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Newslinks for 10/5/2006

The Future of Gun Rights
Submitted by: Jennifer Freeman

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"The mid-term election will be held Tuesday, November 7, 2006, the results of which will determine the future of our gun rights. Will we return to the days of Rosie O'Donnell and the The Brady Campaign to Prevent "Gun Violence" demonizing gun owners and embarking on a national campaign to ban guns? Those were the days when lawmakers were passing anti-gun bills almost faster than they could write them up. Americans were fighting for their gun rights at the national, state, county, and city levels -- consecutively. It felt like a losing battle."

"We are still fighting to preserve our rights today and we have a long way to go, but some significant victories have occurred over the past four years. ..." ...

Pacifism – a Refuge of the Simple Minded (BFA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"America's school systems began enacting zero-tolerance policies in the early 1990's to address the growing violence they were experiencing at the time. After the tragedy at Columbine, school administrators made the policies so strict that honor roll students were being punished for accidentally leaving bread knives in their car while parked on school property."

"Most employers also have a zero-tolerance policy barring weapons, particularly guns, from the workplace. Employees that leave target pistols in their trunk ... risk being fired for their choice of sport."

"Pacifism is another example of a failed ideology that is philosophically equal to the zero tolerance policies used by schools and businesses. ..." ...

Politicians duck the 'gun factor'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"THREE FATAL shootings on school campuses in a single week should prompt deep national soul-searching about what could be done to make sure horrific crimes such as these never happen again."

"In the past, these sort of shootings might have triggered intense discussion about the need for stricter gun-control laws."

"Yet, it is an indication of how successful ... anti-gun-control forces have been in removing the issue of gun control from the national political agenda ..."

"We know that gun-control laws on their own won't eliminate gun violence."

"But the question has to be asked: How it is possible that a disturbed man in Pennsylvania can get hold of a shotgun, a rifle and a semiautomatic handgun ... then use them to kill five defenseless schoolgirls?" ...

TX: Man fires shots at burglar, struck by unknown object
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A man suffered injuries when he was struck with an unknown weapon after he reportedly shot at a burglar who was trying to break into his car late Monday."

"... Michael Ray Howard heard a disturbance in the front yard of his home ... about 10:40 p.m., and, when he went outside, he saw a person attempting to break into his vehicle."

"When Howard approached his vehicle, the burglar displayed some type of weapon, police said, and Howard then fired one shot at the burglar with a handgun."

"When Howard fired his gun, another man then struck Howard in the back of the head."

"The burglar and the other man then fled from the scene, police said."

"It is unknown if the burglar was struck by gunfire, police said." ...

Depressing certainties
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With depressing regularity, the nation is in the midst of another wave of horrific gun violence in schools. With it may come a moment of concern about what is wrong with our nation and our culture ... There may be a renewed interest in some form of sensible gun regulation, but just weeks before an intensely contested mid-term election, it is certain nothing will happen." ...

"... Even advocates of such mild forms of control as required background checks at gun shows and bans on assault weapons designed specifically and solely for killing people are branded as liberals out to deprive you of your Second Amendment rights." ...

The tragedy of gun deaths grows
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Like most Americans, I've become regrettably inured to the daily reports of gun violence and gun death in this country. Oh, I know, 'Guns don't kill people, people kill people.' But this week's attempted slaughter of 10 Amish schoolgirls (as of this writing, five had died) hit me in a place the National Rifle Association had not yet calloused over with the propaganda it so routinely blares through a well-financed bullhorn of a public relations machine."

"Why the gunfire in Nickel Mines, Pa., struck so hard, I'll never know. ... I thought my emotions were was bullet-proofed by the daily horrors we Americans are forced to stomach in the name of 'Second Amendment freedoms.'" ...

Pennsylvania Killings Teach Timely Lesson (USCCA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As America grieves over the loss of such innocent life in the Pennsylvania school shootings, many Americans ask, 'How can we put an end to this?'"

"While some groups claim that more gun control is needed to prevent attacks like this, a closer look will expose an interesting truth. The Pennsylvania shootings along with the recent shootings in Colorado and Wisconsin all have one thing in common. These atrocities were committed in 'gun-free' school zones."

"The unfortunate and unintended consequence of the federal law banning all guns from schools is that they, in essence, create 'defense-free' zones for criminals." ...

OH: Henry County schools locked down after gun is found near building
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"All schools in Henry County were locked down yesterday afternoon after a rifle was found near Napoleon's West Elementary School, authorities said."

"A law enforcement official ... was sent to each of the 18 schools in the county during the lockdown, which occurred about the last hour of the school day. Students were sent home at the end of the school day without incident ..."

"Workers were clearing away debris from a railroad right-of-way about 1 p.m. when they found the rifle in a guitar case behind the elementary school ..."

"The 308-caliber rifle, a Century Arms Centre Sporter model, was near the ... school's perimeter fence. The gun was not loaded and no ammunition was found near the weapon, police said." ...

TN: Girl charged with pointing gun on school bus
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Police in Memphis have charged a 16-year-old schoolgirl with pointing a gun at another girl on a school bus.

The police report the girl told the other student she was going to "rearrange her face," then pulled a .38-caliber pistol from a sports bag.

She was charged with aggravated assault and turned over to juvenile authorities.

Police also charged a 14-year-old boy who was reported to have handled the gun during the day. The juvenile petition charges the boy with having a gun on school grounds.

This is the third incident this school year at Houston High School.

TN: First-grader has loaded gun in school
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 6-year-old first-grader will probably be suspended after he was caught Tuesday showing a loaded .38-caliber pistol to other students during lunch and breakfast breaks at Cumberland Elementary, Metro school officials said."

"It was the second time in as many days that guns have been seized from students at Metro schools. On Monday, two 15-year-old ninth-graders were arrested on charges of carrying a gun at McGavock High School, Metro police said." ...

"In the Cumberland Elementary School incident, the child was caught after his friends innocently asked the teacher if she wanted to see the gun, school officials said. The teacher looked in the student's backpack and called police when she found the weapon." ...

CO: School Threat Arrest
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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An Englewood teenager is being held on a half-million-dollars' bond after he allegedly threatened to "shoot up" Englewood High School and "take hostages."

Officers arrested Blake Grayson Hicks Tuesday after a number of students saw him on school grounds, and reported threats they claim he'd made during the past month.

Hicks had previously been suspended from the school for discipline problems. Students say they didn't report earlier threats to "shoot up the school and take hostages" because they didn't think he was serious.

Police say they found a semiautomatic .22-caliber rifle, 280 rounds of ammunition, a paintball gun and several CO2 cartridges in the back of his car.

Hicks is jailed on suspicion of interference with an educational institution.

OR: An Armed Teacher In Every School Room - A Dead Child Killer Every Time
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Cops don't prevent crime unless they're miraculously at the right place, at the right time. Unless there's an armed cop, 24/7, in every home and every schoolroom in America, the only function they perform is to investigate your death, or your child's death, after some reprobate molests and blows holes in all of them."

"Wake up you yellow-bellied, do-gooder, pacifists. If you don't carry a self-defense weapon, and if the teachers/administrators in your kids' schools are unarmed and untrained in the use of powerful self-defense weapons, there is no way to deter killers who will stalk your schoolchildren or your families." ...

WI: Experts: Best security may not have stopped state school shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Just three days after a Wisconsin principal was gunned down in a hallway, state and national school safety experts admitted even the best security plan may not have prevented the bloodshed."

"The gathering had been scheduled long before the gunfire Friday that killed Principal John Klang of Weston Schools in Cazenovia."

"The experts talked about improving safety but acknowledged that no metal detector, integrated emergency response plan or lock down procedure can stop those most motivated to do harm."

"'You can’t prevent everything because you can't develop prisons out of your schools,' said Mary Jean Erschen, director of the Center for Emergency Health and Safety in Schools. ..." ...

PA: Massacre at Nickel Mines: Legislation no solution
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The horrendous execution of Amish schoolgirls in Lancaster County, Pa., will embolden handgun-control advocates to seek passage of stricter gun-control measures. And they would solve nothing."

"Charles Carl Roberts IV, 32, described as an affable milk-truck driver, delivered carnage to the West Nickel Mines Amish School on Monday. He was armed with three guns (early reports say legally obtained), 600 rounds of ammunition, an electric stun gun, two knives, wire and plastic ties and wood to bar windows and doors." ...

School Shootings and the Challenge to Prevent the Unpredictable
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Five girls are dead and five remain hospitalized in Pennsylvania's Amish country as the result of an Oct. 2 attack by an adult gunman against a one-room schoolhouse in the farming community of Nickel Mines. The attack, perpetrated by 32-year-old dairy truck driver Charles Roberts, was the latest in a string of unrelated school shootings, two of them committed by adults not directly associated with the school."

"Unlike shootings carried out by students against their own schools, there is very little that can be done to prevent attacks by outsiders acting as 'lone wolves.'" ...

Submitter's Note: As has been noted elsewhere, since you can't prevent these attacks, you should have armed teachers on hand to mitigate them.

The uncomfortable truth about school shootings (BFA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The uncomfortable reality is that we CAN NEVER prevent school/workplace shootings, and I would venture to assert that this has already been conclusively proven. Anytime there is a workplace shooting involving multiple victims, you will have a 95%+ chance that it occurred at a workplace 1.) banning all guns, even in parking lots, and 2.) with some reasonable form of onsite security. Further, with all of the school shootings in the past decade, schools across the country have taken extraordinary 'soft security' measures – metal detectors, cameras, resource officers etc. Yet shootings continue to occur." ...

Pakistan: Policeman killed as gun goes off accidentally
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A policeman was killed on Tuesday. Shahnawaz, 50, a Head Constable in the police, got killed when a licensed pistol went off suddenly in the hands of Muhammad Azam, a policeman, while he was cleaning it inside the Police Headquarters, Malir, within Saudabad police jurisdiction."

"Shahnawaz was a resident of Bilal Colony and was father of five kids.The area police said that it was an accident in which Azam also suffered minor injuries on his hands." ...

CA: If Life Is Threatened, Firing a Gun Is Legal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Imagine the scenario: waking up in the dead of night to someone breaking into your home. If, fearing for your life, you were to pull out a gun, and perhaps even shoot the intruder, you would be within your rights, according to authorities."

"If business owners feel physically threatened - perhaps by someone caught shoplifting - and fearing for their lives, pull out a gun and fire off a shot, they would likely be within their rights."

"In fact, as long as weapons are not concealed, people could be on a public street and use a gun to defend themselves if they felt their lives were threatened."

"However, there's a very fine line between just cause and breaking the law, said Sheriff's Sgt. Darren Harris." ...

MD: Riley: Brochin flip-flops on guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Republican state Senate candidate is accusing his incumbent Democratic adversary, Sen. Jim Brochin, of duplicity on gun control."

"Doug Riley's ammunition: Campaign literature from 2002 portrayed Brochin as favoring gun control, while in 2003 and 2004 Brochin voted in the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee against an assault weapons ban."

"'He says one thing and does another,' Riley said."

"Brochin, who was elected in 2002 to represent the 42nd District, which includes Towson, Timonium and part of Pikesville, was endorsed this year by the National Rifle Association and Tripwire, a gun-rights advocacy publication. The endorsements were due, in part, to Brochin's votes." ...

OR: Gun range test irks neighbors
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun range enthusiasts turned a portion of the Coos County Forest into an acoustics lab two weekends ago, testing sound levels for a possible shooting park nine miles north of Bandon."

"But, some nearby residents contend the racket was obnoxious, and more akin to battlefield excercises, leaving them fuming and worried about the pastoral setting in which they choose to live."

"Marjorie Lorange, 80, lives ... near where the range is to be constructed."

"'I think it's far to close to people to have a 200-acre gun park,' Lorange said. 'It just isn't a thoughtful thing to put in an area where people are living. It's frightening to me.'" ...

NY: NYPD: Beware the tiny six-shooter
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Police and other law enforcement agencies have been told to be on the lookout for two new gadgets -- a tiny gun that looks like a key chain trinket and easily could be smuggled onto a plane, and a plastic handcuff key that looks like a pendant."

"The NYPD issued a Sept. 29 memo about the factory-produced gun -- a 2˝-inch-long replica of the Colt Python that, police sources note, can be tossed, along with keys and cell phone, for instance, into a plastic basket before passing through an airport metal detector. The gun has not been found in New York City, authorities said." ...

"The gun sells for about $5,000, but company chief executive Paul Erard has said most buyers choose the $30,000 model ..." ...

UT: No need for inflated statistics
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Gun laws leave GOP, NRA with blood on their hands' (Tribune, Oct. 1) would indicate that the 'advanced nations,' those with strict gun-control laws, are models that the United States should emulate. And this article has 'statistics' to prove its point."

"It was indicated that approximately 30,000 deaths occurred using firearms. It does not mention that only one-third of those were homicides and that more than half were suicides. Any death is a tragedy; we do not need inflated statistics to acknowledge that." ...

"And as to the 'advanced nation' concept, Washington, D.C., has some of the strictest gun-control laws, and one of the highest homicide death rates. Gun-control laws and safety do not necessarily go hand in hand. ..."

PA: Shootings overshadow crime session
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One day after five Amish girls were fatally shot in their schoolhouse 50 miles from the Capitol, the state House yesterday resoundingly defeated a host of gun-control measures, including an assault-weapons ban and controversial restrictions on handgun purchases."

"None of the proposals would have prevented Monday's killings, but the specter of the tragedy loomed large over the proceedings - the third day of a rare, nonbinding session dedicated to anticrime proposals."

"From the opening moment of silence in memory of the young victims, through hours of emotional debate, the Lancaster County tragedy was invoked repeatedly, mainly by Philadelphia Democrats who waged a losing battle for measures intended to curb the spread of weapons." ...

AL: Safety a key in buying your kids' first guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Getting kids started in shooting sports or hunting involves a myriad of situations, including repetition of safety lessons that cannot be ignored."

"But when it comes time to get your son or daughter a shotgun or rifle of their own, it would be hard to overlook the New England Firearms lineup of single-shot models."

"The NEF series, manufactured by Harrington & Richardson 1871, is a superb way to get things rolling for a lifetime of fun. They're simple in design, with few frills and geegaws. Some might call them ugly, although I'd beg to differ. What's wrong with a plain, solidly designed and effective tool for learning how to shoot or hunt? Absolutely nothing." ...

IN: School gun laws leave plenty of opportunities for criminals
Submitted by: Daniel L. Moulder

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"First Columbine High School, now Platte Canyon. Colorado law states that a person without legal authority commits a felony by possessing a deadly weapon on the grounds of any school."

"The criminal is thus assured that the law-abiding civilians present in any school are unarmed and unable to resist. Does that not make a Colorado school, or any school in a state with similar laws, a perfect target for an armed criminal? Colorado law only ensures the occurrence of more Columbine and Platte Canyon incidents."

Does this mean that I am advocating the arming of students? Not in the least. All that I am saying is that it would appear laws only affect those who are predisposed to obey them. ..."

MN: The government is shooting the students
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the wake of the recent rash of school shootings, there has been the requisite post-traumatic scramble for digestible answers, pithy stabs at meaning and morally navigable conclusions."

"But for all of the Monday-morning analysis and 11th-hour editorializing, there appears to be no one in mainstream media really confronting the genuinely ugly inward questions that must be addressed, namely:What is it about the psychology of today's American teenager that is enabling this behavior?" ...

"... in a country where the celebration of violence and cowboy-style confrontation inspires foreign policy and spawns a thousand lucrative cottage industries, should we really be all that frickin' surprised?" ...

PA: Shooting for Casey
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I was listening to KQV radio Tuesday a.m. and, as expected, I was inundated with news of the Lancaster shootings at the Amish school."

"Within mere seconds of these news accounts was run a Rick Santorum ad conducted by Wayne Lapierre of the National Rifle Association in support of gun rights. How utterly hollow it rang. There is much about the Second Amendment that should be preserved, but given the current state of affairs, isn't it time that we at least tried something else?" ...

Submitter's Note: Yes, let's try something else. Let's treat the Second Amendment as if it means what it says (shall not be infringed and all that), and is the highest law of the land, overriding mere state and city statutes.

New Zealand: Gun shop employee awaits prosecution over shooting in self defence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A gun shop employee who shot a man in the Auckland suburb of Penrose in July says it would be a travesty of justice if he was prosecuted over what he calls a clear cut case of self defence.

A decision is imminent on whether charges will be laid against Greg Carvell, who says a man was advancing on him with a machete in the Small Arms International shop.

Police are seeking a Crown opinion before deciding whether to prosecute. Mr Carvell, 33, says he's had a stressful and emotional 10 weeks waiting to hear his fate.

He told Morning Report he's received a huge amount of public support.

A man, 29, accused of attacking Mr Carvell faces a charge of assault with the intent to rob.

Canada: Vancouver-area police seize dozens of handguns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"RCMP are concerned about the number of illegal firearms on the Lower Mainland after seizing more than 130 handguns in the past week."

"Last Thursday, police in Vancouver arrested a 28-year-old man after discovering a cache of 127 pistols, all with the serial numbers removed."

"The following day, Burnaby RCMP arrested another man who allegedly had nine similar guns with him."

"Neither of the two men has been charged, but both remain in custody."

"Sgt. Shinder Kirk, spokesman for the B.C. Integrated Gang Task Force, said Tuesday that police can't confirm the men have gang ties, but he does say the guns were likely headed for the street." ...

Canada: RCMP Kept Busy With Gun Amnesty Program
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Police across Alberta have picked up dozens of unwanted weapons in the first few days of the month-long gun amnesty.

There are people who are suspicious of the police and wonder if the amnesty is a back-door attempt to get into their homes.

RCMP Corporal Wayne Oakes says police won't be coming to your house to pick up any weapons.

"That would be an illegal search and we won't partake in any kind of those activities."

Oakes says if you have unwanted guns, call to arrange a meeting or to have them picked up.

Under no circumstances should you show up at a police station with pistols or rifles in hand.

"Smart" guns and "safety" locks aren't meant to protect children. They're meant to kill gun owners. —VICTOR MILAN

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