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Newslinks for 10/9/2015

PR: FBI arrests 10 Puerto Rico police officers amid corruption crackdown
Submitted by: jac

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SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico – The FBI on Tuesday arrested 10 Puerto Rico police officers accused of stealing drugs and cash, planting evidence and taking bribes, prompting the U.S. territory's police chief to pledge a widespread restructuring of his department as it struggles to crack down on corruption.

The suspects, members of the police anti-drug units, include a lieutenant and a sergeant. FBI officials said they expect further arrests in the case, part of an ongoing series of probes into the troubled department.

"These officers used their badges and abused their authority," said U.S. Attorney Rosa Emilia Rodriguez.

MI: An open invitation to the National Rifle Association
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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An Open Letter to the National Rifle Association

Dear Wayne LaPierre,

I would like to formally invite you to Flint to discuss the National Rifle Association's ideas for curbing gun violence in the city.

Frustrated with the escalating number of gun deaths in our city, I am at a loss for answers.

So, how about a gun registration that would allow us to track owners who can't safeguard their guns from theft or who are supplying firearms for crime?

Turns out, the NRA doesn't like that idea either.

(We register cars without too much hassle.)

Submitter's note: There is no right to drive.


GQ: 'F*ck Ben Carson' For Preaching Self Defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The GQ headline screams “F--- Ben Carson” and attacks the Republican presidential candidate for daring to suggest that in a mass shooter situation, it might be a better idea to fight back than to wait to be murdered in cold blood.

Honor Defense Partners with GoMeasure3D for Product Development and Quality Control
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Designing high quality firearms can be greatly enhanced with the use of 3D scanning technology.

As a result, Honor Defense partnered with GoMeasure3D, based in Amherst, Virginia, to integrate the use of 3D scanning in the development of its new line of pistols that are launching late this year. Honor Defense collaborated with GoMeasure3D to implement the use of HDI 3D scanners for the design and production of its new line of concealed carry handguns.

Ed.: This same technology was used to build digital part models of the Saturn F1 engines. Very cool.

The Best Real Knife That Will Fit In Your Wallet
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Can a real knife that’s really sturdy, really useful, really safe and really durable fit in your wallet? These little guys from SOG, Boker and Zootility promise to do just that. Let’s put them to the test.

NC: NC woman won't be charged in shooting death of husband
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Henderson County district attorney says a woman will not be charged in the shooting death of her husband last month.

The Asheville Citizen-Times reported that District Attorney Greg Newman says Tina Bayne was acting in self-defense when she shot 45-year-old Thomas Coke Bayne at their home at Lake Toxaway on Sept. 25

ME: Angus King presses gun control as Maine group touts safety course
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On the same day a Maine group was touting its new online gun safety training program, U.S. Sen. Angus King took to the floor of the Senate to call for stricter federal firearms regulations.

Both events took place just a week before a new Maine law goes into effect that will remove the requirement that those who want to carry a concealed handgun get a permit from the state or local authorities.

If You Want To See Why Ben Carson Is Doing So Well, This Is Why
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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That’s why it’s a public service for Ben Carson to put it out there that if you’re in a situation like Roseburg you’ve got to act. That you need to get everybody in that classroom to rush the shooter and take his gun away as quickly as possible, because that’s the best chance you have to survive.

Incidentally, having a good guy with a gun in that classroom who puts one between the shooter’s eyes before he can turn his dastardly deed into a mass-casualty event is even better than having a bunch of would-be victims rushing him. If Chris Mintz, the Army veteran who ultimately took seven bullets and survived while rushing the Roseburg shooter, had a weapon that day it would have been a much less grave incident.

NM: Heinrich Statement On Gun Violence Prevention
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"That is why in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting I joined a bipartisan group of Senators, and the majority of Americans, in supporting legislation to expand background checks to all commercial firearms sales and crack down on illegal gun transactions by explicitly making straw purchasing and gun trafficking federal crimes. Keeping guns out of the hands of people legally prohibited from having them is a way to prevent violence without punishing law-abiding gun owners. That's what background checks do, and having been through the background check process myself on numerous occasions, I know it is not an unreasonable burden on responsible law-abiding gun owners.

Why Choose a Wheelgun?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Semi-automatic pistols seem to be firmly entrenched as king in the defensive handgun market these days. They certainly do dominate, especially as the number of models designed for comfortable concealment continues to grow. Some folks may go so far as to say the defensive revolver has gone the way of the Dodo, but that would be an incorrect assumption. Wheelguns continue to have a quiet, but loyal, following among modern handgun owners—and for good reasons.

MA: Warren beating of burglary suspect raises questions on 'stand your ground' limits
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Now, the case has raised questions about the extent to which Massachusetts residents have a right to defend themselves.

In Massachusetts, residents can defend themselves inside their home, but only if they feel they are about to have "great bodily injury or death" inflicted upon them, Massachusetts General Law Chapter 278 Section 8A states.

"In your own home, you do not have to retreat if there is a deadly threat," Mount Wachusett Community College's Criminal Justice Department Chairman Reed V. Hillman explained.

SD: Gun usage becoming more popular in the Black Hills
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In the Black Hills, firearms are on the rise as well but mostly because of hunting season.

Gun shop owners report having a few more people come in after tragedies like school shootings to protect themselves against any potential harm.

Stand Your Ground: Lethal Force At The Boston Massacre, Kent State, And Today
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Two hundred and forty-five years ago, on Oct. 24, 1770, Captain Thomas Preston entered the Queen Street Courthouse in Boston to stand trial for murder. Soldiers under his command had fired into the crowd surrounding them on March 5, killing five and wounding six more. Preston and eight enlisted men were arrested immediately with the blessings of the British Lt. Governor as he stared down a huge and threatening mob. The patriots quickly named it “The Bloody Massacre.” British officials referred to “the King St. incident.”

MI: Concealed Carry Vigilante Shoots at Fleeing Shoplifters
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Police don’t know what to do with a Home Depot shopper who fired multiple shots at suspected shoplifters.
Should shoplifting be punishable by death? Maybe, if one Michigan woman has any say.

Police in a Detroit suburb have not announced whether they will charge a 47-year-old woman after she fired multiple shots at alleged shoplifters in a Home Depot parking lot. When she spotted a store security guard pursuing two men from the store, the woman pulled a 9mm handgun and opened fire on the suspects as they fled in an SUV.

Ed.: Shooting at fleeing suspects is almost always a bad idea.

Mark Walters Makes Final Stop on the Year’s Live Broadcast Tour
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Mark Walters, Host of two nationally syndicated radio broadcasts, Sundays Armed American Radio and the daily Armed American Radio Daily Defense programs, was the 2015 recipient of the Gun Rights Defender of the Year award at the annual Gun Rights Policy Conference held in Phoenix, Arizona September 25-27 2015.

Returning to Arizona this week, Mark finalizes the 2015 scheduled stops on this year’s AAR Live Broadcast Tour after a speaking engagement at the Arizona Citizens Defense League annual meeting on Saturday, October 10th in Tucson.

Hillary Clinton: Arming More People to Stop Mass Shootings Is ‘Illogical, Offensive’
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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During an October 7 2015 campaign rally in Iowa, Democrat presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton addressed Ben Carson’s calls to arm students for self-defense by saying the idea of arming more people to stop mass shootings is “illogical” and “offensive.”

According to Real Clear Politics, Clinton stood in front of rally attendees and said, “You’ve got people running for president on the other side who say, well, you know, we just need more guns.” She then added, “The idea that you need more guns to stop people who are committing mass shootings is not only illogical but offensive.”

TX: University of Texas Plays Irrelevant “Race Card” in Concealed Carry on Campus Debate
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Perhaps I’m wrong, but I think Gayo is actually suggesting that racist police officers make it too dangerous for black students to exercise their right to self-defense and that the answer to this problem, rather than reforming our police departments or educating the public, is to make sure everybody is completely reliant on those same racist cops for protection. I, however, have a better solution: If this is the quality of student being turned out by our state’s flagship university, the best end to the campus carry debate is to shut down our state colleges altogether.


Senate Democrats unveil gun control measures in wake of Oregon shooting
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Senate Democrats unveiled a set of gun control measures on Thursday in a new attempt to address the US’s problem with gun violence.

One week after nine people were shot and killed at Umpqua community college in Roseburg, Oregon, senators announced measures meant to improve the background check system and prevent people who are not allowed to buy guns from obtaining them illegally.

Liberals' failed solution
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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They did it again! They disallowed students of their God-given right to self-defense, leaving them prey for another perverted madman. To top it off, the administration blames guns, gun stores, gun manufactures or the NRA for the carnage. They never see their culpability, in that by disarming decent kids, they're making them sitting ducks for the heinous murderer. The hordes of gun laws, background checks and all the anti-gun stickers on the doors did not stop this madman.

Self-Defense: The Numbers Are Clearly On Our Side
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Give yourself and your fellow gun owners credit where credit is due. Those of us who have a gun at home and those of us who carry a concealed handgun for protection are helping to make America a safer place. While those arrayed against us will never agree, the facts are the facts.

We know from news reports that Americans use guns to stop crimes each and every day across the country. We also know that even more crimes are never attempted because perpetrators fear that their would-be victims are armed. That’s not just idle speculation. A major study conducted for the federal government found that 40 percent of imprisoned felons had decided not to commit one or more crimes out of fear that their prospective victims were armed.

Concealed Carry on Campus
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In the past 50 years, every mass shooting with greater than four casualties (the only exception being the shooting in Tucson, Arizona) has taken place in areas declared “Gun Free Zones,” or as some people like to call them “areas free of weapons carried by law abiding citizens.” Obviously, it is easier to attack when it is guaranteed that no one can fight back. Unfortunately, many stories of gun self-defense (in NOT gun free zones), especially those with no shots fired, like “Attempted Rapist Scared Away, No Shots Taken” don’t make national headlines.

MOLON LABE (Come And Take Them), Mr. Obama!
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In his speech following the recent Oregon shootings, Barack Obama hinted that he favors gun confiscation in the United States, and that he would like to see America follow the examples of Australia and Great Britain. reports, “When President Obama spoke in reaction to the heinous October 1 attack on Umpqua Community College, he went beyond his usual calls for more gun control and suggested instead that America consider following the path blazed by Australia and Great Britain.

The American Bar Association Vs. Stand Your Ground
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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n this column, A1F Daily trains its watchdog eye on “The Trace,” Michael Bloomberg’s new anti-“gun news” site.

On Thursday, Sept. 17, The Trace wrote that the American Bar Association (ABA) was to release a report this week calling for repeal of Stand Your Ground Laws (SYG).

This is not really news: The Trace tells us that the ABA report, “an advance copy of which was provided to The Trace,” (which should tell you something), “largely echoes a preliminary version released last year,” (which should tell you even more). Releasing a final version of a preliminary report is a shopworn tactic to try to keep old “news” in the public eye.

 QUOTES TO REMEMBER disarm the people - that was the best and most effectual way to enslave them. — George Mason, 3 Elliot, Debates at 380.

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