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Newslinks for 10/5/2004

NY: Our liberal columnist learns how to stop worrying—and love handguns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I had just heard the news last week that the House had voted to repeal Washington, D.C.’s strict ban on handguns, so I did what any self-respecting, gun-hating liberal New York Jewish journalist would do: I went to the nearest rifle range to blast some lead."

"This would not have been my first instinct, of course. No, my first reaction would have been to write Rep. Tom DeLay (R-Tex) an angry letter about the latest vote—as well as last month’s failure to reinstate the assault-weapon ban. But given that the National Rifle Association 'Victory Fund' gave DeLay $4,950 last year and I gave DeLay $0,000 last year, I didn’t think he’d take my anti-gun argument seriously." ...

House 9/11 Bill Will Set Up A Database On All Americans, Create National ID Card
Submitted by: Norman T Merkel

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"What part of 'Constitution' don't they understand?"

"In a frightening move, House Republicans -- members of the party that supposedly favors 'limited government' -- are pushing an Orwellian nightmare in Congress in the name of 'national security.'" ...

"Unfortunately, many of the so-called Republicans in the House are pushing this nightmarish legislation which would:"

"* Create a massive government database containing personal information on every American man, woman and child;

* Standardize (i.e., nationalize) the process of issuing driver's licenses -- thereby taking the final step toward creating a national ID card ..." ...

Gun Owners of America gets it, as House contemplates national citizen database and national ID card; GOA gets the connection of unconstitutional laws that will make it easier to restrict gun rights, and this from a Republican Congress. Oh that the NRA were as insightful.

Guns don't kill people
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Federal Crime Bill, a law which banned 19 types of firearms from the American market for the past ten years, expired earlier this month. This, like many other laws arising from the gun-control debate, ignored one fundamental point: no gun control law has ever caused an overarching decrease in gun violence."

"Every year the Million Mom March in partnership with Handgun Control Inc., an organization dedicated to the banning of all handguns and 'assault rifles,' releases a grade sheet for each individual state based on its gun control laws."

"In 2003, Maryland received an A-, as did California. Vermont and Texas both got a D-. A cross-check with the FBI’s 2003 statistics on crime show that violent crime rates are essentially independent from HCI’s gun-control grades." ...

U.S. Supreme Court OKs Barring Gun Shows On California Government Property
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday let stand a lower court's ruling that upheld a county ordinance banning gun shows on government property such as fairgrounds."

"The justices declined without comment to review an unsuccessful challenge to the 1999 Alameda County ordinance. A lower court had sustained the ordinance, saying gun enthusiasts had neither a First Amendment nor Second Amendment right to possess weapons for sale on county property."

"California is the only state where municipalities bar gun shows on government property. Los Angeles, Marin and San Mateo counties have similar rules, and more municipalities could follow." ...

Congress 101: If You Want Success, Don't Mess With the Gun Lobby
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"For devoted foes of gun control, September was a banner month. It opened with Congress ignoring pleas from every major national police group [except for the Law Enforcement Alliance of America, to name one] to let the hard-won 1994 ban on assault weapons expire, and ended last week with the House approving a loony measure repealing Washington's strict gun laws."

"And that's not all. In between reinstating every hunter's sacred Second Amendment right to nail Bambi with an AK-47, and mischievously meddling in local affairs to pass a one-chamber bill to weaken public safety in the nation's capital, the National Rifle Association and its busy-beaver allies quietly scored another legislative coup - this one without even trying. This little-noted achievement - if you can call it that - relates to a glaring omission in the new initiative to prevent youth suicide just approved by the House and Senate, and awaiting President Bush's signature." ...

Translation: There's no "lock up your safety" requirement.

AZ: Nearly 400 Attend Self Defense Banquet, Most Are Armed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Popular lie about 'dangers of armed public' proven false yet again; lives saved, crimes stopped, news media a virtual blackout"

"The President of the United States sent a personal welcome to the guests. VIPs from Washington D.C., Seattle, Alaska, Texas and more traveled to join in recognition of people who are alive today because Americans have, and have always had, the right to keep and bear arms. It was a joyous celebration of life, on the 10th anniversary of Arizona's self-defense law, which allows citizens with permits to discreetly carry a concealed weapon. Roughly half the attendees wore sidearms openly, in traditional, legal, Arizona style." ...

"All 3 networks refuse to show value of self defense, The local newspaper, the Arizona Republic also failed to show." ...

Assault weapon ban shot down too soon
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Congress allowed the ban on assault weapons to expire three Mondays ago, and for most Americans this contentious action came as some sort of inevitability."

"Those who cared, figured - rightly - that there was nothing they could do anyway. When the National Rifle Association admits it didn't spend any extra money to lobby or advertise on an issue as huge as a weapons ban, it must have been smooth sailing."

"Now that it's over, and we are left to consider the aftereffects, I feel a delayed conviction - one I think many fellow conservatives have now joined me in - that allowing the ban to expire may have been a mistake. I can find no good reason why military-style assault weapons should be allowed in American homes, but I can see at least one good reason why there shouldn't be: human lives. It's no certainty that a ban would save them, but it could." ...

Good riddance to assault weapon 'ban'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I wish to comment on what the socialistic, make-believe Democrats like John Kerry and Howard Dean are saying about the demise of the so-called assault weapons ban. These Democratic whiners are all talking out their rear ends."

"For the record: No true assault weapons, military fully automatic rifles, were banned. ..."

"All the millions of look-alike semi-automatic, so-called assault weapons, manufactured before the 1994 ban were and still are legal to own, sell or trade with little problems. All the look-alike so-called assault weapons manufactured after the 1994 ban, with minor, mostly cosmetic changes, also can be purchased, sold or traded legally by private citizens." ...

Cut Them Down -- The Barrett XM-109 Sniper Rifle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hakkaa Päälle -- the term is Finnish for "Cut them down," and it's been passed down from the Finnish cavalry of Gustavus Adolphus in the 17th century to the Finnish infantry during the Russo-Finn Winter War in the 20th century."

"With any luck, America's light infantry will soon be saying it as well. ... Barrett Arms hopes to raise the bar even higher with the introduction of its new XM-109 25mm [.985 caliber] payload rifle. Based on the existing M-107 design, the XM-109 will give infantry the ability to lethally engage light armored vehicles out to 2500 meters, with the firepower of an Apache helicopter. For Soldiers needing an edge in combat, that's a pretty good can of Hakkaa Päälle to open up on the enemy." ...

"... Too heavy to be truly considered offensive weapons, both the M-107 and the XM-109 excel in the defense. ..." ...

AZ: Assault weapon ban ends
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The federal ban on assault weapons expired Sept. 13. Pundits predicted a rise in violence using previously-illegal semi-automatic firearms as soon as such weapons were readily available."

"Violent crime has not increased in Santa Cruz County since the ban fizzled out. Nogales Police Chief John Kissinger, when interviewed before Sept. 13, said he did not expect a spike in gun violence in response to assault weapons being legally available."

"Kissinger added that weapons similar to the banned rifles were readily available throughout the 10-year ban."

"Certain features on firearms, such as collapsible stocks and flash suppressors, were illegal, as were magazines that held more than 10 cartridges." ...

MI: YOUNG VOICES: Assault weapons are overkill (DFP)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Shooting someone with an assault rifle in the name of self-defense seems like overkill."

"Many NRA members rejoiced at the expiration of the assault weapons ban because they believe it erased another limitation on their right to bear arms under the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution."

"I, too, believe in the right to bear arms. However, I also believe there should be a limit on what kinds of weapons are allowed on the consumer market. Gun control should end once assault rifles are banned to ensure that Americans are able to defend themselves from criminals."

And what were those Korean store owners doing with their "assault weapons" during the LA riots, whistling 'Dixie'?

NC: Man pleads guilty to his wife's death [who counted on 'paper protection']
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Prosecutors worked out a deal with a suspected wife-killer this week to avoid a capital murder trial set for later this year."

"Ricky Dale Bailey, 31, of Bailey pleaded guilty to second-degree murder and first-degree kidnapping in connection with the 2003 shooting death of his wife, Dena Louise Bailey, 29, of Sims. He is expected to spend at least 35 years behind bars for her slaying."

"Judge Frank Brown sentenced Ricky Bailey to 327 to 402 months ... for the murder conviction and 93 to 121 months ... for the kidnapping convictions. Brown ordered the sentences to run consecutively."

"The defendant also pleaded guilty to violating a domestic violence protection order, which was taken out by Dena Bailey a few months before she was killed. ..." ...

OH: Slaying victim ['protected' by restraining order] died from stab wounds
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Pemberville woman found slain in her car Wednesday died from stab wounds to the chest and neck, an autopsy performed yesterday showed."

"Sandra K. Smith, 48, most likely died immediately from the wounds to her chest, said Dr. Douglas Hess, Wood County coroner. Her longtime boyfriend from whom she had obtained a protection order last spring was arrested within hours of the crime and charged with murder."

"Mark Stephenson, 47, of Cygnet is being held without bond in the Wood County jail on a charge of murder. Wood County Prosecutor Ray Fischer said the case could be presented to a grand jury as early as next week." ...

WA: In other court action [second story on page]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Prosecutors moved to revoke the bail for a Richland man charged with first-degree assault after he allegedly threw a Molotov cocktail at a car driven by his ex-wife near Prosser."

"Kenneth D. Klym, 38, is to remain in the Benton County jail until next week when the issue is to be argued."

"Klym was arrested Aug. 25 after he allegedly drove his Ford pickup past a white Pontiac being driven by his ex-wife west on Interstate 82 near Prosser. He allegedly threw a large glass bottle full of ignited flammable liquid at her car." ...

"He was rearrested Tuesday while on $30,000 bail for the firebomb case after he allegedly was again stalking his ex-wife. Court records say he has a history of domestic violence and a restraining order had been issued to prevent him from contacting her." ...

I dunno, would throwing a Molotov cocktail at her be considered "contact"?

Canada: Bol brave, boyfriend says
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The former boyfriend of slain teen Vanessa Bol recounted yesterday in chilling detail how the young mother courageously placed herself between him and a gunman several times before she was shot to death in her London apartment. ..." ...

"Bol was a strong teen, he said, who always believed a warrant or restraining order would protect her."

"'If Vanessa knew this system was going to fail her, she would've gone to a shelter," he said." ...

"Police later charged Bol's former boyfriend, Emerson Dominguez, with first-degree murder."

"Khodabandehloo filed a $1.5-million civil suit against London police Thursday."

"The suit alleges London police were negligent because they didn't process a warrant for Dominguez's arrest after Bol's complaint of assault on Oct. 30." ...

Silly man, don't you know that the police protect "society at large" and not individuals?

Canada: Hospital-shooting inquest points to flaws in probing spouse-abuse cases
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two things haunted last week's inquest into the shooting deaths of Sherry Heron, her mother Anna Adams and Heron's estranged husband Bryan."

"One was the tired, plaintive voice of Heron herself, speaking on tape from her hospital bed a week before Bryan fired his .357 Magnum revolver into her mother's face, then hers."

"'I felt that he would hurt me if I left him,' she told Const. Mike Pfeifer in her eight-minute recorded statement."

"'He said you're not going to leave me and if anyone interferes, like your family or someone, he'd (Bryan) probably hurt someone.'" ...

"Bryan Heron, a 51-year-old senior B.C. corrections officer, made good on years of threats a couple of hours after being served with a civil restraining order on his wife's behalf." ...

ME: York parents looking at radKIDS program to keep children safe
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Following the news that a sex offender had moved into the town, parents are looking to adopt a new child education program called radKIDS, that attempts to teach children what to do if they are assaulted by adults."

"The 'rad' in radKIDS stands for resisting aggression defensively. According to radKIDS founder and former police officer Stephen Daley, his program gives children what other programs such as DARE don’t — empowerment."

"'We teach children that no one has the right to hurt them because they are special, and that is the beginning of empowerment,' said Daley to the crowd of 35 teachers, parents and police officers during the Sunday afternoon presentation." ...

Funny, I always thought it was my job to protect my kids.

TX: Gun-Toting Grandma Back Home After Arrest
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"An 83-year-old woman arrested after wielding a gun and allegedly threatening parade watchers in White Settlement was back at home Monday after posting a $2,500 bond the day before." ...

"Moments later, a plainclothes officer with gun drawn ordered Yost to put the gun down."

"Once she complied, the officer forced her to the ground and arrested her (pictured)."

On the video I saw she placed the weapon on the ground and was willing to surrender to the officer but he tried to throw her to the ground like he would a 19 year old crackhead. Obvious abuse of the elderly to me. Isn't that a crime? Oops, that's right he's one of 'them.' In the state of Texas it is legal for a private citizen to display and carry firearms on property under their control.

MA: Doctor who [legally] carried a loaded handgun into Salem Hospital loses job
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A doctor who left a loaded handgun in an employee's bathroom at Salem Hospital's emergency room was fired after an in-house investigation, while the state Board of Registration in Medicine continues its probe of the incident, his attorney said."

"As required by contract, the hospital agreed to pay Dr. Richard L. Pinegar three months salary when the hospital decided to let him go last Friday, said his lawyer, Paul Cirel of Boston. Cirel said Pinegar was suspended immediately after the gun was found, but was not disciplined in any other way by the hospital, and faces no criminal charges." ...

"... The doctor said he was not aware the hospital, part of the North Shore Medical Center, had an anti-gun policy." ...

So he wasn't fired for leaving it in the restroom, but merely for having it.

CA: Security guard shoots and kills two
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A nightclub security guard shot and killed two men after a passenger in car pulled a gun, police said Sunday."

"The shooting occurred about 2:15 a.m. outside the Los Globos Nightclub in the Silverlake area, police said in a statement."

"A security guard at the club was confronted by men in a black Nissan Altima after twice asking them to move their vehicle, said Detective John Motto."

"Someone in the car flashed a gun and the security guard fired in self-defense, striking two men, Motto said." ...

"The security guard was questioned by police and released." ...

Armed self-defense works!

KY: Bus driver who picked up hunter supported
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In rural Eastern Kentucky, where it's not unusual to find folks carrying shotguns during hunting season, the suspension of a school bus driver for giving a hunter a ride has many parents wondering what the big deal is." ...

"May said that Laney, a bus driver for about six years, stopped on her route to school Sept. 15 to give 67-year-old Ralph Music a ride past some threatening dogs that were in the road."

"Laney was apologetic for what she called a lapse in judgment. But she said she knows Music and wouldn't have done anything to endanger the 10 youngsters on her bus — a group that included her own children and Music's grandson." ...

Zero Tolerance = Zero Sense

PA: Road to the White House: Gun issue aids Bush among sportsmen
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Most of the political discussion at the Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs' fall conference last weekend in Oil City was pro-President Bush and Second Amendment gun rights."

"But unlike previous gatherings, one member did stand up to point out shortcomings of the Bush administration's environmental policies and their detrimental effects on fishing and hunting habitat, said Melody Zullinger, executive director of the 74,000-member sportsmen's group, the state's largest."

"'I still see the vast majority of sportsmen, the true 'hook and bullet' types, as conservative and think they will vote Republican,' said Zullinger, a Republican herself. ..." ...

NH: Gun raffle yields life-saving tools in Bristol
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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The Bristol Fire Company received a check for $1,500 earlier this month towards the purchase of new defibrillators.

The much-needed funds came as a result of the generous donation of a Winchester 1894 38/55 rifle with an estimated value of $2,995 by Skip’s Gun Shop on Lake Street.

Fire Commissioner John Bianchi said proceeds from the sale of raffle tickets will go directly toward the purchase of two new 12 lead defibrillators and three hand-held defibrillators with an estimated total cost of $45,000.

Skip’s Gun Shop has been traditionally offering unique items for several years to benefit local nonprofits.

Raffle winner Jacqueline Berghorn of Center Harbor is a gun enthusiast and member of the National Rifle Association. The company will continue to raise the money needed for the equipment.

NY: Two Shot During Robbery At RIT
Submitted by: medicdave

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"Two women were shot Monday when they showed up for work at an RIT dining hall. Monroe County Sheriff's deputies are now searching for the gunmen who they say intended to stage a robbery."

"A third female employee hid from the men and called 911. The other two were taken to Strong Memorial Hospital for gunshot wounds. One woman shot in the hand, the other had a bullet graze the back of her head." ...

Poster's Note: I heard this story on the radio on my way to work this morning... The reporter stated that it "appeared to be another random robbery." How random can a crime be when three men deliberately break into a locked building in which they know their victims will be unarmed [as required by state law]?

WA: Man killed in struggle in Tacoma, police say self-defense likely
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A man has been shot to death during a fight in what police said appeared to be a case of self-defense."

"No arrest was made following the shooting, which occurred Sunday morning as two men were struggling for a rifle at a house that also contained two women and three young children, officer Mark Fulghum said."

"'There doesn't seem to be anything malicious,' Fulghum said. 'It looks like he was protecting himself.'" ...

"The dead man, whose name was being withheld, had a criminal history, police said."

WV: West Virginia swing voters split on which candidate to support
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Douglas Tulley, a miner who's spent 33 years in the booming coal fields of southern West Virginia's Boone County, thought the same thing when he saw Sen. John Kerry brandishing a union-made shotgun given to him by United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) officials in nearby Racine on Labor Day."

"'Here's a picture of Kerry holding a shotgun up in the air, a Remington shotgun, and the man has sponsored so many bills against people owning shotguns,' Tulley said. 'He's wishy-washy. Whoever he's with, that's who he (pretends) to be with.'"

"Although Kerry has never voted for any bill to restrict shotgun ownership ..." ...

KABA Note: Actually the AWB and the extension/improvement that Kerry voted for specifically prohibited certain shotguns. You can e-mail the reporter at

MO: NRA Endorses Matt Blunt for Governor
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The National Rifle Association's Political Victory Fund will announce it's endorsement of Matt Blunt for Governor at a series of media events across Missouri on October 5th.

Matt Blunt will be joined by Wayne LaPierre, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Vice President of the National Rifle Association for a major announcement in Kirksville on Tuesday, October 5th.

The event will begin at 4:00pm in the Baldwin-Harvey Room of the Kirksville Days Inn. Blunt, who serves the people of Missouri as Secretary of State, is the Republican nominee for Governor.

PA: A Message from your Student Body President
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As Student Body President, I feel campus security is one of my top priorities. I believe that students must feel safe to be successful. Student Body Vice President Julie Beckenstein and I work very closely with University Police Chief Creig Doyle to improve security on campus."

"This past week, the University Police Department released its annual Campus Security Report. This report contains statistical data about crimes reported on and around campus over the past three years. The most commonly reported crime is theft ..." ...

"Although violent crimes are uncommon, their effects can be dreadful. Several campus services exist to keep you safe, notably Shuttle, Escort, SafeWalk, and the Rape Aggression Defense program (RAD)." ...

According to the Carnegie Mellon University Deadly Weapons Policy, "Deadly weapons are not permitted on any property owned or controlled by the university." ...

If Erik was serious about student security, he would be working to allow and encourage students to carry the most effective self-defense tool available today.

NY: Rifle Rampage [In 'Gun Free' New York City]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police are looking for a coldblooded rifleman who unleashed a hail of bullets into a late-night crowd milling outside a Brooklyn bodega yesterday — fatally striking a popular auto mechanic."

"Witnesses said the unidentified gunman was wielding the rifle in plain sight when he approached the group on the corner of Bleecker Street and Wilson Avenue in Bushwick shortly before 3:10 a.m."

"He raised the gun to fire as about a dozen terrified bystanders pleaded with him to put the weapon down." [KABA notes that in New York City, all they could do was plead]

"Harold Mason, a 52-year-old father of eight kids, was fatally hit running for cover. He lay dying in the street as his wife rushed over and held him in her arms." ...

DC: And justice for all
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Repealing the city's handgun law means two things: Law-abiding D.C. citizens will be franchised with the Second Amendment right to bear arms; and D.C. citizens will be able to better defend themselves, their families and their property." ...

"I stand with opponents when they say House Bill 3193 and its counterpart in the Senate, S. 1414, do not fully strip residents' gun rights. The D.C. laws do indeed permit the ownership of rifles and shotguns. I also would agree with them that that legislation violates state's rights — except the legislation is not being applied to a state. The capital is not a state; it is a federal district whose legislative and fiscal affairs rest with Congress." ...

KABA Note: It is true that current DC law does not prohibit possession of long guns in the home. As long as they are rendered inoperable, that is.

CO: Three suspended from DCHS in wake of gun incident
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 14-year-old Douglas County High School student who brought a handgun and knife to school on Sept. 23 has been expelled and charged with unlawful possession of a gun at a school, a Class 6 felony."

"School officials have also suspended three students who had 'firsthand knowledge' their classmate was in possession of the weapons while on campus, said Douglas County School District Spokesman Bruce Caughey."

"Douglas County Sheriff's Office investigators have recommended charges of unlawful possession of a gun at a school and possession of a handgun by a juvenile, a Class 2 misdemeanor, be filed against the boy, said sheriff's spokesperson Cocha Heyden." ...

KY: Police Investigate Shooting in Georgetown Neighborhood
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gunshots rang out in a Georgetown neighborhood Sunday night."

"A man says someone broke into his house, and he opened fire. Now police are investigating a burglary and a shooting."

"... Anthoney Gray says four people who were in a feud with him and his roommates broke into their home around ten Sunday night. Gray said he feared for his life so he went for his rifle. He fired several shots out the window at the suspects, he says he hit someone in the leg."

"Police have made three arrests in connection to the burglary. Investigators say none of those suspects were wounded. Officers say that means either no one was hit by a bullet or another person is still on the loose." ...

NH: More seniors are gun owners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Merilyn P. Senter, a selectman, is a former hunter who still has the .22-caliber rifle her father gave her on her seventh birthday."

"Over the years, Senter, 69, added a shotgun and a handgun to her collection. She got the handgun for personal protection after she received two threatening phone calls, including one after her efforts on behalf of residents upset about what they believed was a hazardous waste site in town."

"Senter bought a purse with a special compartment to carry her .38-caliber handgun, including on trips to the Statehouse when she was a state representative."

"'People are shocked when they find out I carried a gun and that I’m a gun owner,' Senter said. 'I don’t know why they should be.'" ...

NH: 'Unsung hero' shares lifetime of hunter safety knowledge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hank Achilles sat quietly in the Derry Town Council meeting room recently, back straight, arms lying in his lap. He wore the green uniform he often dons when teaching hunter safety courses, his shirt tucked in neatly at the waist."

"'Oh, I am just here to provide firearm expertise if it is needed,' Achilles said. 'Sometimes the council needs my input on these matters.'"

"And sure enough his help was sought as the town council was about to pass a firearms-related ordinance to stop shooting in designated town parks." ...

"Achilles said that there is one message he continues to try to relay to youth in the area: 'Treat every gun as if it were loaded,' Achilles said. 'And keep that muzzle pointed in a safe direction.'"

South Africa: Gun law shot down at protest
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It is an act that will cost an estimated R63-million to implement. And it is causing chaos and threatening to lead to major acts of civil disobedience."

"The Firearms Control Act is bringing the billion-rand hunting and arms-sales industries to their knees."

"It became law on July 1, but a lack of preparation has paralysed its implementation."

"On Tuesday, about 2 000 protesters took part in a march in Pretoria organised by the Black Gun Owners' Association." ...

"Protesters claimed that 99 percent of licence applications by blacks were refused. They said the new law would force people to get illegal guns to defend themselves and their families." ...

Obviously the law is working exactly as planned.

UK: Man admits airport gun offences
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A man who sparked an alert at Coventry Airport when guns and ammunition were found in his car has pleaded guilty to eight firearms offences."

"Warwick Crown Court heard how Edward Garofano, 41, from Bromsgrove in Worcestershire, was confronted by airport security staff on 25 July."

"They found a semi-automatic pistol, seven rounds of ammunition and a CS gas canister in his car."

"Garofano was remanded in custody and will be sentenced next month."

"A flight to Vienna was delayed for four hours while the aeroplane and buildings were searched."

"Police also found several other guns and a quantity of illegal bullets which expand on impact when they searched Garofano's home." ...

Indonesia: Armed pirates attack two tugboats and kidnap crew
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"HEAVILY-ARMED pirates attacked two tugboats which operate out of Singapore in the Malacca Strait last week, boarding the vessels with guns blazing."

"In both cases, they robbed the crew of their valuables, grabbed maps and other documents, and made off with the captain and chief engineer, leaving the rest of the sailors unharmed."

"One tug, the MV Erna, was attacked twice by different groups of pirates in the space of five hours."

"Its crew - Filipinos, Thais and Germans - are said to be still in a state of shock from the double whammy."

"The incidents happened within three days of each other in Indonesian waters off the coast of Belawan in North Sumatra." ...

UK: Pair in court over explosives charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A husband and wife were allegedly hiding a huge arsenal of weapons and explosives for dissident republicans, a court heard today."

"Belfast Crown Court was told that police and Army personnel uncovered the guns, bullets and bomb making materials in five separate 'hides' in and around the home of 52-year-old Michael Joseph Lavelle and his wife Mary Agnes ... when they searched it over the course of two days in February last year."

"Prosecution QC Terence Mooney told the Diplock, no jury judge Lord Justice Campbell that security personnel found a rifle, a 'rusty but serviceable' Mauser handgun, a revolver and bullets to fit those weapons as well as component parts for bombs including timer switches, rolls of wire, detonators and timer units." ...

UK: Man in court over Pc murder
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A man has appeared in court charged with the murder of police officer Ian Broadhurst who was shot on Boxing Day."

"David Bieber, 38, of Springwell Road, Leeds, has denied one count of murder and two counts of attempted murder, Newcastle Crown Court heard.

The jury was told that Mr Bieber also faces three firearms charges."

"Mr Justice Henriques said the case against the defendant would be heard on Tuesday and warned the trial could last up to eight weeks." ...

"He was charged with one count of murdering Pc Ian Broadhurst in Leeds on 26 December 2003."

"Mr Bieber is also accused of the attempted murders of Pc Neil Roper and Pc James Banks on the same day." ...

PA: Top guns -- Father and daughter are national stars in fast-draw shootouts
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The man and the woman both are dressed in black cowboy hats and boots, white shirts and blue jeans encircled by holsters."

"'Shooter set!' the man calls out, watching from a safe distance as the woman flexes her hand above the holster."

"Shot after shot rings out and the sulfurous smell of gun smoke hangs in the air at 6 Juniata Court."

"Just another Wednesday night at the Shinglers'."

"Howard Shingler walks to the rear of his Martic Township garage and eyes an electronic timer he has rigged to record the mere fractions of a second it takes his daughter, Melinda, to draw and fire a pearl-handed six-shooter." ...

"The Shinglers are among the nation’s fastest gunslingers in the sport of fast draw ..." ...

FL: Florida's 2004 Deer Outlook
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When the general gun season opened last November, it had been a long time since I had killed a deer. For the past several years, the pressures of work had kept me from spending as much time at my hunting lease as I would like. Then last year, a malfunction in my scope caused me to miss a deer at 25 yards."

"'If I don't kill a deer next year, I'm going to quit hunting,' I told my cousin Chris Dekle."

"Chris decided he was going to be sure I got a whitetail. Without telling me, he got an old porta-potty, scrubbed it spotlessly clean, put a seat in it, cut shooting ports in it, and parked it where its occupant could see deer trails in three directions." ...

CO: Hunting License Sales Up From Last Year
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Colorado hunters are prepping their equipment as rifle elk hunting season is set to begin this week. Wildlife officials are expecting up to 200,000 hunters to charge the fields and forests for the first of four seasons. The first season of rifle hunting for elk begins Oct. 9 until the 13th. The sales for elk licenses around the area of Craig are up 2,000 from last year, shooting the number up to 24,000 elk hunting licenses. The Colorado Division of Wildlife says deer licenses are up 1,500 from last year. There is still time if you want to hunt; over-the-counter elk tags and Ranching for Wildlife licenses are still available.

AK: Malemutes gun past Patriot shooters
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Lathrop Malemutes won a pair of high school rifle matches over the North Pole Patriots on Friday and Saturday."

"Lathrop defeated North Pole, 1,995-1,519 on Friday and both teams posted better scores on Saturday with Lathrop prevailing once again, with a score of 2,013-1,683."

"Patrick Garrison and Alex Delaney led the Malemutes in Friday's win with scores of 512 and 510, respectively. Andy Ferree registered a 488 and Charles Whitmer posted a 485."

"Delaney was the top shooter for Lathrop on Saturday with a 527, followed by Garrison at 508, Whitmer at 499 and Ferree at 479."

"Tanner Hossli was North Pole's top shooter on Friday with a 476 and he improved to 495 on Saturday." ...

No Pain, No Elk -- Exhausted, sore, cold, and strangely happy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Eating an early dinner in the cook tent the evening before firearms season opens, we hear distant bugling, and all nine of us hit the tent flap like frat boys who’ve just heard the words 'free beer.'"

"Just 500 yards across the creek, grazing through a series of hillside parks, is the jackpot we’ve all gambled a few grand on: elk. There must be 40 of them—great yellow-brown beasts with chocolate heads and chests. The scene is so stunning it looks fake, like a hokey wildlife painting. ..." ...

"... And then, like the finale of the Super Bowl halftime show, the herd bull, a shaggy 6x6 so big and distinct you can see him without optics, calmly steps out of the black timber and into the open for our viewing pleasure." ...

SC: The Citadel Rifle Team Places Second
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Junior Amara Atella and freshman Steven Reis led The Citadel to a second place finish with 2236 points last weekend at the Lady Gov's Invitational held in Clarksville, TN."

"Atella and Reis both tied for sixth individually with a score of 566. Junior shooter Evan Rishel tallied 557 points to earn the 10th spot. Rounding out The Citadel's team score was senior Jason Dickinson who shot for 557 points."

"The Bulldogs came very close to a first place finish as University of Tennessee at Martin only defeated The Citadel by four points with a score of 2240. UT Martin's women's team took third place with a 2215 mark."

"'We still have some areas we need to work on to improve our score,' said head rifle coach Bill Smith. ..." ...

By calling attention to a well-regulated militia for the security of the Nation, and the right of each citizen to keep and bear arms, our Founding Fathers recognized the essentially civilian nature of our economy. Although it is extremely unlikely that the fears of governmental tyranny, which gave rise to the second amendment, will ever be a major danger to our Nation, the amendment still remains an important declaration of our basic military-civilian relationships, in which every citizen must be ready to participate in the defense of the country. For that reason I believe the second amendment will always be important. --JOHN F. KENNEDY

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