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Newslinks for 11/1/2003

UT: Female gun advocate straight shoots with students
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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KABA NOTE: This reporter misspelled Janalee Tobias' name at least 20 times. We've corrected that. Good work, JT. We also remind our readers that Women Against Gun Control filed an amicus brief in the Silveira v. Lockyer Second Amendment lawsuit, with the able assistance of longtime gun rights advocate and attorney Mr. Howard Fezell. Click here to read it.

The founding fathers were the first feminists, they understood that the Second Amendment was about individual rights to defend themselves from those that would do them harm, said Janalee Tobias, president and founder of Women Against Gun Control.

WAGC is a national organization aimed at preserving the Second Amendment right to bear arms. Tobias spoke Thursday to support Utah State University's Students of the Second Amendment.

"I have a message for the United Nations and any other person or organization that tries to take my guns away to leave me and my family defenseless to terrorists, rapists and murderers; You'll have to pry my gun away from my cold dead fingers," Tobias said. "You don't protect yourself by disarming yourself." ...

CA: Wildfire-inspired Looter Meets Shotgun-toting Citizen
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A number of homes evacuated during the surging wildfires have been targeted by looters, causing more worries for displaced residents and prompting some who stayed behind to arm themselves." ...

"One homeowner from Cedar Pines Park said a friend who stayed behind had caught someone looting a neighbor's house."

" 'He pulled a shotgun on him and told him to get out,' Ty Lasher said." ...


That's far better than the looter deserved. People are leaving everything behind and praying their worldly possessions aren't destroyed by fire. It's a scary time for local residents, many of whose lives are being utterly devastated.

Therefore, it is with clarity that I say: The human parasites looting people's homes deserve to be shot on sight. Period. Buckshot in the chest sounds about right.

Anti-gun Filmmaker Enjoys Armed Protection
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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... "Moore's man-of-the-people image was further dented when it was revealed that he gladly accepted the protection of several bodyguards, who helped the left-wing crusader keep the unwashed masses at bay."

CT: State Police challenged on phony "assault weapons" regulations
Submitted by: Douglas Sharafanowich

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With funding from Coalition of Connecticut Sportsmen, the challenge continues against the Connecticut Department of Public Safety (DPS) over its latest "interpretation" of certain terms in the statutory "assault weapons" ban.

On October 31, 2003, a petition was sent by courier to the commissioner of DPS.

Because DPS has never adopted regulations specifying a form or format for such a petition, our petition was created as a letter to the commissioner. ...

Dean Walks a Tightrope Over Positions on Gun Control
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Back when Howard Dean was running for governor of Vermont in 1992, he told the National Rifle Association in a signed questionnaire that he opposed any restrictions on private ownership of assault weapons."

"These days, running for the Democratic presidential nomination and appealing to a very different electorate, Dr. Dean assures audiences that he firmly supports the assault weapons ban though vigorously opposing any further federal regulation of guns."

What? A politician that lies??? What a shock!

WI: Lawmakers need to put more work into concealed carry bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Senate Bill 214, more commonly known at the 'concealed carry' bill, has received a lot of attention as it has wound its way through committees, the state Senate and now sits waiting to be picked up by the Assembly." ...

"One area of concern for all three was the amount of training — or the lack thereof — needed for prospective permit holders. Under the current version of the bill, only 22 hours would be required of those wishing to carry concealed weapons."

MI: Scofflaw Police Chief Jerry Oliver Resigns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Police Chief Jerry Oliver resigned Friday afternoon amid controversy that he failed to declare a loaded pistol when he boarded a flight and news that he is not yet a licensed, sworn police officer in Michigan.

Oliver may face charges for failing to tell officials that he had his .25-caliber pistol in his luggage before taking a flight Oct. 18 from Detroit Metropolitan Airport to Philadelphia.

Oliver said he didn't think he had to register the personal weapon in Michigan. He has been a sworn officer in other departments and said he has had the gun for years.

Been Chief for over 2 years, not a sworn officer, admits he carried the gun daily and he may face charges?

Shootin' Blanks
Submitted by: Robert Lewis

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"DEMOCRATIC presidential wannabe John Kerry will come armed with a shotgun when he goes hunting for votes tomorrow in the little Iowa farm town of Colo." ...

"But it's a sure sign of changing times when Democratic wannabes like Kerry and Howard Dean feel the need to show they have hunting in their blood while courting the liberal activists who pick their party's White House nominee."

"Will the image of John Kerry, Huntsman, shooting down a few pheasant really change votes?"

Most gun owners know better than to fall for a dog and pony show from Kerry.

According to Kerry's website, "John Kerry is a gun owner and hunter, and he believes that law-abiding American adults have the right to own guns. But like all of our rights, gun rights come with responsibilities, and those rights allow for reasonable restrictions to keep guns out of the wrong hands. John Kerry strongly supports all of the federal gun laws on the books, and he would take steps to ensure that they are vigorously enforced, cracking down hard on the gun runners, corrupt dealers, straw buyers, and thieves that are putting guns into the hands of criminals in the first place. He will also close the gun show loophole, which is allowing criminals to get access to guns at gun shows without background checks, fix the background check system, which is in a serious state of disrepair, and require that all handguns be sold with a child safety lock."

MS: Officer shoots self in accident
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A Jackson police officer accidentally shot himself in the leg Thursday as he and other officers prepared to raid a west Jackson home, police said."

"The officer, Lawrence Funchess, had pulled his Glock 9mm pistol from its holster when it went off, police spokesman Robert Graham said."

Just went off all by itself, eh? Didn't have anything to do with this "stellar professional" having his finger on the trigger before he was ready to shoot did it?

AL: County tax-security chief stockpiles more ammo than sheriff
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Morgan County's chief of sales tax collections and courthouse security stockpiled more ammunition for his staff than the sheriff buys, reaping criticism both for the spending and storing the ammo in his home and personal vehicle.

Sales Tax/Security Director Ed Sims removed about 5,000 rounds from his home -- 13 boxes of shotgun and handgun ammo -- and returned it to the courthouse Wednesday for storage following criticism from the County Commission.

Commissioners had questioned Sims for spending $4,700 on ammunition -- a supply through October 2004.

Purchase requisitions reported by The Decatur Daily showed that Sims bought more than twice as much as the sheriff, who purchased $1,500 worth for a whole year.

MN: Private network of police files raises fears
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Cops get caught with their finger in the cookie jar and the web site is taken down for "technical reasons".

"Some see it as the sort of tool that just might give a police officer a break the next time someone abducts a child."

"Some see it as an assault on personal privacy, a Big Brother network operating outside the bounds of state regulation."

"Most, though, don't know about it at all." ...

FBI's ".30-caliber sawed-off shotgun" Robbery Case
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Original Title: "Federal government takes over robbery case"

"A former Gilford man charged with attempted robbery and possession of stolen property waived probable cause this week and the charges will be forwarded directly to a grand jury. The FBI has also become involved in the case." ...

"Police also said they found a .30-caliber sawed-off shotgun and a robbery note in the vehicle."

A google search on ".30 caliber shotgun" turns up one other mention of such an instrument:

"December 12 [1999]
A badly injured deer was put down by a sheriff's deputy using a .30 caliber shotgun on Bay Shore Road."

How an Anti-gunner Has to Try to Deal with Home Invasion
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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NOTE: This is not to suggest that these folks were anti-gunners. But we'll stick to firearms and let the sandwich-wielders suit themselves.

Original Title: "Kindness, Rum Greet Accused Home Invader"

TAMPA, Fla. -- An accused home invader was jailed in Tampa, Fla., after his victims supplied him with kindness and rum until he passed out.

Two women in their 60s were confronted by a shotgun-toting intruder Tuesday night inside their home.

They say they just "treated him with kindness." They made him a ham sandwich and offered him a bottle of rum, then suggested he take a shower and get cleaned up a bit.

By early Wednesday, the freshly showered, clean-shaven would-be bandit grew groggy from all the rum and finally passed out after calling a cab. The arriving cab driver called Hillsborough County deputies.

Arriving officers arrested the man, who's described as being homeless.

And if he was, instead, in the mood for rape and killing... ah, well, just hope for the best, right Mrs. Brady?

Another report here.

FL: Palm Beach County Principal Suspended For Allegedly Pointing Toy Gun at Kid
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A middle school principal in Palm Beach County is working at a desk job after being accused of pointing a toy gun at a seventh-grader.

The child's mother says Okeeheelee Middle School principal David Samore pulled two toy guns from his desk drawer on Tuesday and put one to her son's neck. The boy had been called to the principal's office to investigate a report he took a pistol to school.

Felicia Vickers says three other people, including a police officer, were in the office when Samore pointed the toy gun at her son. She says he then asked something to the effect of, "what does it feel like?"

What happened to "zero tolerance"?

MO: Traveler Detained At KCI After Loaded Gun Found In Bag
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A man was taken into custody Thursday at Kansas City International Airport for having a loaded weapon, KMBC's Brenda Washington reported.

The man was trying board a Delta flight. Authorities said that the .45-caliber handgun was in the man's carry-on bag and was spotted immediately by security screeners. The man was questioned by the FBI.

"After extensive questioning, it was determined there was no criminal intent to bring the gun on the plane," Special Agent Jeff Lanza said.

Washington reported that the man apparently did not know the gun was in the bag.

"It was there from a previous trip that didn't involve air travel. It was given to him by a family member who didn't know the gun was in the bag," Lanza said.

Politically Incorrect Movie Reviews: Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Teasing causes children to grow up to be maniacal killers unless Big Brother Guv’mint steps in to prevent it with Ritalin, psychology and taxpayer entitlement programs. It’s okay if Johnny can’t read as long as kids are tolerant and diverse. Special needs people are not handicapped; they are handi-capable, and they have a right to take other people’s possessions, because they are less fortunate. I know this, because Hollyweird tells me so.

Guns are bad and only bad people have guns. There is no reason for ordinary citizens to own handguns. Only duly appointed guv’mint officials should be allowed to own handguns. Gun Control keeps the hoi polloi from hurting one another. I know this, because Hollyweird tells me so.

NY: Police to help distribute gun locks
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Police will help distribute 712,500 gun locks around New York under a government-funded program designed to make firearms safer for children, state officials said Thursday."

"The goal of 'Project ChildSafe,' funded by a $50 million grant from the U.S. Department of Justice, is to provide nearly 20 million free gun locks and firearm safety educational materials around the nation."

"The program is administered by the National Shooting Sports Foundation, an industry trade association. The gun locks in New York will be distributed through roughly 500 police stations and public safety offices, according to state officials."

NY: Remington workers get unpaid furlough
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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More than 900 employees at Remington Arms in Ilion were given a month off for Christmas, without pay, according to an announcement made to the workers Thursday, Remington Arms officials said.

This is the third time in the gun factory's history that officials have resorted to an unpaid furlough for employees at Herkimer County's largest company, company spokesman Paul Gallagher said.

In similar circumstances in 1996 and 1997, he said, all of the employees returned to full-time positions after the furlough.

"We do not expect to have any layoffs," Gallagher said.

Gallagher said the furlough is the result of the region's economic downturn. If economic indicators are correct, the company can expect business to pick up early next year.

Until then, employees can expect to be out of work from Dec. 1 until Jan. 2. They will be eligible for unemployment benefits, Gallagher said.

Remington Arms has made a significant impact on the economy of Herkimer County since it started in the area in the early 1800s. The village of Ilion currently boasts 8,700 residents.

South Africa: Judo man charged with murder for defending himself against an armed robber
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police have opened a murder docket after a judo instructor allegedly broke the neck of an armed robber."

"Superintendent Milica Bezuidenhout confirmed police were investigating the alleged murder as well as the armed robbery at the Spar supermarket in The Berg shopping centre in Bergbron, Johannesburg, on Wednesday morning."

"Three armed robbers entered the Spar early on Wednesday morning and one of them held up judo expert Dirk Crafford, 44, and spar manager Pieter Grobler in an office."

"Crafford allegedly broke a robber's neck in the struggle that ensued."

Following the UK's lead in outlawing self-defense.

TX: Officials won't name officers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Authorities Thursday declined to name the two bicycle officers who shot and killed Paul Silvas in a convenience store parking lot." ...

"Police found no marijuana in Silvas' Ford Taurus, but did find two small packets of cocaine in an ashtray. The officers have said they confronted Silvas because they thought they smelled marijuana coming from the vehicle when it passed them."

"They have said they shot in self-defense because he was trying to run over them with his car. One officer fired twice; the other fired seven times."

"Alvarez would not confirm or deny reports from witnesses that Silvas was beaten after he had been handcuffed, or that he appeared to have been driving away from the officers rather than menacing them."

MI: Airport Security Finds Knife In Prosecutor's Bag
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A Macomb County assistant prosecutor may face weapons charges after security found a knife in his carry-on bag at Detroit Metropolitan Airport.

Eric Smith, who handles sex crimes cases for the county, said he wasn't aware the knife was in his bag and was astounded when a federal screener pulled it out.

Smith said he later learned his sister had taken the bag on a road trip and had packed the knife to cut up some apples for her children. She apparently forgot it was there.

The case is the second involving law enforcement officials found with undeclared weapons at the airport.

Detroit police Chief Jerry Oliver was fined by the federal Transportation Security Administration after screeners found a handgun in his luggage.

FBI: Weapons Suspect Fits 'Lone Wolf Terrorist' Profile
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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SEATTLE -- The FBI is investigating a Seattle man with striking similarities to accused Washington, D.C.-area sniper John Allen Muhammed.

FBI agents found a Bushmaster assault rifle after raiding a Burien storage locker owned by James Wilburn earlier this month.

Wilburn is behind bars as agents try to clear up the mysterious death of his girlfriend, Joleen Abbott, who died last month in Virginia.

Authorities say she and Wilburn had traveled there from Seattle to visit his family.

According to FBI terrorism experts, Wilburn fits the profile of a lone-wolf type of terrorist similar to the D.C. sniper.

X-ray machine finds fake plastic gun at Capitol
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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An X-ray machine built in Billerica caught the image of a handgun stuffed into a backpack at a U.S. Capitol building yesterday, prompting a two-hour lockdown and extensive search in the aftermath of a security breach.

The weapon turned out to be a plastic Halloween revolver brought into the Cannon House Office Building by a careless staff member. [emphasis added]

So obviously we no longer need legislation against "ndetectable" plastic guns, because even toys can be detected by today's machines.

IN: IUPD promotes safety program
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Since the recent report of a blitz [forcible] rape of an IU freshman, many students have personal safety on their minds."

"The IU PD is putting on a program designed to alleviate fears."

"Rape Aggression Defense is a program of realistic defensive tactics and techniques that teaches women to be aware of their surroundings and minimize the threat of assault. The school also teaches women hands-on physical tactics."

"Rhodes said the RAD self-defense techniques are based on martial arts, but emphasized the course is not a martial arts class out of 'Karate Kid.' "

" 'The techniques are simply blocks, strikes and kicks a woman with an average strength and size can perform,' Rhodes said.

Meanwhile, guns are banned, and the women are forced into close proximity with their attacker, making them more vulnerable to his size. That's why a gun is the great equalizer. No need to ever let your attacker close enough to you that you would have to use martial arts techniques.

UK: "GANG of callous robbers pointed a gun at a four-year-old girl"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A GANG of callous robbers pointed a gun at a four-year-old girl in an armed raid on a shop, police revealed today.

The girl and her mother, shop staff and customers were threatened by the masked men armed with a handgun, a knife and a baseball bat in what police have described as "a terrifying ordeal".

Police said one man hit a shop assistant over the head with a baseball bat and then approached the Post Office counter at the back of the store where he attempted to break the reinforced window.

The third member of the gang was carrying a gun and also a baseball bat and was guarding the door of the shop which at the time contained eight customers.

He pointed his gun straight at the little girl and told her to look away.

If the girl had kicked one of these thugs, the Brits probably would have thrown her in juvenile detention.

Canada: Four sought in brutal home invasion, beating and rape
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A brutal early morning home invasion has left even seasoned police officers disgusted.

The terror began for two Humber College students -- a man and a woman -- just before 1 a.m. Friday morning when four masked men, armed with a handgun, a machete and a knife, entered their home through an open door.

The two residents were beaten and tied up with duct tape. The woman was then dragged into a bathroom where she was raped.

During the robbery, a second woman returned home. She too was beaten, tied up with duct tape and sexually assaulted, Taverner said.

But the antis says that it isn't worth risking your life to "protect mere property". And Michael Moore told us in Bowling for Columbine how great it was that the Canadians don't lock their doors, too.

Australia: Gun lobbyist's sights on $8 million claim
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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GUN rights campaigner and dealer Ron Owen will pursue an $8.2 million claim against both the state and federal governments following his historic victory against firearms fraud charges in a Gympie court this week.

He is claiming $8,248,361.09 for goods he alleges the governments received from him in the buyback project, but refused to pay for.

Mr Owen, who has always maintained that the repeated firearms charges brought against him have been a vendetta because of his outspoken stand against the governments' tough gun laws, now intends to turn the tables on his accusers.

He has spent more than 3½years researching his claim, preparing 2000 pages of evidence, much of it compiled from the buy-back scheme's own computer records.

Australia: Another victim of "banned" handguns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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THE man shot dead at a Punchbowl service station on Thursday may have been set up for an ambush, police said yesterday.

Ahmad Fahda, 25, who had an extensive criminal history, died while putting petrol in a Mitsubishi Pajero 4WD being driven by an another man, an associate.

Just before the shooting, Fahda had been helping the vehicle's driver by pushing the car into the AP Service station after it had apparently run out of petrol.

It was then two gunman, both described by police as in their 20s with long black hair and of Middle Eastern appearance, fired 30 rounds of ammunition at Fahda from high-calibre handguns.

The driver of the Pajero, apparently unhurt, drove off before police arrived and is yet to be found.

Zimbabwe: More robbers arrested
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Armed thugs, disarmed populace.

Police in Harare on Thursday arrested another 10 suspected armed robbers and recovered a gun and property worth over $15 million in separate incidents.

Of the 10, five were arrested in Chitungwiza for being involved in at least 17 cases of armed robbery and theft.

It is alleged that the gang stole property and goods worth over $10.9 million between July and October this year.

They were arrested after a tip-off from members of the public following an increase in robberies in the area.

On Wednesday, police arrested two other suspected armed robbers.

The two were also arrested after a tip-off from members of the public. One of them was found in possession of a pistol.

Philippines: Motorcycle riding assassins killed 3rd trader
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A lodging house owner was shot dead midnight Thursday, the third businessman in Buhangin to be killed by motorcycle-riding assassins since June.

Police still have no lead on the killing of all three, which occurred three months since the first assassination.

Olivio Omang, 62, owner of the Family Lodge at Km. 7 in San Isidro, Buhangin, and a resident of San Isidro, was inside the lodge when two unidentified men pretending to be customers entered Thursday midnight, PO3 Joseph Limbaco of the Buhangin Police said.

One of the two men pulled out a .45 caliber pistol and shot the victim on the chest and head although the police only recovered one empty shell at the crime scene.

But the government wants to disarm its citizens.

Australia: Four arrested, gun seized in raid
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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POLICE arrested four men and seized a loaded handgun after a series of raids in Sydney's inner west overnight.

The raids were carried out as part of Operation Acron - set up last month to investigate six armed robberies on computer stores in Sydney.

About 6pm (AEDT) yesterday, officers searched properties in Illawarra Road, Marrickville Road and Roseby Street in Marrickville.

Items seized included a handgun and ammunition, two replica pistols, a motor vehicle, digital camera, computer hardware and components and laptop computers in boxes.

Four men were arrested and taken to Marrickville and Newtown police stations.

Netherlands: Murdered family honoured in silent march
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Between 1,500 and 2,000 people took part in a silent march on Thursday night in the city of Kerkrade to honour the four members of the same family killed by a former marine marksman.

Lei Vromen, his wife José and their children Patrick and Daniëla were shot dead in two separate shooting incidents.

A former Dutch Marine has been remanded in custody. His lawyer said earlier this week that his client now realised what he had done and is "devastated by his actions".

The killings were allegedly carried out at point-blank range with a handgun. The public prosecutor is charging the suspect with murder, claiming the shootings were premeditated rather than an impulsive act.

"But only cops and the military should have guns!" say the gun banners.

UK: Murder defence loophole under consideration for closure
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An archaic law which allows killers to use provocation as a partial defence to reduce charges they are facing from murder to manslaughter is set to be scrapped." ...

"These cases were predominately men who had killed their wives or girlfriends and were basically blaming the woman for her own death."

"The Law Commission looked at more than 300 cases and accounts from relatives before presenting options for consideration. These include the abolition of provocation and/or diminished responsibility and the development of a partial defence of excessive use or force in self defence."

So currently an abuser can assert, "She pissed me off, so I beat her to death", but the homeowner who is in fear for his life will get bitter criminal treatment.

Japan: Sender of grenade gets suspended term for parcel blast
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A man was sentenced Friday to 10 months in prison, suspended for four years, for inflicting injuries on a parcel delivery worker when a grenade the man tried to send to a buyer exploded June 30 in Susono, Shizuoka Prefecture.

Norihisa Kotani, 32, who collected shells and grenades from a firing range of the Ground Self-Defense Force and U.S. military at the foot of Mt Fuji and sold them via the Internet, brought about the explosion at a branch office of Yamato Transport Co, according to the Numazu branch of the Shizuoka District Court.

UK: Women Offered Self-Defence Tips
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Women in Churchdown are to be offered a free self-defence class as part of a programme highlighting safety in the community."

"As well as self-defence, tips will also be given on dealing with vehicle breakdowns and how to reduce the fear of becoming a victim of crime."

"The object of the Women's Safety Project is to show how some problems can be dealt with easily as long as the correct procedures have been taught previously."

They won't actually do anything to reduce crime, but they'll try to reduce the fear of the reality of being a government disarmed victim.

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