Kel-Tec P3AT (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Before Kel-Tec began operations in 1991, there were compact pistols. Most were made of steel. The really small variety typically fired .25 ACP, a round that has never been touted for its stopping power. If you wanted more punch, you could opt for a slightly bigger, heavier gun. Or a revolver. It wasn't perfect. We made do with what we had."

"And then came Kel-Tec. ..." ...

All gun owners aren't created equal, nor should they be treated equally
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"America is losing the domestic war on guns."

"Good. It is a non-winnable war."

"Perhaps that makes us all safer in the long run. Our guns – lots of them -- are what protect us from our neighbors and our government, right? It's what the founders envisioned ... And in these times of economic and political stress, I'm hard-pressed to criticize the American tradition of clinging to guns or religion."

"But ... [t]he debate should not be about keeping guns out of the hands of law-abiding Americans. It should be about keeping them out of the hands of criminals and mentally disabled people. It should be partly about whether military-style assault weapons are covered by what the framers of the Constitution had in mind ..." ...

“Common sense gun control” explained at last
Submitted by: John Boch

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... "In a recent hit piece on civil rights, Graham Peebles writes that common sense gun control is to 'Stop selling guns, call for all weapons in circulation to be handed in to police stations and make holding firearms illegal, unless they are intended for sport. This common-sense approach would drastically reduce gun crime, individual homicides and mass killings. It is, President Obama, the right thing to do and the 'common-sense' approach.' (Hat tip to The Truth About Guns.)"

"Didn’t formerly Great Britain try that not so long ago. And what has happened to crime in Great Britain?"

"Silly us! The UK Daily Mail reported that Violent Crime is worse in Great Britain than the US." ...

CO: Gun laws, rights not exclusive
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... the problem with such all-or-nothing questions -- and we realize that this particular question on gun control has been a standard of polling for many years -- is that they don't leave room for opinion on specific policies."

"After all, banning high-capacity gun magazines doesn't threaten the right to bear arms."

"So, yes, it's important for elected officials to understand that Coloradans for the most part remain strong supporters of Second Amendment rights even in the wake of the mass shooting in Aurora."

"But that doesn't mean those same officials shouldn't take the lead in promoting sensible reforms that reduce the likelihood of such crimes -- or at least the likelihood of their success." ...

OMG! Paper Targets! Almost Human-Shaped Targets! OMG!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I ordered some paper targets for the pistol range from a seller on Amazon. They’re the type with a rectangular(ish) design that approximates a human silhouette. They cost a grand total of $15. And because they’re targets and they’re (roughly) 'human shaped,' they’re being shipped to me via UPS and I’ll have to sign for them when they’re delivered . . ." ...

Guns Save Life Director Paul Vallandigham passes
Submitted by: John Boch

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"It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Paul H. Vallandigham, a long-time gun rights giant in Illinois."

"Mr. Vallandigham was a life member of the NRA, a former director of the Illinois State Rifle Association, as well as a founding member of Guns Save Life’s predecessor organization and has served continuously as an officer or director since then. He was currently as a director as well as the corporate counsel of Guns Save Life." ...

KS: Defensive Gun Use of the Day: Broad Daylight Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'I said, 'Really?' Yager said. 'I reached over like I was going to get my billfold and grabbed my gun and stuck it in his face and said, 'You mean like this?' That’s the rundown Steve Yager gave the Wichita Eagle after a hoodie-wearing hoodlum told him to fork over his wallet in broad daylight Monday outside his business. But instead of some tanned cowhide and legal tender, the deadbeat got a little snubby-induced dissuasion . . ." ...

IL: Chicago Homicides Reach 400 This Year, City Turns To Twitter For Ideas To End Violence (video available)
Submitted by: Mike DeArmond

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"Homicides in Chicago have reached a new high this year, even as recent data show that surging gun violence in the Windy City has slowed from its devastating midsummer heights."

"With still three months of the year ahead, Chicago has seen 400 murders so far in 2012 as of Friday, marking a 25 percent increase over last year's numbers, WGN reports." ...

Submitter's Note: Gun control at its finest!

ABC, CBS & NBC Blackout! Major New Findings in Fast & Furious Scandal Ignored
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Over the weekend the Univision network broke major news in the Fast and Furious gunwalking scandal. They found 57 previously unreported guns used in crimes by Mexican cartels, but ABC, CBS and NBC have yet to report the Spanish-language network’s findings."

"There were zero mentions on Sunday night’s ABC's World News and CBS's Evening News (NBC's Nightly News was pre-empted by Ryder Cup coverage) or on any of Monday’s morning shows. The blackout on ABC’s broadcasts is particularly confounding since they have an excerpt from Univision's September 30 report on ABC's official Web site." ...

Cornyn Demands Answers On Texas Gunwalking
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has once more been asked to share what he knows about gunwalking in Texas in a letter sent yesterday by Sen. John Cornyn."

"The letter asked Holder 'to immediately disclose information related to the existence of any potential 'gun-walking' programs in the State of Texas and provide answers to the family of fallen U.S. ICE Agent Jaime Zapata about the source of the weapons found at his murder scene, one of which has been linked to a Texas-based straw purchaser.'"

"'Sen. Cornyn first requested this information from the Attorney General more than one year ago and to date has only received a routine response indicating a review was taking place and additional information would be provided,' ..." ...

At USSA event in Columbus, Paul Ryan tells hunters thought of second Obama term makes him ‘shudder’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan was the keynote speaker at the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance 16th Annual 'Save Our Heritage' Rally in Columbus on Saturday, and made national news when he told attendees that he 'shudder(s)' to think what President Obama would do 'if he never has to face the voters ever again.'" ...

Romney could score major points on Fast and Furious in tonight’s debate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Brady Campaign has asked Jim Lehrer, moderator of tonight’s debate between President Barack Obama and GOP challenger Mitt Romney, to deviate from the announced agenda and ask the candidates questions about 'gun violence,' a press release issued yesterday by the group announced."

"'Splendid idea,' Seattle Gun Rights Examiner Dave Workman agreed. 'Romney’s first and best answer to such a question would be that within 24 hours after taking office, he would order his attorney general to enforce the contempt of Congress citation against Eric Holder. And, Romney could add, he would also order his attorney general to fire those responsible for Operation Fast and Furious, and if warranted, pursue criminal charges against them.'" ...

IL: 17th District Candidate: Gun Control (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As we count down to election day in November, we're looking at where local candidates stand on the issues. In the race for the 17th Congressional District seat Democrat Cheri Bustos faces Republican Incumbent Bobby Schilling. We asked both candidates if we need stricter gun control laws in the U.S. to prevent situations like that in Aurora, Colorado" ...

NY: Hochul receives backing of national guns rights group
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Throughout his congressional campaign this year, Republican Chris Collins has touted his support for the Second Amendment and especially his membership in the National Rifle Association."

"But on Wednesday the national gun rights group bestowed its Political Victory Fund endorsement on none other than Collins’ Democratic opponent – Rep. Kathleen C. Hochul of Hamburg. She is one of only two New York Democrats to earn its backing." ...

IL: NRA Political Fund Endorses Schilling
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As the race tightens in the Illinois Congressional 17th district, the National Rife Association Political Victory Fund is endorsing incumbent Bobby Schilling. The group says Schilling has earned an "A" rating and endorsement from NRA PVF. ..."

CA: NRA-PVF Endorses Gary Miller for U.S. House of Representatives in California
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) is endorsing Gary Miller for U.S. House of Representatives in California’s 31st District."

"'Gary Miller is committed to protecting the Right to Keep and Bear Arms guaranteed to all Americans,' said Chris W. Cox, chairman of NRA-PVF. 'His strong dedication and voting record have earned him an 'A' rating from the NRA-PVF, and we proudly endorse him for re-election to the U.S. House of Representatives.'" ...

NY: NRA endorses Rep. Owens in 21st Congressional race
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Congressman Bill Owens has been endorsed for re-election over challenger Matt Doheny by the National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund with their highest rating."

"The NRA has also chosen Republican challenger Wendy Long over Democratic U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand." ...

NY: Rifle Association Moves Kolb to the Head of The Class
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Are A+ grades still given out in school?"

"Not sure, but the National Rifle Association just gave one to Assembly Minority Leader Brian Kolb, R-Canandaigua, Ontario County."

"Kolb has been a big promoter of the Second Amendment, and he holds an annual 'Sportsmen’s Day' at the Capitol to support gun rights. Crosman Corp. is in his district." ...

NY: Ceretto given 'A' rating, endorsement from National Rifle Association
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Assemblyman John D. Ceretto, R-I-Lewiston, announced he was given an 'A' rating and endorsement by the National Rifle Association-Political Victory Fund for the 2012 New York General Election."

"'I am honored to receive the endorsement of the NRA,' Ceretto said. 'Second Amendment rights are cherished in Western New York and I have stood up for them in Albany. I pledge to continue to support Second Amendment freedoms.'" ...

LA: Louisiana amendment to strengthen right to arms, on November ballot
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"In state elections, the most important vote this November will be in Louisiana. A referendum there would significantly strengthen protection of the right to keep and bear arms in the state, and would set a very significant national precedent." ...

"In the November 2012 referendum, Louisiana citizens will be given the opportunity to remedy the wrong decisions in Blanchard and Amos. Voters can adopt new constitutional language: 'The right of each citizen to keep and bear arms is fundamental and shall not be infringed. Any restriction on this right shall be subject to strict scrutiny.'" ...

NY: Democratic Rep. Kathy Hochul Sounds Off On Capturing NRA Endorsement
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"So I leave my desk and the National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund endorses a Democrat for Congress..."

"The NRA's political arm has chosen incumbent Democratic Rep. Kathy Hochul over GOP challenger Chris Collins in their upcoming faceoff, with Chairman Chris Cox saying she 'has a proven record of defending the Second Amendment' and scored an A rating based on her 'strong support of our rights.'"

Colorado theater owner sued over mass shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"CNN reported recently that three people wounded in the July mass shooting at a Colorado multiplex are suing the theater owner, claiming that security was lax the night a gunman opened fire and killed 12 people." ...

"Fifty-eight people were wounded at the 'no-guns' theater. Although apparently not mentioned in the lawsuits, there is reason to believe the murderer specifically targeted this theater because of its anti-gun policies." ...

Gun training for tax cops is off target: IRS watchdog
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Armed Internal Revenue Service agents need more thorough firearms training and they need to be more consistent in reporting accidental firings of their guns, said the tax-collecting agency's watchdog on Tuesday."

"'Special agents not properly trained in the use of firearms could endanger the public, as well as their fellow special agents, and expose the IRS to potential litigation over injuries or damages,' said J. Russell George, Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration." ...

Federal agent arrested on NYC gun charge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A federal agent assigned to help protect dignitaries at the United Nations General Assembly was arrested Thursday after a run-in at a trendy Times Square hotel."

"Police officers were dispatched at about 6 a.m. to the Paramount Hotel on West 46th Street in response to a 911 call reporting that a drunken guest had pulled a pistol on a security guard. The guard had escorted the man to his room and demanded to see some identification."

"Jeff Parke, 33, was arraigned on a misdemeanor charge of menacing in a Manhattan court Thursday and was released without bail. The name of his lawyer was not immediately available." ...

Submitter's Note: I guess you only get threatened with prison if you're a black football player.

FL: Broward deputy accused of beating homeless man
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Broward sheriff’s deputy is being accused of punching a handcuffed homeless man while he sat in the back of a patrol car."

"Deputy Mathew Eisenberg, 39, was charged with battery, official misconduct and falsifying official reports. He surrendered himself to authorities at Broward’s main jail on Tuesday." ...

CA: Ex-Long Beach officer convicted of beating wife
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Long Beach police officer was convicted Tuesday of more than a dozen felonies for assaulting his wife at their Pico Rivera home with a belt, flashlight and police-issue baton."

"The Los Angeles County Superior Court jury, composed of eight women and four men, deliberated a day before convicting Brandon Preciado, 30, of 13 felony counts of assault with a deadly weapon, corporal injury to a spouse, assault by means likely to produce great bodily injury and making criminal threats. He was also convicted of several misdemeanors, authorities said." ...

CO: Deputy accused of holding woman captive
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Pueblo County sheriff's deputy is accused of holding a woman against her will at gunpoint on Monday."

"Deputy Randal Scott Alire, 42, was arrested on suspicion of menacing with a deadly weapon and domestic violence. He has been placed on administrative leave."

"He reportedly held the woman against her will and at gunpoint from about 8 a.m. until 3 p.m., according to an affidavit. The document did not state the relationship between the victim and suspect." ...

CA: Woman awarded $3.2 million in LAPD shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A federal jury has handed down the latest multimillion-dollar verdict against the Los Angeles Police Department, finding officers were 'malicious' and excessive when they shot a mentally ill woman and used a Taser on her."

"The $3.2-million award delivered Friday in U.S. District Court adds to a long string of verdicts and settlements in police-related cases that have cost taxpayers tens of millions of dollars over the last decade. It comes as LAPD officials struggle to find ways to slow the stream of lawsuits filed against officers each year." ...

CA: L.A. County jail violence sheriff's fault, panel says
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A blue-ribbon commission blamed Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca on Friday for a pattern of excessive force by his deputies in the county jails, warning that Baca is running out of time to fix the problems."

"The commission, which includes several former judges and a police chief, said Baca did not listen to repeated warnings from the department's civilian watchdogs and inmates-rights advocates about conditions in the jail."

"The panel's scathing findings are expected to put pressure on the sheriff to more aggressively deal with problems in the nation's largest jail system, which is the subject of a wide-ranging FBI criminal investigation." ...

PA: Police Investigating Rape Accusation Against K-9 Officer (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey confirmed Tuesday night that a K-9 officer is being investigated on rape allegations."

"Ramsey would not release any more information except to say the Philadelphia District Attorney's Office is also involved in the investigation."

"The allegation is that the officer raped an unconscious woman in the back of his marked police car, FOX 29's Steve Keeley reported Wednesday morning." ...

MN: Man charged in road rage shooting is issued gun permit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Those Second Amendment rights really are sacred … and sacrosanct. Nicole Norfleet and Paul Walsh at the Strib report: 'Despite knowing about a string of recent road-rage incidents involving a 71-year-old man, the Isanti County sheriff said Wednesday that he was legally obligated to issue a permit to carry a gun to the man who is now charged with shooting a motorcyclist in the face after [a] cat-and-mouse highway incident over the weekend. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Well that Sheriff is a big fat liar! From MN Statute 624.714 Subdivision 6(a)(3), the Sheriff may "deny the application on the grounds that there exists a substantial likelihood that the applicant is a danger to self or the public if authorized to carry a pistol under a permit."

TX: Female police sergeant suspended after she poses for dozens of naked modelling pictures online
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A police sergeant who moonlighted as a model has been dismissed from her job after raunchy, half-naked pictures of her appeared online."

"Single mother Stacey Suro, 42, a 20-year veteran of the Houston Police Department, has been relieved of duty pending the outcome of an Internal Affairs Investigation after risque photos of her appeared on website Model Mayhem."

"Her online activity was first reported on Wednesday when chiefs at the police department learned that Suro had posted almost 100 pictures - some of which were nude - on the modelling site." ...

MI: Police chief suspended after his affair with fellow officer is exposed when she posts a picture with gun in her mouth
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Detroit's top law enforcement officer has been suspended amid allegations that he had a sexual relationship with a subordinate."

"Chief Ralph Godbee's affair with Angelica Robinson, an internal affairs officer, emerged after she posted a photo with her service weapon in her mouth on Twitter, after learning Godbee was at a police conference with another woman."

"Godbee had other officers locate the 37-year-old and put her under surveillance after seeing her photo."

"Her attorney, David Robinson has confirmed that there was a relationship between his client and Chief Godbee, who is married but filed for divorce in August, according to" ...

As nightfall does not come all at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there is a twilight. And it is in such twilight that we all must be aware of change in the air, however slight, lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness. — Justice William O. Douglas, US Supreme Court (1939-75)

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