Why Liberals Love Gun Control
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
Website: http://www.nysrpa.org
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"If there is one thing liberals love more than banning Christianity from public schools it is creating ineffective gun control laws. Despite centuries of evidence that gun control laws do not lower crime, stop violence, or make society safer in any way, liberals keep plugging away at our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms."
"I am not going to weary you with a regurgitation of all the well known statistics ... or with arguments asking the left to explain its intellectual consistency behind their view ... The real question in the gun control debate is not the statistics or the nuances of the law but why in the first place liberals are so preoccupied with making it harder for law abiding citizens to carry a gun." ... |
Decisions, Decisions
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Bruce W. Krafft
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... "I tell you this not to give the impression that I rarely make mistakes (even my own mother knows better than that), but rather to illustrate the fact that even decisions made for the right reasons and with the best motivations in the world still might not represent good choices." ...
"Consider for example the firearms laws in Washington DC. While there are doubtless some politicians there who maintain that no one be permitted the means to self defense purely to acquire and assert their own power, I'd be willing to bet that the majority who favor such stringent gun control actually think they're doing the right thing. Their reasons are unassailable: They want to protect citizens, particularly children. ..." |
FEMA Suspends Phoenix Rescuers for Protecting Themselves
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Ohioans For Concealed Carry
Website: http://www.OhioCCW.org
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"The Arizona Republic is reporting that the Federal Emergency Management Agency has suspended The Phoenix Fire Department's Urban Search and Rescue team for being accompanied by armed police officers while performing their duties." ...
"As a result of FEMA's actions, Phoenix officials are considering several options, including pulling their unit out of the program."
"As we have reported in several stories, the situation in Louisiana following Hurricane Katrina was a nightmare. As looters sacked the region, remaining survivors were forcibly disarmed by authorities and left at the mercy of the criminals. Numerous reports have surfaced of rescuers being fired upon by the thugs who had temporarily taken control of the region." ... |
The Truth About Guns - Part III -- Sane, Normal, Law-Abiding People Own Guns too
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Since taking our handgun safety class and qualifying for concealed-carry permits, we have had several opportunities to talk with people about guns. ... In this column we're going to talk about the response from a few 'ordinary people' who aren't necessarily pro- or anti-gun, they just don't think about the subject much. As a result, they tend to rely on an un-examined belief that's invariably associated with guns. ..."
"Consider one person who stated, as though everybody knew, that 'People who carry guns are macho, people who need to abuse power.' Then, without skipping a beat, he said, '... except for the people I know who carry guns; those are really nice people who are responsible about it, and in fact, very low key.' ..." ... |
[Supreme Court nominee Harriet ] Miers seems like anti-abortion moderate
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers' footprints on contentious social issues suggest a moderate position on gay rights, an interest in advancing women and minorities and sympathy for anti-abortion efforts. Judging from the Smith & Wesson she once packed, she favors gun rights, too."
"Miers' years as a corporate lawyer and White House insider have produced a record so scant that court-watchers are picking through 16-year-old Dallas city council votes and the like to divine how she might come down on constitutional matters."
"She is not a completely blank slate."
"A decade before the 2001 terrorist attacks, Miers defended constitutional freedoms in a time of danger ..." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Of course DiFi and Chuckie both 'pack' too. |
EU: EU pledges to end trade in small arms
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"The project for an international Treaty on Arms Trade, which aims to outlaw the trade in small arms such as rifles, pistols, machine guns and grenades, has won official EU support."
"The decision to support the treaty project was taken at the External Affairs Council meeting in Luxembourg on 3 October 2005. The conclusions of the Luxembourg Council meeting say: 'The Council further agreed that the United Nations was the only forum that could deliver a truly universal instrument and called for the start of a formal process at the United Nations at the earliest opportunity.'" ... -------
Submitter's Note: You have to admire their honesty, usually thay are not nearly so up-front about their ultimate goal. |
Countersniper robot introduced
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"REDOWL, or Robot Enhanced Detection Outpost with Lasers, can detect and locate snipers and mortars on the very first shot fired at personnel or vehicles. ... The technology will be demonstrated publicly for the first time at the Association of the U.S. Army (AUSA) Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C."
"REDOWL is a remote, deployable sensor suite designed to provide early warning information, gunshot detection, intelligence, surveillance, and targeting capabilities to military forces and government agencies. ... Of the more than 150 rounds fired from 9 mm pistols, M-16 and AK-47 rifles from over 100 meters, the REDOWL system located the source of the gunfire successfully 94 percent of the time." ... |
WA: Man justifies shooting as self-defense
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"Stanley Douglas Nyberg was pushed off a river bank and was injured moments before he scrambled back up, pulled a pistol, and shot and killed his neighbor, Dina Camp, 44, with whom he had a longstanding property line dispute, Nyberg testified Monday."
"After he climbed up from the bank, he said that Camp took one or two steps toward him, and that's when he fired ..."
"'This is a bad situation. I'm thinking if I don't get out of there, I'm going to get crushed by rocks,' Nyberg testified." ...
"Camp and friend James Johnson had been tossing and rolling rocks off the bank a few minutes before the shooting. Nyberg told the jury he thought he was in danger of being tossed off the bank again and then pummeled with boulders." ... |
OH: Dems tap pro-gun candidate to challenge DeWine (BFA)
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Buckeye Firearms Association
Website: http://www.buckeyefirearms.org
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:Ohio gun owners have long warned an Ohio GOP that seemed all too ready to defend their support for anti-gun, increasingly left-leaning candidates, that they should not take pro-Second Amendment grassroots support for granted. And they have long wondered what might happen if Democrats realized the political error of their institutional support for gun control and began backing pro-gun candidates."
"The Associated Press is reporting that Paul Hackett, the pro-gun Iraq War veteran has decided to challenge Mike DeWine for U.S. Senate in 2006." ... |
WA: Gun Found During Altercation At Lindbergh High School
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"King County Sheriff's deputies say a student was found with a gun on the campus of Lindbergh High School late Monday morning."
"The incident began just after 11 a.m. with a sophomore and junior getting in some sort of argument in the cafeteria that led to some pushing and a punch being thrown."
"A School Security Officer was already in the cafeteria and moved in quickly to separate the students. He then noticed the junior was carrying a .22 caliber pistol in the waistband of his pants."
"The weapon was not drawn or displayed during the fight. The weapon was quickly secured and the Sheriff's Office was notified." ... |
MI: Bring Lawyers, Guns, and Money
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"RECENTLY, REPRESENTATIVE RICK Jones (R-Grand Ledge) of the Michigan State Legislature introduced a bill in the sate House intended to 'clarify the rights and duties of self-defense…to provide for criminal and civil immunity…to regulate the investigation of incidents involving self-defense or the defense of others; and to provide for certain remedies.'"
"Those who favor the legislation hail it as a major victory for the Second Amendment; those who favor gun-control say the bill amounts to 'frontier justice' and will result in widespread vigilantism. However, most Michigan residents, as is the case with most bills in congress, will cast judgment on the bill based on sound-bytes and the scare tactics of both sides of the argument." ... |
FL: Tourists to Florida Get a Warning as Greeting
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"A national gun-control group is riling Gov. Jeb Bush and Florida's mighty tourism industry by warning visitors that arguing with locals here could get them shot."
"The group, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, based in Washington, began handing out fliers at Miami International Airport on Monday, cautioning visitors to take 'sensible precautions' and to be aware that altercations on highways, in nightclubs or on the beach could provoke a shooting." ...
"The group said it was passing out the fliers to protest Florida's new 'stand your ground' law, which lets people use guns or other deadly force to defend themselves in public places without first trying to escape." ... -------
KABA Note: That's funny, previously the Brady mouthpieces said that they were merely trying to 'educate' visitors. |
WI: Retain state's ban on concealed guns
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"To understand how dangerously foolhardy it would be for Wisconsin to adopt a law permitting people to carry concealed guns, consider what happened this spring in Minnesota, which adopted a similar law."
"According to second-degree murder charges, drunken 26-year-old Zachary Ourada was harassing women at a Minneapolis restaurant. Doorman Billy Walsh asked Ourada to leave. Ourada then pulled out a concealed gun and shot Walsh four times in the back, killing the 43-year-old father of three." [emphasis added] ... -------
Submitter's Note: Ummm, in polite circles, that's called a fib. Walsh was taken home to 'sleep it off', but he got his gun, then came back to shoot Billy a half-hour after he was kicked out. Feel free to e-mail the editor. |
FL: Keep workplaces safe
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Fresh from success in getting Florida lawmakers to pass an ill-advised shoot-first law, the National Rifle Association is at it again. This time, the NRA wants to sanction employers who forbid employees from having guns in their cars at work."
"Figures from the Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics show that shootings accounted for most (75 percent) of the workplace homicides in the United States last year. That sobering fact hasn't deterred state Rep. Dennis Baxley, R-Ocala, and Sen. Durell Peaden, R-Crestview, from filing a bill that would allow workers to have guns in locked cars at work." ... -------
Submitter's Note: A clerk murdered during a robbery has exactly what to do with guns in workers' cars? |
CA: County doesn't feel gun show ban in jeopardy
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
Website: http://www.nysrpa.org
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"Even though a federal judge declined to dismiss a claim by gun show promoters that Alameda County's ordinance banning such events on county land is unconstitutional, the county's lead counsel said today he doesn't expect that to change or weaken the county's stance." ...
"Alameda County attorneys had argued the claim should be dismissed, saying the gun ban is a public safety issue and not a constitutional one. But Jenkins denied the argument and will let the case proceed."
"'This puts the burden back on the county now,' said Don Kilmer, the San Jose-based attorney representing the Nordykes. 'They have to prove that gun shows are a threat to the public.'" ... |
OR: Portland man sentenced for death of girlfriend
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A man who killed his girlfriend in front of their young son was sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole after 25 years."
"Howard Mayfield and Heather Dunlap lived together for six years before the Sept. 25, 2003, murder. In the months prior to the killing, Dunlap had taken out a restraining order after Mayfield had been arrested and accused of choking her."
"Dunlap was murdered despite the efforts of a social services advocate who was trying to help her. The prompted Multnomah County to review the system that helps victims of domestic violence." ... |
MA: Accused rapist awaits likely indictment
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"The attorney for the Westford man accused of beating and raping his ex-girlfriend in her home over two days last month said his client will likely be indicted by a Middlesex County grand jury."
"Attorney Stephen Barton appeared in Newton District Court yesterday on behalf of his [client] Constantine Greven. ..." "He is accused of going to his ex-girlfriend's home Sept. 15, where he repeatedly punched, choked and raped her after the estranged couple argued, the alleged victim told Judge Dyanne Klein during a court appearance last week." ...
"The alleged attack came days after Klein issued an emergency restraining order against Greven, who was arrested at the woman's home shortly after she escaped and went to police." ... |
FL: Woman's death illustrates how closely abuse, love can walk
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... "And the last time Maryann Davis made the newspaper, she was 25 years old, a murder victim, beaten and strangled in her small apartment as her two daughters listened, her life story finally decided." ...
"Even following the rules — 911 calls, court dates — couldn't make things right. In 2003, Rainey was arrested for breaking a restraining order."
"Between 2000 and 2003, Rainey was arrested for violence against Davis on at least five occasions, including once when he broke into her apartment, records show."
"'A piece of paper doesn't protect you,' Dunbar said. 'Everybody who's been through this knows that.'" ... |
FL: Witness: Fitch was unarmed
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"Another witness who says Mark Steven Fitch Jr. was unarmed when he was killed by a Lee County Sheriff's deputy described the shooting Monday for a jury in federal court."
"'I seen the man standing out with his hands up kind of like he didn't know what was happening," Crystal Rowell of Cape Coral testified. 'A few seconds later, I heard a gunshot and looked in my rear-view mirror and seen him fall on the ground.'"
"Fitch, 22, of North Fort Myers died on March 21, 2003, during a road-rage incident involving sheriff's Cpl. Chad Edwards, two other off-duty deputies and Edwards' girlfriend, Erica Starowicz." ... |
OH: Dayton officer apologizes to wife he killed
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"Impeccably dressed in a dark brown, knee-length suit jacket, Dayton police Officer Michael A. Blake stood in front of the Montgomery County Courts building Tuesday, a day after a county grand jury declined to indict him in the fatal shooting of his wife."
"'First, I want to apologize to my wife,' Blake, 40, said as he read a typewritten statement during a brief press conference. 'Niema, I'm very sorry. It's really hard to accept that you are gone.'"
"Blake paused, trying to hold back tears."
"Blake had claimed he shot his wife of two years in self-defense during an argument at their North Euclid Avenue home Feb. 19." ... |
FL: Sheriff is recipient of pricey presents
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary has accepted about two dozen gifts worth up to $1,000 each from admirers, deputies and business owners in recent years -- the types of presents many politicians turn away to avoid conflict-of-interest concerns."
"The gifts to Beary have ranged from six firearms, barbecue grills and a cake from Publix to theme-park tickets, a hotel stay in Colonial Williamsburg and even an overseas trip, according to reports that Beary filed with the state."
"There is nothing illegal about Beary accepting gifts -- as long as he reports everything worth more than $100 -- but his practice contrasts starkly with what other local and state officials report on mandatory gift-disclosure forms." ... |
UK: Police trio on trial for killing motorist
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"Three police officers killed a petty criminal in a 'cowardly assault' as they tried to arrest him for a minor motoring offence, a court heard today."
"The Old Bailey was told how persistant offender Robin Goodenough, 26, was assaulted so violently by the police trio as they dragged him from his car that some of his teeth were knocked out."
"Bleeding in the road as a result of the attack, Mr Goodenough suffered a fatal heart attack and died minutes after the arrest attempt, the jury heard."
"PCs Robin Shane, 31, Paul Summerville, 25, and John Shatford, 32, all deny manslaughter after Mr Goodenough's death in Oxford city centre in September 2003."
"The three deny a further charge of ABH." ... |
OH: Editorial Ineptitude and Rampant Jason Blairism (BFA)
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Buckeye Firearms Association
Website: http://www.buckeyefirearms.org
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... "Ohio’s establishment media sees [HB347] as an affront to the first amendment freedom of the press. Knowing, however, that they would quickly lose the battle of public opinion if the truth about the new bill became known they have purposely printed misinformation by claiming it would completely eliminate their ability to get the names of license holders."
"At best, they are misinformed about the bill - more likely they are making a concerted effort to trick Ohio’s citizenry." ... |
CA: Crime and Guns—The San Francisco or Sam Colt Solution
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D. Finlayson
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"If you had a flat tire, would you fix the problem by replacing your car’s muffler? I know, it sounds funny. But that’s exactly the logic permeating throughout San Francisco’s City Hall."
"... If you think that Mr. and Mrs. Law-Abiding Citizen are to blame for a surge in murder, then I’ve got oceanfront property for sale in North Dakota. In fact, they are exactly the ones who would suffer because of this myopia." ...
"It is simply incredible that the gun control lobby still perpetrates the myth that guns are to blame for societal ills. What they don’t want you to know is that empirical research continues to challenge their feckless arguments. ..." ... |
ND: Club hosts 'Sight-In-Day' Sunday
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The Valley City Rifle and Pistol Club is hosting its annual "Sight-In Day" on Sunday Oct. 9. The event will start at 10 a.m. and will last until completed, weather permitting.
"Sight-In Day" is free for the public to assist in zeroing their equipment for the upcoming hunting season. It will be conducted at the club's outdoor range just north of Valley City, east of North Valley Elevator. Targets will be provided.
For proper adjustment, participants are asked to bring the ammunition and equipment that will be used on their hunt.
Eye and ear protection will be available and club rules will be enforced. For further information, contact Randy Bostrom at 845-0151, after 6 p.m. |
SD: Sioux Empire Hunting and Gun Show Oct. 8-9
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
Website: http://www.nysrpa.org
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The Sioux Empire Hunting and Gun Show will be held at Sioux Empire Fairgrounds Oct. 8-9. The gun show will be held in the Expo Building.
More than 100 Midwest gun and sporting goods dealers will showcase their guns and hunting supplies. Enjoy free seminars and free gunlocks provided by Projectchildsafe.com.
Show hours are 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. Oct. 8 and 11:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Oct. 9. Admission is $4 for adults, and free for children ages 12 and under.
For more information, contact Mari Ossenfort or Kari Black at (605) 361-5555. |
CA: Suit challenging county gun ban can proceed
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Gun enthusiasts were handed a legal victory this week when a federal judge ruled they can argue that their free-speech rights are violated by an Alameda County ordinance that bans guns on county property."
"In a ruling issued Tuesday, U.S. District Court Judge Martin J. Jenkins cleared the way for a new First Amendment challenge to the 1999 ordinance."
"County attorneys had asked the judge to dismiss the challenge, arguing that the gun ban is a public safety issue rather than a constitutional one, but Jenkins said the plaintiffs had sufficient grounds to continue with their lawsuit." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Just wondering, what 'public safety issue'? |
TX: Judge won’t stop funding of shooting center
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"A District Court judge cleared the way Monday for taxpayer funding of Hill Country Sports Shooting Center improvements that had been delayed by a lawsuit filed last week."
"City officials said they expect to cut the first $100,000 check as soon as possible."
"District Court Judge Steven Ables denied the request for temporary injunction sought by Kerrville resident Dan Olson, who has a 25-acre holding in north Kerr County. In the lawsuit filed Sept. 26, Olson’s lawyer, Richard Mosty, called the funding agreement unconstitutional because it would provide 'public money to a private entity.'" ... |
OR: County to hold new gun range hearings
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"Opponents to the development of a 220-acre shooting range nine miles northeast of Bandon have scored a victory less than a week after filing an appeal to block the development."
"Many of those opposed to the shooting park expressed frustration that Coos County officials did not go out of their way to notify them of a project that had the potential to greatly impact the day-to-day lives of nearby homeowners."
"'We offered to withdraw the ruling made by the Planning Commission and have a new notice sent out,' said Coos County legal counsel David Koch. 'In light of all the people concerned, we're willing to have this heard again and have people express their opinions about it.'" ... |
Germany: House of Hanover Sells Family Silver, Armor, Liveries at Castle
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"Sotheby's Holdings Inc. is auctioning some 20,000 objects belonging to the Royal House of Hanover, including servants' liveries, armor, silver, paintings and porcelain at the family's castle in Marienburg, Germany."
"Sotheby's says the sale may raise 13 million euros ($15.6 million). Company specialist Marcus Linell said he expects the auction, which starts tomorrow and ends Oct. 15, to fetch more. ..."
"'Our arms expert says this is the best sale of arms and armor in two generations,' Linell said as he surveyed a hall full of pistols, suits of armor, spears and crossbows during a tour of the objects on auction at Schloss Marienburg." ... |
Philippines: CHR notes rise in murder/homicide cases; bulk of cases is summary execution
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"The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) regional office here has monitored a major leap from the number of murder and homicide cases – from 25 cases between January 1 and June 30 last year to 189 cases during the same period this year, at least a hundred of them classified as vigilante killings by the Mindanao Times."
"Lawyer Edmundo Albay, chief of the CHR legal and monitoring division, said the failure to guarantee protection of witnesses, might have contributed in part to the lack of witnesses coming out to testify on the spate of summary executions in the city."
"Albay said that during investigations, witnesses only recount what they saw but don’t execute written statements for fear of reprisal." ... |
UK: [Gun Ban creates] Sin cities
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Jerry Rowe
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"Britain's inner-city streets are awash with guns. They are being used routinely by gang members to murder, intimidate and settle scores in scenes reminiscent of the 'hoods' of Los Angeles. ... teenage squabbles over imagined slights, drugs and territory. Graeme McLagan in vestigates one horrifying case that began with nothing more sinister than two boys trying to chat up a girl. It sparked a cycle of gun crime and gang warfare that cost the police £5m to resolve." ... |