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Newslinks for 10/4/2014

Piers Morgan’s anti-gun documentary ignores own weak audience appeal
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Any Hollywood 'progressive' dumb enough to back it deserves having his money liberated and circulated back into the economy, plus the kids who clean up after screenings at the Cinemark will appreciate a couple nights of light duty."

A Fast and Furious Getaway for Holder?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"The bottom line: By the time Holder testified under oath he’d only learned about things weeks before, hundreds of reports had been filed. Vanderboegh and I had our sources talking with Senate staffers by mid-January. The Mexican press had begun reporting on 'Gunwalker' by late January. Sharyl Attkisson had begun her series of reports for CBS News featuring whistleblower John Dodson by the third week in February. Also damning for Holder are memos from National Drug Intelligence Center Director Michael Walther, showing the attorney general was apprised of Fast and Furious as early as July, 2010, and a letter sent by Senator Chuck Grassley to then-ATF Acting Director Kenneth Melson, dated January 31, 2011 that copied Holder."

The Hill departs from objectivity on restaurant “gun ban” story
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"More credible would be the argument that the paper is just doing its part to help the MILMs appear more impressive and effective than they actually are, and to sway lawmakers into believing that. The target readership relying on 'The Hill’s powerhouse of vehicles' for an accurate understanding of the issues makes such misuse of language all the more inexcusable."

DC: Washington DC Gun Laws: Quotes From Heated Debate
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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While officials in Washington, D.C., continue to wrestle with gun laws after the district’s ban on carrying handguns was ruled unconstitutional in July, activists on both sides of the debate have weighed in with heated arguments to support their positions.

Here are some recent quotes regarding emergency legislation passed Sept. 23 that allows residents and visitors to apply for concealed-carry permits if they meet strict requirements, including showing a need to carry a weapon.

Bear Spray v. Bullets: Flaws in the Studies
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Three recent cases of bear attack in Wyoming illustrate the flaws in studies purporting to show that bear spray is superior to firearms as a defense against bears. On September 20th, 2014 the following incident occurred. From

(Dubois, Wyo.) – The Wyoming Game and Fish Department and the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service both confirmed today that a third bear incident occurred this past weekend, on Saturday in northwestern Fremont County. In this incident, Lander Large Carnivore Specialist Brian DeBolt said a Grizzly bear was shot and killed “in an act of self defense” in the East Fork drainage east of Dubois. He said the bear was an adult male. He said there were no reported injuries in the incident.

SC: Statement from SC trooper who shot unarmed motorist released
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A former South Carolina state trooper who shot and injured a motorist after pulling him over for a seat belt violation had his statement — which details the officer’s side of the story — released Tuesday.

The South Carolina Department of Safety released dash camera footage from officer Sean Groubert’s vehicle, which shows the state trooper following a white truck into a Columbia gas station the afternoon of Sept. 4. Levar Jones exited the vehicle and after being asked for his license reached into the cabin to retrieve it. Groubert then yelled for Jones to get out of the car fired four shots at him.


"They've Got Us Hogtied": Inside The Gun Lobby's Strategy Conference
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The national gun lobby in Washington, D.C. is a big machine, motored by a multi-billion-dollar industry. The sprawling network of hardcore activists remaking the political gunscape in statehouses and the courts, on the other hand, is small. How small? It's so small that when Jeff Knox stepped up to a microphone at the premiere gun-activist conclave and referred to "Dad," no explanation was needed. Everyone at the Gun Rights Policy Conference last weekend knew who "Dad" was.

VA: Open carry group’s message for Creighton Court neighbors who don’t want them there
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A group of men who have been carrying assault-style rifles throughout parts of Richmond will be back on the streets this weekend.

The Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. is planning a “Freedom Walk,” which will pass by Creighton Court, one of Richmond’s public housing neighborhoods, on Saturday.

DC: Washington DC Gun Laws Provide Interesting Case Nationally
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Both sides of the gun laws debate have been watching Washington, D.C., while a federal court ruled in July that the city’s decades-long ban on handguns was unconstitutional, providing an interesting case in the ongoing national controversy.

The district’s strict gun ban has been challenged since it first took effect in the 1970s, when the D.C. Council voted to restrict city residents from acquiring handguns, with the exception of guards, police officers and those who had registered their handguns before the ban took effect.

CA: National Rifle Association PVF Endorses Former SEAL Leader Larry Wilske for Congress
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Larry Wilske, California Congressional candidate and retired Command Master Chief of SEAL Team Seven, has been endorsed by the National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF).

Wilske is a 30-year veteran of the U.S. Navy SEAL Teams and served with distinction on SEAL Teams SDV-1, Three and Seven. Based on his support of and commitment to the Second Amendment, Wilske earned an “AQ” rating from NRA-PVF for the upcoming November 4 election.

An “AQ” is the highest rating a candidate can receive without a voting record on Second Amendment issues.

CO: State senate changed a year ago today
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A year ago today, Colorado celebrated a milestone with the swearing in of state Sen. Bernie Herpin — a moderate Republican lots of Democrats like.

Today's anniversary marks the choice of voters to liberate Colorado from the heavy-handed influence of then-New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who uses portions of his $34 billion fortune to buy politicians and make laws throughout the country. Bloomberg favors laws so oppressive — regulating soft drinks, liquor retail "density" and salt consumption at restaurants — even most New Yorkers reject them.

VA: Gun rights group upset with Stafford sheriff
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A gun rights group wants a public apology from the Stafford County sheriff because it believes gun owners’ rights were subverted at a crime prevention event in August. But the Sheriff’s Office stands by the event’s restriction on the open carry of firearms.

The Newington-based Virginia Citizens Defense League, which describes itself as a Second Amendment preservation group, lost approval for a booth at a recent National Night Out event in Stafford because the group wanted to openly carry their guns.

WA: A month to go and rhetoric heats over dueling Wash. initiatives
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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With a month to go before the Nov. 4 election that will decide the fate of two competing initiatives, the campaign heated up yesterday with the release of a blistering seven-minute video coincidentally at about the same time that the Department of Licensing provided Examiner with the latest update on the number of active Washington concealed pistol licenses.

Self-defense against overflying drones
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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This week’s arrest of a man who took a shotgun to an airborne drone is only one of the most recent warnings that we need better legal rules — and better social norms — about drone overflights, and that we need them now both to prevent harm to people and to prevent wrongful shootdowns. Similar, if less dramatic, questions apply to dangers posed by other robots, such as driverless cars. As it happens, we have some suggestions for rules that would apply to all robots, whether autonomous or remote controlled, that pose any potential threat to life or limb, to property, or to privacy.

GA: Jackson County Deputy Sgt. Brad Hill teaches gun safety for local citizens
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Hill carries a gun when he is enjoying an outdoors adventure and he carries one on his job. But his knowledge about gun safety and how to properly use a gun are the reasons he assists with the sheriff’s monthly citizen’s firearms safety course established by Sheriff Janis Mangum.

“Anybody that exercises the second amendment right should have the ability to use the firearm proficiently and safely. That’s the whole reason for this gun class the sheriff implemented,” Hill said.

OK: Gun activists lobby for weapons on campus
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Guns right activists have colleges and universities in their sights and are pushing to make Oklahoma the latest state to legalize concealed carry on campus.

“Anywhere you can carry your Bible, which is your First Amendment right, you should be able to carry your gun, which is your Second Amendment right,” said Don Spencer, vice president of the Oklahoma Second Amendment Association.

But that might be a tough sell as gun activists face resistance from leaders of the state’s 25 public schools. They staunchly oppose efforts to change the law prohibiting weapons on campus, said Glen D. Johnson, chancellor of higher education, in a statement.

NJ2AS Honored At The SAF Gun Rights Policy Conference
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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his past Saturday, September 27, 2014, the President of the New Jersey Second Amendment Society (NJ2AS) was recognized by the Second Amendment Society (SAF) and the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) as the “Gun Rights Activist of the Year”.

The award was given in recognition of the achievements that the leaders, members and supporters of the NJ2AS have accomplished this past year. This is a coveted award which is intended to recognize superior achievement in gun rights activism.

NRA’s Ominous But Misleading Appeal
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The National Rifle Association employs images in a series of TV ads of an intruder breaking into the home of a mother home alone with her baby to make the case that several Democratic candidates have “voted to take away your gun rights.” But the implication of the jarring imagery — that the legislators would prevent the woman from defending herself — goes far beyond the facts.

MI: Legislation introduced to give Brass Roots gun rights plaque a home
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A 400-pound monument made from scrapped ammunition casings, which traces its origins back to 1994, is a step closer to finding a permanent home on Michigan’s state Capitol grounds.

The byproduct of a campaign rally by a candidate for the U.S. Senate nearly two decades ago, the monument was crafted from empty brass donated by thousands of gun owners. The six-foot-wide plaque is engraved with the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution as well as Article I, Sec. 6 of the Michigan Constitution, both of which detail the right to keep and bear arms. Now legislation has been re-introduced to the state House to take the “Brass Roots” marker out of private storage and put it on display at the Capitol.

WA: Seattle taxpayer grant funds questionable gun violence documentary
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Seattle Arts Commission grant to fund a documentary prior to the November election is provoking questions about the political influence of the film at taxpayer expense. KVI’s John Carlson summarizes the story and asks if a pro-Second Amendment group would ever receive a Seattle Arts Commission grant to produce a pro-gun documentary film as voters are about to decide on I-591 and I-594.

Ed.: Audio story.

DC: Gun Rights Advocates Challenge Restrictive New DC Carry Law
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Legislators have fought against the human right of self-defense in the District of Columbia tooth and claw, and have only recently and begrudgingly passed a highly restrictive “may issue” concealed carry law when forced to do so by a federal judge.

Now gun rights advocates are challenging the highly restrictive new law, which is designed to make it nearly impossible for an average citizen to carry a firearm in lawful self-defense.

The Saturday Morning Ammo Rush
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Lounging at the locked door of a sporting goods store is not the way an outdoors person should spend a Saturday morning in September.

It is definitely not what I do, but there I was waiting along with eight or so other males ranging in age from 40 to 70, for the 9 o’clock opening of a local big box sporting merchandiser.

WA: Washington needs gun restraining orders
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Several other states, now including California, have taken a more direct and promising approach to getting firearms out of the hands of human time bombs.

A newly enacted law in California allows restraining orders that permit police to temporarily confiscate guns from disturbed people who appear to be on the verge of violence. As with other restraining orders, a judge must be persuaded that there’s good reason for the confiscation.

Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are. ~ Benjamin Franklin

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