Special counsel for Gunwalker must be truly independent
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Bruce W. Krafft
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... "While an independent counsel is needed, expecting a truly independent one to be appointed by a department that is up to its neck in stonewalling and cover-up, by a president whose own role and interests are appropriate for scrutiny, is at best problematic, and at worst a recipe for ensuring those responsible for 'Project Gunwalker' are never held accountable for actions that have resulted in human deaths on both sides of the border." ... |
From Eric Holder, we get a liar's 'justice'
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... "Lying to Congress under oath is perjury. Perjury is a crime. We the people, however, are expected to trust our nation's justice system to this . . . criminal. This we cannot do. A government that puts 'justice' in the hands of a criminal bears no legitimate claim on the people's loyalty. If the government seeks to illegitimately claim that loyalty, the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence is going to have a lot of updates to make on their 'Insurrectionism Timeline.'" |
'Gunwalking' then and now: The differences
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... "It should also be pointed out that by 2009, even the most Underpants Gnome-stupid government officials had the benefit of hindsight (provided by 'Wide Receiver') to see the folly of 'gunwalking' as a 'crime-fighting' tool. By then it should have been clear that the only value such a technique offered was the pile of dead bodies that could then be blamed on U.S. gun dealers."
"'Operation Wide Receiver' should be investigated, and any found guilty of criminal acts should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But before TPMMuckraker gives the Obama government a pass on its gunwalking, because 'Bush did it, too,' we should probably ask ourselves if a past administration's atrocities justify their repetition now." |
Washington Times Editor: I Want A Gun!
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"'Washington D.C. is a city of Southern efficiency and Northern charm.' –John F. Kennedy."
"Washington Times senior editor Emily Miller once encountered a gang of burglars armed with nothing more than her Blackberry phone, and like any sane person she reckons she’ll need a bit more firepower if that sort of thing ever happens again. Bucking all of our stereotypes about both East Coast city-dwellers and professional women, Ms. Millier (pictured) wants a handgun for self-protection." ... |
The Guns of Top Shot, Season Three Episode Nine: Fiddy and P38
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"There are cues for when a season of a reality show has 'peaked.' On Survivor, that would be the 'eating disgusting things' challenge. With Scrapheap Challenge it was usually the hovercraft episode. And on Top Shot, pulling out the .50 BMG rifle seems to be when the fat lady receives her cue from the conductor. I’m not saying the show always gets worse, but it’s the beginning of the end and they seem to have chugged through their best ideas. This week’s episode of Top Shot saw the McMillan TAC-50 and the Walther P38 used in competition." ... |
IL: Heroic Off-Duty Illinois Cop Frank Pobjecky Shoots 3 Robbers, Kills 4th
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"Three Illinois men -- accused of trying to rob a pizza restaurant only to be foiled by an off-duty cop -- now find themselves changed with murder for the death of the fourth would-be robber."
"Police say one of the suspects was armed when they attempted to rob Marie's Pizza in Rockford on Saturday. An off-duty officer, Winnebago County Sheriff’s Deputy Frank Pobjecky, was in the restaurant. He didn't have a weapon himself, but he managed to grab a gun from the waistband of an employee and open fire. Pobjecky hit all four suspects, killing the youngest one, 16-year-old Michael Sago." ... |
Op-Ed: Furiously unraveling - Gun scandal still growing
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"The joke goes that anything named "Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms" ought to be a convenience store instead of an arm of the federal government, but what's going on in Washington these days with the embattled agency is no laughing matter."
"Hardly a week passes now without some revelation about the Obama administration's complicity in what may yet turn out to be one of the worst and most lethal scandals in American history: Operation Fast and Furious." ... |
Conspiracy Theory: Fast and Furious an Attempt to Further Gun Control
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... "Newell testified before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Regulation in July and said that the 'Fast and Furious' operation was initiated with the intention of curtailing gun trafficking but was not executed properly." ...
"However, Representative Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) both investigating the operation, have posited that the administration actually initiated the program as an advance attempt at furthering gun control in the U.S. In fact, [ATF] agent, John Dodson told Issa’s House Oversight Committee that David Voth, supervisor of the operation was 'jovial, if not, not giddy but just delighted about' marked guns showing up at crime scenes in Mexico." ... |
Shuffleboard at ATF while admin flacks scream ‘be reasonable’
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"Wednesday’s announcement of major transfers at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives had been anticipated by this column for several days, but it is not going to take the attention away from, or the pressure off of, how much Attorney General Eric Holder knew, and when he knew it." ... |
Is There A Special Prosecutor In Eric Holder's Future?
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"CBS News dropped a bombshell today: leaked documents show that Attorney General Eric Holder was briefed on Fast and Furious in the summer of 2010. Why is that a bombshell? Because Holder testified before a Congressional committee that he first learned about the program within a few weeks of his May 2011 testimony. The CBS account is surprisingly aggressive–like real reporting:" ... |
Holder backpedals on Fast & Furious
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John Fansler
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"Attorney General Eric Holder’s furious backpedaling – he is now claiming that he might have known about the Fast & Furious gun-running scandal last year, but didn’t hear any of the details - is entertaining to watch, even if the subject is deadly serious." -------
Submitter's Note: Scooby Libby was sent to jail for lying under oath so why shouldn't Eric Holder be held to the same standard? |
Fast and Furious: Let It Bleed
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John Fansler
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... "A year before a national election, the story breaks that some numb nuts at Main DOJ -- the agency formerly known as ATF, to be specific -- conceived a novel idea for catching Mexican cartels (and their U.S. firearms suppliers) in illegal gun smuggling. Here's how: let's have the U.S. Government give the gun dealers guns so they can be smuggled."
"Lots of guns -- at least count, at least 2,000 of them."
"It worked too. Oh, my, how it worked." ...
"The Mexican government is beside itself. And ATF has a new acting head."
"That's only the beginning. The paper trail for this too-stupid-to-live idea ... leads directly into the top level of DOJ - to Attorney General Eric Holder and the head of the Criminal Division, to be precise." ... |
Fast and Furious II: Follow-up to What We Know So Far
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"Digging deeper into the Fast and Furious cover-up reveals initial blame at the US Department of State, direction from the Department of Justice, and a finish at the mercy of a Congressional review." ...
"Exporting guns from the US is indeed a violation of the Arms Export Control Act, so red flags were raised by “whistleblowers” when ATF agents were expected to circumvent Federal law."
"The ATF limited by jurisdictional, Arizona law, could not arrest straw purchasers of firearms who were US citizens and could pass a Brady check, even when they knew the weaponry would be delivered to a Mexican drug cartel." ... -------
Submitter's Note: The story lists step by step much of what went wrong. |
White House very nervous about coverage of Fast and Furious
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"This has become an extremely sensitive issue at the White House and for good reason; Holder may have been caught in a lie in his testimony before Congress."
"Note: Congressional perjury usually sends the transgressor to jail." ... -------
Submitter's Note: He should be in jail as an accomplice for murder. Now that this story is growing legs and causing panic in the administration, it's time for Mexico to show up with their own investigators and lawsuit. Zippy and Holder are responsible for hundreds of deaths there as well. |
Montana Politicians Ask Feds To Let Medical Marijuana Patients Have Guns
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"Montana’s attorney general has become the latest high-ranking political figure in Big Sky Country to blast the Obama administration and its Department of Justice over a September 21 memo from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms (ATF) instructing federal licensed firearms dealers that medical marijuana patients are 'addicts' or 'Illegal drug users' who cannot be sold firearms or ammunition. ... Attorney General Steve Bullock (D) now joins the entire state congressional delegation in blasting the administration’s position." ... |
Feds forget 2nd Amendment
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"Well, the federal government is at it again — overreaching, encroaching and arbitrarily dictating to states and businesses — this time in regards to the Second Amendment."
"In September, the [ATF] sent out an 'Open Letter to All Federal Firearms Licensees' that they are not allowed under any circumstances to sell ammunition or firearms to people who use marijuana, even if those people are in compliance with a state law that allows them to use marijuana for medical purposes." ... |
National Right-to-Carry Bill Under Attack
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"As we reported recently, the U.S. House Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security recently held a hearing on H.R. 822, the 'National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2011.'"
"This critically important bill, introduced earlier this year by Congressmen Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.) and Heath Shuler (D-N.C.) and cosponsored by more than 240 of their colleagues, would enable millions of permit holders to exercise their right to self-defense while traveling outside their home states." ... |
OH: Cleveland lawmakers continue to seek solutions to problems they don’t understand
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"WKSU is reporting that Cleveland's elected officials are once again calling for the repeal of statewide firearm preemption in order to, in their words, address the problem of 'gun violence.'"
"As Cleveland City Councilman Jeffrey Johnson stated, 'We don't want to just focus in on the legislation point of it. We want to be able to address why these individuals are able to get these guns. Ultimately, we do want to sit down with the governor and the legislature to seek some type of redress when it comes to whatever state rules limit our ability to fight gun violence.'" ... |
WI: No Guns for University of Wisconsin Professors
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Opposing Views
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"A new law takes effect in Wisconsin on November 1 that allows people with concealed weapons permits to bring their guns onto university campuses in the state. But that privilege will not extend to professors and other school officials."
"The Badger Herald reports that the University of Wisconsin Faculty Senate voted Monday night to ban concealed weapons by all school employees, except for police officers." ... |
Gun rights group argues for right to bring guns to worship
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"Should you be allowed to carry a gun to church? What about the person sitting next to you?"
"The question before a three-judge panel for the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta Thursday is whether Georgia’s prohibition on firearms in places of worship conflicts with the promise of religious freedom in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution." ... |
Dueling Tests Yield Conflicting Conclusions About the District of Columbia's Gun Controls
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"Yesterday ... the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit issued a ruling (PDF) that addresses the Second Amendment arguments against the gun law that the District of Columbia adopted after D.C. v. Heller ... The majority of the appeals court's three-judge panel upheld D.C.'s ban on 'assault weapons' and magazines holding more than 10 rounds, along with its registration requirement for handguns. It drew no conclusions about the constitutionality of D.C.'s registration requirement for long guns or its onerous licensing and registration process ... remanding those issues for further consideration by the district court. By contrast, dissenting Judge Brett Kavanaugh deemed all of these provisions unconstitutional." ... |
Maryland Gun Ownership Case Could Be Headed to U.S. Supreme Court
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... "Charles F. Williams was arrested in 2008 for carrying a firearm in public without a permit; even though Williams had purchased his gun legally, he did not possess a permit to carry."
"Williams' lawyer argued that based on recent Supreme Court decisions, the law Williams' was charged under was invalid as an unconstitutional restriction on Second Amendment freedoms. Maryland authorities disagreed; the Maryland Court of Appeals, the state's highest court, decided that if the Supreme Court had meant to extend full Second Amendment protections beyond the home, it would have done so more explicitly." ... |
Big Victory for Gun Owners; Ammunition Protected
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Opposing Views
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... "While this is a great victory for all hunters, sportsmen and gun owners as well as for our industry, the legal, regulatory and legislative threats against traditional ammunition remain very real. This is why it is imperative that all gun owners urge their U.S. Senators and Representative to support the Hunting, Fishing and Recreational Shooting Sports Protection Act. This legislation has been introduced in both the Senate (S. 838) and House (H.R. 1558) by Senators Jon Tester (D-Montana) and John Thune (R-SD) and Representatives Jeff Miller (R-Fla.-1st) and Mike Ross (D-Ark.-4th) ... The legislation simply clarifies that Congress has not given the EPA authority to regulate ammunition and its components under the TSCA." |
OR: Concealed handgun license case clears court hurdle
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"A three-year legal dispute in Jackson County over issuing concealed handgun licenses to medical marijuana patients has piqued the interest of the U.S. Supreme Court."
"The case involving Sheriff Mike Winters versus Cynthia Willis has cleared an important first hurdle with the high court, which sent out a Sept. 30 letter asking Willis' attorney, Leland Berger, to file a written response to the sheriff's legal arguments." ... |
PA: Philly police inspector gets 5 years for extortion (video available)
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"A former Philadelphia police inspector has been sentenced to five years in prison for a potentially violent scheme to recover a $90,000 investment."
"Former police Inspector Carlo 'Danny' Castro was defiant when he left court." ...
"Castro choked back tears, claiming he was guilty only of a lapse of judgment."
"But, Judge Harvey Bartle wasn't buying it, saying Castro was guilty of a scheme that could have gotten someone killed." ... |
LA: Ex-cop to be Sentenced for Katrina Cover-up
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"A federal judge is prepared to sentence one of five former police officers who pleaded guilty to helping cover up deadly shootings on a New Orleans bridge after Hurricane Katrina."
"Federal prosecutors are urging U.S. District Judge Martin Feldman to be lenient when he sentences Ignatius Hills on Wednesday for participating in a cover-up of the Danziger Bridge shootings, which killed two people and wounded four others less than a week after the 2005 storm." ... |
TX: Local bank president to appear on ‘Gun Talk’ radio show
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"Chappell Hill Bank president Edward Smith, who made headlines last year when he put a sign in his bank advocating gun owners’ rights, will be featured Sunday on a national talk show."
"Smith is scheduled to be on Tom Gresham's 'Gun Talk,' the top-rated talk show in the country dedicated to firearms, shooting and gun rights. The program airs on more than 100 radio stations."
"Last year, Chappell Hill Bank placed a sign in its front door, reading: 'Lawful concealed carry permitted on these premises. Management recognizes the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution as an inalienable right of all citizens. We therefore support and encourage the carrying of licensed concealed weapons.'" ... |
TN: Majestic denies gun rights
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"Guns are a hot topic in our current age. ..."
"Last February the Majestic 12 Theater downtown denied service to one of their patrons because the man had a gun. The man, who had a valid Tennessee handgun carry permit, was carrying a .45 semi-automatic handgun on his side and was asked to remove it before he would be allowed inside. According to the Tennessee Department of Safety, a business can only ban weapons if they post a restriction that is clearly visible to any customer who comes inside. The theater did not have a sign posted. Once the man, Edward O'Brien, was denied entry into the Majestic, an off-duty sheriff's deputy asked him to leave." ... |
IN: Right to bear arms being trampled upon
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"We are a nation where just a few decades ago you could find many pickup trucks with loaded shotguns in them, in any school’s parking lot. This was back when schools honored God, yet Dodge City was not the result. Amazingly we survived decades with freedom and our Second Amendment rights intact! Perhaps the absence of guns being commonplace truly is the cause of such unreasoning fear. Our Founding Fathers correctly knew that when a people have the means of self-defense, that armed society is a polite and calmer society, ask Aaron Burr!" ... |
VA: Concealed weapons at county parks- Tazewell in compliance with state
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"Tazewell County is now in compliance with state code as it relates to persons legally permitted to carry a firearm as a concealed weapon at county parks."
"An earlier ordinance was requested by Northwestern District board member Seth White last year after he noticed a no firearms symbol at the entrance to the Lake Jack Witten/Cavitts Creek Park. At the time, White said the sign represented a violation of his second amendment rights to keep and bear arms."
"However, after reviewing state code, County Attorney Eric Young found a change in the 2004 state legislation that prohibits counties and towns from regulating firearms. As a result, the county’s present ordinance was ruled obsolete." ... |