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Newslinks for 10/6/2014

The Hill departs from objectivity on restaurant “gun ban” story
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Asking is noticeably different from banning. The companies perceived a need to do the bare minimum to get the well-financed Bloomberg public opinion-manipulating machine off their backs without actually imposing any substantive changes that would result in gun owner boycotts. Their marketing professionals have no doubt crunched the numbers and seen the difference between grassroots and Astroturf, and in real world buying power." ...

Media Matters GRPC report ignores anti-gun background check deception
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "That said, here’s where BIDS could prove a very useful tool to expose the antis for what they’re really after: If the 'gun safety groups' truly only want background checks, why would they not promote a system like BIDS, which creates none of the potential registration dangers that could be abused to jeopardize gun owners’ freedom?" ...

JPFO Update
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I promised all y’all an update on the situation with Jews for Preservation of Firearms Ownership, now under the umbrella of the Second Amendment Foundation. The transfer required a three-person board of directors to be named. As of now, that board consists of Alan Gottlieb, Miko Tempski, and Ohad Lowy. Gottlieb is the founder of SAF, Tempski is general counsel for the same group, and Lowy is a practicing lawyer in the US who was born in Israel." ...

How States Can Protect the 2nd Amendment from Federal Abuse
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Members of Congress who want to infringe on your right to keep and bear arms will never give up. Fortunately, through our states we can effectively render any new federal gun laws powerless by using a legal doctrine upheld repeatedly by the Supreme Court."

"This is done by depriving the feds of any enforcement assistance by local law enforcement agencies in their state, a doctrine known as 'anti-commandeering.'"

"Essentially, it provides that state legislation can prohibit state law enforcement from aiding the federal agencies attempting to enforce federal gun laws."

"In other words, the ... federal government can pass a law and try to enforce it, but the state isn’t required to help them." ...

10 Questions Gun Owners Can’t Stand, and Our Favorite Answers.
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"From time to time, every gun owner finds themselves in a situation where they are being prodded by somebody in complete awe that they are ACTUALLY speaking to somebody who owns firearms and even dares to go to a shooting range. I have been to many New York dinner parties where, from the other side of the room, you can see me looking for someone to save me. Of the questions that arise, I’ve compiled a list of reoccurring questions that most gun owners will agree irritate them in one way or another. So, without further ado, here are my personal top 10 questions." ...

A matter of degree - how much do your politicians want to punish you for exercising RKBA
Submitted by: Liston Matthews

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"Gun-free-zones really aren't! They are free of lawfully carried guns, but not of criminally carried guns. GFZ's come in many sizes and shapes. They range from small ones, such as Krutch Park, in Knoxville, to very large ones, such New Jersey and Hawaii, and much of Kalifornia." ...

Bear Spray v. Bullets: The Jury is Out
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Three recent cases of bear attack in Wyoming illustrate the flaws in studies purporting to show that bear spray is superior to firearms as a defense against ursine attackers. On September 20th, 2014 the following incident occurred . . ." ...

National Review on the Violence and Threats at the Moms Demand Action Facebook Page
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It’s nice to see that more people are noticing the threats of violence against peaceful people that are a regular feature of the Moms Demand Action Facebook page. Charles C. W. Cooke at has noted them, too. I would have been happy to have him use my photograph (with attribution), but perhaps because MDA misappropriated it, he never contacted me. He does a good job of covering the issue, including threats to 'SWAT' open carriers, but I would have been happy to give him more background . . ." ...

Schooling an Annoyed Librarian
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I stumbled across an interesting blog entry the other day. Posted by Annoyed Librarian (not pictured above) it was titled Those Dangerous Public Libraries and contains her plaints against us 'gun nuts' and the activity of some of our brethren in Windsor Colorado where a library was – horror of horrors! – made to obey the law. 'ALib' starts out by mentioning some of the people she’s worked so hard to piss off recently: 'A while ago it was the homeschooling creationists who homeschooled their children to keep them from learning any science later than the Middle Ages. ... This week, it might be the gun nuts. We’ll see.' Give her credit, though. She magnanimously makes it clear that there is a difference between 'gun nuts' and regular old gun owners . . ." ...

Guns-at-work question best left to employers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The savage workplace attack at Vaughan Foods in Moore has revived the debate over whether employees should be allowed to carry firearms on the job. Some politicians may be tempted to short-circuit this debate by dictating workplace gun policies through law. Yet doing so is unnecessary and diminishes private property rights."

"While questions remain about the Moore attack, the broad outlines of the event are clear. After being fired, Vaughan Foods employee Alton Nolen used a knife to attack and behead a co-worker and injure another. His rampage ended when the plant's chief operating officer shot Nolen. There's little doubt that having an armed employee on site ultimately prevented further injuries and potentially saved lives." ...

IL: Lake Forest & Lake Bluff Should Have Banned Assault Weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The League of Women Voters of Lake Forest/Lake Bluff Area was gratified to read that a US District Court found Highland Park’s ordinance banning assault weapons and high capacity magazines does not violate the Second Amendment and can be enforced."

"The League testified, along with many other residents, before the Lake Forest City Council in the summer of 2013 urging such a ban here but was unsuccessful. The Lake Bluff Village Board similarly took no action." ...

TX: Dallas musicians flock to mock Open Carry protesters (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Organizers predicted 1,000 music-fans-turned-protesters would participate in the first ever Open Carry Guitar Rally Friday."

"On Independence Day, Kyle Reynolds didn't carry a rifle, but he spread a message through six-string guitar."

"'I think that people seem to think that if you make any sort of a comment about gun control, you are immediately gunning for the Second Amendment and to dismantle the Constitution, and that's not true,' said Kyle Reynolds, one of the organizers of the Open Carry Guitar Rally." ...

Charlton Heston First Day Cover Special Offer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On April 11, 2014, the United States Postal Service inducted actor Charlton Heston as the 18th 'Legend of Hollywood.' The stamp featured a colorized shot of the actor in his Ben Hur costume. Members of TTAG’s Armed Intelligentsia, however, have an even more iconic image of Mr. Heston, from May 20, 2000 at the NRA’s 129th convention. That’s when the NRA President closed his speech by picking up a replica Kentucky rifle and stating . . . " ...

Super Slow-Mo Bullets Being Shot Into Stuff (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Defense Distributed's 'Ghost Gunner' brings gun manufacturing to the masses
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Already famous for designing the world's first 3-D printed pistol, Defense Distributed is now taking orders for the 'Ghost Gunner' CNC ... milling machine, designed specifically for producing the lower receivers of AR-15 rifles (and later AR-10s and 1911 pistols and more), at a price that will make it accessible to the casual consumer. The lower receiver (generally referred to as the 'frame' ...) is, of course, the gun part that is regulated--by federal law, the receiver is the gun, and if sold commercially, must have a serial number, with the buyer having undergone an FBI-administered criminal background check, etc. All other parts can be legally bought with no controls at all in most states. As described at" ...

Veterans Outraged, Call 2nd Amendment Story A ‘Red Flag’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Last week we brought to you a story of a judge in Minnesota who stood up for a veteran’s right to carry his weapons despite whiny complaints from Capitol Hill staffers who were unable to handle real life complaints from a wounded veteran."

"Here is an article excerpt followed by comments from LinkedIn:"
"In an order released Friday, Hennepin County Judge Susan Robiner said Stanek should not have sought to revoke Eid’s gun permit. While refusing to fault law enforcement, she nonetheless said Stanek failed to meet the high standard for revocation under state law ..."

"'This record identifies absolutely no one who has been directly threatened by Eid ...' Robiner ruled. (emphasis added)" ...

CCRKBA’s Gottlieb rips Washington gun control scheme (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With one month remaining until a major gun control battle in Washington state is decided by voters, Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, is taking on an onerous, billionaire-backed initiative on the editorial page of today’s Seattle Times."

"Writing about his own measure, Initiative 591, Gottlieb says it will protect background check uniformity and 'prevents unwarranted intrusion by the state or its subdivisions into temporary firearm loans to friends or in-laws.' In the same Op-Ed piece, he rips rival Initiative 594 ... as 'an unfunded mandate that diverts scarce law-enforcement resources away from keeping violent criminals off our streets, making us all less safe.'" ...

WA: Has media launched ‘second front’ for Wash. gun control measure?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Today’s Daily Olympian carries a story asserting that controversial Initiative 594 'doesn’t create a gun registry,' while yesterday’s Everett Herald endorsed the 18-page gun control measure, and Saturday’s Seattle Times carries an op-ed piece touting I-594’s passage."

"That doesn’t count the KCPQ true/false critique of television advertisements that labels an advertisement for Initiative 591 'mostly false' while saying a competing ad for I-594 is 'mostly true.' Perhaps the negative reaction from readers to all of these is a strong indication that a growing number of Evergreen State voters are crying 'foul' about what they believe is biased press coverage of the dueling initiatives campaign." ...

WA: I-591 would keep the state out of your gun cabinet
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"INITIATIVE 591 is a simple, one-page measure that would protect the integrity of background checks by requiring that such checks conducted in Washington comply with a uniform national standard."

"It would also protect against illegal search and seizure, preventing politicians and bureaucrats driven by an anti-rights agenda from depriving citizens of their property without due process." ...

NRA's Ominous But Misleading Appeal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association employs images in a series of TV ads of an intruder breaking into the home of a mother home alone with her baby to make the case that several Democratic candidates have 'voted to take away your gun rights.' But the implication of the jarring imagery — that the legislators would prevent the woman from defending herself — goes far beyond the facts." ...

MN: The millionaire's club
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Rick Nolan strongly favors abortion as a woman's absolute right. He approves of same-sex marriage. On the Second Amendment, he strongly opposes an absolute right to gun ownership (he received an "F" rating from the NRA). He voted for and is a strong proponent for Obamacare. Are these the same values that that you have? Does Rick Nolan deserve to be re-elected? Think long and hard about those questions before you vote on Election Day."

"Stewart Mills opposes those things Rick Nolan stands for and he deserves the CD 8 seat because he will best represent the interests of all of northeastern Minnesota in Washington." ...

WA: What I-594 could mean for private gun sales, gun shows
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Initiative 594 would expand background checks of would-be gun buyers currently required by federal law. If it passes, what should gun buyers expect? And what do current background checks entail?" ...

FL: Crist’s record shows willingness to make tough choices
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "That’s the conundrum of Charlie Crist, his tendency to have to eat his words. Opponents say he flip-flops; he says his positions evolve."

"The record shows that as governor, he was willing to break from the ideological pack when necessary — sometimes to the great consternation of his party. He said he made tough choices because he thought they were right for the majority of Florida residents." ...

"GUN CONTROL: Crist consistently has supported Second Amendment rights and resisted any effort to curb legal gun ownership." ...

MD: Gun rights advocates warming to Hogan promises
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Some leading gun rights advocates in Maryland say they’ve been buoyed by private assurances from Republican Larry Hogan that he would work to expand access to firearms if elected governor, even though Hogan is saying little publicly about that issue as he campaigns in the heavily Democratic state."

"In postings on a popular message board and in interviews with The Washington Post, several advocates said Hogan has pledged to install a state police superintendent more sympathetic to gun owners and make it easier to obtain permits to carry concealed weapons, as well as to take other steps that don’t require the consent of the Democratic-led legislature." ...

CO: Battle for sheriff riddled with tension between boss, deputy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "In the past, Schirard has declared his intention to not enforce Colorado’s new gun laws, which include requiring background checks for all gun sales and limiting the capacity of ammunition magazines to no more than 15 rounds, because, in his opinion, they violate the Constitution."

"Schirard has accused Smith of being soft on the Second Amendment, saying state Rep. Mike McLachlan, who voted for 2013’s gun control legislation, and his wife, Barbara McLachlan, are among Smith’s most generous campaign donors."

"Smith says he is a firm supporter of the Second Amendment and concealed-carry permits."

"He has said he, too, thinks large parts of the gun-control legislation will be difficult to enforce." ...

Holder: Obama's criminal co-conspirator
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Describing Holder's last six years at DoJ, Obama said, 'He's had a pretty good run.' If by 'run' he means 'end run around the Constitution,' then indeed he and his boss have both done a pretty good job of breaching their oath 'to Support and Defend' that venerable document."

"Here are a few examples from Holder's rap sheet." ...

Obama Executive Order Boosts Protections for Employees of Gun Owners’ Least Favorite Agency
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"President Barack Obama issued an executive order Friday to provide added protections to employees of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, one of the most scandal-plagued agencies in the federal government in recent years."

"The order allows more ATF agents to be converted to the career-employee classification, which would provide civil service protections that make it more difficult to fire such an employee. For an agency that has been accused of going rogue at times, with Operation Fast and Furious and more recently Fearless Distribution, that could be a problem." ...

MI: Prosecutor loses appeal over Cheboygan gun club
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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"A northern Michigan shooting range has won an appeal in a dispute with a prosecutor over firing guns near a residence."

"Cheboygan Sportsman Club has been around since 1952. Former member Roger Watts moved into a home near the club and complained that people were violating a Michigan law that bans shooting within 150 yards of a residence." ...

MI: OMG! A CPL-Friendly Cop! OMG!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I should say right off that I stand with many of my armed brothers in skepticism of police militarization generally and opposition to police immunity in some specific cases. I think it is one of the defining domestic politics issues of my generation. However, we should never forget that police are not stormtroopers, they are people. My CPL (Concealed Pistol Licence, because Michigan can’t just call it a CCW) and a failed brake line recently brought me into contact with one of my town’s officers, and I thought the tale deserved to be told . . ." ...

Worst of the Month — September 2014
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The worst misconduct of September goes to the still-unnamed police officer who shot John Geer last year and the police and federal investigators who have refused to release any information on the case a year after the shooting. Fairfax County police officers responded to a call from Geer’s longtime girlfriend ... When officers arrived, they trained their weapons at Geer as they spoke with him in the doorway of his home for almost fifty minutes. Friends and family gathered to watch the situation. ... Geer had been speaking calmly and holding his arms above his head, resting them on the doorframe from within, but when he moved his hands down the doorframe to about face-level, one of the officers abruptly fired a shot directly into Geer’s chest." ...

MI: Detroit police officer arrested in alleged road rage case
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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"An off-duty Detroit police officer was arrested Friday in connection with an alleged road rage incident involving a gun." ...

NM: New Mexico police shooting ruled unjustified, charges weighed
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A special prosecutor may soon be appointed to determine whether to press criminal charges against two New Mexico police officers after a grand jury ruled that a 2013 shooting of a motorist in Santa Fe was unjustified, the District Attorney said on Friday."

"The grand jury determined on Thursday that the shooting was not justified but was not asked to rule on whether prosecution was warranted." ...

MD: US Justice review of Baltimore police sought
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Baltimore officials are looking for a U.S. Justice Department review of the city police department's procedures and policies after several cases of use of force by officers have resulted in millions of dollars in legal settlements and public outcry."

"Commissioner Anthony W. Batts announced Friday that he was asking for a review. The move was backed by Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, who said in an emailed statement that she welcomed any partners willing to work in reducing excessive force complaints. A day earlier, City Council President Bernard Young sent a letter to outgoing U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder asking federal officials to take a look at the department." ...

NC: One Year of “Guns in Bars”…Where’s the Mayhem?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"House Bill 937, which became effective on October 1, 2013, expanded North Carolina’s concealed handgun law into restaurants where alcohol is sold and consumed, assemblies of people for which admission is charged, parades and funerals, state and municipal parks, and (to a limited extent) educational properties. As always, opponents and media naysayers predicted shootings in bars, guns stolen from vehicles at schools, and various other sorts of mayhem. They used platitudes like 'guns and alcohol don’t mix.' As the GRNC explained endlessly . . ." ...

CA: 'Gun Violence Restraining Order' is needless, dangerous
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"California Gov. Jerry Brown just signed a bit of pointless California Über Alles gun regulation into law. That's not atypical and usually not newsworthy, but there are still a few public officials who view his state as some sort of model for anti-gun policy."

"These things tend to shift east over time, regardless of the merits of the law."

"California's new 'Gun Violence Restraining Order' (AB 1014) is worrisome not just because of its clear Second Amendment implications. It is just plain dangerous."

"The law allows police, family members or even roommates to petition a judge to stop someone from buying or possessing a firearm if they believe the gun owner is a danger to himself or others." ...

OK: State gun activists lobby for weapons on college campus
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun rights activists have colleges and universities in their sights and are pushing to make Oklahoma the latest state to legalize concealed carry on campus."

"'Anywhere you can carry your Bible, which is your First Amendment right, you should be able to carry your gun, which is your Second Amendment right,' said Don Spencer, vice president of Oklahoma Second Amendment Association."

"But that might be a tough sell as gun activists face resistance from leaders of the state’s 25 public schools. They staunchly oppose efforts to change the law prohibiting weapons on campus, said Glen D. Johnson, chancellor of higher education, in a statement." ...

The threat posed by humans to the natural environment is nothing compared to the threat to humans posed by global environmental policy. — FRED L. SMITH (1992)

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