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Newslinks for 11/1/2001

European Police vow to intensify fight against terrorism
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Sounds more like a vow to intensify supressing what little freedom the Europeans have left...

"EU governments hope to agree on a European arrest warrant and streamlined extradition procedures by year's end."

"The chiefs urged the EU to impose a common identity card...."

FOX NEWS: Civilians Personalize Homeland Defense
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Americans are raring to kick some butt."

"...civilians are preparing for the battle at home by learning self-defense tactics, furiously working out and even arming themselves."

"Right after the attacks we sold twice as many guns and ammunition as usual. A lot of females, couples and first-time buyers of firearms have come in. A lot of them say they've been thinking about it for a long time and this stopped them from procrastinating..."

Information Lockdown
Submitted by: FWiedner

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The U.S. government wants to remove the policy of open information. Any information that the public wants must be pried out through legal means. Even if the information wanted has nothing to do with terrorism. Ashcroft is calling on agencies to withhold information whenever the law permits.

Not directly KABA related, but this is an illustration of the policy preferences of the Attorney General whom folks are hoping will stand up for the 2nd Amendment.

KNOX: House To Vote On Arming Pilots
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Oct. 31 Neal Knox Update -- The Republican version of the
Aviation Security Act, H.R. 3150, is scheduled to be on the House
floor tomorrow. It includes a little-noticed, oddly worded
provision that would allow commercial airline pilots to be armed --
but neither mandates nor assures it."

"That's essentially what the Senate-approved amendment by Sen.
Bob Smith (R-N.H.) accomplishes. Both give the ultimate decision
to the airline companies, which will mean we gunowners will have to
noisily vote with would ticket purchases to assure that carriers
approve armed pilots."

Berkeley, California anti-gun sitting ducks reap the rewards for their anti-self-defense efforts
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A man armed with a handgun robbed a clothing store in South Berkeley Monday night, holding hostage four people, before making off with an undisclosed sum of money...

"After the suspect entered Ovation, a women's clothing boutique on College Avenue...he took out a handgun and pointed it at a cashier. The suspect then ordered the cashier to take the customers to the back of the store..."

"But when a female customer objected, the suspect punched her in the eye, Harris said. The four customers and employees were herded into the store's bathroom."

KABA NOTE: Most likely, the woman who got punched will blame the gun instead of realizing that if she'd been armed, her objection would have carried substantially more weight.

Florida Gun Applications Jump 50% In September
Submitted by: Anonymous

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TAMPA - "Although her family had guns, Noelle Scolaro never touched one growing up."

"But at 31, Scolaro, a single woman who often travels alone, started thinking about buying one."

"Then came the Sept. 11 attacks. They 'finalized my decision,' Scolaro said. 'This has kind of hit us very close to home.'"

"Scolaro, who has her own business in Brandon, bought a handgun on credit and has been practicing at a Tampa firing range. She has plenty of company."

"The number of people seeking background checks for gun purchases in Florida jumped 50 percent in the weeks after the attacks, according to figures from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. FDLE agents process the applications, which are required by law and match the names of prospective buyers against criminal records, warrants and domestic violence injunctions."

Boy shot dead in Sheriff's officer's home -- who will be held liable?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A 12-year-old boy is dead from what authorities say appears to be an accidental shooting at the home of a sheriff's deputy."

"Casey Gillespie died from a single gunshot wound to the head Tuesday afternoon. Authorities believe Gillespie was accidentally shot with a 22-caliber rifle in the home of Finney County Sheriff's K-9 officer Tim Shultz, where he had been playing with the deputy's two sons, 12-year-old Sean and 13-year-old Scott Shultz."

Basic gun safety rules -- violated.

Policeman accused of robbing house he was watching for friends, arrested by his own fellow officers
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Enfield police arrested one of their own Monday, charging 19-year Officer Frank Vincenzo with a 1997 burglary in which as much as $40,000 was taken from a Glen Arden Lane home."

"Police Chief Ronald Marcotte called it a 'sad day' for the department."

"'I am saddened, shocked, and angry that a member of the Enfield police department would take the oath of office and flush it down the toilet,' he said in a statement."

Machine guns not just for the guys as women head for benefit shootout
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Connecticut Chapter of the Second Amendment Sisters is inviting the public to have a blast and try out more than 30 automatic weapons at its Machine Gun Blast fund raiser from 1 p.m. to dusk Saturday at the Metacon Range."

"For 25 cents per round, the public will have a choice of 30 machine guns to try under the supervision of qualified instructors and range officers..."

"...the fund raiser is also for the Metacon Club and the Silver Shield Foundation..."

NC: Student charged with taking gun to school
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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"A sophomore at Western Harnett High School was charged Monday with bringing a handgun and 28 bullets onto campus, authorities said."

"The 15-year-old boy, whose name was withheld because of his age, told authorities he planned to trade the gun with another student for a pair of shoes."

KABA NOTE: Since the so-called "Gun Free Schools" act was supposed to keep people from bringing guns to school but didn't, repeal it and allow teachers and administrators to defend themselves and their students.

White House seeks support for aviation bill
Submitted by: serinde

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The White House tried on Tuesday to sway undecided House members for what is expected to be a close vote on aviation security changes, including whether baggage screeners should be federal employees.

But Republican supporters ... said airport security should be a government function no different from that of customs, immigration, firefighting or the FBI.

"I'm a strong conservative," McCain said. "But law enforcement is a function of government."

CARA and the NRA: From Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader
Submitted by: Jim Garofolo

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Hanging on to one small part of the Constitution is not enough anymore.

ALL of that document matters or none of it matters.

Yahoo Version: Feds Move to Force BB Gun Recall
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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WASHINGTON (AP) - "The government moved Tuesday to force a recall of 7.3 million high-velocity Daisy BB guns, alleging the air rifles can fire injury-causing pellets even when it seems they are unloaded and would discharge only air."

Convict in pizzeria slayings denies buying weapon at gun show
Submitted by: Michael Lewis

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TUCSON - "A key factor in a long-running war over gun show sales apparently turns out not to have been true."

"Kajornsak Prasertphong, convicted last year of killing three people at a restaurant in 1999, said under oath last week that he did not buy the gun used in the slayings at a Tucson Convention Center gun show."

"That was a major factor leading to an attempt to bar gun show sales without background checks."

CNN's Version: U.S. seeks recall of 7.5 million BB guns
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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WASHINGTON (CNN) -- "The Consumer Product Safety Commission announced Tuesday it will take the nation's oldest and largest manufacturer of BB guns to court to force a recall of models that the agency claims can appear empty when they are not."

Maybe Emerson DOES limit firearm regulation.
Submitted by: Bill Brandow

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Findlaw seems to think the 5th Circut does and will have some bearing on gun regulation. Read the writ.

Dave Kopel: Swiss Mess
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"At about 10:30 A.M. on September 27, a 57-year-old man from Zurich (we won't give the killer publicity by mentioning his name), burst into the regional parliament of Zug — a canton in central Switzerland, near Lucerne — and opened fire, killing 14 people, including three elected officials. He then appears to have committed suicide."

Do You Feel Safer With A Gun Since 9/11?
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Before last month's attacks, gun sales in Janesville were down about 10 percent for the year. Now, gun store owners and managers are reporting about three new customers a week are inquiring about protection."

The site includes a poll.

Gun Group Says Second Amendment Foe Exploiting Tragedy
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Capitol Hill ( - "A gun rights group says an anti-gun congressman is using the Sept.11 terrorist attacks on the United States as an excuse to further his unconstitutional agenda."

Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation, that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense? Where is the difference between having our arms in possession and under our direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands? — Patrick Henry, 3 J. Elliot, Debates in the Several State Conventions 45, 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1836

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