New Book: How Shyness Became a Mental Illness
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... "In 'Shyness: How Normal Behavior Became a Sickness' ... Northwestern's Christopher Lane chronicles the 'highly unscientific and often arbitrary way' in which widespread revisions were made to 'The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders' (DSM), a publication known as the bible of psychiatry that is consulted daily by insurance companies, courts, prisons and schools as well as by physicians and mental health workers."
"'The number of mental disorders that children and adults in the general population might exhibit leaped from 180 in 1968 to more than 350 in 1994,' notes Lane ..." ... -------
Submitter's Note: But the NRA wants you to lose you gun rights based on a shrink's opinion (HR2640). |
Beside an Anti-Gun Bias, Media Doesn’t Know Guns
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Given the time and the story assignment, most journalists, print or electronic, will get something wrong in any news story involving guns."
"In some cases, this is a result of bias against guns -- or at least an unwillingness to seek sound information from real experts who might have pro-gun credentials ... To avoid appearing pro-gun at all costs, the reporter will call the Brady Campaign or some other obviously anti-gun group. In today's media world, the resulting story will appear to be neutral to the uninitiated."
"In others, it is pure laziness. Judging from many of the media questions fielded by staffers at the [SAF] -- often the same questions over and over -- these journalists seldom even consult their peers. ..." ... |
Open Letter to Diane Edbril of CeaseFire PA
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"It is indeed gratifying to learn from your recent letter to the Philadelphia Daily News that CeaseFire PA 'has no interest in taking guns away from responsible, law-abiding Pennsylvanians.' But if your only goals are, according to your letter, 'to reduce gun violence, injury and death,' then why does your organization still support a nationwide ban on the possession of semi-automatic firearms by law-abiding citizens such as myself?" ...
"Maybe you have no interest at all in taking semi-automatic firearms out of my hands - at least, not today. But a nationwide ban on semi-automatics would deny future generations of law-abiding Americans their Constitutional rights ..." ... |
Guns: The bloody US-Mexico market
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"As news and rumors swirl around the current status and future success of the Merida Initiative, a plan to combat narco-trafficking in Mexico, those who argue the plan's merits can agree on at least one point: The front line of the so-called war on drugs has moved north from Colombia to the US-Mexican border, but the focus on drugs has overshadowed an element of the regional black market that is just as important."
"Mexican authorities now estimate that during the administration of former Mexican president Vicente Fox (2000 to 2006), some 2,000 guns per day entered Mexico. That works out to about 1.4 guns per minute. ..." ... |
Silencers are for Guns Not People
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"Earlier this month, I wrote a piece called 'Another Poster Child for the NRA' in response to a horrific and disturbing account of a young police officer, in a small town in Wisconsin, who apparently went insane, out of jealousy, and killed his girlfriend, and several friends. ..."
"It was never my intention to rant against the National Rifle Association, or law enforcement, but instead call for a closer look at a national ethos which enables, and legitimizes, the use of weapons, and deadly force in lieu of dedicated problem solving."
"No sooner did my piece appear than I was besieged with hate mail, most of which came from National Rifle Association members, some from law enforcement, and the military ..." ... |
WI: WI Judge's Ruling Opens Door for Concealed Carry
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A ruling by a Wisconsin circuit court judge that the state’s ban on concealed carry -- at least as it pertained to one specific case -- is unconstitutional may have provided new energy to that state’s gunowners to press for adoption of a concealed carry statute."
"Milwaukee County Circuit Judge Daniel Noonan dismissed a case against former pizza delivery driver Andres Vegas, who shot two would-be robbers last year with a handgun that he had carried concealed, following an earlier robbery attempt that also ended in a shooting. Vegas had been warned not to carry a concealed handgun while on the job following the earlier incident in which he had shot a teenager who pulled a gun on him." ... |
NY: Shot fired in robbery at Yonkers American Legion post
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"Detectives are investigating a robbery at an American Legion post in which a bullet was fired as a gunman fought with one of the post's bar patrons."
"No one was injured, and the patrons were able to lock themselves in an office until the robbers left."
"Police said two men rang the buzzer at the ... post at 10:46 p.m. Friday. One man was allowed in. He brandished a handgun and told a 28-year-old Poughkeepsie man who answered the door to allow his friend in."
"The patron grabbed the gun and fought the gunman, and a bullet was fired during the struggle."
"The 28-year-old and four other men who were in the bar at the time locked themselves in an office until the two gunmen ran away. Nothing was taken." ... |
South Africa: 'I kept telling them I did not have a gun'
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The iron pressed against his arm was so hot that he could smell his flesh burning."
"But in spite of his protests, the men torturing Reservoir Hills resident Kirtikant Desai refused to believe he did not have a gun or a safe."
"Two of the men allegedly responsible for the attack on Desai and his family at their home in August 2006 - and the subsequent murder of police officer Gavin Atlee, who responded to the emergency call of a neighbour who had heard Desai's screams - are in the dock before Durban High Court Judge Nic van der Reyden." ... |
IA: Regents vote to arm campus police
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"The Iowa Board of Regents approved 6-to-2 a campus security plan that would require sworn police officers at Iowa’s public universities to carry firearms."
"Regents Michael Gartner and Rose Vasquez voted against the proposal."
"Gartner said he opposed the plan because he thinks the larger crime problem on Iowa’s campuses involves alcohol and drugs, which are problems not addressed by arming campus police. Vasquez has said in the past she opposes arming campus police."
"The board debated for about 15 minutes whether to require arming or to leave it to discretion of university presidents." ... |
IA: Iowa arms campus cops (another view)
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Joe Merchant24
Website: http://joemerchant24.blogspot.com
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"Police officers at Iowa's three state universities will now routinely carry guns." ...
"Until today, campus officers were allowed to carry firearms only with prior approval from the university president or his or her designated authority, and only in assignments of extreme danger."
"Regent President Michael Gartner and Regent Rose Vasquez cast the only votes against arming campus police. ..." ...
"'There is no evidence that an armed policeman would have changed the outcome of any incidents so well documented in this report,' [Gartner] said." ... |
VA: Bloomberg Backs Gun-Control Republican in Va.
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"Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, who has reached across state and party lines to support candidates who agree with his policies, is scheduled to appear in Northern Virginia on Thursday afternoon to endorse State Senator Jeannemarie Devolites Davis, a moderate Republican who is facing a tough fight for re-election."
"Ms. Davis, 51, represents Fairfax County, an affluent Washington suburb that has been increasingly trending Democratic. Her husband is Representative Thomas M. Davis III, also a moderate Republican from Fairfax County, who recently decided not to run for the United States Senate that is being vacated by Senator John W. Warner, who is retiring." ... |
OH: 'Ordinary man' running for 5th District seat
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"Fred Pieper describes himself as an ordinary man with a love for his country. Pieper is a Republican seeking election in the 5th Congressional District."
"'I am very frustrated with the declining morals and values in our country and the seeming lack of backbone from some of the conservative Republicans who have abandoned their ideals,' Pieper said. 'I am a strong conservative Republican who will be guided by moral principles.'" ...
"'I am pro-life and pro-Second Amendment. I support our troops, oppose illegal immigration and all illegal activities ... Those representing us in Congress have steadily increased our taxes and chipped away at our constitutional rights and freedoms. ...'" ... |
Senator Bob Casey; Friend of the ATF, Enemy of Gun Owners?
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Idaho Ordnance
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"Here is Senator Bob Casey's letter to a constituent who warned Casey about the ATF's back door attacks on the Second Amendment. The Senators response was essentially to provide MORE funding and INCREASE the ATF's powers."
"Senator, If I am reading this wrong then please correct me. However you cannot say that you support the Second Amendment and support the ATF; with there track record. I hope that Pennsylvanian Gun Owners will remember that in the next election." ... |
OH: HB354: More Gun Control Addressing Non-Existent Problems
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson is attempting to bring big-city, liberal gun control to a town near you. HB354, written by Mayor Jackson’s law department, was introduced October 16, 2007 by Rep. Williams and Rep. Boyd. Proponents of this Bill scream the typical 'It is for the children!' mantra while hoping no one reads it."
"A reading of the Bill shows Mayor Jackson is up to his old gun-banning tricks. This Bill has nothing to do with addressing the non-existent problem of juveniles walking around with guns and everything to do with banning guns and holding gun owners liable for the criminal acts of third parties." ... |
McIlvaine v. Coxe's Lessee, U.S. Supreme Court, "retained all the rights of birth", Feb. Term, 1805
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"...The right is also asserted by the best writers on the laws of nature and nations..."
"...The same right is also asserted by our own authors, 1 Judge Wilson's works,*2 311 to 317. 1 Tucker's Bl.*..."
"...nor was any person to suffer any future loss or damage, in his person, liberty or property..."
"...The adoption of the common law was to secure the liberty and property of the citizens . . . expressly excepts such parts as are inconsistent with the rights and privileges contained in that charter..."
"...Let us not, for idle theories, absurd as well as impracticable, depart from those principles which have secured to our ancestors the complete enjoyment of their liberty and property..." |
JPFO: Justice Not Just Miscarried, But Aborted
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Red's Trading Post Inc.
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"When, if ever, will it end?"
"Today, novelist and columnist L. Neil Smith takes on the incredibly disgraceful case of young BATFE victim David Bacon, in 'JUSTICE NOT JUST MISCARRIED, BUT ABORTED' ( visit http://www.jpfo.org/smith-justice.htm ). With every year that passes, any differences between this runaway, berserker federal agency and the hordes of Nazi goons who roamed Europe of the 1930s and 1940s, seem to diminish."
"What this miserable situation calls for is a stiff dose of the Constitution, and Neil has some unique ideas about where it can best be applied." ... |
NY: New York Department Considers PistolCam
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"In a city where the street version of events is often worlds apart from the police version, a new technology might help bridge the gap."
"Yesterday, city officials showed off the PistolCam, a lightweight, pager-sized digital camera that attaches to an officer's gun barrel and automatically begins recording as soon as the officer draws his weapon." ... |
TX: Suspension the proper punishment for Fox 4 reporter
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Should 13 years of a reporting career go out the window because of one bad day? That is the issue surrounding Rebecca Aguilar of KDFW-TV in Dallas, and the answer seems to be that it depends on how bad that day was." ...
"In the Oct. 15 report in question, veteran reporter Rebecca Aguilar is seen aggressively questioning a distraught James Walton, 70, who had fatally shot two intruders at his business in the previous three weeks."
"The incendiary moment came as Ms. Aguilar posed questions that reeked of suspicion: 'Are you a trigger-happy person? ... Is that what you wanted to do? Shoot to kill?'"
"The next day, she was gone – suspended indefinitely – and the rodeo was on." ... |
Denmark: Anti-Islamization Protesters Left Bloodied with Beating with Iron Bars and Stabbing by Muslim thugs
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... "... On Sunday, October 21, a demonstration by SIOE had been planned in Copenhagen. Anders Gravers was in one of two cars driving to a cellar before the meeting."
"When he stopped the car to get through the security gate, his vehicle was attacked by four men. Two of these smashed the car's side windows with iron bars. One of Anders Gravers’ passengers was struck by the bars. The attackers were calling 'Get him out! Get him out!' ... The attackers eventually ran off."
"... It later was found that Gravers’ shirt and jacket had holes, corresponding to stab marks. At the time, no-one was aware that the assailants had knives. Anders Gravers had been wearing a protective vest under his shirt. ..." ... |
UK: Man 'beaten to death in frenzied attack'
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"A homeless man was murdered in a 'frenzied attack', an eyewitness has told a jury."
"Paul Wylie is accused of killing Brendan McKinlay by striking a fatal blow to his head with a table leg outside a Northampton night shelter in February, following an argument."
"... prosecution witness Sarah Wrenn recalled seeing Wylie, 36, come 'storming' towards Mr McKinlay, armed with a table leg and a kitchen knife."
"Miss Wrenn told Leicester Crown Court: 'He came at him and said, 'Now you're going to get it'. Brendan was saying, 'Leave it, leave it'.'"
"She added: 'He hit him with both [the table leg and knife] a few times; it was like a frenzied attack. He was going for his head, it felt like a long time but it was over in seconds.'" ... |