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Newslinks for 10/7/2004

High court denies appeal of gun ban at county fairgrounds -- Free speech and right to bear arms seen as under fire
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Alameda County's ban on possessing guns at the county fairgrounds was left intact Monday when the U.S. Supreme Court rejected an effort by gun show promoters to use the law as a vehicle to revisit the meaning of the Second Amendment."

"The court, without comment, denied review of an appeal by Russell and Ann Nordyke..."

"The ordinance, which prohibited guns on county property, was in response to a Fourth of July shooting and melee on the fairgrounds in 1998 that injured 16 people. The Nordykes challenged the ban as a violation of free speech under the Constitution's First Amendment and a violation of the right to keep and bear arms under the Second Amendment."

Supreme Court OKs barring gun shows on government property
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"The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday let stand a lower court's ruling that upheld a local California ordinance banning weapons bazaars on government property such as fairgrounds."

"The justices declined to review an unsuccessful challenge to a 1999 Alameda County ordinance banning gun shows on its property. A lower court had sustained the ordinance on grounds that gun enthusiasts had neither a First Amendment nor Second Amendment right to possess weapons for sale on county property."

Court ruling shows future of gun rights hinges on Presidential election
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"This week, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a local California law banning gun shows on government property, such as fairgrounds. ..."

"If this ruling concerns you, consider this: the next President will choose two, and perhaps three, Supreme Court justices."

"For gun owners, this begs a question: Can John Kerry be expected to appoint justices who would support our individual Second Amendment rights, or will he find activist judges who would agree with his supporters - that the Second Amendment does not recognize an individual right to bear arms?"

Can George W. Bush, who appointed Judge Reggie Walton, who recently claimed that there is no individual right to keep and bear arms, be expected to appoint judges who will uphold the Constitution?

Gunning for Cheney
Submitted by: medicdave

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"During the Vice Presidential debate, Senator John Edwards asked how Vice President Dick Cheney could possibly oppose laws such as one preventing "plastic" guns that can avoid metal detectors. The bill in question was written and supported by the NRA and supported by gun control groups. Senator Edwards implied that only someone far outside the mainstream could vote 'no,' and Edwards obviously wanted to use this vote to question Cheney's seriousness in dealing with terrorism."

"Dick Cheney was one of only a handful of congressmen who voted against the bill when it came up in 1986. Yet, it was bad law. The law provided placebo cures for imaginary ills." ...

"...No guns have ever been produced without metal in them, nor is there any evidence that such guns can be made. At the time of the vote in 1984, no gun had less than 3.5 ounces of metal."

Reps. Goode and Paul to offer pro-gun amendment to stop TSA obstruction of the armed pilots program
Submitted by: Norman T Merkel

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"So this week, Congressman Virgil Goode of Virginia and Congressman Ron Paul of Texas will offer an amendment to:

"* Begin the process of taking the armed pilot program away from the obstructionists at TSA and the Department of Transportation;

"* Set up a procedure for pilots to force the government to accept them into the program; and

"* End the foolish and counterproductive 'lockbox,' which disarms pilots at a time when they could supplement other law enforcement resources."

"The Goode-Paul amendment is expected to be offered to the bill that will implement the recommendations of the 9/11 commission (H.R. 10) either Thursday or Friday."

"Yes, this is the same bill that we warned you about earlier this week. There are disturbing, anti-gun provisions in this bill which GOA is working to get removed."

CCRKBA Supporting Goode-Paul Amendment to Intelligence Reorganization Bill
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"The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) supports an amendment to the Intelligence Reorganization Bill, H.R. 10, offered by Reps. Virgil Goode of Virginia and Ron Paul of Texas..."

"The Goode-Paul Amendment, if enacted, said Snyder, 'would include certain elements of the proposed Cockpit Technical Corrections Act, and increase the likelihood that significant numbers of qualified commercial airline pilots could arm themselves in the cockpit. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has been dragging its feet interminably in implementing the armed pilots program, signed into law just months after 9-11, and this amendment would go a long way toward rectifying this myopic bureaucratic intransigence.' "

Bush Enforcement Strategy Fails to Reduce Gun Homicides (JTO)
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"The Bush administration's strategy to enforce federal firearm laws has failed to reduce the number of homicides committed with guns and virtually ignores most types of gun offenses, according to a report released today by Americans for Gun Safety Foundation."

" 'The Justice Department has promised to crack down on illegal gun trafficking and cut the supply of firearms to criminals,' said Casey Anderson, AGSF's executive director. 'Instead, it has focused on prosecuting criminals only after they get their hands on guns, and in many cases only after they have used a gun to commit another serious crime. This approach has left an enormous enforcement gap that makes it too easy for criminals to arm themselves.' "

Melissa Liberty: Dems can't say 2nd Amendment is individual right & then advocate gun laws
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"If we own our lives and liberty, then we have the right to defend them. A slave does not. If we have the right to defend them, it's pretty hollow if we don't also have the right to keep and bear the means to do so!"

"John Kerry is only different from other Democrat socialists, in that he's among the most anti-RKBA of all of them. The Brady Campaign gives him a 100% rating for voting anti-RKBA all the time during his Senate career. The NRA, which I personally feel has been wimpy on RKBA for so many years, still gives him an 'F' rating."

Glen R. Parshall: What Have We Gained From the AWB Sunset?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"I've worked in the firearms industry for over 20 years now, from local gun shop to head technical rep for a gunpowder company. I am back in the shop these days but I still have some industry contacts, one of whom I spoke with. He had spent some time talking this month with a well connected attorney that works for various firearms concerns and he relayed some of their conversation to me.

"He, and others he knows, are of the opinion that this 'win' will be a very short lived affair, basically designed to get voters off the politicians' backs for this election. Others in Internet e-groups I subscribe to have expressed much the same thing. The opinions from this gun industry attorney is that sometime after the first of the year, (no matter who wins the election and after the voters will be able to do anything about it), a new bill will be introduced and passed with GUN MAKER support to permanently ban many brands and models of semi-auto guns, grandfathering those already in existence, sparing some select golden guns (as happened in kalifornia) that will be deemed to still having some social value but making it impossible to make any more that don't make the cut. Ever. He feels this will be accomplished by a 'compromise' struck with some of the gun makers who will get protection from any further law suits if they get behind and support this new bill."

Kent Snyder: 30,000 Feet
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"You're sitting in seat 22A of a Boeing 737 traveling 530 mph at 30,000 feet. The flight attendants complete their beverage service and the in-flight movie begins. At that moment, six terrorists leave their seats in unison...."

"God forbid this happens to you or your loved ones. But if it does, would you want the flight crew to have firearms to stop the terrorists or wait for an F-16 carrying six AIM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles to be ordered to shoot that commercial airliner out of the sky? Forget about an air marshal being on board -- latest reports show that only around 5% of the 28,000 daily commercial flights in the U.S. have an air marshal."

Bad advice on gun safety
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Guns of any type should be stored unloaded and locked. It is a good idea to not only lock your weapons, but also partially disassemble the weapon (i.e. remove the bolt from a rifle and store in separate location). This way if a child or intruder discovers the weapon, it is not only locked, but also inoperable."

Of course, if an armed intruder happens to want to do you harm, this weapon is now also inoperable and completely useless to you as a tool of self-defense.

Kerry against gun owners' rights (Letter)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Here's the facts: Kerry voted nine times to ban semi-automatic firearms; he voted to ban most rifle ammunition, including rounds for hunters and sportsmen; he voted to hold firearms manufacturers responsible for crimes committed with firearms, not criminals; he voted eleven times to make legal citizens wait to exercise their Second Amendment rights; he voted twice to eliminate the Civilian Marksmanship Program."

"His phony political ploy now is, look at me, I'm shooting trap in Michigan, take my picture and put it in the news. Maybe I can fool sportsmen into voting for me. Yeah, right!"

Hostettler pays court costs in gun case; warrant recalled
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A bench warrant was issued for U.S. Rep. John Hostettler of Indiana for a brief time yesterday after the congressman failed to meet a deadline for paying court costs in a case in which he pleaded guilty to carrying a concealed deadly weapon into Louisville International Airport."

"The warrant was recalled yesterday afternoon after an attorney for Hostettler paid the $122.50, said Debbie Linnig Michals, a spokeswoman for the Jefferson Circuit Court clerk's office."

Joe Nizzari: Rogue Cop!
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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" 'Ranger's' point of view is a disgrace to all the men and women who put on the uniform every day and put their best foot forward to protect us. Perhaps Officer 'Ranger' has forgotten that a police officer must wear many hats. An officer must be a psychologist, a chaplain, a consoler, a boxer, a wrestler, a peace maker, a doctor, a firefighter, a swimmer, a dog catcher, a negotiator, and most of all - a split second decision maker. And that is all before he/she goes home to become a son, daughter, father, mother and brother."

"One thing positive that I was able to pull out of reading this whole thing is that I need to thank the good Lord more often for giving me the opportunity to have met and befriended many brave men and women who have been sworn to uphold the law, not orbit above it."

GA: GBI to Investigate Marshal's Department
Submitted by: medicdave

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"City Council is calling for the investigation after Marshal Ken Suddeth purchased and exchanged city weapons without the city's knowledge."

"For several weeks, the city auditor has asked the Marshal for accounting reports, detailing the exchange of 14 Smith Wesson pistols for 15 new Glock pistols."

"Back in August, Suddeth privately raised 9 thousand 500 dollars for the purchase of new weapons. That is legal, but by law, before that money is spent, city council must approve any purchases. That approval was never granted."

But Sarah, I thought our armed elite protectors were the only ones responsible enough, or honest enough, to be trusted with guns!

OH: Cincinnati Seeks to End Police Oversight
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Mayor Charlie Luken made the request Tuesday in a letter to Attorney General John Ashcroft, insisting authorities have made major improvements since the Justice Department began investigating police practices following the riots in April 2001 that began after a white officer shot to death an unarmed black man."

"Police have achieved "outstanding results" and should be allowed to run the department as they see fit, Luken said, claiming that demands from the Justice Department have become a nuisance."

"I don't see why we have to put our police department through this silliness... That's enough. Go find the terrorists or something. You don't have to do this in Cincinnati, Ohio."

NY: BB guns at Troy High disrupt school day
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"It was a frantic morning for worried parents when some of their kids ran out of Troy High School after they heard a student had a gun and officials called, then lifted, three lockdowns in about an hour."

"Two female students told school officials they saw the barrel of a pistol sticking out of the back of the pants of a male student at the bus stop and that the student had entered the school."

"Assistant Police Chief John Tedesco said the high school and nearby middle school were locked down and searched at about 9 a.m. and the student was found with a BB gun and arrested."

SD: Official speaks out on guns in vehicles
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"People don't need a permit to carry a loaded handgun in a vehicle unless the handgun is 'truly concealed,' according to an opinion from Attorney General Larry Long."

"Legislative actions showed that lawmakers 'did not intend to require a license or a permit to carry a handgun in a vehicle if any part of the firearm is capable of being seen,' Long said in his decision last month."

"That reasoning was correct, according to state Rep. Larry Rhoden, R-Union Center, who asked Long for the opinion."

UK: Officers facing corruption charges
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A POLICEMAN and two former officers appeared in court yesterday charged with corruption offences."

"Suspended PC Gregory O'Leary, 38, and retired officers Mark Mitchell, 50, and Alan Larkin, 62, appeared before Liverpool Crown Court for the first time. All three served with Merseyside Police and were arrested following an investigation by the Professional Standards Unit."

"O'Leary is charged with 33 counts of corruption."

"Mitchell, of Sefton Road, Litherland is charged with conspiracy to corrupt, conspiracy to supply drugs and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice."

"Former detective sergeant Larkin, of Elgin Drive, Wallasey, is charged with conspiracy to corrupt."

MT: Friends of NRA banquet raises over $28,000
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"A crowd of around 400 people attended the annual Friends of the NRA Banquet Saturday, Oct. 2, to help the organization raise over $28,000, the most in the three-year history for the local event."

"Friends of the NRA is an organization within the NRA that promotes firearm use and protection of the Second Amendment. The banquet is just one of hundreds held across the country. The event provides local residents with a good meal, the opportunity to participate in an auction, and a chance to socialize with other members of the organization."

WV: Marshall County Men Charged With Terroristic Hoax
Submitted by: medicdave

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"What started out as a prank for two Marshall County men, ended when the two were arrested on charges of committing a terroristic hoax at a New Martinsville restaurant."

"As the two were at the drive-through window at the restaurant waiting for an order, Cecil said, employees saw them 'playing with a gun.' The two were holding it as well as holding it to their heads, he added." ...

"The weapon officers found was actually a BB gun, which Cecil said was identical to a 9 millimeter Glock weapon."

Poster's Note: If two adults displaying idiocy around firearms is considered terrorism, then why aren't Senators Schumer and Boxer in jail by now? Their panic-stricken squawking about the AWB sunset might as well have been a 'terroristic hoax'...

UK: Gunman Shot Dead Father in Front of Family
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A gunman was jailed for life today for shooting dead a father as he was enjoying a pizza with his family."

"Moments before Alan Musgrove was gunned down with a single bullet to his heart, a man dressed in a pizza delivery jacket knocked at his front door in Forest Gate, east London." ...

"The gunman, Dwayne Coleman, 23, a chef from Stoke Newington, north London, was convicted by an Old Bailey jury after nearly nine hours deliberation."

"He will serve a minimum of 22 years before he can be considered for parole. He was also jailed for 13 years for conspiracy to rob, to run concurrently."

NC: Student Brings Gun To Charlotte High School
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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police arrested a student on Wednesday accused of bringing a gun to East Mecklenburg High School.

The school system sent a letter home to parents to advise them of the incident.

The letter says a student alerted an administrator at the school about a gun on campus.

The administrator notified the school resource officer, the weapon was immediately confiscated, and the student was arrested.

East Mecklenburg High School's principal, Mark Nixon, says the school will have increased security for the rest of the week.

UK: Police apologise for murder scene delay
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Police were castigated yesterday for delaying more than an hour before attending an incident where a man shot dead his estranged wife and her sister and seriously injured their mother. All three lay wounded while frantic neighbours tried to give them first aid."

"Vicky Horgan, 27, died shortly after a drunken Stuart Horgan, 39, shot her in the head with a .410 shotgun after bursting in on a barbecue at her home in Highmoor Cross, near Henley-on-Thames, in Oxfordshire, on June 6."

"Her 25-year-old sister, Emma Walton, was shot in the back and died later in hospital. Their mother was in a coma for two weeks but survived."

Yet another example of a disarmed populace at the mercy of armed criminals, forced to depend on inept authorities to save them.

NY: Student attacked while walking to school
Submitted by: medicdave

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The Rochester Police Department is sending out an alert after a student was attacked on her way to school Tuesday morning. The attack happened around 6:30 a.m. in the area of Roycroft Drive. Police say a man grabbed a 16-year-old girl, showed a weapon, and made sexual comments to her. The teen screamed for help and the person ran.

Police say this attack is similar to 5 previous attacks from back in the 90's that were never solved.

Police are looking for a man in his mid 20's, about 6 feet tall, wearing gloves, a knit hat with a brim, a black lightweight knee length jacket, blue jeans and black sneakers.

Anyone with information is asked to call 911.

But thanks to the "brilliant" Gun-Free School Zones, parents involved enough to walk their children to school aren't permitted to protect them with the most effective self-defense tool available.

IL: Board rejects shooting range
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"It's official. Gun shots won't ring out in county forest preserves - at least for now."

"DuPage County Forest Preserve District commissioners unanimously voted Tuesday against locating a shooting range in any of their properties."

"The decision followed a staff recommendation that found a gun range didn't fit in with the district's goals or facilities."

"But several audience members faulted the commission for not following up on the issue earlier after a district committee rejected the idea in June."

"They also asked commissioners to remove gun ranges from a list of possible forest preserve activities."

IN: Woman took loaded gun to school, authorities say
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"A 28-year-old woman is accused of bringing a loaded .38-caliber handgun to an IPS school Monday."

"School police say they found the firearm in the woman's purse after she entered Indianapolis Public School 26, 1301 E. 16th St."

"Latoya S. Parran, of the 3600 block of Graceland Avenue, was arrested on preliminary charges of possession of a firearm on school property, a Class D felony, as well as public intoxication, disorderly conduct, resisting law enforcement and possession of marijuana, all misdemeanors."

VA: 8th-grader suspended for carrying stolen gun
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"A 14-year-old boy was suspended Monday from Peasley Middle School after a teacher caught him in a restroom showing a gun to friends."

"The boy also faces criminal charges for being in possession of the stolen .380 caliber handgun and having the firearm on school property."

"Peasley Principal Danny Fary said the gun was unloaded and that the boy had not brandished the weapon in a threatening manner." ...

"The boy was automatically suspended for 10 days and faces an expulsion hearing, Fary said. He will recommend the boy be expelled for the remainder of the school year, he said."

NY: Robbery 'a wake-up call,' says RIT's food director
Submitted by: medicdave

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"HENRIETTA — The Rochester Institute of Technology is considering security upgrades to its food service and cash-handling procedures in response to Monday morning's armed robbery and shooting in a school cafeteria."

"But Bingham said the [lockdowns] are worth the inconvenience because they will increase employees' safety."

Poster's Note: Lock-up policy: Big inconvenience, small increase in safety. CCW policy: Zero inconvenience, BIG increase in safety!

"Chris Linford, a student manager in the Crossroads cafeteria, [said] the robbery was unsettling for him...

'They're doing what they have to do to keep us safe,' he said."

Poster's Note: No, they're not doing anything to keep you safe. That's your responsibility.

DE: Missing Gun Stirs Fear and Anger at Delaware School
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The blame game is on after a scary incident at a Delaware school. A Cape Henlopen High School student is charged with having a gun that disappeared out of a school military locker."

"The school's ROTC program keeps a locker full of high powered pellet guns for students in the program to practice target shooting. But when one of those guns disappeared earlier this year, police targeted a 16-year-old ROTC member."

"The boy's father claims his son got the gun from someone else and blames the school for the incident. Jerry Powell said, 'It was something that went under everyone's noses at school. I think there was a lot of trust being given.' "

UK: "We have had no adequate information as to why the police took six hours and 42 minutes to enter the house..."
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"TRIBUTES have been paid to 'hero' William Pemberton, who died trying to protect his mother as his father launched a frenzied gun attack at their Hermitage home."

"The praise was led by Frank Mullane after an inquest into the death of his 17-year-old nephew, his sister Julia and brother-in-law Alan."

"Mr Pemberton shot his son dead outside their Slanting Hill home before killing his 47-year-old wife and then turning the gun on himself." ...

"We have had no adequate information as to why the police took six hours and 42 minutes to enter the house..."

Disarmed populace. Armed criminals. Police unable to protect the subjects. Recipe for disaster.

MA: Study: Feds shoot too low on gun violations
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"The study, commissioned by a Washington, D.C.-based watchdog group, ranks the Bay State a dismal 47th in the nation in prosecuting felons who possess firearms or who committed a violent felony with a firearm from 2000 to 2003."

"Some 245 such felons were prosecuted in the state during that time - a low figure compared to other states per capita."

"The report found that U.S. Attorney Michael Sullivan's office prosecuted just 12 of 505 Bay Staters caught lying on federal gun applications on criminal records, addresses or other information between 2000 and 2003."

NY: Local gun-stock maker may expand operation
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"County economic development officials are hoping business continues to thrive in the Frankfort 5S North Business Park."

"Already home to Fiberdyne Labs and Hale Manufacturing, the park may eventually welcome Revival Industries, a Herkimer gun-stock manufacturer."

"Herkimer County Industrial Development Agency Executive Director Mark Feane and other board members gave a hopeful update on the possible move last week."

IN: Anderson Schools Expel Boy Who Carried Gun, Knife On Bus
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"A 14-year-old student who allegedly brought a gun and a knife on a school bus has been expelled for the remainder of the school year, police said."

"School officials learned about the gun when a parent called to report a child had seen the seventh grader with a gun on Monday, Anderson Deputy Police Chief Martin Yeskie said." ...

"The gun was found in the trash can on the bus, and a knife with a small blade was found under a seat, according to Anderson police."

"The gun, a .22-caliber semiautomatic pistol, was found unloaded and the student did not have any bullets, Yeskie said."

OH: Store Owner Shoots Back At Suspects In Bond Hill Robbery
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"Saper Ayad says he's always prepared and waiting for a robber to walk in with a gun, and last night at the Sunoco on Seymour and Langdon Farm road his preparedness was put to the test." ...

"I don't like to shoot... I don't like to carry guns, but sometimes you have, I feel, I got no choice." ...

"The store's owner says two weeks ago his other store here in Mount Airy was hit twice in one week. He says the robber stole thousands of dollars and tied up his employees, even forcing one of them to strip..." ...

"In the meantime, officers say they don't condone vigilante-style justice. Instead they recommend just handing over the money."

MA: Logan Wins Aviation Security Award
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"Three years after the Sept. 11 terror attacks were launched from Boston, Logan International Airport won the inaugural aviation security award from Airport Security Report, based on the airport's quick response to lapses highlighted by the attacks." ...

"The Airport Security Report is published by Maryland-based Access Intelligence, which publishes reports on several different industries. Logan was selected as the first winner of the 'Exceptional Performance in Airport Security Awards' by report editor Eric Glasser and four other aviation security specialists who participated in the judging."

MO: NRA head endorses Matt Blunt in local campaign stop
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"Calling Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry 'a Second Amendment phony' and painting the Missouri Democratic candidate for governor with a similar brush, the head of the National Rifle Association endorsed Republican gubernatorial candidate Matt Blunt on Tuesday during a morning stop at the Joplin Regional Airport."

"Wayne LaPierre said his organization does not trust Democratic gubernatorial Claire McCaskill 'anywhere near the governorship.' "

" 'She's not a hunter,' LaPierre told a crowd of about 60 people gathered at the airport for a 30-minute appearance by Blunt and the NRA chief executive officer. 'She's not a sportsman. She's made a huge deal in her career misrepresenting the right to carry.' "

A system of licensing and registration is the perfect device to deny gun ownership to the bourgeoisie. — VLADIMIR ILYICH LENIN

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