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Newslinks for 10/8/2003

Give Them a Lifeboat, Mr. President!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Today there was a disturbing report that the military practices as many as three or four times a week how to shoot down hijacked commercial airliners."

"What really makes this disturbing is that our government is willing to kill a planeload of innocent American citizens in order to eliminate the possibility that the hijacked American airliner may be crashed into some ground target but is not as willing to arm and train commercial pilots in the use of handguns so that they might at least have the opportunity to exercise a final act of self defense before the fighter jets fire a missile into a group of American men, women and children." ...

MN: 23 churches file lawsuit challenging gun law that decriminalizes self-defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A group of 23 churches seek to have the state's concealed handgun law overturned, contending the law infringes on religious freedoms guaranteed in the state and federal constitutions, according to a lawsuit prepared by the group."

"It is the second church-based challenge to the law prepared by David Lillehaug, a former U.S. Attorney for Minnesota."

"The group complains that the handgun law denies them the ability to chose the wording of signs posted on church property informing the public that guns are banned there." ...

You know, if they treated the Second Amendment the same way, gun ownership would be required.

Related Reading:

Christianity and Guns Archives
--to see that these imposters don't even follow their own scriptures

Nothing like hypocritical "Christians" who'd rather see a member of their own church raped than see a rapist captured and taken to the police.

NH: Feds to dispense 95,000 gunlocks in NH
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"95,000 gun locks will be distributed in New Hampshire through a federal program designed to reduce gun violence." [Because, uh, you know that violent criminals will, um, like, use them.]

"He called the program an essential component to public safety and noted the gun locks could also help law enforcement in other ways. Weapons are stolen from homes and used for crimes, he noted." ...

The federal government has zero constitutional authority to take money from citizens and use it to purchase and distribute "Lock Up Your Safety" devices.

NC: Father charged after son fires gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The father of a boy who brought his gun to school has been charged with failing to properly store the gun."

"Cleveland county officials say the 13-year-old took the gun to Burns Middle School and fired at least twice."

"A school resource officer tackled the boy, and no one was hurt."

"The boy will appear in court on Oct. 16. His father will appear in court on the misdemeanor charges the next day." ...

But guns are illegal in schools!

CT: After Son's Suicide, Mother Is Convicted Over Unsafe Home
Submitted by: Paul B. Raynolds

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"A mother on trial in connection with the suicide of her 12-year-old son was convicted of one felony count of putting her child at risk by creating a home environment that was unhealthy and unsafe, a jury here ruled Monday."

"Her son, J. Daniel Scruggs, hanged himself in his bedroom closet using one of his neckties on Jan. 2, 2002." ...

That's it!! Ban neckties!!!! Necktie Control, Inc.

CT: Woman sentenced to prison term for keeping a "messy home" (another report)
Submitted by: gary g

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MERIDEN — "A mother was convicted Monday of contributing to the suicide of her 12-year-old son, who hanged himself in his closet with a necktie after being bullied at school over his bad breath and body odor."

"Judith Scruggs, 52, was found guilty of risk of injury to a minor for creating a filthy home that prosecutors said prevented J. Daniel Scruggs from improving his hygiene." ...

OR: Gun turn-ins may be turned off
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A gun is like a rattlesnake. You can try to keep it in a cage, but sooner or later it's going to get out and hurt someone."

"Ceasefire Oregon's successful annual gun turn-in program may be coming to an end after taking in about 6,000 unwanted guns in the last 10 years."

"Wheeler and other Ceasefire Oregon volunteers hope to replace the annual turn-ins with a year-round program."

"She said there's no doubt that some form of gun collection program is worthwhile."

"Many of the people who turned in guns Saturday for gift certificates would agree, including Judi Ellison, who handed over a 9 mm pistol she took away from several children in her neighborhood."

" 'I saw them playing with it, and I couldn't believe it. I took it away and hid it when they weren't looking,' said Ellison." ...

So a thief used the turn-in to get rid of her loot, then confessed to a crime and is held up as a model citizen.

Gun Advocates Tout CDC Report, Say It Proves Their Point
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Second Amendment supporters Monday praised the report issued by the CDC, which indicated that there is no conclusive proof gun control laws are effective in reducing gun violence."

"According to Joe Waldron, executive director of the CCRKBA, gun control advocates for years have been relying on the CDC's 'earlier biased research' during the Clinton administration...."

"Fielding stipulated that 'we don't mean that the law has no effect,' just that the studies were too narrowly focused or had 'methodological problems.' "

"Gottlieb said the CDC report was in reality a 'call for more funding' to conduct the additional research until it produced a desired outcome." ...

Google Accepts Porn Ads but Refuses Those for Guns
Submitted by: Randy Hudson

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"A federally licensed firearms dealer in Connecticut is upset the Google search engine will accept ads for pornographic websites that illegally show their materials to underage children but will not accept ads from licensed gun dealers selling a legal product to adults. A spokesman for Google said Monday that the policy is 'part of our terms and conditions.' " ...

MO: Concealed carry "loopholes" concern school board
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Although bringing a gun onto school property is banned under the new law, some loopholes are causing school districts statewide to create new polices."

"The Blue Springs Board of Education approved a policy concerning the law Monday night...."

"Posted signs at all doors, parking lot entrances and gates to athletic fields are also being considered to further protect the district from any liability."

"Board Member Dale Walkup said he does not understand why the district must pay to post signs if the state law makes it illegal to have firearms on school property."

" 'If someone is mad enough to bring gun onto school grounds and use it, it doesn't matter if there are signs or not.' " ...

MO: Gun law tests Sheriff's staff
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Alternate Title: Governor Holden not Missouri's Only Scofflaw

"Citizens hoping to file an application on Saturday for a concealed weapon permit will have to wait at least another month or two, because Sheriff Tom Phillips hasn't had enough time to properly set up a system of oversight."

"Phillips said there was no way he would be able to have employees organized to handle the permitting process in time for the Saturday deadline imposed by state government."

"Phillips said he will refuse to accept applications until a system of handling all this is properly organized and his department can process applications in a speedy and efficient manner." ...

Since when is the Sheriff above the law?

MI: Waiting periods on gun sales? (Editorial)
Submitted by: TriggerFinger

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Taking apart the arguments for a waiting period on gun sales in Michigan, in response to an editorial calling for them.

PA: Officer wins back job, right to carry a gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 15-minute hearing ended months of worry for Upper Southampton Police Lt. David Johnson, who won back his job and his right to carry a gun yesterday."

"Johnson, 62, of Bensalem, was suspended without pay in August when state police informed the township that a felony on Johnson's record prohibited him from carrying a gun. Because police officers are required to carry firearms, Johnson's job was in limbo, pending the outcome of a hearing that initially was scheduled for Friday but that was moved up at the request of his attorney."

"Bucks County Court Judge Michael J. Kane granted Johnson relief from the state's Uniform Firearms Act, enabling him to return to work." ...

Isn't it good to know that the law applies to everybody?

NY: Court Rejects Non-Resident Gun Permit Case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A judge in the Northern District of New York court rejected a lawsuit brought by a U.S. naval attorney who wanted to carry a concealed weapon while visiting relatives in New York.

In his lawsuit David D. Bach said that the state is leaving him defenseless when visiting his relatives in Saugerties, N.Y.

He further argued that the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution gives him the right to bear arms.

Bach, who has top-secret security clearance, lives in Virginia Beach, Va. "Because of my occupation within the Department of Defense and Naval Special Warfare, I believe my family and I are at greater risk of being targeted by those seeking to carry out symbolic acts of terror," he said in court papers.

OH: What's race got to do with it? A LOT.
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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As I described in my recent walk through the "Safest Neighborhood in the State", I mentioned that the most enjoyable part of my day was spent talking to the many African-Americans who attended the event. I can honestly say that while we are often led to believe that minorities are nearly a block-vote against concealed carry, EVERY single person of a minority race I spoke with at the 'Defense' Walk expressed interest in obtaining their right to self-defense. Every person but one, that is.

OH: Guns, speech and the courts
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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The Supreme Court of Ohio has taken one last gratuitous swipe at the Second Amendment, as well as the Ohio Constitution: “There is no constitutional right to bear concealed weapons.” Thus sayeth Justice Pfeifer.

That bastard, the Second Amendment, must now be taking perverse delight in watching the bastardization of the First. The wolf, having exhausted the takings at the fringe, is now in the midst of the flock.

OH: Court ruling not just racist, but sexist
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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Justice Pfeifer, in his majority decision wrote, “prohibiting the carrying of concealed weapons helps maintain an orderly and safe society”. No statistics will bear this out.

Men, the stronger of the species, commit rape. Women, the weaker of the species get raped.

Interesting, isn’t it, that the four male justices voted against concealed-carry and two female justices voted to allow it.

MO: Concealed guns debate dates back to 1875
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Back when concealed weapons were common the framers of the Missouri Constitution specifically stated that citizens did not have a natural right to carry hidden guns.

Nearly 130 years later, a law set to take effect Saturday will specifically allow some Missourians to hide guns in their pants, coats, purses and such.

So is there a conflict between the constitution and the new law?

On the surface, it might appear that way. But legally speaking, it may not. ...

TN: Drug Charges Dropped Because Official Arrived Late With Warrant
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A judge dismissed charges against three people accused in the largest crack cocaine seizure in Hawkins County because an official arrived with the search warrant after investigators had entered a defendants' house.

Sessions Court Judge David Brand ruled evidence in the search was illegal because of the delay.

The defendants -- all from Michigan -- were released from the Hawkins County Jail.

The bust came after investigators seized 47 ounces of crack cocaine, 19-thousand dollars in cash and an assault rifle at the Rogersville home of James Walker Vandergrift. ...

MO: Council weighs smoking, gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The Jefferson City Council wrestled with two potentially divisive issues Monday: The state's new concealed weapons law and the question of smoking in public places.

On Monday, the council considered two bills in response to the Legislature's recent decision allowing gun owners with permits to carry hidden weapons.

City Attorney Nathan Nickolaus said the first bill could bring city ordinances in line with new state laws; the second bill could create zoning provisions for firing ranges, gun clubs, and skeet and trap shoots within the city limits.

The two bills could be voted on Oct. 20. But the City Council has to work fast -- the state law goes into effect on Saturday.

OR: Blind, Disabled Woman Claims Police Brutality
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A legally blind and partially disabled woman is suing the Portland Police Bureau over claims of police brutality."

"Eunice Crowder says four officers roughed her up and threw her to the ground on June 9."

"The officers were called when she reportedly refused to allow city workers to clean up yard debris. The 71-year-old says she was hit with pepper spray and stung by a taser gun. Her prosthetic eye reportedly fell out during the incident." ...

Did the "city workers" have a warrant?

AL: Rural Sumter County police chief indicted in shooting of suspect
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The police chief in the rural town of Cuba has been indicted on a charge of first-degree assault in the shooting of a teenager suspected in a homicide.

Chris Vaughan, 53, the only police officer in Cuba, will have a preliminary hearing Oct. 19 on the assault charge. He is accused in the shooting of 19-year-old Anthony Collins on July 19 after Collins allegedly killed his stepfather, 45-year-old Gethsemane "Pappy" Walker.

Vaughan, who was indicted by a grand jury Sept. 23, was arrested the same day and released later in the day after posting $10,000 bail. The indictment says Vaughan had "intent to cause serious physical injury" with his pistol. ...

MN: Man shot, killed at place where firearms -- and self-defense -- are banned
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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In the news video you can see the signs saying --"J&J
"St. Paul police are investigating the killing of a man who apparently was ambushed in a parking lot as he arrived at work this morning and shot, possibly several times."

"The victim, identified so far only as a Latino male in his early 20s, was shot shortly after 6 a.m. as he arrived at work at a distribution company in the 600 block of Rice St., said Officer Paul Schnell, the department's spokesman." ...

NY: Grim weekend in NYC, in a place where self-defense has been outlawed.
Submitted by: Ty Benabe

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Guns, and the only people in the streets who have them in NYC. The WRONG people.

Multiple stabbings, beatings, shootings... where armed self-defense is illegal.

Is It Permissible?
Submitted by: Vladimir Kushnir

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Is It Permissible?
written by Dr. Walter E. Williams
You might say, "If our Constitution provides no authority for programs near and dear to the hearts of so many Americans, the heck with the Constitution." If that's your perspective, you're in good company. The Courts, Congress and the White House beat you to it; long ago they've said the heck with the Constitution.

Hillary Clinton's Name Filed as Presidential Candidate in 2004
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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Go to the Federal Election Commission homepage at

Hillary Rodham Clinton filed late Friday, Oct 3rd, with the Federal Election Commission to run for President in 2004.

Here is the exact data:

Presented by the Federal Election Commission
Office Sought: President
Election Year: 2004
State: Presidential Candidate
District: 03
Party: DEM (Democratic Party)

CT: One charge dropped against former detective
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Superior Court judge has dismissed one of two charges against the former head of the New Haven police detectives who is accused of intentionally derailing a murder investigation."

"Former city police Capt. Brian Sullivan is being tried on charges of hindering a prosecution and tampering with evidence in connection with the investigation into the 1996 murder of Philip Cusick."

"Cusick was fatally shot in New Haven as an acquaintance, William Clark, tried to buy drugs."

"Sullivan was accused of concealing a witness statement that pointed to a New Haven drug dealer as Cusick's killer. North Haven police investigating the homicide didn't learn of the statements existence for two years." ...

But only cops should have guns, right Sarah?

UK: "The law has vanished...the police are completely demoralised."
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Speech by the shadow home secretary, Oliver Letwin, to the Conservative party conference 2003
I spoke earlier about the tragic killing of the grandmother last week. Her husband said:

"The law has vanished...the police are completely demoralised. Thirty years ago, there were always two officers walking up and down the street and the crime rate was nil. Now there are hardly any. People know they can walk into a shop with a gun and no one will stop them"

A National Newspaper noted that he was speaking for millions of people up and down the land. The Newspaper asked: "is anybody listening?"

Thirty years ago you hadn't completely criminalized self-defense either.

France: French home secretary announces "perfectly secure" electronic ID card
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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A "perfectly secure" electronic identity card will be in use in France by 2006, French Home Secretary Nicolas Sarkozy has announced. The card will carry a chip which will combine "the standard type of personal data you get in this type of document and an electronic certification system". ...

Freedom and Other Such Pursuits
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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But another -- and, I might add, more endearing -- premise floating around nowadays is that "liberty in our lifetime" can be achieved. Not for Iraq or Afghanistan, mind you, nor for any of the countless other countries in which unfeeling despots rule. Rather, for us. For America. Or so says a libertarian activist group called the Free State Project, for whom "liberty in our lifetime" is both a motto and a goal.

Australia: Dock worker in court over pub shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A 44-year-old dockworker faced court today over a shooting outside a hotel in Port Melbourne on Sunday night.

A man in his 30s remains in a stable condition in hospital with a stomach wound after the incident.

Michael Anthony Mataic, of Port Melbourne, was arrested while sitting in his car in Bay Street last night.

Police allege a handgun was found in the car at the time.

Mataic faces charges of attempted murder, intentionally causing serious injury and possessing a pistol without a licence.

During a brief hearing in the Melbourne Magistrates Court today, he was remanded in custody and is expected to apply for bail in two weeks' time.

In handgun-free Australia?

Hunting: Never Miss Again
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Master the five toughest shots on deer. The odds are that the shot you get this season will be one of them.

1. The Uphill-Downhill Shot
Deer live to ripe old ages because hunters can’t remember whether or not you’re supposed to hold high on a downhill shot, or low on an uphill shot, or what, and when they actually have a deer in the crosshairs, the fact that they can’t remember causes them to panic, hold somewhere over or under the deer, and pull the trigger—only to be rewarded by the sight of a perfectly healthy buck bounding away. The rule is, you hold low for uphill and downhill shots. The steeper the angle of the shot in either direction, the less gravity pulls on your bullet—and the less you have to compensate for range. ...

GA: Festival celebrates COPS program
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Eight-year-old Tyler Kitchens has a particular fascination with police.

He likes to watch the popular “COPS” reality TV show and he imagines himself as S.W.A.T. team officer someday. Curiously peering around with his 5-year-old sister Shelby in the Gwinnett Police DUI task force’s “Batmobile,” a converted recreational vehicle used as a base of operations for DUI roadblocks, Tyler was one of many children captivated by everything at the Community Oriented Policing Strategy (COPS) Festival at the Gwinnett Civic and Cultural Center Tuesday evening.

Indoctrinate 'em young, that way they don't notice their missing civil rights. What is today called "DUI roadblocks" could one day be called "Firearm roadblocks".

NY: Police: Boy With Guns Feared Being Beaten Up
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The boy who headed to his school with two loaded rifles Monday planned to intimidate a classmate, police said.

The 14-year-old with the guns was caught by police outside the AuSable Valley Central School, but not before school officials locked students inside the school gym for their safety. No one was hurt.

According to police, the boy's troubles started with a drug deal last month. The teen was caught with marijuana and a pipe at school, said police, and he turned in another student allegedly involved in the drug deal.

Police said Monday, the boy got word that the other student was going to beat him up, and that's why he was bringing the guns to school.

But guns and drugs are illegal in schools! Pass another ban!

UK: Shooting causes traffic chaos
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A SHOOTING at a private house in Hooley caused traffic chaos as paramedics and armed police rushed to the scene in Brighton Road.

The detached double-fronted property, bearing a sold sign in the front garden, was the focus of police attention for about three days which, on Wednesday, caused tailbacks in all directions.

But while alarmed neighbours curtains continued to twitch, police confirmed that two men had been arrested after the gun went off during an argument.

They also confirmed that a 35-year-old man was taken to East Surrey Hospital with minor wounds to the back of his neck and was kept in overnight for observation. ...

UK: Drive-by shooting unites officials
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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READING politicians have urged people living in fear after Friday’s drive-by shooting not to let gun crime win.

Martin Salter MP and Battle Ward councillors Tony Jones, Chris Maskell and Tom Crisp say it is time for communities across West Reading to help the police and stand up against criminals who have brought the scourge of violence to the area.

Frightened neighbours in Elm Park Road have hit out at the police for not doing enough to end the misery of crime and anti-social behaviour.

Mr Salter said: “It’s absolutely appalling that a quiet residential street, which I know well as it is round the corner from my constituency office, should be the scene of such a horrific assault." ...

Philippines: Cop shot civilian inside bar
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A MEMBER of the San Carlos City police station reportedly shot a civilian inside a videoke bar in Sagay City.

The suspect was identified as Police Officer Lirado.

Cobrado said Lirado hit his head to the wall of the bar.

Not contented, Lirado then took his .45 caliber pistol service firearm and shot the victim, investigation added.

Fortunately, the victim was not hit by the bullet.

San Carlos police chief Ricardo de la Paz urged the victim to file a criminal complaint against the policeman.

De la Paz disclosed that sometime last year, he slapped Lirado with a six-month suspension without pay after he indiscriminately fired his service firearm several times in a dancehall.

But only cops should have guns?

AP: FBI Sent Hamas Money in Late 1990's
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"While President Clinton was trying to broker an elusive peace between Israelis and Palestinians, the FBI was secretly funneling money to suspected Hamas figures to see if the militant group would use it for terrorist attacks, according to interviews and court documents."

Reno of course knew about this. Not a single person prosecuted and I guess we know what the answer to the burning question was. Your stolen money (taxes) at work.

South Africa: Army Captains "found with Uzis"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Even the Army can't have machineguns?
"Two army captains were arrested at a military base in Ladybrand in the Free State on Monday when two Uzi sub-machine guns were found in their possession, police said on Tuesday."

"Police spokesperson Constable Christopher Mophiring said the SANDF officers, aged 28 and 29, had gone to Ladybrand on Monday to collect some belongings following the transfer of one of them."

" 'They then went to the South African National Defence Force base in Ladybrand to fill up the state vehicle with petrol,' said Mophiring."

" 'A private saw one of them showing the other a gun and when he put it under the (car) seat the private became suspicious.' " ...

South Africa: Children in 2-hour hostage ordeal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A desperate mother scribbled a plea for help and stuck it to her bedroom window to alert teachers at a school next door that she, her children and staff were being held hostage by a heavily-armed gang of robbers.

The robbers, posing as patients, walked into Dr Makunga's rooms in Sunnyside Once inside the building, the four men drew pistols and a machinegun.

Makunga, who was preparing for work, was beaten and dragged to a bedroom where two of the robbers were holding guns to the heads of her sons and their babysitter.

Demanding money and jewellery, the robbers continued to beat Makunga before locking all of their hostages in a bedroom.

More disarmed victims of victim disarmament.

Australia: Computers stolen in armed robbery recovered
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A MAN will appear in a Sydney court today charged over an armed robbery in which more than $350,000 worth of computer equipment was stolen.

About 10.30pm (AEST) on Monday night, a number of men wearing balaclavas and armed with pistols robbed an industrial warehouse in Bourke Road, Alexandria, police said.

Security staff at the premises were threatened during the robbery, and a large amount of computer equipment was loaded onto a truck.

The offenders fled in several vehicles.

In the Australian gun-free safe zone?

CA: Students against domestic violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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According to the California Department of Justice, women are more often victims of domestic violence than victims of burglary, muggings or other physical crime combined, however, many are not reported.

UNC Charlotte organized a campus community activity that took a stand against domestic violence on Oct. 2, at the Belk Tower for that reason.

The focus of the different programs on campus was to build the student's self-esteem, identify abusers and teach self-defense techniques.

As long as that self-defense doesn't involve a firearm, right? "Stop, or I'll yell 'stop' louder!"

Philippines: Philippine police end detention center drama
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A Muslim rebel was shot dead by Philippine police in the toilet of a Manila detention center yesterday, ending a three-hour hostage drama in which three guards were killed and three wounded.

The attempted jailbreak -- following the escape of an Indonesian militant from the same facility in July -- is likely to compound concerns about security ahead of a visit to Manila by US President George W. Bush on Oct. 18.

Police said the rebel, Buyungan Bungkak, grabbed an M16 rifle from one of his minders just after dawn yesterday while being escorted to an exercise yard at the Philippine National Police (PNP) headquarters.

But Sarah says that these guys are the only ones competent to handle weapons.

India: Home guard on shooting spree
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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[Full Text Below]

Mohan Singh, a home guard jawan killed his daughter Inderjit Kaur and her paramour’s brother Balwinder Singh while seriously injuring her paramour Harjinder Singh with his service rifle on Monday at Patti.

After the incident Mohan Singh reportedly surrendered before the police.

According to reports Inderjit Kaur was insisting on her marriage with Harjinder Singh ,which was not acceptable to Mohan Singh who took her daughter , Harjinder Singh and Balwinder Singh to an adjoining house and opened fire on them.

But only the military and cops should be armed?

Read this entire letter, not just the headline
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Shame on Snitch for giving the article on the Patriot Act the title “Though heavily scorned, the law has little effect locally”.

Don’t you know that many of us get most of our news by skimming the headlines, and the message from this headline is, “Even if you are having your rights taken away, you won’t notice it much in Louisville.”

Our freedoms under the Bill of Rights are under an attack such as has not been seen since the McCarthy era, and we are supposed to go along in the name of Homeland Security.

Right now the government can go into our e-mail, credit and banking records, even our library accounts, without any subpoenas ... and without informing the person whose privacy is being invaded.

NH: Wife of Sen. Judd Gregg Abducted, Released
Submitted by: Paul B. Raynolds

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"The wife of Sen. Judd Gregg R-N.H., was abducted at gunpoint from her home on Tuesday morning, but later released unharmed, said suburban Virginia police and spokesmen for the senator."

"One of the men then drove her to a nearby bank while the other followed in another car, Smith said, reporting that after the men received cash from a teller, they fled the scene in a car and the woman called police." ...

It's a good thing the police were there to protect her - NOT!

UK: Sad pet owner speaks out after cat shooting death
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Alternate Title: Setting the Stage to Ban Airguns

"A beautiful cat died in agony after mindless thugs shot it with an airgun."

"Ginger and white cat Casper, aged eight, was blasted with the gun on September 25, and died less than 12 hours later."

"Owner Louise Fagan wanted to publicise the cruel killing in the hope of shaming those responsible. She said: 'My cat suffered a pellet shot and eventually died in agony.

" 'I would like to say that whoever is responsible for this cruel act, I hope you are now satisfied.

" 'Not only was I very upset, but I had to explain this to my 15-year-old daughter, who had grown up with Casper since she was seven. I will never get another cat while living in this area." ...

UK: Elected police chiefs plan unveiled
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"American-style directly elected local sheriffs could decide how neighbourhoods are policed under a shake-up proposed by the Tories."

"The aim is to give people a bigger say on policing on their local streets, with the home secretary stripped of powers to control police forces' priorities."

"In his speech, Mr Letwin said the Tories had to show they were on the side of the victims of crime on Britain's 'hard pressed estates'."

"The Conservatives say the move would allow communities to decide, for example, to spend more money on fighting gun crime if that was a particular local problem." ...

Ghod forbid that you actually address the root support systems of crime, like a prohibition on self-defense!

Arms discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property . . . Horrid mischief would ensue were the law-abiding deprived of the use of them. — Thomas Paine, Thoughts on Defensive War (1775).

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