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Newslinks for 11/10/2010

Is ATF's Cavanaugh a credible SPLC spokesman?
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "And it can't be said that Cavanaugh, known as 'Waco Jim' in some circles for his participation in the Branch Davidian horror, is a disinterested party. But read his own words, and decide for yourself how credible a spokesman you think he is, and whether or not you choose to accept what he tells us at face value." ...

What We Believe, Part 5: Gun Rights (video)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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H/t to David Codrea.

'What I did doesn’t deserve a life sentence'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... Since there is no way to check out his story, this column can only rely on his terse version. There was an 'accusation' to which he took a plea agreement only because he apparently believed at the time that when his non-jail sentence was up, he could have his rights to own and possess firearms restored, and he wanted to get through the divorce and get on with his life. Somewhere in the interim, he explained, Colorado statute changed and when he went to apply for rights restoration, he was told by the court, 'Too bad, the law is changed, you’re out of luck.'" ...

Phoenix Refuses Appeal to Reason as ‘Guns Save Lives, Educate Your Kids’ Officially Censored
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After rounds of meetings and phone calls, the city of Phoenix, perhaps prophetically on Election Day, Tue., Nov. 2, passed final judgment and decided that censorship of our bus-stop advertisements would remain final. 'Educate Your Kids' with the big red 'Guns Save Lives' heart, which they tore down more than a week ago, were deemed unacceptable and would stay down. They blamed CBS Outdoor with the 'error' for having put them up." ...

MSNBC's new lineup includes avowed Marxist
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"During an angry tirade over Democrat election losses, the host of the new MSNBC political show, 'The Last Word,' blurted out that he's a 'socialist,' while blasting colleagues for hiding behind less radical labels such as 'liberal' or 'progressive.'" ...

"During his testy exchange, O'Donnell also revealed his agenda to 'ban all guns in America.'" ...

H/t to David Codrea who notes "If he ever wants to personally demonstrate how he'd accomplish his agenda, though, I volunteer to be his test subject."

Dinner with the Militia
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The story of a female grad student who aspires to do refugee work with children in war torn countries, who is a daughter, a girlfriend, a friend, and is also a member of the local militia, might sound strange to most. Once you understand the truth about militias, my life doesn’t seem strange at all."

"Militia members are normal everyday people. We are just like you, and some of us may be your neighbors, your friends, and your family. ..." ...

Brady Campaign's Dennis Henigan, and the ideology of 'gun control'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Brady Campaign's Dennis 'What People?' Henigan is now arguing that gun rights advocacy is rooted in rigidly dogmatic ideology, while advocacy of oppressive gun laws is simply a quest for 'pragmatic ways to attack the problem' of 'gun violence.' ..." ...

Students aim for concealed carry rights on campus
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Pacing back and forth across Edmon Low Library Lawn wearing a bright, correctional-facility-orange jumpsuit and an ominious, black ski-mask, Adam White intimidated onlookers and passers-by."

"White was one of a hand-full of students on Library Lawn recruiting members to the Students for Concealed Carry on Campus group."

"He held a sign that plainly read, 'Criminals for gun-free campuses.'" ...

GOA Offering Arguments in Heller II Case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Coming off some huge Election Day victories in the Congress, Gun Owners of America is now setting its sights on the courts."

"A big battle will be taking place next week on Monday, November 15, at the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit."

"Both Gun Owners of America and Gun Owners Foundation are involved in challenging an extremely restrictive gun control law in a case known as Heller II." ...

CZ The Day! 75 SP-01 Shadow Custom Pistol
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There’s been some debate on these pages about the real world applicability of IPSC competition. Putting that life-or-death issue aside for a moment, the real point of any competition is . . . winning! To that end, shooters going for gold in IPSC’s Production Division might want to holster this: CZ’s new dual-tone 75 SP-01 Shadow Custom Pistol. ..."

Chamber Schmamber. It’s Too Late to Draw Your Gun. (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'I am SO excited! My wife told me she wants to finally get her CCW License. She is going to be taking her class sometime in February. Today she went to a gun show with me. This was the first gun show she has ever attended with me and I was thrilled to have her along. She has narrowed HER choice down to two firearms. Her first choice is a ‘Pink Lady’ .38 spl made by Charter Arms.' You’ll see this same story repeated ’round the net: gun guy buys wife a brightly colored Charter Arms snubbie for personal defense. What you won’t see is what happens next. To quote the late Warren Zevon, it ain’t that pretty at all . . ." ...

Get Your Gun (and Ammo) Ready
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Deer season is upon us. It’s a time to not just scout the woods, but to make sure the harvesting tool is ready to do its job. Is your huntin’ gun sighted in? If you’re using new ammo, you HAVE proven it out, right?"

"Why are these concepts in the forefront of my mind, you ask? Well, the last weekend in October I competed in the Georgia State IDPA championships using a proven-reliable Wilson Combat .45 pistol, and came in last in Master class, due in large part to loading from a new case of match-grade ammo that had just come in from a reputable commercial reloader ..." ...

MGI Hydra Modular Weapon System. That Was Easy! (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Gun Review: Charter Arms Chic Lady
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'I am SO excited! My wife told me she wants to finally get her CCW License. She is going to be taking her class sometime in February. Today she went to a gun show with me. This was the first gun show she has ever attended with me and I was thrilled to have her along. She has narrowed HER choice down to two firearms. Her first choice is a ‘Pink Lady’ .38 spl made by Charter Arms.' You’ll see this same story repeated ’round the net: gun guy buys wife a brightly colored Charter Arms snubbie for personal defense. What you won’t see is what happens next. To quote the late Warren Zevon, it ain’t that pretty at all . . ." ...

Gun Safety and Kids: 30 Child Gun Deaths Per Day in U.S.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As many as one-half of American households have a gun, and each day, nearly 30 children are injured or killed by firearms in the United States - most from guns owned by the child's family or friends."

"In August 2010, the C.S. Mott Children's Hospital National Poll on Children's Health asked 1,621 parents about gun ownership and if they have talked about gun safety with their children."

"... Of parents with guns in their homes, 82 percent said they have discussed gun safety with their children — most within the past year. In contrast, only 48 percent of parents without guns in their household have ever discussed gun safety with their children." ...

Submitter's Note: If you actually dig into the CDC's numbers, the number of children (0 to 13 years old) accidentally killed or injured with a firearm is somewhat less than 1.6 per day, or less than a dozen per week. Tragic, yes, but distinctly less of an issue than the 15 children per week who die in accidentally drownings.


Don't misinterpret the bloodbath, GOP
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Editor's Note: The following piece was submitted by BFA volunteer Tim Inwood on October 24. Pressing election-related news prevented it from being published earlier, but it is certainly impressive to see how clear Inwood's crystal ball was. As you read the following, consider this election night quote from Florida Senator-elect Marco Rubio: 'We make a grave mistake if we believe that tonight these results are somehow an embrace of the Republican Party. What they are is a second chance, a second chance for Republicans to be what they said they were going to be, not so long ago.'" ...

Safer Streets 2011: Recommended reading after the election.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Republicans are in office now, promising smaller government. Alright, what's our move? And, it's our move to make."

"Free people understand the nature of the relationship between the governments and the governed. We're the boss, they're the servants."

"Instead of waiting for the servants-elect to get it, we have the duty of instructing them to do for us what we hire them to do. This means telling them what to do and how to do it." ...

NRA Support Propels Candidates
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When you analyze the impact of conservative and single-issue membership organizations on the 2010 midterm elections, you find that one group’s efforts dwarfed the rest: The National Rifle Association of America." ...

FL: Allen West taps controversial talk show host as chief of staff
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Here's what Kaufman said at a campaign event in July: 'I don't care how this gets painted by the mainstream media. I don't care if this ends up on YouTube, because I am convinced that the most important thing the Founding Fathers did to ensure me my First Amendment rights was that they gave me a Second Amendment. And if ballots don't work, bullets will.'" ...

OH: The Next 9 Hours Will Decide the Next 2 Years
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Last spring, when the Ohio Senate passed SB239 and SB247, we tried to get these bills immediately passed by the Ohio House of Representatives. Unfortunately, we were not successful."

"Part of that failure involved leadership from the House and Senate agreeing that they would cooperate in bringing these bills to a timely vote. The Senate took too long to pass the bills. Now we are in the 'lame duck' session with time running out for the House to act on their promise to pass the bills. They must act now."

"Simply put, if you cannot spare time to call and email 1.) your representative and 2.) Speaker of the House Budish on Tuesday, November 9, 2010, this vote is not going to happen." ...

It’s Official: The ATF Sucks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Office of Inspector General has just released a report on the the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (and really big fires). In specific, they took a gander at the ATF and Sometimes E’s 'Project Gunrunner' interdiction program. Click here to download the full report. Here’s the punchline: the ATF doesn’t play nicely with others and hasn’t done jack. ..." ...

Stop the frisking
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"It's a policy used by police departments in major cities across the United States. It's also a legal practice under a 1986 Supreme Court decision to establish 'reasonable suspicion' as a standard lower than the necessary 'probable cause' to justify arrest."

"And despite its name – 'stop and frisk' – this police initiative is no laughing matter." ...

PA: Stop-and-frisk should be stopped and questioned
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"THE KEY to controlling gun violence is to reduce the carrying of guns. The key to reduced carrying is the deterrent effect of getting caught with a gun and having it confiscated. And the key to creating that deterrent is widespread use of the police technique known as 'stop-question-and frisk.'"

"These words appear on Page 6 of a 150-page briefing book by mayoral candidate Michael Nutter, so it's fair to call stop-and-frisk one of his signature policies."

"Now, in light of a class-action lawsuit filed last week, and ongoing concerns about this controversial practice, it's natural to ask: How many guns have been confiscated as a result of the revved-up strategy of stopping citizens and frisking them?" ...

OH: Announcing the Buckeye Firearms Foundation Gun Show and Auction
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Buckeye Firearms Foundation, a 501(C)(3) dedicated to advancing and defending firearm rights, is pleased to announce our first gun show and auction."

"There will be a huge number of guns plus shooting and reloading supplies, books, knives, and collectibles for sale." ...

WI: N.E.W. Patriots to host gun rights discussion in Morrison
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The conservative group N.E.W. Patriots will host Alan Scholl, director of the American Opinion Foundation, to discuss Second Amendment gun rights at 7 p.m. today[11-09] at the Evergreen Bar and Grill in Morrison." ...

Tyranny is always better organized than freedom. —THOMAS PAINE

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