PA: DA files charges against Allentown police officer for alleged bar incident
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The Lehigh County District Attorney is filing charges against an Allentown police officer for allegedly going on a damaging rampage near a neighborhood bar while he was off-duty.
Jeffrey Rush is facing citations for disorderly conduct, public drunkenness and criminal mischief.
Chief Joseph Hanna said that as soon as an investigation was started into the Sept. 23 incident, Rush was placed on administrative leave, pending the conclusion of the internal and criminal investigations. Hanna said the internal investigation, which is conducted by the department’s Office of Professional Standards, is continuing. |
TN: Highway patrol officers drive semi-trucks to catch drivers texting
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Some highway patrol officers in Tennessee are swapping their patrol cars for big rigs. It's part of a sting to catch people texting and driving. Officers say they have a better chance of spotting violators because the semi-trucks sit much higher. The trucks are marked and have lights and sirens just like the standard police vehicles. Dozens of drivers were ticketed during day one of the two-day sweep in Knoxville. |
CA: California homeowner shoots, kills zombie-ranting intruder
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Mark A. Taff
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A man who was apparently hallucinating and violently ranting about zombies was fatally shot by a homeowner after he broke into the family’s new home as they slept early Sunday morning in Yorba Linda, California.
The homeowner, whose name has not been released, was awakened just after 3 a.m. to the sound of a man screaming in his backyard, the Los Angeles Times reports. The homeowner grabbed his gun and went to see what the commotion was about as his wife called 911. |
Germany: Within Gun-Restricted Germany Firearms Are A Privilege, Not A Right
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Mark A. Taff
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After Jana’s death, Schoeber formed an organization to advocate for stricter gun laws called Aktionsbündnis Amoklauf Winnenden, or Winnenenden Action Group. The massacre in Winnenden was the third school shooting within eight years, which makes Germany stand out in Europe. The tragedies set off a debate about gun regulation in Germany that continues today.
But conversations about gun control in Germany are very different from those in the U.S. In Germany, the discussion is not about if guns should be regulated. It’s about how guns should be regulated. |
FL: Dozens rally for Fla. woman whose conviction for what she calls warning shot was overturned
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Mark A. Taff
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The judge threw out Alexander's "stand your ground" self-defense claim, noting that she could have run out of the house to escape her husband but instead got the gun and went back inside. Alexander rejected a plea deal that would have resulted in a three-year prison sentence and chose to go to trial. A jury deliberated 12 minutes before convicting her.
Alexander was also charged with domestic battery four months after the shooting in another assault on her husband. She pleaded no contest and was sentenced to time served. |
WA: UGM shooting bares delusion of McGinn’s ‘gun free zone’ folly
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Mark A. Taff
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Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission (UGM) has a “strict no weapons policy,” according to the Seattle P-I.com, but yesterday’s shooting there should send a signal to anyone supporting Mayor Mike McGinn’s “gun free zone” campaign that the notion is at best delusional.
According to the Seattle Police Blotter, detectives interviewed and released the 82-year-old man who allegedly pulled the trigger during a midday confrontation at the mission, which serves meals and provides shelter to the homeless. While the UGM is not one of the decal-displaying commercial enterprises that now serve as surrogates for McGinn's social bigotry against law-abiding gun owners, the mission evidently shares the same philosophy about firearms. |
MO: Mo. Senate Leader Releases New Nullification Legislation
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The new proposal comes about seven weeks after Richard and Senate President Pro Tem Tom Dempsey voted against an attempted veto override of a bill addressing the same subject because of concerns about its constitutionality.
Unlike the original bill, the new proposal would not subject federal authorities to state misdemeanor charges for trying to enforce certain federal gun control laws. It also eliminates a provision that could have resulted in charges against journalists for publishing the names of gun owners. |
NC: Students don hoodies to honor memory of Trayvon Martin
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"An innocent young man who was simply walking from a store with some tea and Skittles was racially profiled by George Zimmerman,” said Larry Little, a political science professor at WSSU who spoke to the students and led them in a chant of “No Justice, No Peace.” Little compared the Martin shooting to a more recent incident in Charlotte, in which Jonathon Ferrell, an unarmed black man, was killed when a police officer shot him 10 times. The officer has been charged with voluntary manslaughter in Ferrell’s death. |
Optics, Clays and Lasers – This Week on Gun Talk Radio
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Mark A. Taff
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It’s an online source for optics, a MEC expansion, training with lasers and lights, and more, this week on Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk Radio, the original nationally-syndicated radio talk show about guns and the shooting sports. Steve Ledin, the Director of Product Intelligence at OpticsPlanet.com, stops by Sunday to announce the latest Gun Talk Giveaway, (www.guntalk.com/win), and to discuss the benefits of optics for self-defense and hunting. Find more than 700,000 products at www.opticsplanet.com, and find out more from Steve at his blog: www.riflescopeblog.com. |
Racism In White Americans Linked To Gun Ownership And Gun Control Opposition
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Mark A. Taff
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Published in the journal PLoS One, the study used voter data of white Americans that, after accounting for political ideology, income, and education, still revealed startling connections between racism and gun ownership. For every one point increase in symbolic racism — measured on a five-point scale — the chance someone had a gun in the home rose by 50 percent, and the chance the respondent supported policies that allowed people to carry concealed guns rose by 28 percent. |
NH: New Hampshire Legislature to debate gun control in 2014, focus on mental illness
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Mark A. Taff
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“We can pass all kinds of gun legislation, but we really need some tools to keep guns out of their hands while they’re dealing with this short term,” said Enfield Police Chief Richard Crate, who backs the measure.
Though, the confiscatory nature of the bill certainly raises some eyebrows within the pro-gun community. Former state Sen. Robert Clegg, who now head Pro-Gun New Hampshire, said that the bill, if passed into law, should not put a permanent stamp on the individual, noting that one’s struggles with mental illness may be temporary or overblown in the eyes of law enforcement. |
FL: New trial set for Florida woman given 20 years for firing shot in domestic dispute
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Mark A. Taff
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In September, a state appeals court ordered a new trial. The appeals court said that the trial judge gave the jury incorrect instructions on self-defense.
It said, however, that the judge was correct to block Alexander from invoking the Florida law known as Stand Your Ground, which generally removes a person’s duty to retreat when he or she is confronted with perceived deadly force.
State prosecutors said, and the trial judge agreed, that Alexander acted in anger, and showed by going back inside the house that she was not afraid for her life. |