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Newslinks for 10/6/2003

Another NRA Betrayal?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"I was hoping to not have to write another column about the NRA this soon, but it appears the millions of NRA members who believe in the Second Amendment are getting screwed by the prime protector of their Second Amendment rights yet again."

"If they’re not getting actively screwed, they are certainly getting passively screwed, and that may be even worse - because you don’t know it’s happening unless you look." ...

"I’m talking about the insidious collaboration of notorious enemies of freedom such as Chuck Schumer and supposed “Second Amendment supporters” like current NRA board of directors member Larry Craig (R-ID) and another NRA golden boy John Dingell (D-MI) on the “Our Lady of Peace Act.” This is a partnership manufactured in the very depths of anti-freedom hell, and one on which the NRA is keeping conspicuously silent."

Gun law flaws surprise few
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"Neither opponents nor proponents of tougher gun control laws were surprised Friday when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found no proof the statutes reduce firearm violence."

" 'I've been saying that for 25 years,' said Robert Crook, executive director for the Coalition of Connecticut Sportsmen. 'Tougher gun-control laws only effect the law-abiding citizen. Criminals will do whatever they have to get a gun.' " ...

" 'No, it doesn't surprise me,' Matt Bennett, a spokesman for the Americans for Gun Safety Foundation, said about CDCP's findings. 'What concerns us is that there are laws on the books that no one is being prosecuted for.' "

Cooking the books on gun laws
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Most of us who hunt or who just shoot recreationally are acutely aware that the executive branch under Clinton was the most virulently anti-gun administration in the nation's history."

"To the best of my knowledge, though, no one in the Clinton White House openly encouraged the CDC to pursue its anti-gun agenda. However, given the bureaucratic penchant for going with the flow, it would appear there was plenty of persuasion going on behind the scenes or else the agency wouldn't have dared delve into an area so fraught with controversy."

"In a host of areas the contrast between the Clinton and Bush administrations is like the difference between daylight and dark, and gun control is certainly one of those areas. I don't know that the Bush administration could properly be called pro-gun, but it most definitely is not afflicted with the anti-gun fervor that pervaded the Clinton White House."

"The AP story about the CDC shows what a radical shift of bureaucratic direction a change of administrations can bring about. Instead of persisting in the rabid anti-gun agenda it pursued in the Clinton years, the information now coming forth from the CDC's Atlanta headquarters sounds almost pro-gun."

(Contact Lowell Branham at

Penetrating the Polls
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A highbrow association of scholars has brought out an interesting exploration, best explained in a single sentence from its introduction: 'Does the public believe that gun control is an important issue because the news media cover it so extensively?' Addressing that question was a project of the Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval... The enterprise tracked opinion polls for eight years, from 1990 to 1998, and then the frequency with which corresponding issues and public figures were treated. The researchers undertook to designate which was 'the most important problem facing the nation on each of l00 days.' The project absorbed 29 research assistants who put in 10,000 person-hours to compile their findings." ...

Crosman air rifles recalled
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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A New York company is recalling nearly 1,500 air rifles because they may unexpectedly fire when the user closes the barrel, the Consumer Product Safety Commission said Thursday.
Crosman Corp., of East Bloomfield, N.Y., has received one report of its spring-piston, break-action air rifle misfiring. No injuries have been reported.

The recalled rifles have model numbers RM177, RM177X, RM677, RM677X, RM877 and RM622 and a manufacture date prior to August 2001. The model number and the words "Manufactured for the Crosman Corp. by Mendoza" are printed on the barrel. The rifles were sold by authorized dealers, gun shops and sporting goods stores nationwide between June and August of 2001 for $130 to $250.

Consumers should stop using the recalled rifles immediately.

Consumers can call Crosman Corp. at 1-800-724-7486 between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. EST Monday through Friday or find information on

NY: County clerk office taking fingerprints
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Erie County clerk's office has begun taking fingerprints, a required part of the background checks for pistol permit applicants."

"Prior to Wednesday, pistol permit applicants would get the permit from the county clerk's office but have the fingerprinting done at the Sheriff's Department."

Since when has treating every law abiding citizen as a potential criminal ever solved any crime problems?

OH: New Ohio Open Carry "Defense" Walks Announced
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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"Local organizers in several Ohio cities will be holding more 'Defense' Walks, at which those interested in protesting Republican obstruction of concealed carry reform will 'openly carry' their sidearms."

"These 'Defense' Walks are intended to offer a 'visual display' of the choice Ohioans and legislators have before them as a result of the Supreme Court ruling: open carry, with no training, background checks or 'defenseless victim' zones; OR a more subtle form self-defense - concealed carry."

DC: Victim caught between gunman and targets
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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District police are looking for an individual who murdered a Northwest man who was out for a walk.

Jerome Parker, 41, was shot Thursday afternoon in the 800 block of Gallatin Street Northwest.

He was apparently caught between a gunman and his intended targets. Police found two teenagers in a nearby alley and think they were the intended victims.

Parker was instructed to get regular exercise following surgery and relatives said he never ventured more than a block from his home.

Tell us again how banning guns will reduce crime, Sarah.

IA: Cedar Rapids Authorities Get Gun Enforcement Grant
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Cedar Rapids authorities will get more than 75-thousand-dollars to boost gun violence protection and enforcement programs.

U.S. Attorney Charles Larson announced the Project Safe Neighborhoods grant Friday.

He says the Cedar Rapids Community Corrections Improvement Association will use the money to support authorities in apprehending gun offenders and to improve evidence gathering capabilities to ensure convictions.

Larson says the grant also provides funds to cover overtime costs and equipment for the area's Combined Task Force on Gun Law Enforcement.

He says the task force will step up home searches for guns and ammunition.


CO: Bus driver fired after finding gun fights to get job back
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A school bus driver thought he was doing a heroic deed. Instead, he got fired and is now fighting for his job." ...

"Erik Danna was driving his daily route, picking up children to take to Pecan Grove Elementary in November of 2002. He was on the Texas Department of Corrections prison grounds, part of his routine, when he saw a pouch on the side of the road. He thought it might be a gun."

"He called three law enforcement agencies to tell them he thought he had a weapon." ...

"Erik Danna was fired by the Fort Bend ISD the next day." ...

NY: New York Gun Bills (Letter)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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To the Editor:

The gun bills now before the City Council (editorial, Sept. 22) are an unconstitutional attempt to regulate interstate commerce in firearms by imposing liability on gun makers for criminal shootings unless they adhere to a "code of conduct." Only Congress has the power to regulate interstate commerce.

New York's attorney general, Eliot Spitzer, tried to impose this "code of conduct" years ago, but dropped it when he was sued by the industry. Even your editorial agrees with Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg in opposing Councilwoman Eva Moskowitz's "absolute liability" bill.

Blaming gun makers for the actions of criminals is why Congress will pass legal reform legislation. On Thursday, Senator Tom Daschle announced his support for this legislation, saying it is wrong "to punish honest, law-abiding people for illegal acts committed by others without their knowledge or involvement. That's not the way we do things in America."

Newtown, Conn., Sept. 26, 2003

The writer is general counsel, National Shooting Sports Foundation.

CA: Tyranny at work: the real reason for the California recall...
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The wannabe governor has yet to deny that on May 17, 2001, at the Peninsula Hotel in Los Angeles, he had consensual political intercourse with Enron chieftain Kenneth Lay. Also frolicking with Arnold and Ken was convicted stock swindler Mike Milken." ...

"It turns out that Schwarzenegger knowingly joined the hush-hush encounter as part of a campaign to sabotage a Davis-Bustamante plan to make Enron and other power pirates then ravaging California pay back the $9 billion in illicit profits they carried off." ...

"The biggest single threat to Ken Lay and the electricity lords is a private lawsuit filed last year under California's unique Civil Code provision 17200, the "Unfair Business Practices Act." This litigation, heading to trial now in Los Angeles, would make the power companies return the $9 billion they filched from California electricity and gas customers." ...

"While Bustamante's kicking Enron butt in court, the Davis Administration is simultaneously demanding that George Bush's energy regulators order the $9 billion refund." ...

"The evidence against the electricity barons is rock solid: fraudulent reporting of sales transactions, megawatt 'laundering,' fake power delivery scheduling and straight out conspiracy..."

"So the Bush commissioners cook up a terrific scheme: charge the companies with conspiracy but offer them, behind closed doors, deals in which they have to pay only two cents on each dollar they filched."

"Problem: the slap-on-the-wrist refunds won't sail if the Governor of California won't play along. Solution: Re-call the Governor."

DE: So long, libertarians, and lots of luck in New Hampshire
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"...Though several activists in the two-year-old movement wrote essays citing Delaware's strong points - including low taxes, low dependence on the federal government and a strong pro-business climate - the First State finished a pathetic eighth in the voting, ahead of only the Dakotas."

"According to Keith Murphy, a project organizer from Maryland, infringements of personal liberty such as Delaware's indoor smoking ban and gun control efforts by the city of Wilmington gave members pause."

"If that's all it took to make them turn elsewhere, it's probably just as well. Some of the pie-in-the-sky aims espoused by supporters will never come to pass, but you don't need to puff your cigarette outdoors to see Delaware lawmakers are antagonistic toward many basic libertarian goals."

Sounds a bit like sour grapes.

Bulgaria: Car thief shot and wounded in Sofia
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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A 30-year-old Bulgarian man was wounded five times by gun shooting in capital Sofia's Ivan Vazov district, police officials said.

The man is known for being involved with car thefts.

He was taken to a hospital immediately after the incident and underwent several operations. His life is currently out of risk, doctors said.

UK: Government under fire over gun crime
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"The Government has been accused of letting street gun crime run out of control after the third shooting in four days."

"As police began investigating the latest case - a shotgun attack on three men - shadow home secretary Oliver Letwin said: 'One might have thought that this was Baghdad. In fact it's Blair's Britain.' ...

"Mr. Letwin said: 'Gun crime has nearly doubled since 1997, with no effective police presence on the streets of our neighbourhoods and no effective programme of intensive abstinence-based treatment for hard drug users.' "

OR: Gun turn-in raises consciousness
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The volunteers of Ceasefire Oregon have persisted through moments of public outrage over gun violence and moments of seeming public indifference, organizing what is believed to be one of the longest-running annual gun turn-ins in the country. Its value lies in promoting public awareness. It has helped Oregonians move beyond polarized positions on gun control toward the middle -- and a consensus in favor of gun safety."

It has also helped criminals to successfully get rid of firearms they may have used in crimes.

CA: Libertarians endorse GOP's McClintock!
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A strange thing is happening in California politics: The GOP is turning its back on a popular, conservative Republican to support a Hollywood actor who opposes nearly every social issue the Republicans claim to stand for."

"Meanwhile, Libertarians across the state of California are making an unprecedented exodus from the Libertarian party's candidate and instead supporting California state Sen. Tom McClintock, a conservative Republican. Nothing like this has happened before in the Libertarian Party and it speaks volumes about the character and integrity of Tom McClintock."

CA: Journalistic Cover-up?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Since at least 1997, the Times has been sitting on information that Gov. Gray Davis is an 'office batterer' who has attacked female members of his staff, thrown objects at subservients, and launched into red-faced fits, screaming the f-word until staffers cower." ...

"He so violently shoved his loyal, 62-year-old secretary out of a doorway that she suffered a breakdown, and refused to ever work in the same room with him. ..." ...

"Another woman ...had the unhappy chore in the mid-1990s of informing Davis that a fundraising source had dried up. When she told Davis, she recounted, Davis began screaming the f-word at the top of his lungs." ...

"After my story ran, I waited for the Times to publish its story. It never did." ...

LA: Alleged burglar shot in Cedar Grove
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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A man was shot and killed Thursday night while allegedly trying to rob a house in the Cedar Grove neighborhood.

The intruder, whose name and age were unknown late Thursday, allegedly broke into a house in the 500 block of East 69th Street just before 10 p.m., said Shreveport Detective Jeff Brown.

The man then reportedly took an item from the house when the home owner, who is in his 30s, armed himself and shot the man at least once at fairly close range, police said.

The home owner, whose name was not released, told police he'd made several reports that his home had been robbed previously, Brown said.

UK: Teenager jailed for knife attack
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"A TEENAGER who slit the throat of his mother's violent lover was today starting a two-and-a-half year prison sentence."

"One of Alex Court's jugular veins was cut when 18-year-old Benjamin Gunton sliced open his neck with a knife."

"He had turned on Mr. Court, 37, who had numerous convictions for violence, after seeing him attack his mother, Norwich Crown Court heard yesterday."

"Gunton, of Chestnut Court, Norwich, was sent to a young offenders' institutions for 30 months after admitting causing grievous bodily harm with intent." ...

"When Gunton went into the room, Mr. Court was hitting his mother across the face and had her pinned her on the bed."

"Mr. Court then moved towards him and Gunton said he feared he was about to be attacked too, so he used a knife to inflict a 10cm cut to Mr. Court's neck."

UK: He may shoot himself on TV today (or not)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Shortly before 10 o'clock tonight, in a remote and ramshackle building, a single bullet will be loaded into the chamber of a Smith and Wesson handgun. The gun will then be placed on a small table. Left alone in the room, a 32-year-old man will put the barrel to his right temple, then pull the trigger."

"In that split second, Derren Brown will achieve international fame for performing the most daring stunt ever seen on television. Or he will be dead. Either way, he will not be forgiven by an unlikely coalition of old soldiers, mothers' groups and police who say the 'psychological illusionist's' game of Russian roulette is sick, and an insult to victims of Britain's spiralling gun crime."

It's an insult to every law abiding citizen who is unable to use a firearm to defend him or herself against Britain's spiralling gun crime, while this half-witted imbecile gains fame for irresponsible misuse of the very tool of self defense denied to the rest of this fellow subjects.

UK: Armed robber gets five years
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"ARMED robber Dean Tibble is today beginning a five-year jail sentence after holding up Fore Street post office."

"The prolific crook, who has 101 previous convictions, also admitted further offences of burglary, theft and assault, committed between January and July this year. "[Emphasis added]

"Sentencing the 37-year-old, of Rosebery Road, Ipswich, Judge John Devaux said jail was his only option but admitted it is likely he will only serve two-thirds of his term."

"Tibble then thanked the judge before being led to the cells."

Hmmmmm. Aside from being defenseless sheep, why does the UK have crime problems?

UK: Drive-By Victims 'Targeted'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"THREE men were deliberately targeted in a drive-by shooting in another town, cops said yesterday."

"One of the victims was still in hospital last night after he was blasted in the face. The other two men, hit in the arms and back, were released yesterday afternoon. All three were in their 20s."

"Detective Chief Inspector Dave Lewis of Thames Valley Police said 'We do not think this was an indiscriminate drive-by shooting. We think these people were targeted.' "

South Africa: Three Arrested After Cape Town Cash-in-Transit Heist
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Western Cape police shot and wounded a suspected robber and arrested two others shortly after a botched cash-in-transit heist in Retreat near Cape Town on Friday."

"The drama began around 10am when the robbers, believed to be six men, drove up to the Harry Goeman's Gardens Centre where security guards were loading an ATM machine."

"Police spokeswoman Superintendent Nina Kirsten said the suspects fired a shot at the security guard at the centre. The shot missed the guard and he jumped into his car and sped off."

"Police, including the task force, and a police helicopter, were on the scene within seconds after being contacted by the public."

UK: Gun crime spreads 'like a cancer' across Britain
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As the number of weapons on the streets grows and shootings become the norm, gun law is back at the top of the political agenda." ...

"According to the Association of Chief Police Officers, gun crime is 'growing like a cancer' and spreading to smaller communities." ...

"Last year saw a record 35 per cent jump in gun crimes, which means there are now, on average, 30 incidents each day. There were almost 10,000 incidents involving firearms recorded in England and Wales and, although the largest increases were in metropolitan areas, the figures showed use of handguns was also growing in rural communities. Overall, handguns were used in almost half of these incidents."

NY: Gun club controversy yet to be silenced
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The controversy surrounding planned changes to the Northern Dutchess Rod and Gun Club remains alive more than a year after it arose."

"The town Planning Board is expected to continue a public hearing on a site plan and special-use permit for the club when it meets at 7:30 p.m. Monday in the Town Hall on East Market Street."

"During the summer, the town Zoning Board of Appeals upheld a cease-and-desist order issued to the club by John Maasz, the town's zoning enforcement officer. In a letter to Sid Griffin, president of the club, Maasz wrote that improvements to the club's trap shooting range made the club subject to a site plan review by the Planning Board."

NY: 157 shops, dealers sell guns in CNY
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"In the 90 minutes it takes to drive across Central New York, people looking to legally buy a gun could do so at 157 locations."

"They could buy a gun in a lumberyard, a day care center, a clothing shop, at a convenience store. Or they could sit down at a kitchen table inside a home that looks more like grandma's house than a gun shop - complete with picket fence, nearby church and a locked gun cabinet."

"These gun businesses come in all sizes and names: Guns R Us, Greg's Gun Room, Wal-Mart, Jack's Welding Repair and Hannibal Quick Mart. But only those with the interest and the Internet would likely find most of them. In seeking out more than four dozen dealers last week, The Post-Standard found only three with signs advertising guns for sale."

"These federally licensed, legal dealers say they operate in relative secrecy not because they are doing anything wrong, but because they don't want to publicize the location of a cache of weapons."

"And because they know for some there's a stigma that surrounds guns - particularly in light of two recent thefts from local gun dealers and last year's release of 'Bowling for Columbine,' a controversial documentary on the gun culture in the United States and the fact that 11,000 Americans die each year as a result of gun violence."

FDA Steps Up Enforcement on Drug Imports
Submitted by: Melissa (skypod)

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"As a growing number of governors say they intend to defy federal regulators and purchase lower-cost prescription drugs from Canada, the Bush administration is pushing back, stepping up its enforcement actions against what it describes as 'illegal and potentially dangerous' shipments from abroad." ...

"In announcing the 'blitz,' FDA officials reiterated warnings that anyone shopping for medicine outside the United States is taking a risk."

Free market? What free market?

IN: Stalking Victim Fights Back
Submitted by: Pirate

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"Fed up with a stranger she thought had been spying on her for months, Hannah Arbuckle didn't hesitate when she saw him outside her Kessler Boulevard home."

"She chased him, police say, and jumped into the bed of his pickup as he sped away." ...

" 'We discourage behavior like that,' said Detective Steve Fippen of the Indianapolis Police Department. 'What the victim did was courageous, but the man could have been armed and dangerous, and she could have been seriously hurt.' "

Yeah, she could have played it safe. She could have stayed at home, done nothing, and been brutalized or possibly murdered later. But this detective would rather have her rely on him and his cohorts to protect her than take responsibility for her own safety.

GA: Three Dead in Atlanta Church Shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A woman opened fire in a church in Atlanta on Sunday, killing the pastor and another church member before turning the gun on herself, police and witnesses said.

The shooting occurred between 8 a.m. EDT and 8:30 a.m. EDT before services at Turner Monumental A.M.E. church in the predominantly black neighborhood of Kirkwood in East Atlanta, according to a spokesman for the Atlanta Police Department.

Police did not release the identities of the woman or the two shooting victims.

Church members told WKIA-TV in Atlanta that an armed woman walked into the church sanctuary, shot the head pastor and another church member and then shot herself.

NOTE: GA bans CCW in church. Maybe if someone had been carrying a firearm in that church, the victims would still be alive.

CO: Denver airport concourse sealed off when FBI agent misplaces gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The Transportation Security Administration is blaming an FBI agent for delaying up to a dozen flights in Denver after the agent misplaced his weapon and credentials.

The airport held the flights yesterday after the agent reported that his bag was missing -- and with it his weapon and credentials.

The items were found about 30 minutes later in a restaurant where the agent had eaten.

The airport held all flights at the concourse and passengers were not allowed to leave or enter the area while the weapon and credentials were missing.

The FBI isn't saying what action the agent might face.

Anyone want to place a bet that this will be a quiet, non-public slap on the wrist?

MI: State has obligation to quiet range noise
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Neighbors surrounding a state prison gun range on Parr Highway petitioned the Palmyra Township board with complaints about noise and hours of operation at the Parr Highway facility."

"Warden David Jamrog attended the township board meeting with other prison officials to respond to citizen complaints about the gun range, located on state-owned property east of the Parr Highway prison complex."

" 'I can't change the fact that firearms are dangerous or the fact that firearms are noisy, but there are things that can be done to manage them,' Jamrog said."

"He's right. And we would further add that Jamrog and the state of Michigan have an obligation to make the range as unobtrusive as possible, considering that the range project went forward against the wishes of its nearby neighbors. Earlier this year prison and state officials set a very different tone: The range is here to stay, whether you approve of the project or not."

OR: Oregonians swap firearms for gift certificates, peace of mind
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If it weren't for the Ceasefire Oregon Education Foundation, Sidney Marshall would still have a gun in her house."

"She didn't know what kind it was, just a small handgun that was left by her husband, who died last December. But Marshall, 93, knew she wanted it out of her house." ...

"Marshall's was one of 356 guns turned in Saturday. The event offered gun owners a place to safely dispose of their guns. Police officers were at each site to collect the pieces -- no questions asked -- for safe storage and eventual destruction."

That's right, focus on the old widow, and not the gang-bangers dumping the guns they used to murder their rivals and getting taxpayer-purchased goodies for them.

RI: Charlestown Police Confiscate Gun From Student
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Town police have taken a gun from a student who said he wanted to bring the weapon into Chariho Regional High School to 'scare' a classmate. The suspect, a 17-year-old from Hopkinton, was charged with possession of firearm by a minor."

"Classmates of the boy called police when they discovered a gun in his bag at a residence in Charlestown. Responding police recovered a 9mm semi-automatic pistol, which was not loaded, from the student's backpack Friday morning. No ammunition was in the bag."

"The gun apparently belongs to the boy's father, but police have not been able to confirm that information yet. The father is out of the country and was due back late Saturday night."

But guns are illegal in schools! How do they keep appearing there? Are laws really ineffective at stopping criminals?

U.S. Gift to Britain: The Model of a Modern Cop
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Although overall crime has dropped slightly in recent years, Britain's major cities have seen an alarming jump in gun-related and violent crime. Gang warfare, drive-by shootings, crack dealing and the like, crimes that once were the exclusive staples of American urban street life, have encroached on everyday life here. Assaults, robberies and carjackings have grown steadily."

"Guns are no longer a rarity. While the aggregate numbers pale next to America's, gun crime in England and Wales rose by 35 percent in 2002 and has nearly doubled since 1997. In the year 2001-2002, guns were involved in 9,974 crimes."

All this since the government confiscation!

Meanwhile, gun crime in the US has seen a steady decline.

CO: Answer to God, Official Tells Potential Jurors
Submitted by: Melissa (skypod)

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"Jefferson County Treasurer Mark Paschall, a former state lawmaker known for his anti-abortion and pro-gun views, said the booklets are 'my personal gift to the people.' He said the booklets, many stamped with his name and elected title, were bought with $500 to $600 of his money and that of two political allies who work in the treasurer's office."

"The 61-page booklets promote 'jury nullification' -- a concept promoted by conservative groups that say juries have the right to not only decide guilt or innocence, but also whether laws are just and adhere to God's law."

" 'You are above the law!' the booklet says. 'As a juror in a trial setting, when it comes to your individual vote of innocent or guilty, you truly are answerable only to God almighty.' "

"Said Paschall: 'I want people to understand the form of government that we have and the rights and freedoms that went before. If it raises eyebrows, I think it perhaps ends up waking people up.' "

"Some questioned whether Paschall has a right to distribute the material at a government office, and County Attorney Bill Tuthill said he was looking into the issue."

OR: Hunters appear to enjoy opening day
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The opening of deer rifle season in Central Oregon got cracking — loudly — Saturday with dry conditions making stalking conditions difficult for hunters."

" 'It's still pretty dry out there, though these little thunderstorms we're getting are helping a lot,' said Steven George, a Bend-based biologist with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife."

"He spent the day checking on hunters in an area about 40 miles southeast of Bend. 'Generally speaking, the harvest is probably a little low compared to normal years,' he said."

"In the Ochoco National Forest in an area about 70 miles east of Prineville, ODFW biologist Brian Ferry said only about 5 percent of hunters found success Saturday."

OR: Charred landscape presents challenge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ron Thomas of Salem summed up the sentiments of a lot of people in the woods Saturday for the general rifle deer opener."

" 'It’s a gorgeous walk,' he said. 'There’s lots of signs, elk tracks, deer tracks, so they’re around. I just didn’t see any.' "

"Thomas, Eric Anderson, Mike Anderson and Bob Thomas were part of a family campsite that included an RV, camper, tent, three vehicles and assorted all-terrain vehicles." ...

"But all of those critters driven out of the burned area had to go somewhere, a lot of people figured."

FL: County may drop obsolete gun rules
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The county is getting ready to take its firearms regulations off the books."

"It's more of a formality than anything, officials say. The Legislature nullified local gun laws 16 years ago in favor of statewide laws that are consistent across city and county lines."

"That left Pasco County with a couple of gun regulations it no longer could enforce, said Assistant County Attorney Kristi Wooden. One rule banned firearms at county parks. Another prohibited the firing of a gun within 300 feet of an occupied building."

UK: Government's Anti-Gun Measures
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"The Government has responded to the latest shootings by revealing a range of measures to tackle gun crime."

"A Home Office spokesman said while it remained low, there had been an unacceptable rise in recent years."

"The Criminal Justice Bill includes our proposals for the five-year mandatory minimum sentence for illegal possession of a firearm."

"This is a clear demonstration of our commitment to both deter criminals from using firearms and to ensure that those who do receive appropriately tough sentences."

"The Government is also launching the Anti- Social Behaviour Bill, which deals with the misuse of imitation guns and air weapons."

They just never learn, do they?

CA: The Case for Governor Tom McClintock
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"Why progressives should vote for the most conservative candidate in the race to replace Gray Davis."

"Start with character. Unlike his top competition—Davis, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Cruz Bustamante—McClintock does not lie, duck debates, accept illegal contributions, hide from reporters, flip-flop positions, defend crooks, pander to special interests, place party loyalty over principles, rely on one-liners, award no-bid contracts, surround himself with sleazy advisors or pretend good government is as simple as marketing a movie."

AK: Pilgrims vs. Park Service
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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" 'We brought what the epitome of a wilderness family really is in Alaska,' says Papa Pilgrim, who carries a Bible, matches and heart-attack tablets in a buckskin holster on his belt. 'We're just modest, simple folks, not some strange religion.' "

"...The powerful impression can be intimidating, say various law enforcement officers and others who wound up getting crosswise with the family in Alaska and the Lower 48."

" 'They're nice guys when they want to be. But they're Jekyll and Hyde,' says Hunter Sharp, the chief ranger for Wrangell-St. Elias National Park, who feels the Pilgrims have blustered and snarled to get authorities to let them live by their own rules in a remote corner of the park." ...

So these people are not bothering anyone, not infringing on anyone's rights, not harming anyone, but the fact that they want to live by their own rules is somehow offensive and disturbing for these Jack-booted thugs?

IN: Gun permits can be 'passports to danger'
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"The state's gun permit system is designed to ensure that only persons -- in the language of the law -- of 'good character' can carry handguns in public."

Where in the Second Amendment does it specify that your "good character" must be approved by the state before being able to exercise a basic human right?

South Africa: Want a legal gun? Here's how
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"...under the new law, one is allowed only to select a weapon and then go to an accredited institution to be assessed. This would result in the applicant being issued with a proficiency certificate."

"The applicant would then go to a designated firearm officer at the nearest police station. Here finger prints would be taken, checks would be done for a possible criminal record and other criteria would be used to determine the person's ability to control a weapon. The application would then be submitted to the central firearms registry, which would issue a competency certificate based on the recommendations of the South African Police Service." ...

"Currently, it takes at least three months to obtain a gun licence." ...

UK: Police fear they are losing control of gun-crazy Britain
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"Police demanded new controls last night to combat soaring levels of gun crime, which senior officers described as 'a cancer' spreading across Britain."

"The calls for urgent action came as police launched an investigation into the shooting of three men in Berkshire, days after a jeweller was shot dead in Nottingham and hit men sprayed machine-gunfire in a busy street in Hertfordshire." ...

"With gun crime doubling since Labour came to power, Liberal Democrat home affairs spokesman Simon Hughes called last night for better controls on guns coming into the UK."

Jamaica: Major changes to gun licence system coming
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"MORE THAN 250 guns belonging to licensed firearm holders islandwide are now in the hands of criminals."

"The police are describing this as 'alarming' and have said that the current review of the system under which licences are granted will see major changes."

"Their data show that within the last three years, 256 guns belonging to licensed firearm holders were stolen or lost. In addition, 49 firearm holders were killed for their weapons."

The Brady Bill's only effect will be to desensitize the public to regulation of weapons in preparation for their ultimate confiscation. — Charles Krauthammer, The Washington Post, April 5, 1996

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