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Newslinks for 10/8/2004

The Flawed Second Amendment Debate
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Contrary to the assertions by the Brady Campaign and the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, the individual States do not derive any rights or powers from the Constitution. The Constitution is a grant of power from the States to their federal government. When the Constitution was written and adopted, the States already had the so-called 'collective right' to maintain armed militias independent of the federal government. Since this so-called 'right' was never surrendered, and the federal government was not granted the power to prevent the States from maintaining armed militias, the States retained this 'right' irrespective the Constitution or the subsequent adoption of the so-called 'collective right' Second Amendment."

CCRKBA says 'Job only half done' on ending D.C. gun ban
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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While congratulating the House of Representatives for its 250-171 vote Wednesday to overturn the gun ban in Washington, D.C., the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) said the job of Congress is "only half done." "We're delighted that a strong, bipartisan House majority voted in favor of the District of Columbia Personal Protection Act," said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, "but the Senate now needs to act fast and pass this measure too."

VA: Virginia considers radio-frequency ID chip in driver's licenses
Submitted by: Anonymous

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" 'Almost everyone carries a driver’s license, and RFID chips allow people to be tracked,' said Kent Willis, Executive Director of the ACLU of Virginia. 'This proposal would allow anyone to set up an RFID reader to capture the identities and personal information of every person who comes within range,' added Willis. 'FBI agents, for example, could sweep up the identities of everyone at a political meeting, protest march, gun show, or Islamic prayer service.' "


We owe something to the gun, but we'll never love it
Submitted by: Bill Armstrong

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"SO, ARE WE GLAD THAT NEPHEW, as the Lone Ranger might have put it, 'slapped leather?' "

"Well, he's here to tell the tale, and for that we are grateful. But this is turbulent America, where issues are complex and where sometimes, perfect and pat answers are elusive. It is folly to deny the truth of what happened in the men's room that day, where The Gun emerged as hero. It is folly as well to think that packing a gun, 'unloaded' or otherwise, will always provide so satisfactory a result."

"Suffice it to say we are thankful for the life of our nephew, and relieved the he found a means to protect it in his moment of desperation. Yet, we are disquieted still by this ardor for weaponry, and will tell him so at every opportunity."

"If this is contradiction, so be it. You may consider it acknowledged."

The good news is that this writer acknowledges his point of view is irrational when it comes to guns. The bad news is that he appears to view his nephew's salvation as an uncomfortable, albeit welcome, side effect of a right the existence of which makes him uneasy.

VA: Our Man in Arlington
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "This time, however, it was an event in Falls Church that aroused my interest, and then my ire. As reported in this newspaper last week, about three-dozen pro-gun advocates graced the Falls Church City Council with their presence, most of them packing their pieces on their hips."

"That means they were carrying guns to those of you who are ignorant of the language of the gun culture. [KABA Note: I have never heard someone in the 'gun culture' refer to "packing their piece" except when ridiculing the usage by antis] Yes, indeed they were carrying guns. Doesn't make you feel safe and secure in a turbulent world? Philip Van Cleve, the president of the Virginia Citizen Defense League, led the group and testified against a city manager proposal that any city employee witnessing someone carrying a gun should report it to the local police. Wow! What a radical proposal!" [KABA Note: When someone proposes calling the police every time they see a someone exercising a right, that is not radical it is reactionary.]

"The members of the league claimed they were supporting their constitutional right to bear arms. Hogwash! They are acting like simple thugs using the public display of guns to intimidate those who are simply trying to provide some safety in a violent world, made more violent by the actions of the members of the Virginia Citizen Defense League." ...

Please look 'violence' up in the dictionary. According to The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition, the first definition of violence is "Physical force exerted for the purpose of violating, damaging, or abusing". Explain how the mere display of arms constitutes 'violence'.

You can e-mail this . . . individual at

DC: D.C. gun ban repeal worries Montgomery police
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Montgomery County residents may be the unwitting victims of a recent repeal of The District's gun registration law, at least according to the Montgomery County Police Department."

"Maryland police fear that some may now travel across the border into the district from Maryland and buy guns that are still not legal for sale in Montgomery and Prince George's County." [except under federal law, any transfer from out-of-state must be done through an in-state FFL holder]

"The District of Columbia Personal Protection Act, which negates the gun ban that former president Bill Clinton put into place [???], was voted with approval with a 250-171 vote in the House of Representatives ..." ...

Wow! They get even more wrong than usual!

VA: Gun Toters Praise Ruling; MWAA Changing Regs
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Gun rights activists are praising a decision made by Loudoun General District Court Judge Dean S. Worcester last month that carrying a dangerous weapon onto some airport property is not illegal."

"The Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority, which operates Dulles International Airport and Reagan National Airport, created its own regulations—allowed by the General Assembly—that makes it a misdemeanor to carry a dangerous weapon onto all airport property. According to the MWAA’s regulations made in 2001, it is independent of the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Virginia and the federal government."

IL: Success of lapsed gun ban disputed
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"We asked people most likely affected by the sunset of the ban -- cops, hunters and gun merchants -- what its effect would be."

"Whether they supported the ban or not, most of those whom we talked to could foresee no change."

"Both sides said the law was so easy to get around that it was nearly useless in the first place."

MN: Bemidji rape case causes fear, anger on campus
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"No one disputes these ugly, essential facts: On Sept. 19, three male Bemidji State University seniors -- including a star hockey player -- had sex with an 18-year-old female student while an off-duty sheriff's deputy made audio-visual recordings of the scene on a cell phone."

"But the disputed allegations are even uglier: The woman, a freshman who had just moved away from home to attend college, told police that one of the male students had given her a drink earlier that knocked her out and that the trio then raped her as the deputy and another man watched and recorded the scene."

CA: Bank robber wins $15,000 from city for being kicked in the groin while lying bleeding from 7 gunshot wounds
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The city of Oakland has agreed to pay $15,000 to settle a lawsuit filed by a convicted bank robber who was shot and then kicked in the groin by police at the end of a wild chase, officials said Wednesday." ...

"Officer Edwin Somarriba was seen on a television news videotape kicking Barnes between his legs after he had been shot and lay bleeding on the ground."

"The videotape also captured officers saying, 'Camera, camera, and showed them moving to block freelance cameraman Bill Conduit's view."

"'A vicious stomping like this is the kind of thing that would land any normal person in jail,' Barnes' attorney, Michael Haddad of Oakland, said Wednesday. ..." ...

IL: Daley shocked, just shocked, by new fed charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley pulled out an old sob story Wednesday."

"He said he was sad and disappointed that two clout-heavy City Hall operators--including John 'Quarters' Boyle--were slapped with federal charges accusing them of handing out Hired Truck contracts for cash and political contributions." ...

"... [Boyle] belongs to a group of tough guys on the public payroll who work the precincts for votes."

"They're the Coalition for Better Government."

"Another CBG member is Ronnie 'Little Pistol' Calicchio, the chief investigator for City Hall's Department of Revenue. Ronnie insisted he could carry a concealed handgun, even though he's not a cop, even though the mayor denies handguns to folks without clout. ..." ...

NH: Arrested Wedding Guest a Retired Massachusetts Police Officer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A wedding guest accused of pulling a pistol on the groom and best man is a retired Massachusetts police officer, entitled by federal law to carry a firearm virtually anywhere in the United States."

"Gerard Moccia, 55, of Medford, Mass., faces two felony counts of criminal threatening. He was released on $5,000 bail, pending arraignment Friday in Nashua District Court."

"He is accused of pointing a pistol at the groom and best man during a wedding reception Saturday night at the Bounty Lounge at the Holiday Inn on Northeastern Boulevard."

"Moccia is the uncle of the bride and was a guest at the wedding, police said."

"Medford (Mass.) Police confirmed that Moccia is a retired Medford police officer, however." ...

UK: Hero officer arrested for 'turning gun on himself'
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A hero policeman who claimed he was shot in the street by gangsters has been arrested on suspicion of turning the gun on himself."

"Pc William Morrison, 50, was apparently shot in the stomach in Highbury after flagging down a driver for speeding."

"The officer told colleagues a man jumped out of the car and ran off, shooting him as he gave chase. Two other men escaped when the car sped off."

"Scotland Yard treated this as attempted murder and launched a massive hunt for the gunman at an estimated cost of £500,000."

Philippines: Abra town mayor nabbed for illegal gun possession
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Operatives of the elite PNP Special Task Force Abra arrested early Thursday morning a controversial mayor of this province for alleged possession of unlicensed firearms and ammunition." ...

"Chief Insp. Willy Cayat, the commander of the search team, reported to Chief Supt. Rowland Albano, the Cordillera police chief, that they seized four .38-caliber revolvers, two bullet vests, four short magazines for caliber-5.56 ammunition, one M-16 rifle, .45 magazine, .25 magazine, four Super caliber .38 ammunition, 15 caliber .38 ammunition, 32 M-16 bullets, one holster for caliber .38 and three plastic cartridge cases.

Thailand: Thai cop accused of killing Britons surrenders
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Thai policeman accused of murdering a British couple has surrendered after almost a month on the run and confessed to killing the two in self-defence, a regional police chief says."

"Detective Sergeant Somchai Visetsingha gave himself up near the Thai-Myanmar border and had told police he killed British tourists Adam Lloyd, 25, and Vanessa Arscott, 24, the officer said on Thursday."

"'He said he was assaulted first,' Lieutenant General Chaiyan Maklamthong, chief of western region police bureau, told Thai ITV television. 'Then he was outmatched, so he shot them,' he said." ...

The claim of self-defense raises a question. Is he so distrustful of his colleagues that he felt it necessary to run? Or is he just lying?

OH: Are Ohio schools morally responsible for not teaching gun safety?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Since late 2003, educators around the state have had access to state funding to teach gun safety - a $40,000 pilot program, which will cover the cost of the National Rifle Association's Eddie Eagle GunSafe® Program, designed for pupils in K-3. Word is, however, that fewer schools are taking advantage of the program than initially hoped."

"Sadly, the most direct evidence of a continuing lack of gun safety education in homes and schools can be found in the newspapers..."

VA: Battlefield student charged with brandishing gun at bus stop
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A Battlefield High School student was arrested last Friday after allegedly brandishing a gun at a school bus stop in Haymarket after school."

"First Sgt. Kim Chinn, a spokeswoman for the Prince William Police Department, said the 15-year-old boy had earlier been 'involved in an incident at school,' for which he was suspended."

"After school on Oct. 1, the boy allegedly went to a bus stop on Rising Sun Lane in Haymarket and brandished a .38-caliber handgun."

"Adults who were in the area saw the incident and called police."

TX: Gonzales High School students get lessons on hunting safety
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"M.O. Neasloney's legacy lives on near Belmont, where more than 250 high school students from six counties annually visit the wildlife management area he left to the state for habitat management and educational purposes."

"This 100-acre area's hunter safety program began nine years ago with one group of high school students attending from Gonzales. On Wednesday 136 students and today 138 students from 10 schools will attend the program with their agriculture teachers as part of the hunter safety component of their wildlife management course." ...

NY: Gun report disrupts school
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"City school officials Wednesday night defended their decision to lock down the high school three times in just over two hours earlier that day, while frightened and angry parents and students accused them of handling the situation haphazardly."

"School officials insist they did the best they could with the information that was available to them at the time."

"In the end, no one was injured and what were initially feared to be students armed with guns intent on violence turned out to be a pair of 16-year-olds with gas-powered BB handguns planning vandalism..."

"But as the situation unfolded, parents and students say, they were kept in the dark and frightened by cryptic announcements over the public address system ..."

CA: Student arrested with gun
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A Mission High School student with a previous gun charge was arrested Wednesday carrying a semiautomatic gun and six bullets."

"School officials discovered the 14-year-old alleged Sureño gang member was packing after noticing the youth was wearing blue shoelaces, a violation of the conditions of a new anti-gang youth program, officials said."

"When Juvenile Probation Officer Gabriel Cavillo spotted the blue laces -- the color of the Sureños -- he searched the youth and found a 9mm Beretta handgun in his jacket pocket."

OH: Mason High Issues Gun Alert
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Mason High School notified students and parents that a gun was found in a student's bedroom and that two middle-school students may have helped acquire the gun."

"The student's parents found the gun after searching the teen's bedroom and called the school, according to the letter from Mason principal Dr. David Allen."

"The parents became alarmed after a teacher called to notify them that their child had missed homework assignments."

"The student has been removed from school, the letter said."

NY: Fighting for the Fourth. Hempstead mayor faces off against four-term incumbent.
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"U.S. Rep. Carolyn McCarthy and her opponent, Village of Hempstead Mayor James Garner, are verbally slugging it out, with the winner-take-all-prize being the Fourth Congressional seat." ...

"McCarthy, who was a nurse before she entered politics eight years ago, said her priorities have not changed in her four terms. Her chief concerns remain education, health care and gun control. It was the gun-control issue that thrust her into the national spotlight in 1993, when her husband was killed and her son seriously injured in a shooting on the Long Island Rail Road by Colin Ferguson. The tragedy led her to fight for gun control measures, and landed her a seat in the House of Representatives." ...

TN: County to consider shooting restrictions
Submitted by: John Harris / Tennessee Firearms Association

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"Landowners in Montgomery County may soon find their rights to shoot firearms on their property limited to no more than five days per month and no more than 200 rounds per day if the County Commission approves a proposal recommended by the Regional Planning Commission."

"The proposal was unanimously approved by the Planning Commission this past week and the County Commission will hear public comments on the proposal Monday night at their scheduled meeting. They will vote on the proposal Nov. 11."

"There are currently no county zoning regulations concerning the operation of public or private shooting ranges in Montgomery County, and this has resulted in many complaints from county residents concerning uncontrolled shooting." ...

IL: Feds insist they're tough on gun violators in Chicago
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Federal prosecutors in Chicago insist they're making headway against gun traffickers, despite a report released Wednesday that claims the government is lax in enforcing the nation's firearms laws."

"The Americans For Gun Safety Foundation found Illinois ranks 41st lowest among states in per capita prosecutions for federal gun offenses. For instance, only 32 of 26,111 people who lied on a firearm purchase background check form were prosecuted in Illinois from 2000 through 2003, the group said."

MA: U.S. Attorney defends record on gun-crime prosecutions
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"U.S. Attorney Michael Sullivan's office yesterday fired back at a national watchdog group that criticized federal gun prosecutions as lax, saying cases against 'impact players' are up nearly 150 percent."

" 'We have chosen to target substantial resources toward the prosecution of armed career criminals, drug-related crimes and gun trafficking,' said Sullivan's chief of staff, Rob Krekorian. ..."

"A scathing report released this week by the Americans for Gun Safety Foundation said feds nationwide are targeting criminals, but not going after gun runners and corrupt dealers. ..."

NV: Nevada state worker reinstated after gun incident
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A state hearing officer has overturned the firing of a Nevada Transportation Department employee who pulled out a gun at a meeting two days after he was passed over for a promotion.

Hearing Officer Patrick Dolan says Bryan Patrick may have considered his actions a joke, but they were, "juvenile and incredibly stupid." Even so, he said Patrick should get a suspension without pay and then return to his job.

Patrick, employed by the Transportation Department since 1990, was being considered for a promotion, but his supervisor told him he didn't get the job.

Two days later, while conducting a safety meeting, Patrick pulled out a handgun, put it on the table and told his supervisor he was OK with the decision.

Then he told him to move slightly so he could, "get a better shot."

IL: Gun shops: Our focus is on arms for hunting
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Two of the largest retail gun shops in the Rock River Valley have no intention of carrying previously banned weapons." ...

"With local chains reluctant to stock the previously banned guns, people who want a Colt AR-15 or another type of previously banned weapon will have to turn to locally owned stores, such as the Bullet Stop Gun Shop, 2100 Harlem Road in Loves Park, or mail-order outfits."

AK: Stop -- or We'll Shout
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "One of the more curious aspects of life here has to do with firearms. Every household has an assortment of rifles and shotguns. When people are hungry, they go out and shoot something, like a walrus in the surf."

"Every adult has legal access to guns — except the police."

"The elders won't allow it."

"The policy — some would call it an edict — isn't written anywhere in the town's municipal code. It has simply been spoken by the gray-haired men and women with faces like carved driftwood who believe that armed officers would only create more trouble."

"Hooper Bay is the only known municipality in the United States that prohibits officers from carrying firearms. ..." ...

CA: Gun control group faults enforcement
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"California ranks dead last among states in per capita number of prosecutions of certain federal gun crimes, according to a gun-control group's new report."

"But federal officials say the report by Americans for Gun Safety Foundation compares apples to oranges and misrepresents a successful program."

"The foundation claims its data show an 'enforcement gap' making it too easy for criminals to arm themselves."

TN: Candidates talk taxes, environment and gun control
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The income tax topic was the third of five questions the three candidates fielded Wednesday at a political forum at Maryville College. The 90 minute session drew about 115 people, a mix of students and community residents."

"They also took similar stances on gun control and an audience question about East Tennessee's air quality. None of the three saw a need to increase gun control laws, though Melton was concerned about person-to-person gun sales and sale of firearms at gun shows. He clarified that wasn't the same as seeking a ban."

CA: Proposal Would Laser-Brand ID Number on Bullets
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"California's attorney general wants to crack down on gun violence by laser-branding all handgun bullets sold in the state with tiny identification numbers nearly invisible to the naked eye."

"The controversial proposal could open the way for the next major debate over gun control in California, a state that already has some of the toughest such laws in the United States." ...

"Under the plan, all ammunition sold in California would have a serial number etched by laser on the bullet and casing. Bullets without such micro-markings, including those from outside the state, would be barred by law, with some exceptions for sport shooters who make their own ammunition."

TX: There's work to do before deer season
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The general white-tailed deer season opens statewide on the 6th of November, but for ill-prepared hunters, it might as well be the 12th of Never. Many opportunities are lost each year through lack of preparation and practice."

"The most important of these preseason disciplines is sighting in the rifle. Toting an untested rifle into the dawn of opening day is an unacceptable lapse of judgment and etiquette."

"And according to one of the top range experts in the Houston area, more hunters are tending to this necessary drill."

"'We definitely have more shooters on the rifle range now than 10 years ago, and we expect to see a big spike in participation within the next week,' said Billy Carter, vice president of Carter's Country ..." ...

NJ: ARM YOURSELF: Rape Agression Defense class to help students fight back against assault
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One in four women will be sexually assaulted at some point during her four years of college." ...

"This means that one of the girls who live in your suite or the suite next to you will be a victim of a sexual assault at some point in the duration of their life, according to representatives of the Rape Aggression Defense course at Seton Hall."

"RAD is a course designed to teach risk awareness, risk reduction, risk recognition and risk avoidance, along with self defense techniques based in the martial arts to women."

And they still keep their students disarmed?!? From the "University Community Standards of Conduct": "A violation occurs when a person: ...
3. Uses, possesses or manufactures weapons. A weapon is any instrument that can cause bodily harm." ...

IN: Teach about guns; don’t ban them [first letter on page]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I am outraged and appalled at the scare tactics in The Journal Gazette’s editorial “Renew assault weapons ban” (Sept. 12). The editorial leads readers to believe that if this ban is not renewed, anyone can walk up and purchase an Uzi or AK-47. It fails to mention that this law has nothing to do with fully automatic weapons, which have been and will continue to be highly regulated. Nor does it mention that there are many laws on the books, some requiring background checks and waiting periods, and others preventing criminals from legally purchasing any type of gun." ...

"Over-regulation of guns protects no one. Instead, the time and money should be used to promote and teach gun safety, thereby educating the public on the safe and proper use of guns and their many purposes."

Australia: Supermarket ordeal triggers manhunt
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Police are still searching for a man who threatened staff at Bairnsdale's Safeway Supermarket with an automatic pistol this morning.

Staff say the man entered the supermarket about 8:00am AEST, brandishing the silver pistol, and was in an agitated state.

The say he did not make any demands and left soon after on foot.

It is believed the man is tall, thin with short hair and wearing a white tank top.

Venezuela: Gangster Cult Shields Venezuelans from Crime
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As the setting sun casts long shadows over a Caracas cemetery, crime-weary Venezuelans pray at the tomb of the notorious thief Ismael, believing he and other dead gangsters can protect them against violent attacks and robberies."

"Devotees of the Corte Malandra or Gangsters' Pantheon say the spirits of gangsters who once maintained a reign of terror in Caracas now watch over them in a city where murders and robberies are rife." ...

"Figurines of the criminal "saints" are found more frequently in the spiritualist and amulet shops common in poor neighborhoods in Caracas. For less than $1 one can buy a statue of a muscular figure armed with a revolver and wearing dark glasses, basketball shirt and cap." ...

Disarmed by their government (although the 'elite' can hire armed guards) the poor are left with prayer for protection.

India: Girl shot man to prevent rape [first story on page]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A girl confessed in a court on Wednesday that she had shot a man who had tried to rape her on September 20, though police had then registered a case of suicide."

"According to police sources, labourer Guddu alias Krishnasinh from Bihar, who was staying as a tenant in the Nandanvan Society here, was found dead with a bullet shot in his forehead and the police had registered a suicide case. Later, they found that Guddu had been murdered."

"It was revealed that the 19-year-old daughter of the landlord had shot him after he allegedly pulled her into his room and tried to rape her."

"'During the scuffle, the girl snatched his countrymade revolver and shot him,' the police said. ..." ...

Sometimes you

Belguim: Belgian authorities 'ignoring' gun crime
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"Belgian police officers are turning a blind eye to firearms crime by failing to draw up a proper register of gun sales, it was reported on Thursday."

"As a result of shoddy records, the authorities have little idea of how many guns are in circulation in the country, said De Tijd newspaper."

"The national union of gun manufacturers, hunters and sports clubs have denounced the failure to create an effective central register of guns."

"The Federal Ministers of Justice and the Interior, Laurette Onkelinx and Patrick Dewael are working on a solution to resolve the problem."

UK: Clean sweep
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"POLICE mounted a week-long blitz on criminals resulting in almost 50 arrests."

"Teams of bobbies were out around the clock to clamp down on Ellesmere Port's drugs offenders, burglars, thieves, illegal motorists, nuisance youths and drunken louts."

"Community Action Team officers, the town's road policing unit, the automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) crew, teams of operational officers and even an armed response unit joined forces for the codenamed Operation Ancient." ...

"Apart from the arrests, an arsenal of weapons including four Samurai swords, a crossbow pistol, a high-powered catapult, an air-rifle and BB guns were found at one home along with a ski mask, a police scanner and blank insurance documents." ...

UK: Credit Card Gun [from the British point of view]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"THE latest hi-tech killing machine in gun-crazy America is a double-barrelled shotgun the size of a credit card."

"The 'ultimate self-defence weapon' can fire 14 ball bearings at once and is on sale for £80. Its maker, Patrick Teel, claims it is 'very effective' at ranges of up to 10 feet." ...

"America's obsession with firearms has baffled the world for decades but the country remains bitterly divided over the issue of gun control."

"Last month, the Republican-controlled Congress allowed a 10-year ban on military-style assault rifles to expire. It is now legal again for gun shops to sell Uzi sub--machine guns and AK47s." ...

Seriously, this was a news story!

Quemadmoeum gladis nemeinum occidit, occidentis telum est ("A sword is never a killer, it's a tool in the killer's hands") — Lucius Annaeus Seneca "the younger" ca. (4 BC - 65 AD)

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