Gun death a problem all over America
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"Suicide by gun is a growing problem, especially in rural areas."
"Although America has a reputation for gun homicide, in fact gun murder has been going down by five per cent a year in urban areas. It is now time to pay attention to the growing problem of gun suicide, say researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine." ...
"And it would be wise to restrict gun access where people known to be at risk of suicide are involved. ..."
------- One simple question: When has restricting access to one particular tool used to commit suicide ever prevented a person intent on ending their life from finding another way?
One more simple question: How is it a "growing problem" when suicide rates (overall and with a gun) have been declining for the last decade? Check the numbers at the CDC's Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System website. |
The Libertarian candidate speaks up
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"Two years ago, Michael Badnarik gave up his Austin, Texas, apartment, put his furniture in storage and hit the road. There he became a sort of political Jack Kerouac, pushing the Libertarian cause one person at a time."
"Today the Libertarian Party presidential candidate is on the ballot in nearly every state, and some pollsters predict that he could prove a spoiler. He presents a special threat to Bush's support among traditional conservative voters fed up with the religious right's stranglehold on the GOP." ...
"You captured the endorsement of the Pink Pistols, the gay gun-rights group."
"They realize what I know: We need to eliminate the 20,000 gun laws on the books."
"How would you propose cutting down on hate crimes, or any crimes for that matter, with all these guns floating around out there?"
"There are no hate crimes. Killing people is a crime. It is not a crime to kill someone because they are gay. It is a crime to kill a human being, gay or straight. The fact that he or she was human and is now dead is what makes it a crime."
"But how to prevent hate crimes? Sounds like your only answer is abolishing gun laws. Somehow I don't think shootouts are going to prevent gay-bashing."
"Of course I'm not advocating shoot-outs. It is already against the law to beat up gay people."
"But gay people are still getting beat up. Shouldn't we as a society do something more pre-emptive and proactive?"
"I don't have any trouble telling people it's wrong to beat up gay people. What we don't need is special laws." |
National ID card feared in license standards [follow-up]
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Proposed federal standards for new driver's licenses contained in the intelligence-reform bill moving through Congress creates a national identification card, according to civil liberties groups on both sides of the aisle."
"The Senate passed its intelligence-reform bill yesterday by a 96-2 vote, and the House is expected to vote on its version by the end of the week."
"Sen. John McCain, Arizona Republican and one of the amendment's sponsors, defended the legislation that was quietly added Friday. ..."
"Opponents say, however, the House provision goes a step further and creates a tri-national identification card by requiring states to create and share databases among themselves and with Mexico and Canada." [emphasis added] ... |
United Nations corrupt, uncooperative, ineffective
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"The U.N. has their own little plan for the United States on their plate. They have repeatedly supported calls for the ban of small arms by all citizens in member countries. Never mind the 2nd Amendment implications domestically, but to force all citizens in the United States to give up their civil rights because the United Nations says so is ludicrous. Countries wishing to enslave and overpower their citizens have always demanded gun forfeiture and gun registration so that their population is controlled like caged animals. ..." |
CA: Lockyer's Latest Gun Control Scheme is 'Fanatic Fantasy,' Says CCRKBA
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"California Attorney General Bill Lockyer's latest gun control scheme is a 'fanatic fantasy,' the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) said today."
"Lockyer has proposed requiring all handgun ammunition sold in the Golden State to be 'branded' with a microscopic code that would ostensibly help identify its origin and who bought it. The law would require each round of handgun ammunition to have a tiny serial number etched into its surface. This would apply to ammunition possessed in public, sold or imported into the state. Published reports indicate the law would have a sunset provision..."
"CCRKBA Executive Director Joe Waldron called the scheme 'hare- brained.' " |
NRA Global Interest Gets a Debate (JTO)
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"Most people think of the National Rifle Association (NRA) as a uniquely American institution. They know of its great influence over federal and state lawmakers, who often opt for the political expediency of voting the NRA's way. As a result of the NRA's power, many people are aware, American citizens possess legal weaponry to a degree that is unknown in the rest of the civilized world."
"But there's a new, increasingly international, dimension to the NRA and on Tuesday, Oct. 12, the NRA's top official and an international gun-control expert will face off on pay-per-view television to talk about that subject. ..." |
IANSA's Rebecca Peters to Debate NRA's Wayne LaPierre (JTO)
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Get ready for the debate of the century! On Tuesday, October 12th IANSA's Rebecca Peters takes on the NRA's Wayne LaPierre before a live audience to debate the international gun control issue. The debate will take place in the historic Library of King's College London.
According to the GunDebate.Com website: "This promises to be impressive and passionate with both sides aware that they have, in this debate, an international platform to defend their convictions."
The show debuts on Events In Demand pay-per-view at $9.95 on Tuesday, October 12th at 9pm (ET) Check Your Local Cable Pay-Per-View Listings.
Click here for more information and to register to vote: www.thegundebate.com |
Anti-gun zealots appeal to emotions (Letter)
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"I tip my hat to the anti-gun lobby who have fooled some gullible members of the public into believing the expired assault weapons ban will now make it legal for terrorists and criminals to buy machine guns. I am impressed that the anti-gun lobby’s talking points — consisting of rhetoric and emotional appeals devoid of fact — have been successful in misleading some of the public." ...
"Mitch Albom’s column 'An assault on the will of the people' (Sept. 18) is a prime example of rhetoric that aids the circulation of the anti-gun lobby’s talking points. Mr. Albom’s piece is directed to 'assault weapons' and the expiration of the AWB. While passionately expressing his feelings, he uttered a number of opinions disguised as fact. ..." |
The Perfect Small-Game Gun
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"Squirrel and rabbit hunters make up shotgunning’s silent majority. They have no rabbit record books, no fancy squirrel lodges, not even fund-raising banquets where they can pay too much for cottontail prints and beagle pups. Quietly, and by the hundreds of thousands, small-game hunters go hunting just for the fun of it."
"A frugal bunch, by and large, small-game hunters shoot whatever shotgun they happen to own, which is, of course, absolutely fine. But there are attributes that make some guns better choices than others." |
AK-47s go auto quickly (Letter)
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"Wiedman, as a gun enthusiast, is well aware that semi-automatic assault weapons are fundamentally different from traditional sporting firearms. Weapons covered by the ban such as the AK-47, AR-15, MAC-10, and the Uzi are fairly easily converted to fully automatic fire. A semi-automatic hunting rifle such as the Remington 742 is much more difficult, if not impossible, to convert to automatic fire."
"Furthermore, 30-round magazines are readily available for assault weapons; such magazines do not exist for sporting firearms. Finally, a terrorist wishing to obtain an assault weapon for use in the U.S. could go to any one of thousands of domestic gun shops and purchase his AK-47 simply by showing his or her proof of residency and undergoing an instant background check."
------- If it were so easy, why don't more of them do this? |
Sportsmen: Kerry dedicated to those who hunt, fish
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"John Kerry is dedicated to conservation and will continue to protect the tradition of hunting and fishing, local sportsmen said Wednesday."
"With the Smith Refuge Area in the background, Council Bluffs residents Steve Gorman and Gary James unveiled the Sportsman's Bill of Rights by the Democratic presidential candidate and his running mate, John Edwards."
------- He may be dedicated to hunting and fishing, but his long and undistinguished record of anti-gun votes proves he has zero respect for the Second Amendment. |
Bob Barr: Conservatives have plenty of cause to abandon Bush
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Norman T Merkel
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"Throughout my own presidential voting history, the choices have rarely, if ever, been agonizing. Nixon vs. McGovern? Carter vs. Reagan? Reagan-Mondale? Dukakis, a Massachusetts liberal? Clinton? Al Gore? Ah, the good ol’ days. Each of those races presented clear choices, easily resolved."
"Now we have the election of 2004. For the first time in my voting life, the choice in the race for president isn’t so clear And, among true conservatives, I’m not alone." ...
"The oft-repeated mantra that “the terrorists made us spend more” rings hollow, especially to those who actually understand that increases in nondefense discretionary spending are not the inevitable result of fighting terrorists. It also irritates many conservatives, whether or not they support the war in Iraq, that so much of defense spending is being poured into the black hole of Iraq’s internal security, while the security of our own borders goes wanting." |
NY: Kuhl, Barend seek support in Yates County gun owners' group
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"Two candidates for the 29th Congressional District seat Thursday described themselves as friends of gun owners in the region and acknowledged the long tradition of hunting."
"Republican John R. Kuhl Jr. and Democrat Samara Barend addressed the issue of Second Amendment rights before about 80 people at a candidates' forum sponsored by the Yates County Chapter of Shooters Committee on Political Education (SCOPE)." ...
"Kuhl acknowledged that he owns several guns and hunted rabbits and squirrels with his father as a child. He later said that the National Rifle Association endorsed his candidacy and donated $3,500 to his campaign."
"Barend is not a gun owner but said her father is a hunter and that as representative, she would work to preserve the district's natural resources so that sportsmen may continue to enjoy them." |
CA: Police Chief Helped Official's Son In Earlier Case
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"Police Chief John Montanio, accused of giving a city councilman's son special treatment during a traffic stop, signed a letter in January, requesting leniency for Albert Vera Jr., 39, in a concealed weapons case."
"Vera, son of Culver City Councilman Albert Vera Sr, received probation after pleading no contest to illegal possession of a handgun, which was discovered when he was arrested for petty theft last year."
"Vera's attorney submitted Montanio's letter along with letters from the then-acting chief, assistant chief and a prosecutor."
"Montanio was a candidate for the job when he wrote the letter, which drew scrutiny after Montanio was accused of intervening on behalf of Vera in the drug case." |
NY: Former Deputy Arraigned on Child Porn Charges
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"A former Monroe County sheriff's deputy was arraigned on child pornography charges Wednesday morning."
"Prosecutors say 49-year-old Ronald Sheffer used his computer at work to download the child porn. He faces 16 separate felony counts."
------- But Rosie, I thought only cops and the military were elite enough to protect the rest of us with big, bad, scary guns! They just don't do bad things! |
NY: Police, school admit fault in gun incident
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"The chaos at Troy High Wednesday, which began when a 16-year-old student was allegedly seen with a gun in his pocket, could have been lessened if the school had not prematurely lifted the first of three "lockdowns" and kept order by holding students in classrooms and if the Police Department had done a better job controlling the crowd of parents who flocked to the school and blocked Burdett Avenue with their vehicles, officials said Thursday." |
Philippines: Cops need shooting practice, says official
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"ONLY 10 of Marikina City's 281 policemen are capable of shooting a gun and hitting their target, the results of a three-day firing proficiency test showed."
"Two of the 10 considered as marksmen are from the city's Special Weapons and Tactics team. ..." ...
" 'This is an eye opener for the (Philippine National Police) leadership. It needs to set aside a budget for ammunition for practice shooting,' said Sr. Supt. Felipe Rojas Jr., Marikina police chief."
"Although the PNP has a directive requiring each lawman to fire 45 rounds every year, it does not have the money to provide its men with bullets."
------- But thanks to the Philippine gun ban, the disarmed populace must rely on these incompetents for their very lives. |
DC: Coaches Against Gun Violence Kicks Off 2004 Season at Wilson High School (JTO)
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"Coach Horace Fleming and Wilson High School again partner with Alliance for Justice's Coaches Against Gun Violence campaign as it launches its second year. Wilson High School dedicates its Friday, October 8 game both to students and players who have lost their lives to gun violence." ...
"Coaches Against Gun Violence is a public education campaign of Alliance for Justice that raises awareness of the gun violence epidemic plaguing our schools and communities." ...
------- Epidemic of gun violence? By all reports, violence is on the decline. |
IN: Police: Gun on school bus was bought for $10
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"A 14-year-old boy who police say brought a handgun onto a school bus told investigators he bought it from another boy for $10."
"An 11-year-old boy found the pistol in a bush at a city park while playing basketball Sunday, Anderson police Sgt. William Casey said." |
AK: School gun tip nets 2 arrests
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"Two teenage boys were arrested Thursday after staff members at Highland Tech High Charter School in East Anchorage found they had a handgun and ammunition."
"Anchorage police arrested the boys, ages 13 and 14, and took them to McLaughlin Youth Center. Ron McGee, a police spokesman, said the boys were charged with misconduct involving a weapon."
"Their names were not released."
"School staff members learned the boys might have the weapon through an anonymous tip, said Roger Fiedler, a School District spokesman." |
MA: Bellingham High students arrested for gun sale attempt
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"Three Bellingham High School students have been arrested in connection with the attempted sale of a gun at school, Lt. Kevin Ranieri said yesterday." "Ranieri emphasized that none of the students involved in the incident had made any kind of threat."
"There were no threats made whatsoever... There was no indication whatsoever that this was meant to be a threat to the students, faculty or anyone else." "On Wednesday, a group of students overheard another group talking about selling the gun, Ranieri said. The group then reported the conversation to Vice Principal Edward Fluery and Kenneth Lamarre, the police department's school resource officer." |
UT: Huntsman: Gun issue up to schools
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"Republican gubernatorial candidate Jon Huntsman Jr. says local school boards and college boards of trustees - not the Utah Legislature - should be in charge of deciding whether to allow concealed guns in schools and universities." ...
"But Huntsman acknowledged that, until the law is changed, the Legislature controls all statutes and regulations governing firearms." |
MN: Tiny Pocket 'Shotgun' Raising Safety Concerns (JTO)
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"While its makers say the weapon is ideal for close-range self-defense, critics have other ideas. 'It's a silly, silly idea,' said Peter Hamm of the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence. 'I don't know that I would want to have one of these in my pocket for my own personal safety, never mind the safety of those around me.' "
"Because the device is a muzzle loader, users must measure out gunpowder, pour it into each of the device's two barrels, drop seven BBs into each, and then tamp in two small wads of paper. A knob on one end serves as a safety, and two buttons set into a hole in the body are electrical triggers."
" 'It sounds like having a little grenade in your pocket more than anything else,' Hamm said." |
NY: 100 officials at forum on domestic violence
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"Police chiefs, politicians, judges and advocates gathered in Rochester on Thursday to review the community's procedures for responding to domestic violence."
"It was the result of efforts of the...County Domestic Violence Consortium, which has been developing standards for addressing domestic violence for the courts, law enforcement, the DA's Office and agencies that help victims of family violence."
------- Poster's Note: Note that all of these "official" responders to domestic violence do nothing to prevent it. Only to clean up the mess.
"The news conference was also to highlight Domestic Violence Awareness Month, which is observed in October."
Why don't we use DVA Month to help more people get CCWs and learn to shoot? |
NY: RPD's Vacancies Could Mount
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"City residents are clamoring for more cops, but the Rochester Police Department struggles to fill current vacancies. The department has 40 openings out of an authorized force of 708, and there are fears of a wave of retirements"
" 'As time goes on, we answer more and more calls for service, the demands get higher. Violence spreads and our numbers decrease,' said union Head Investigator Ron Evangelista."
------- Poster's Note: The same city that can't keep cops on the beat (as if they had any obligation to protect us anyway) also has a law that requires citizens to keep their home firearms locked up at all times. |
NY: Gun club ruling will be appealed
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"Rhinebeck town officials and residents say a recent judicial setback won't stop them from continuing their legal battles with the Northern Dutchess Rod and Gun Club."
"Warren Replansky, a lawyer representing the disgruntled neighbors of the club, said his clients and the town would continue with plans to file an appeal with the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court."
"Town attorney Scott Volkman this week said a state Supreme Court judge has denied a motion by the town zoning board of appeals to reargue its case against the gun club." |
MA: Man Arrested At Logan Airport With Gun
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A North Andover, Mass., man was arrested at Logan Airport when a loaded handgun was discovered in one of his bags.
Authorities said Michael Kettenbach was trying to board a U.S. Airways shuttle bound for Washington's Reagan National airport Thursday afternoon.
A security scanner notified state police, who found the 40-caliber Glock handgun that was fully loaded with nine rounds.
A spokesman for the Suffolk County District Attorney said Kettenbach had a license to carry and had no prior criminal record.
He was released on personal recognizance following his arraignment in East Boston District Court on an airport security violation. |
FL: Senior security: Packing pistols
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"It was the fear of becoming a target that made Vicki Keefer decide to buy a handgun 12 years ago."
"Now, at 64, she seldom leaves her Southside Jacksonville home without a 9mm semiautomatic tucked inside her purse."
"'If somebody tries to get into my car, come into my home or harm me in some way, at least I can even up the playing field,' Keefer said. 'They have just picked the wrong granny, that's all.'"
She is among the more than 130,000 Florida residents over age 50 who have a concealed weapons license and is part of an age group that has steadily accounted for about 38 percent of the state's issued permits." ...
"Critics counter the fears about elderly crime are being exaggerated." ... -------
My mother (who will be 77 on Tuesday) recently broke her arm when a dog brushed her as it was running past on the beach. She lamented that even 15 years ago she probably would have kept her balance, and even if she had fallen, a fall onto loose sand would not have broken a bone. She might not survive a punk's hard shove knocking her onto the pavement, so don't tell her that her "fears are exaggerated". |
WY: Charging grizzly bites Idaho hunter in the face
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"The bear swung one last time at Scott, pushing him between two trees, and left. Scott got up and ran out of the woods, about a quarter of a mile."
"On his way out, he could see the bear still lurking. Officials said the animal was then killed by a hunting companion acting in self-defense."
"Tammy Scott said her husband has had enough." |
UK: A thief, but not a rapist
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"A MAN who ran off with a pregnant woman's mobile phone after having sex with her escaped jail this week."
"Jermaine Lewis, 25, of Oakhurst Grove, East Dulwich, was accused of raping the 23-year-old. The woman claimed she was terrified when a gun fell out of his pants as he undressed."
"But an Old Bailey jury cleared Lewis of rape after he claimed she was only upset about her phone."
"Lewis, was also acquitted of possessing a firearm." |
Australia: Gunman robs couple in bold home invasion
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A MAN armed with a gun yesterday threatened an elderly Tasmanian couple in their home before stealing cash and firearms.
The man entered the Swansea home through a window at the side of the house about 5am, woke the couple at gunpoint and demanded money.
He ordered the husband to go across the road with him to a shed owned by the couple where guns were stored.
The gunman left shortly afterwards with cash and up to four guns which had been stored in a gun safe.
The couple were not injured. |
UK: Man Shot by Police in Swoop on Kidnap Gang
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"A man was shot by police in a raid to free a hostage from a gang of kidnappers."
"A group of four men had abducted their 32-year-old victim on Wednesday and were demanding a ransom for his release."
"Police swooped on the gang outside a block of flats in Peckham, south London, and one suspect was shot by an armed SO19 Metropolitan Police officer."
"A gun was recovered from the scene after the police action at about 10pm on Thursday." |
UK: Vicki pleaded in vain to live, with a gun at her head
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"HEARTLESS Paul Bryceland forced his teenage girlfriend Vicki Elliot to kneel before him - and then shot her in the head."
"And today he was jailed for life for the shocking crime."
"Bryceland had driven terrified Vicki to a lonely beauty spot, where she pleaded for her life."
"But Bryceland held a shotgun an inch from the 18-year-old mum's head, before shooting her at point-blank range." ... |
Iraq: Gun licenses a tough task in Iraq
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"While there are many things Iraq and Iraqis need, there is one resource that isn't lacking: guns." ...
"Two weeks ago, Iraq's Interior Ministry began issuing licenses for Iraqis who want to carry or keep a weapon in their home."
"The licenses replace permits issued by the U.S. civilian administration that handed over sovereignty in June. ..." ...
"The requirements for gun ownership — minimum age of 18, no history of mental illness and no record of violent criminal activity — are the same as under Saddam Hussein's regime. ..." |
UK: Gun attack outside shopping centre
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"A gang of five masked gummen launched a surprise attack on two men leaving Oriental City in Colindale last night (Thursday)."
"The men leapt out from behind parked cars and started firing at the two men, aged 23 and 26, as they walked through the car park of the Edgware Road shopping centre at around 10.30pm."
"The men retreated back into the building as the shooting continued. Neither sustained any injuries."
"There are no descriptions of the gunmen other than they wore hooded tops to hide their faces. It is not known how they left the area." |