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Newslinks for 10/6/2004

NRA Starts Ads Critical of Kerry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Assn., one of the country's most influential lobbying groups, is wading into the presidential campaign with television commercials that criticize Sen. John F. Kerry of Massachusetts as an opponent of gun-owner rights."

"The Democratic nominee's camp flatly denies the charge."

"The NRA's advertising drive, including a 30-second spot that aired on cable TV last weekend, comes as the gun lobby is savoring two recent legislative victories here in the capital."

"On Sept. 13, the Republican-led Congress allowed a 10-year-old ban on certain kinds of assault weapons to expire — with no public protest from President Bush. Last week, the House voted to repeal a law banning certain handguns in the District of Columbia." ...

MN: Minneapolis gun shop debuts the credit-card shotgun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a new twist on the idea of concealable weapons, a local gun maker and gun shop are debuting a new type of firearm: the credit-card shotgun."

"It's a two-shot weapon made from a block of metal the height and width of a standard credit card, and about a half-inch thick. Each barrel fires seven standard steel BBs. It will retail for $100."

"'This I can see being the ultimate self-defense weapon,' said Mark Koscielski, owner of Koscielski's Guns and Ammo, the only gun shop in Minneapolis." ...

"The new guns don't count as firearms under federal regulations because they're muzzleloaders, Koscielski and Teel said. It's illegal to carry one without a permit to carry a concealed handgun, they said ..." ...

TN: Elderly Cocke County man tells police he shot would-be burglar
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "D.R. Williamson awoke around midnight at his Roostertown Road residence to allegedly find Chad Lee Hicks ... attempting to enter his home, according to Detective Bryan Murr of the Cocke County Sheriff's Department."

"Williamson, who had armed himself with a rifle, fired a single shot and hit Hicks in the neck, just under the chin."

"'The subject headed for him armed with a knife. An article of clothing had been wrapped around his face, fashioned as a mask,' Murr alleged."

"Hicks died at the scene. No charges had been filed against Williamson by this morning."

"Murr says he hasn't ruled out the possibility Hicks may be the same man who allegedly entered Williamson's home about a month ago and stole $400 from his wallet." ...

Can Snooping Stop Terrorism?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"It’s official: the Pentagon’s terrorism (formerly total) Information Awareness program has been a Total Institutional Disaster. Last month Congress pulled the plug on the Department of Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA) high-tech initiative to identify terrorist threats. Certainly everyone concerned with the ability of the government to snoop on its citizens should be satisfied that, in this case at least, legislators stood up for the sanctity of personal information. But I suggest we go easy on the celebrations."

"...TIA had scary privacy implications. It gave investigators the ability to instantly search through many databases, including private-sector storehouses like phone and credit-card companies."

Patriot Act affects investments, too
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Don't be surprised if it takes a bit longer to open a bank or brokerage account or to sign up for mutual funds."

"As of Oct. 1, most of the nation's financial institutions -- banks and credit unions, securities brokers, mutual funds and futures dealers -- had to comply with the consumer identification provisions of the USA Patriot Act of 2001."

"The insurance industry is still awaiting final regulations from the Treasury under the act, but eventually will be adopting the changes, too, said Victoria Fimea, senior counsel for litigation at the American Council of Life Insurers."

Even ACLU supports Patriot Act - just not everything that's in it
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Since the USA Patriot Act became law, no group has attacked it more than the American Civil Liberties Union. But when congressional Democrats recently asked the ACLU to support repealing the controversial anti-terrorism measure, its officials objected."

" 'We said, 'That's a crazy idea,' ' said Timothy Edgar, the ACLU's legislative counsel. 'There are reasonable things in the Patriot Act.' "

Handwringers really have nothing to be upset about (Letter)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The letter writer, who states that he is an attorney, claims that the Patriot Act is unconstitutional by being a 'clear violation of the Fourth Amendment.' That statement is simply hogwash."

"If all the liberal handwringers are so sure of that, then why don't they take the case to the U.S. Supreme Court to prove their point instead of trying their case in the editorial pages of the newspaper? The reason is clear -- they know it is lawful."

The "Patriot" Act walks a very thin constitutional line. However, it allows authorities an easier way to circumvent the Fourth Amendment. That's where the problem really lies!

TX: Police seek to beef up arsenal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Wanting to ensure that his officers aren't outgunned, Police Chief Ralph Mendoza is seeking to give some officers a new weapon -- the AR-15 rifle -- in the fight against criminals and gangs."

"Mendoza said the Police Department plans to use seized drug money to buy 12 of the rifles for some officers in the Crime Response Team and Gang Unit."

"The chief said he also plans to seek funding from the Crime Control Prevention District to buy as many as 200 more of the weapons, some of which will be given to officers in the field."

"'Sometimes in hostage situations, they've got shotguns, rifles and handguns, but we've only got handguns,' Mendoza said. 'So tactically, they have advantages over our officers ...'" ...

But AR-15s are only good for "killing as many people as possible in the shortest time possible"! Why would cops want something like that?!?

FL: Police Say Fla. Officer Shot by Partner
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A police officer grievously wounded last month after responding to an early morning disturbance was shot by his partner, officials said Tuesday."

"Officer William McGarry remains unconscious and on a ventilator from his wounds."

"His partner, Officer Stevens Gelu, fired his 9mm handgun three to five times, aiming for the suspect, who wasn't hit, said police spokesman Sgt. Andy Pallen."

"Gelu hasn't been charged and the case was turned over to the Broward State Attorney's Office, The Miami Herald reported. Police said earlier that Gelu might have shot his partner by accident." ...

But only cops and the military are trained and professional enough to carry guns, right Sarah?

AZ: Woman recounts officer killing of friend
Submitted by: Michael Lewis

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"A woman who had been stopped for speeding said she watched as a police officer shot her boyfriend. She said the incident was unprovoked, but a state police spokesman said the officer feared for his life." ...

"In a telephone interview Monday, Janice Worthington said she was standing at the rear of her vehicle on Arizona 87 south of Payson talking with Department of Public Safety Officer Jarom Lewis. Moreland was unarmed and standing beside the passenger door of their car, she said." ...

"According to Worthington, 46, Moreland did nothing to provoke the shooting."

"The officer believed his life was in danger, said Valenzuela, who declined to describe what led him to that conclusion." ...

US election gift for trigger-happy [second story on page]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"To outsiders, the enduring power of the gun lobby is one of the more disconcerting features of the political culture of the United States. It has been demonstrated again during the presidential campaign - though the attention of the American public quickly moved on, caught up in the frenetic pace of electioneering."

"Arms manufacturers and their clients have been able to celebrate, thanks to congressional and presidential default, the reversal of one of the few setbacks they have ever suffered. In 1994, following a number of multiple murders in schools and fast-food restaurants, the then president, Bill Clinton, signed legislation banning the sale and ownership of military-style assault rifles. That ban - a much less restrictive gun-control measure than those which were introduced by the Howard Government after the Port Arthur tragedy in Tasmania in 1996 - has lapsed, because Congress failed to renew it." ...

The author conveniently fails to note that violent crime in Australia has exploded since the "restrictive" gun control measures passed in Australia 1996.

MS: Hunt's assault weapons column was misleading
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The 'assault weapons ban' to which Ms. Hunt refers covers semi-automatic rifles, which look like machine guns. While they are, as she claims, 'more powerful than (what) cops carry,' that is because they are rifles and 'most cops' carry pistols. In actuality, these rifles use a 'mid-powered' round that is less powerful than most deer rifles."

"Many of Ms. Hunt's crime facts are simply wrong or stated in such a way as to be misleading. The most egregious of these is the claim that 'assault weapons are 20 times more likely to be used in a crime than conventional weapons.'"

"In actuality, assault weapons are used in less than 2 percent of gun crimes. This is just one more straw man those like Ms. Hunt use to nibble away at our Second Amendment rights." ...

OR: Gun owners reflect on rifle ban expiration
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Although some students interviewed did not know the specifics of the ban, many felt strongly that the ban should be renewed."

"Graduate student Hill Pierce said he had heard about the expiration of the ban and feels that semiautomatic weapons are unnecessary."

"'The idea that Americans need assault rifles is ridiculous,' Pierce said."

"Pierce said he favors stronger regulations on assault weapons and handguns and hopes Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry will take a stronger stance on the issue of gun control."

"Senior Brianna Ronemus agreed, saying she did not favor ending the ban."

"'There's no real use for semiautomatic weapons except for killing stuff,' Ronemus said. ..." ...

Then why do almost all cops now carry semiauto pistols Brianna?

AL: Hill gets life
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Johnny James Hill Jr. received the maximum sentence for his role in robbing a convenience store near Lake Eufaula, according to the Saturday edition of The Dothan Eagle."

"The robbery took place in October of 2001 at a White Oak convenience store. Hill was shot during the robbery."

"Prosecutors said Hill served as the getaway driver while two other men, Dedric Davis and Ray Rivers, entered White Oak Village Store and robbed the owner, 78-year-old Bob Knowles."

"A customer who was pistol-whipped by one of the men who entered the store later ran home and grabbed a rifle. He shot Hill in the leg." ...

Armed citizen fights back! Good for him!

MT: 'Code of the West' may need a new chapter
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "One news story here locally concerns a group of rural residents east of town seeking to extend a firearms restriction zone to their neighborhood. The other told of lawsuit filed by a woman against state and federal wildlife agencies over death of her husband -- killed by a grizzly bear while field dressing an elk he had just shot." ...

MN: CPD has more free gun safety kits
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Thanks to another delivery from Project ChildSafe, the Crookston Police Department has an additional 500 firearm safety kits available free of charge to the public."

"A limit of three gun locks per household is the general rule, Police Chief Tim Motherway said, in order to distribute them to as many households as possible. Exceptions can be made on a case by case basis, however, he added."

"Motherway said citizens who want one or more gun locks should stop by the CPD. The cable system fits most types of handguns, rifles and shotguns. The goal, Motherway said, is to prevent a child or any other unauthorized person from accessing a firearm in your home." ...

KABA Note: "Paid for by the taxpayer" is not the same as "free".

Deer Rifles Abound
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"My tastes in deer rifles are different than those of others, and likely so are the conditions in which I use them. So what an individual likes or prefers or needs doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of deer season."

"That old passed-down .30-30 crankaction may be perfect for the "Barbed Wire Stand" in Granddad's back pasture, but it might not offer the reach you need for a Montana mulie hunt this fall." ...

"This, in fact, is the deer hunters' common denominator: No matter what we love and have to shoot, the idea of owning a new rifle lingers constantly in the back of our minds. And since this article arrives as deer seasons ramp up across the country, we thought it prudent to take a quick review of the assorted deer rifles available on the market today. ..." ...

SC: He hit 'em with his best shot
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Turkey target shooting isn't the same as shooting bears and boars, but being the best teenager at it isn't so bad."

"Especially when you spend a lot of the rest of the time running through fields or getting walloped on a wrestling mat."

"Rock Hill's Chase Hope, 17, a senior at Northwestern High School, recently won the National Wild Turkey Federation still-target division for teens, besting all comers from across the country with a 20-gauge shotgun."

"'I guess since I've been hunting since I was little, (it) paid off,' Chase said."

"He's spent most of his free time since he was about 6 years old hunting with his father, Richard, starting with a tiny .22-caliber rifle. ..." ...

WY: Northeast Wyoming hosts shooting competition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The International Tactical Rifleman Championships and related training was held on area ranches in Campbell and Sheridan counties last month."

"White-Davis Motors sponsored activities as its way of showing support and appreciation to the military troops and police officers who frequent the ITRC."

"U.S. soldiers commonly attend tactical training in the Gillette area before combat deployment overseas and between deployments as refresher courses."

"The effectiveness of Dave Lauck's Wyoming-based tactical training has led to numerous police and military groups traveling to and staying in Gillette."

"Shooters from state, local, and federal government agencies and SWAT teams have attended, and soldiers from the Army, United States Marine Corps, National Guard and Navy Seals have attended." ...

CA: Camps, Clinic, Registration -- Hunting & Fishing [6th item on page]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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MODESTO RIFLE CLUB TURKEY SHOOT — Oct. 30, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Targets only. Families welcome — a parent or responsible adult must accompany all shooters under 18. Five events. Win a turkey or chicken. Bring your favorite rifle or pistol, or both, and plenty of ammo — ammo will not be sold at the club. Bring ear and eye protection. For more information, call Ron Bowren at 571-0102.

South Africa: Rapist's gun turned on himself
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A man is in a coma after a woman shot him in self-defence with his own gun when he rape her.

Sergeant Charles Nkosi said the woman was apparently walking home near Balfour in Mpumalanga on Monday when a man wearing a balaclava approached her.

He pushed her into bushes and raped her at gunpoint.

However, she managed to get hold of the firearm and shot her attacker in the back. She fled to a nearby clinic, from where police was informed.

Police took the man to hospital, where he was reportedly still in a coma.

Nkosi said police found a shifting spanner, a crowbar and a bush knife, believed to belong to the attacker, at the place where the woman was raped.

Nkosi said the man would be charged with rape. The woman might face attempted murder charges. [emphasis added]

The inmates are running the asylum.

Indonesia: Ships told to avoid Belawan area
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Vessels plying the Malacca Straits have been advised to stay clear of the Belawan area, following incidents where the masters and chief engineers of two tug boats were taken by abductors."

"International Maritime Bureau (IMB) regional office head Noel Choong said the first incident occurred at 7pm on Thursday when heavily armed robbers, believed to be Indonesians, boarded a tug boat sailing under a Tuvalu flag."

"'They broke the window and stole the ship’s equipment as well as some documents.'" ...

"Choong said the second incident took place on Saturday, when eight pirates in a fast fishing boat attacked a tug barge flying a Singapore flag and carrying 16 crew members." ...

Right, don't arm the crews and encourage them to fight back, just "Run Away! Run Away!"!

Uganda: Start Serious Work Against Small Arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A conference on the proliferation of small arms and light weapons is taking place in Kampala. Internal Affairs minister Ruhakana Rugunda told the conference that Uganda is tightening laws to stem the flow of illicit arms into the country. That is fine but surprising."

"After all sorts of regional meetings over the years, including the signing by 11 countries of the Nairobi Protocol on Small Arms and Light Weapons, it is surprising that the Ugandan minister is just now talking about laws. The governments undertook to ratify the Nairobi Protocol, which requires inclusion into national laws tough provisions against small arms ownership, by end 2004. We wait to see whether that will happen given the snail pace we are embarked on." ...

KABA notes that Idi Amin was all in favor of gun control too.

Bangladesh: More ammo found at city slum
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Rapid Action Battalion (Rab) and police in a raid on a shanty at Sattola slum in Mohakhali yesterday seized more bullets after it retrieved two grenades, an AK-47 assault rifle, a revolver and over 300 ammunition on Monday."

"The police and members of Rab-1 in the three-hour raid picked up 10 people from crime-infested slum. Four of them were arrested for their suspected link to the arms and ammunition cache and the rest were released after interrogation."

"Sources at the police and Rab said they have retrieved 25 shotgun cartridges and 10 .303 rifle bullets abandoned in a shanty. However, it was not immediately known who owns the shanty." ...

Philippines: Abra governor, officials give up firearms to cops
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Abra’s political warlords surrendered 27 high-powered firearms and four handguns to the Special Action Force (SAF) on the last day of the two-week deadline ..."

"'Nineteen mayors out of the 27 municipalities of Abra surrendered their unlicensed firearms on the day of the deadline,' Rodolfo Ebardo, SAF chief ... said."

"Gov. Vicente Valera of Abra surrendered four rifles, which Ebardo described as expensive weapons. Most of the rifles surrendered by the mayors were M-16s, Ebardo added." ...

"The police had received 29 firearms from other politicians in the province, including Valera. Valera had surrendered two M-16s, a Thompson submachine-gun, a shotgun, several pistols and ammunition magazines." ...

UK: Cat shot in head by air gun thugs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"SICK yobs shot a much-loved family cat in the head with an air rifle."

"Owners Keith and Nicola Harrison, of Westmead Avenue, Wisbech, were horrified that somebody could inflict such cruelty on a defenceless animal." ...

"When Spike arrived home on Thursday evening, the Harrisons knew something was wrong."

"Their pet refused to eat. It was then they discovered he was bleeding from a wound near his nose."

"Worried, the couple took Spike to Vet Savers, in Bedford Street, Wisbech, first thing on Friday morning."

"An X-ray by staff revealed that Spike had been shot in the head, between his eyes and nose. The pellet was lodged in his skull, dangerously close to his brain." ...

Australia: New members at Ulladulla Pistol Club
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sundays programme was very relaxed with all members opting to take part in the match of Sports Pistol."

"As usual Aleck Dawes provided expertise with the safe conduct of the match on the day."

"Josi Young held the 'flag high' for the female shooting fraternity with a score of 512, and top scorer on Sunday."

"So much so was the effort, that a loud 'challenge' exploded from the lips of Harry Spence, but not to be deterred from the task, the scorer proceeded to check all tallies and yes, sorry Harry, the score was good." ...

See?!? Guns aren't outlawed in Australia! You can still go to the club on a Sunday, and shoot at targets. Just keep your nasty, evil gun unloaded, disassembled and lo

Philippines: Cops nab 'attackers' of town vice mayor
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"THE Zamboanga del Sur provincial police announced Monday the arrest of the two prime suspects in the ambush attempt of Dumalinao town Vice Mayor Josephine Mann last Friday afternoon, at Barangay Balintawak, in Pagadian City."

"The 905th Provincial Mobile Group launched a manhunt operation and arrested Richem Malilim, 22, an employee of White House Commercial store in Pagadian and Herminio Casaril, 33, a carpenter who resides at RT Lim Street, Capitol Heights in Balagtasan District, also in Pagadian City."

"Seized from the duo was a colt .45 caliber pistol believed to be the weapon used in the assassination attempt of the lady vice mayor." ...

But guns are banned in the Philippines! How did BGs get one?

UK: Cops’ Air Rifle Jail Threat After Shootings In City
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"POLICE have warned that anyone carrying an air rifle could be jailed following two shootings in Carlisle in the last week."

"Offenders face a possible six-month prison term if caught with the weapons in public without good reason." [KABA asks: Who decides?]

"The declaration comes after a firefighter was shot at with an air rifle while on duty at the weekend."

"Only a week before, a gunman shot at four sixth formers and a man while they were at the skate park on Devonshire Walk."

"The firefighter was not hurt, but skateboarder Craig Miller, 31, was hit in the arm after a gunman fired around a dozen shots on Monday September 27." ...

Ghana: Police arrest suspected armed robbers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police in Sunyani at the weekend arrested two suspected armed robbers who had allegedly planned to attack passengers on board an O.A. Transport bus travelling from Sunyani to Accra."

"The suspects, Patrick Bonsu, 35, an Accra-based watchman and Kwabena Barnie, 27, a surveyor of Jojafra Construction Company in Sunyani were arrested following a tip off by a female passenger on the bus."

"They have been placed in police custody pending investigations. Chief Superintendent Osei Asibey Ahenkan, Sunyani Municipal Police Commander, told the Ghana News Agency on Monday that the female passenger, (name withheld) rang to inform the Police about the suspected robbers." ...

Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Nations and peoples who forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and freedoms. — Robert Heinlein

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