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Newslinks for 10/7/2006

Vitter Amendment Becomes Law, McCarthy Gun Grab Is Dead
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Thanks to your hard work, gun rights have taken two steps forward in recent days."

"The quote above shows the reaction from one Congressional office in response to the number of postcards and e-mails that GOA members sent in response to the McCarthy gun grab (HR 1415)." ...


"You will remember that in the wake of Hurricane Katrina last year, federal and local police stole firearms from New Orleans residents in the name of 'keeping the people safe.' To combat this, GOA has worked this year in several states (including Louisiana) to specifically outlaw this type of activity." ...

Press Briefing by Dana Perino
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Q Thanks, Dana. Going back to the school safety forum next week, to what extent should the availability of guns be on the agenda for that?"

"MS. PERINO: ... And the debate over gun control is one that Americans are keenly aware of; it's a politically charged debate. And as you know, the President has been supportive of the Second Amendment in general, believes that people who are law-abiding citizens and pass background checks should be allowed to own guns. However, even going back to when he was governor, he supported weapons-free school zones and instant background checks, and other things of that nature. So it's certainly possible that on these panel discussions, which aren't scripted, that people could talk about gun control and availability of guns." [emphasis added] ...

Firearms Industry Challenges Mayoral Coalition Against Illegal Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Following a press conference today in Boston by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Boston Mayor Thomas Menino announcing the expansion of their mayoral coalition against illegal guns, the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) ... called the press conference political grandstanding and challenged the coalition members to engage in a constructive dialogue with the firearms industry to advance the goal shared by all Americans of reducing the criminal acquisition and misuse of firearms."

"The mayors' coalition against illegal guns is an outgrowth of a national summit on illegal guns ... last April at New York City's Gracie Mansion. Mayor Bloomberg rebuffed the NSSF's request to attend the summit. ..." ...

'Gun-free school zones' killing kids
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Three fatal attacks on school property in less than a week -- more than 20 since February 1996 when a 14-year-old youth strolled into a junior high school in Moses Lake, Wash., and opened fire, killing two students and a teacher."

"The dirty little secret of all these atrocities is that they happened in so-called 'gun-free school zones.' Before enactment of that horribly misguided federal legislation and its state-level clones, one never read about school massacres because there weren't any."

"The Gun-Free School Zones Act transformed the public school landscape into a free-fire zone for whackos by removing any possibility, however small, that an armed teacher, student or private citizen might be present to intervene." ...

CA: Store Clerk Fatally Shoots Armed Robbery Suspect
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An investigation into the death of a shooting victim, 22, who staggered into a gas station determined the man was mortally wounded by a store clerk during an armed robbery attempt, police reported Thursday."

"Around 1 p.m. Wednesday ... Lonnell Davison went to the U Save Variety Store ... and posed as a customer."

"Davison picked up merchandise and took it to the counter, then allegedly pulled out a handgun and demanded money. After taking the cash from the clerk, he allegedly fired at the employee as he made his getaway."

"The clerk fired back, and Davison dropped his handgun and ran ..." ...

"The store clerk told officers that he shot Davison in self-defense and positively identified him as the robbery suspect."

TN: Do more – much more – to keep schools safe
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After a week of horrific incidents of school violence from Colorado to Pennsylvania, reports that guns were brought into two Metro schools by students this week are all the more chilling."

"On Monday, a 6-year-old was found to have a loaded pistol in his backpack at Cumberland Elementary and on Tuesday, two McGavock High ninth-graders were caught on campus with an unloaded gun they say they needed for protection."

"While neither case compares directly to the shootings by adult outsiders ... the danger of someone being harmed — perhaps the child with the gun accidentally shooting himself or another, or the ninth-graders by an officer thinking their gun was loaded — should be taken very seriously." ...

WI: Lawmaker Wants Teachers Armed With Guns
Submitted by: Mike Battaglia

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"In the wake of school shootings in Wisconsin, Colorado and Pennsylvania during the last two weeks, a Wisconsin state legislator said he plans to introduce legislation that would allow teachers, principals, administrators and other school personnel to carry concealed weapons."

"Rep. Frank Lasee, R-Bellevue, said Wednesday that, while his idea may not be politically correct, it has worked effectively in other countries."

"'To make our schools safe for our students to learn, all options should be on the table,' he said. 'Israel and Thailand have well-trained teachers carrying weapons and keeping their children safe from harm. It can work in Wisconsin.'" ...

Submitter's note: There's a poll. Be sure to let your voice be heard.

WI: Guns in schools? Are you kidding?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We mean this in the best possible way, but state Rep. Frank Lasee's latest proposal is colossally stupid."

"The logic behind it is mind-boggling. The problem is that children and adults are bringing guns into schools. The Bellevue Republican's solution? Allow teachers to carry guns. In other words, bring guns into schools."

"Are we supposed to laugh or cry at that idea?"

"... Lasee's proposal ... is a shortsighted, knee-jerk reaction to a rash of tragic incidents nationwide and in Wisconsin, a drastic response to what is still a very rare crime ..." ...

Submitter's Note: As opposed to the thoughtful, well reasoned proposals for one gun a month laws and 'assault weapon' bans that are coming from the antis?

IN: Guns, state parks a bad mix
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"My daughter's second-grade class is hiking the Indiana Dunes on Friday, and I'm wondering if I should buy her a cute little bulletproof Kevlar jacket before she goes."

"You know, maybe something that's a cross between 'Hello Kitty' and 'Platoon.'" ...

"Goofy, you say? It's no goofier than someone with a 20-year-old grudge walking into an Amish school in Pennsylvania and killing five little girls. Or a school shooting in Colorado earlier in the week, or the gunning down of a school principal in Wisconsin earlier in the week, or..."

"... we have no idea when a person who has spent a lifetime on the right side of the law will cross the line, and if they do I don't want them in a state park." ...

Submitter's Note: Gun-free school laws didn't stop those shooters, what on Earth makes you think that a DNR 'handgun ban' will stop your mythical shooter?

IA: Arm teachers? Think again
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Let's repeat: School violence in the United States is rare. Arming teachers with weapons, no matter how well the teachers are trained in self-defense and gun safety, is a recipe for disaster. It could give students direct access to guns. And when a student tries to take a gun from a teacher, will the teacher then shoot the student? And what about federal law that bans guns on school grounds?"

"It's worthwhile, again, for Americans, individually and collectively, to look deep into our soul and ask what other steps can be taken to keep America's schools safe. But bringing deadly weapons into the classroom isn't one of them."

109 gun-ho mayors
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Mayor Bloomberg and Boston Mayor Thomas Menino announced yesterday that their coalition of mayors fighting for stricter gun-control laws has swelled to 109 from 15 since April."

"'We are Republicans, we are Democrats and we are independent,"' Bloomberg said."

"'We represent cities of all sizes from 44 different states.'"

"'But no matter what our differences, we all share one thing in common - a belief that we have a responsibility to do everything possible to take illegal guns off the streets and out of the hands of criminals.'" ...

Brady Campaign President Paul Helmke Praises Sen. Frank Lautenberg for Successful Law that Just Marked 10 Years
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"I want to offer our congratulations, and thanks, to Sen. Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey, who 10 years ago overcame the usual opposition from the gun pushers and passed legislation that prevents convicted domestic abusers from purchasing firearms. There's no telling how many lives have been saved because of the Lautenberg law, but more than 150,000 domestic abusers have been blocked from buying guns, and countless spouses and children have been made safer." ...

KABA Note: Also blocked from buying guns are many male victims of domestic abuse. These poor men were caught up in the "arrest the man" policies that so many jurisdictions had in effect 15 or 20 years ago. Offered a chance to plead to a misdemeanor (it's just like a parking ticket) or sit in jail until trial, most took the easy way out.

Bloomberg Sees Gains In Gun Fight
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Mayor Bloomberg is taking his battle against illegal guns to Capitol Hill next year, and he already has more than 100 city leaders from 44 states behind him."

"The Boston-born Mr. Bloomberg appeared there yesterday alongside the city's Democratic mayor, Thomas Menino, to trumpet the latest expansion of their anti-gun trafficking effort."

"It was the mayor's third out-of-state trip in as many weeks amid speculation that he is considering a run for the White House. He has repeatedly denied presidential aspirations, but his chief political strategist is trying to change the mayor's mind." ...

PA: Terrorists in our communities
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'We have terrorists in our own community' Philadelphia school district CEO Paul Vallas said referring to this week's two murderers, the Lancaster assassin and another one in Philadelphia."

"Since the school killings at Columbine in Littleton Colo., 6 more of such killings have taken place so far, 3 of them in the last couple of months. How many more killings have to take place before we realize this tragic pattern? Our society has proven beyond belief its ability to engender sick perverted individuals with easy access to fire arms."

"... Any attempt to control firearms in possession of the public is met with fierce resistance by the ubiquitous gun lobby; as if the XXVIII [sic] century King of Great Britain might haunt us to reclaim its former colonies." ...

NY: Mayor Jennings Joins Mayors Against Illegal Guns Coalition
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"[Albany NY] Mayor Gerald D. Jennings has joined more than 100 Mayors from 44 states across the country in the Mayors Against Illegal Guns Coalition."

"Since hosting a summit of mayors six months ago, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino have expanded the Coalition. This non-partisan coalition represents every region of the United States. ..." ...

NY: Cuomo Pledges to Fight to Protect New Yorkers From Gun Violence
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"New York State Attorney General candidate Andrew Cuomo today pledged to fight to protect New Yorkers against the scourge of gun violence, and earned the endorsement of five law enforcement organizations in Westchester representing more than 4,000 officers in the county. The law enforcement groups praised Cuomo’s integrity and record of accomplishments working with law enforcement to protect public safety, and fighting to get illegal guns off our streets as reasons for their support of his candidacy to be New York’s top law enforcement official." ...

UK: Five Dead Kids? Just Another Day In The US
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... America have killed more of their own, especially their young, than have ever died in foreign wars. They've even shot their presidents But still, still they cling to their accursed second amendment, the right to bear arms, the right of any American citizen to go buy himself his or her very own arsenal."

"Then the next time the boss irritates them, they have a row with the wife, the neighbour, their teacher or schoolmate . . . bang, bang."

"Should they not like Mondays or Tuesdays or any days, why, they get out that little ol' machine gun they bought by mail order or at the county fair, and blast them all to kingdom come." ...

Submitter's Note: You really should not display your ignorance in public Ms. Burnie.

NE: Patrol Arrests Deputy In School Threats Case
Submitted by: Protector

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"A 41-year-old Holt County Sheriff's deputy has been arrested in connection with a telephone threat of violence against schools in several north-central Nebraska counties ..." ...

"The call placed on Wednesday to a reporter at the Rock County Leader indicated a shooting would take place at a school in Rock or Holt County. Following the call, numerous schools in both counties were placed in lockdown status or dismissed."

"Young has been employed as a part-time deputy with the Holt County Sheriff's Office since August. The Holt County Sheriff's Office and Sheriff Bruce Theye continue to cooperate with the investigation."

"Young is being held in the Rock County jail on a charge of terrorist threats."

CO: Boulder Police issue $250 ticket to teen for playing Hacky Sac on Pearl Street Mall
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A 17-year-old Boulder High senior faces a $250 fine — stiffer than a ticket for speeding through a school zone — for playing Hacky Sac."

"His offense: 'releasing projectiles' on the Pearl Street Mall."

"'I had no idea Hacky Sac is a crime,' Kallen Ford said."

"He knows now." ...

"... [Officer] Stephens asked for the footbag and requested the pair come sit by him, Ford said. The teens did as they were told, but asked if the officer had the authority to take their sack, according to Ford."

""He said it's evidence in a crime,' Ford said. 'He said you can't Hacky Sac on the mall.'"

"Stephens ... explained that the footbag is a projectile because it flies through the air." ...

Canada: Question after B.C. Mountie case collapses: Should cops investigate cops?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The collapse of a sexual misconduct case against an RCMP officer in British Columbia has brought new calls for an end to the practice of Mounties investigating Mounties."

"This week, an RCMP tribunal refused to hear the case against Const. Justin Harris, who was accused of sexually assaulting underage prostitutes in Prince George. The tribunal ruled that senior officers failed to bring the case against Harris within the one-year time limit after learning of the allegations."

"Harris was accused of buying sex from three women under the age of 18 between 1993 and 2001. At least one of the allegations was cited in an RCMP report in 2002 but the force did not proceed against Harris until 2005." ...

PA: Gun License for Domestic Violence Victims 'Dangerous,' Group Says
Submitted by: Protector

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"Legislation pending in Pennsylvania seeks to provide victims of domestic violence with a temporary emergency license to carry a firearm 'to make sure that they're able to defend themselves,' according to State Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, sponsor of the bill."

"However, a spokeswoman for a state domestic violence coalition called the measure 'dangerous, absolutely dangerous.'" ...

"Judy Yupcavage of the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence (PCADV) disagreed, saying research does not support Metcalfe's position."

"'All of the national research we've seen and all of the data points to the fact that it is not safer to be armed for self-defense,' said Yupcavage, director of communications at PCADV." ...

PA: Locals lead gun control debate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Expanded rights for those using a firearm in self-defense-Yay."

"Philadelphia's right to administer its own gun laws-Nay."

"Thus were some of the key votes by the Pennsylvania House of Representatives in last week's special session on crime. During the special session, known as the Committee of the Whole, representatives propose numerous laws in order to gauge their support through anonymous vote."

"Last Tuesday and Wednesday the House went through a total of 80 proposals. Reactions to the voting results were mixed-most gun control proponents remained generally dissatisfied while ardent firearm rights supporters stood relatively pleased.control were finally being debated in the House." ...

AZ: 'Shoot First' laws are well grounded
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Some call them 'stand your ground' laws, others, 'shoot first' laws. I think these laws speak for a nation that's rather angry at increasing rates of violent crime, and keep the onus of the law where it belongs - with the prosecution."

"Last October, Florida passed a law allowing citizens to use deadly force against others when they believe the other is about to commit a 'forcible felony,' which is anything ranging from robbery, murder and treason, to my favorite, aircraft piracy, referring perhaps to Sept. 11 in language that suggests swashbucklers raiding a Southwest flight for booty."

"Arizona and other states have since passed similar laws. The laws are a bit (read: extremely) controversial." ...

TN: Air Guns are Popular and Dangerously Realistic
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Toy guns known as air soft BB guns are all the rage some teenagers yet police said they are dangerously realistic."

"Mount Juliet Police Chief Ted Floyd said he has trouble telling that they are fake and only shoot small, plastic pellets."

"'That weapon looks so real, there would've never been a doubt in my mind that it was not a real weapon the entire time,' Floyd said."

"Residents in Mount Juliet criticized officers for pulling guns on a group of kids who had fake guns. The incident happened Friday, Sept. 29. The officers confiscated most of the toy guns, charging the four boys with 'unruliness.'"

"When comparing the toy gun to a 9-millimeter automatic pistol, Floyd said initially it is not easy to tell them apart." ...

MD: They can't resist . . .
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"People who own guns -- and think more of us should have them -- can't resist arguing their case. In Thursday's column, what did I say? I said spare me. I've heard all the arguments over and over again ..." ...

"There's really only one more other thing I wish to say, particularly to the Second Ammendment purists. As the scholar Paul Fussell has argued, only a bit facetiously: What do you say we enforce the Second Amendment as written? That is, you own a gun, fine. Keep it clean and ready because here's the deal: Your gun ownership makes you part of a well-regulated militia, that is, the National Guard. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Guess this guy can't keep the organized and unorganized militias straight.

UT: The Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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While I favor stricter controls on handguns, I appreciated William E. Jones' Oct. 4 letter, "No need for inflated statistics," outlining his opposition.

Too often, we lack a principled, non-inflammatory debate of important issues. In fairness, Mr. Jones should have included the Second Amendment: "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." It makes a crucial difference.

Jim Schnitter
Cottonwood Heights

UK: Road cordoned off after weapons find
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"POLICE cordoned off a quiet residential streeet in Cheshunt after a Wild West-style pistol, a cache of bullets and a stun gun were found dumped there."

"Norman Sidnell, 79, of Roundmoor Drive, was stunned when he uncovered the deadly arsenal of weapons in a black holdall in the street outside his home on Thursday."

"The widower said: 'I thought it was a black plastic bag. I went to pick it up and it seemed so heavy.'"

"'I opened it up ... I was shocked at what I found - it was exactly the same as the six shooters you see cowboys use, with a barrel seven or eight inches long.'" ...

"Mr Sidnell drove straight to Cheshunt police station in Turners Hill, Cheshunt, and handed over the bag at reception." ...

UK: Armed and dangerous, the boys aged 12 recruited by street gangs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"BOYS as young as 12 are carrying firearms in areas of South London where arguments that begin in the playground are ending in shoot-outs."

"Senior police officers are increasingly concerned about the young age of children walking the streets with guns tucked in their trouser waistbands. Scotland Yard has directed its latest anti-gun advertising campaign at the 11-16 age group."

"The pattern of youthful gunmen is being repeated across Britain with police forces reporting the growing involvement of children in shootings. The weapons are displayed as a show of street credibility and bravado, or are obtained by children on the periphery of drug gangs because they feel that they need protection." ...

Canada: What can we do to stop lunatics with guns?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On December 6, 1989 a lunatic took a rifle into a Montreal school and brutally murdered fourteen young women and wounded an additional thirteen." ...

"On September 13, 2006 another lunatic took another rifle into another Montreal School, brutally murdered one young woman and wounded another twenty people."

"Bill C-68 (the Firearms Act) could not stop Kimveer Gill on September 13, 2006 any more than it could have stopped Gamil Gharbi (aka Marc Lepine) on December 6, 1989." ...

"There is nothing government can do to stop someone from going crazy and going on a murderous rampage."

"All we can do is stop them once they've already gone mad and started killing." ...

"What if the first student confronted by Gamil Gharbi and his rifle that awful December day, instead of cowering and dying, had pulled a concealed-carry handgun from her purse and shot him dead?" ...

UK: Call for crackdown on BB guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A CRACKDOWN on the sale of ball-bearing guns to young people in Scarborough is being demanded by councillors."

"And they want Scarborough MP Robert Goodwill to raise the issue in Parliament when it resumes next week."

"The move follows the recent attack on a bus driver on Barrowcliff."

"Cllr Peter Popple, the leader of the council's independent group, said he had received complaints from residents that their houses had also been shot at."

"'It highlights how dangerous these bb guns are in the hands of irresponsible owners,' said Cllr Popple."

"He and Cllr Bill Chatt had raised the issue within the council to see if there were any by-laws that could be implemented to restrict their sale in Scarborough." ...

The supposed quietude of a good mans allures the ruffian; while on the other hand, arms like laws discourage and keep the invader and the plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property. The same balance would be preserved were all the world destitute of arms, for all would be alike; but since some will not, others dare not lay them aside...Horrid mischief would ensue were one half the world deprived of the use of them... — Thomas Paine, I Writings of Thomas Paine at 56 (1894).

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