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Newslinks for 11/10/2014

Jewish gun group remembers Kristallnacht on 76th anniversary
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "To those who would 'whistle past the graveyard of history,' deny that brutal tyranny could ever happen here, and call talk of armed defense against it unsupportable and even treasonous, where in history is any civilization guaranteed stasis? Has not despotism and mass destruction plagued every civilization that preceded ours? Is it not, in fact, still commonplace throughout the globe? By what suspension of reality, by what denial of the observable and the probable, by what art, device or magic are we sheltered few immune from catastrophe? Are we certain, from our brief and privileged vantage point, that such things will ever remain headline curiosities?" ...

Hypothetical discussions on a 4GW theme. Mike Lawlor as Reinhard Heydrich? I guess that's up to him. Hypothetically speaking, of course.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "We're working with hypotheticals here, right? What does 4GW take as its primary target? The will and ability of the enemy LEADERSHIP to wage the war. Not the cops, not the foot soldiers, the leadership. As with all tyrannies, the leadership doesn't much care how many, say, Gestapo agents and Wehrmacht you kill. They DO care about how many gauleiters and mid-to-high-ranking little fuhrers you kill. 4GW rather targets what the enemy leadership cares about -- themselves, their future, their power. 4GW wins when it convinces the enemy leadership that prosecuting the war against the people is suicidal FOR THEM, not for cops and soldiers." ...

A Conversation with Kenn Blanchard, “Black Man With A Gun”
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The entrepreneurial bug got into Blanchard’s system and he created a training business focused on bringing minorities to the shooting sports. He founded a national shooting club for African-Americans called the Tenth Cavalry Gun Club, in 1991. ..."

"Blanchard launched the website in 2000. In 2007, he discovered the world of podcasting, and with more than 1.3 million downloads of his popular 'Black Man With A Gun' podcast later, he continues to inspire, entertain and share pieces of history regarding firearms and minorities. His Second Amendment advocacy even brought him toe-to-toe with Rev. Al Sharpton on Sharpton’s short-lived cable TV show Sharp Talk. ..." ...

Popular 'Gun Wire' to re-launch Monday; Wash. activists plan battle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tomorrow morning at 4:30 a.m. Pacific Time, 'The Gun Wire' — a popular firearms news page that is the equivalent of the Drudge Report for gun-related stories — will re-launch after a six-week hiatus, Examiner has learned, coincidentally as Washington State gun rights activists prepare their next move after last week’s passage of Initiative 594."

"The Gun Wire originally went on line on Aug. 21, 2011. Over the past three years, more than 150,000 gun-related news stories were posted on the site, which saw huge numbers of page views, in the neighborhood of two million a month, according to founder Todd Bergin." ...

Gun Comparison: Ruger LC9 vs. LC9s (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Since its announcement at 2011’s SHOT Show, the Ruger LC9 has generated unending complaints about its onerous trigger pull. At the end of July, 2014, the company released a striker-fired version of the LC9, called the LC9s, with the primary selling point being a shorter, lighter, crisper, and in all other ways better trigger. Thanks to a great FFL in my area, Best Buy Surplus, who suggested I borrow one of each model from their stock, I’m able to provide the following side-by-side comparison . . ." ...

New type of homemade ammo could make 3-D printed guns more practical, accessible
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With inexpensive consumer grade CNC ... milling machines ... and new consumer grade printers that will make 3-D printing even in metals relatively affordable, the future can be said to have arrived. ... Still, although the prices of this equipment are falling, and will inevitably continue to do so, the necessary investment is currently significant."

"For those who can afford only an entry level 3-D printer, using some of the least durable plastics, one can expect a very limited barrel life, and firing a printed firearm, particularly one of significant power, can be something of a dicey proposition for every shot. ..."

"An article in Wired, however, notes that an ingenious individual has discovered a way around this risk:" ...

Homemade .410 Quad Barrel Handgun Made From a Staple Gun (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A lot of people are making a big deal about the 3D-printed gun world right now. Indeed, it’s very interesting to see how quickly and easily firearms can be made at home using nothing but a 3d printer."

"However, with all this talk about 3D printers, it’s easy to forget that people have been making homemade firearms for a long time. Some people are even pretty good at it. We should also note that it is, in most cases, completely legal to manufacture a firearm for your own personal use as long as you don’t transfer it. However, check all state and local laws in your area."

"In the above video, a Youtube user by the name of Clint Westwood shows us a quad rotating barrel .410 handgun that is based around a staple gun." ...

Basic Practical Riflery For The New Shooter
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A few years ago, I decided I wanted to become a rifleman. A practical rifleman. Through disciplined self practice, and help from the online community, I have been able to ever expand my skills from a 100 yard skill-set to a 600 yard comfort zone. If I can do it, anyone can, but a lot of people don’t think they can make that jump. I have run into many AR owners who think that if they can’t shoot 1-2 inch groups like they see online, that they aren’t shooting well. They perceive their rifle equipped with a red dot as being too imprecise to carry them past close range shooting. They doubt their skills ... Because they don’t think they can do it, they don’t shoot at longer ranges. But I’m here to tell you that you can . . ." ...

From the Horse’s Mouth: ATF Q & A on 80% Lowers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Press Release on the legalities of converting 80% lowers into finished firearms from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosive (and Really Big Fires) [via]:"

"1. Is ATF aware of the receiver blanks, commonly referred to as 80% receivers?"

"ATF routinely collaborates with the firearms industry and law enforcement to monitor new technologies and current manufacturing trends that could potentially impact the safety of the public." ...

Michael Bloomberg has found his niche
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Less than a year after leaving office, billionaire former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is using his vast wealth to be a player in national politics. While he had a few noteworthy stumbles, his push to back 'centrist' candidates and those favoring gun control fared well in Tuesday’s midterm elections ..." ...

"In the 2014 midterms, Bloomberg spent more than $20 million of his own money backing pro-gun safety ballot measures and candidates from both parties he believed will take a bipartisan approach to governing in polarized times, Wolfson said. He was one of the top individual contributors during this election cycle." ...

Boffin imagines WiFi-defined no-shoot zones for wireless weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"What if, instead of trying to control the sale of guns – a political impossibility in America – weapon use were enforced by a complex combination of electronics, WiFi communications and policy enforcement?"

"That's what researchers from the University of Delaware are proposing, asking in essence whether technology offers a way to hack around the Second Amendment. In this paper at Arxiv, Marcos Portnoi and Chien-Chung Shen of the university's Department of Computer and Information Science propose a combination of wireless security and encrypted broadcast to enforce gun safety." ...

LA: SPD: Resident shoots suspect in chest during home invasion
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Shreveport Police are investigating after a resident opens fire on an intruder during an early morning home invasion in the Highland neighborhood." ...

"Investigators say Smalley was trying to force his way into a home in the 100 block of East Wilkinson Street, when the homeowner, Gerald Yager, armed himself with a handgun."

"After reportedly banging and kicking on both the front and back doors, police say Smalley forced his way into the back door of the residence."

"Once inside, Yager fired numerous times, striking Smalley once in the upper body." ...

IN: Despite “Buck Fever,” Armed Indiana Mother Chases Off Home Invader
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An armed mother in Indiana was unable to fire her pistol at a home invader to protect her family. She did not believe the intruder when he claimed that he was the police. Confronted with the armed mother, the burglar ran off, taking the family’s flat screen television with him. It was a scary, adrenaline-pumping moment, I am sure. From the mother’s description of what happened, I suspect that it was a case of what we called 'buck fever' when I was growing up . . ." ...

OH: Ohio clerk with gun fends off robber with knife
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "A store clerk said she feared for her life when she fired a shot at a steak knife-wielding masked man attempting to rob the store before he ran out Monday night, she told Lancaster police."

"'I fired one shot at him and I missed him,' the City Center Drive Thru clerk said, sounding scared and breathless during the 911 call." ...

How the I-594 Gun Control Initiative Passed in Washington State
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I-594 in Washington State is a horribly written initiative. It consists of 18 pages of legalese that seems more intent on trapping legal gun owners than on reducing violent crime. Yet, it passed with almost 60% of the vote. How did this happen? David Kopel did a thorough analysis of what happened. There is a long history of disarmist initiatives that have started with strong majority support in the polling, only to find on election day the support has evaporated and they lose by large margins. I had some hope that this might happen in Washington State with I-594. It did not. Here are the reasons that I believe that Second Amendment supporters lost this fight . . ." ...

Gun control claims wins at state level, GOP-led Congress shuts down chance at nationwide law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Though gun control advocates won at the state level and in several congressional races, the Republican majority Congress likely shuts down any chance of nationwide gun control laws for the next two years."

"More than 90 percent of National Rifle Association-backed congressional candidates won their races Tuesday, giving gun rights advocates an even bigger voice in Congress. Incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is also a strong proponent of the second amendment and is also unlikely to bring to the floor any bills on that would tighten firearm restrictions." ...

Midterms Closed Door On Gun Control At Federal Level
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With the midterm elections largely decided, save for a small number of races, federal gun control legislation that seemed improbable with a Democrat-run Senate looks nearly impossible with a Senate run by Republicans."

"In fact, the door on federal gun control legislation seems to have slammed shut."

"According to The Hill, the NRA 'endorsed 279 congressional candidates' and over 90 percent of them won. Contrast that with the results Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly's gun control group got for their endorsements. They 'spent millions of dollars endorsing 16 congressional candidates' and lost in more than 50 percent of those races." ...

WA: Showdown: 5,500 Washington state gun owners intend to engage in civil disobedience over I-594
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"First Connecticut, and then New York passed gun control laws this year - that many people believe are unconstitutional - turning hundreds of thousands of AR-15 owners into felons simply for not registering their guns. Now, Washington state gun owners intend to take things to a new level in response to Washington's new gun control law. At least 5,500 are planning to openly violate the heavy-handed law, I-594, during a rally at the state capitol in Olympia on December 13th. The law goes into effect on December 4th, after the Secretary of State certifies the election results. Not a single so-called mainstream media source has mentioned the unprecedented event, even though RSVPs continue to increase every day." ...

Gun Ban: 5 Ways Government Is Restricting Right to Bear Arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The United States Constitution protects a citizen's right to bear arms, but that right has been restricted through some state laws that create an outright gun ban as well as federal laws that limit who can purchase guns, along with where and when."

"Here are five federal restrictions on the right to bear arms, how they limit gun usage, and why they were passed:"

"1. National Firearms Act: In 1934, in a reaction to the gun violence of the Prohibition era, Congress enacted the National Firearms Act. Lawmakers wanted to avoid the impression they were creating an outright gun ban. They did not believe that the Second Amendment afforded them that right. ..." ...

North Carolina Gun Laws and How They Compare Nationally
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"North Carolina citizens enjoy some of the most relaxed gun laws in the United States, which please gun advocates wanting to exercise their Second Amendment rights."

"North Carolina does require a background check before issuing a license to buy a handgun, except when purchasing a long gun from an unlicensed seller. The state also allows the transfer or possession of assault weapons, 50-caliber rifles, and large capacity ammunition magazines." ...

Poll: Political Parties Coming Together On Value of Gun Ownership
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Since 2000, the percentage of Americans who believe that gun ownership makes their homes safer has nearly doubled, according to a Gallup poll released Friday."

"A mere 35 percent of Americans believed having a gun in the house was an added safety measure in 2000, while the majority (50 percent) thought it made households more dangerous. Now the tables have completely turned. Today, six in 10 Americans back owning a gun for safety, while only 30 percent believe it is dangerous." ...

CT: NRA: Shaw v. Malloy Challenges CT AWB and Mag Cap Ban (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"NRA Press Release [via]:"

"While the state of Connecticut ponders how to handle the owners of thousands of unregistered semi-automatic firearms and magazines in the state, an important NRA-backed case challenging the constitutionality of the state’s firearm and magazine bans is making its way through the federal courts. The case, Shew v. Malloy, was initiated on May 22, 2013, when lawyers on behalf of June Shew and several other plaintiffs . . ."

"filed a complaint in the United States District Court for the District of Connecticut. The complaint alleged several violations of the plaintiffs’ rights." ...

TX: Elections down, open carry in likely legislative mix with education, jobs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Now that this year’s election is over, led by Greg Abbott and Texas Legislature leaders, state officials are turning their attention to the next legislative session that begins on Jan. 13." ...

"In addition, since he campaigned on Second Amendment rights, he said he would sign an open carry bill if it gets to his desk. ..."

"In the last session, an open carry bill Rep. George Lavender, R-Texarkana, filed, didn’t make it, despite broad support. Though Lavender won’t be back next year because he was defeated in the March 4 Republican primary, in a recent interview he said he expects some of his returning colleagues to file a similar bill in the upcoming session." ...

GA: Glynn County bans guns at County Commission meetings
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Glynn County’s politically conservative commissioners generally support gun rights guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the Constitution."

"But they disagree with a law that Georgia’s General Assembly adopted that gave residents the right to carry firearms into government buildings. The County Commission decided that the law, which went into effect July 1, goes too far and has banned guns at the Historic Courthouse during its bi-monthly meetings." ...

CA: Proposed Law in L.A. Requires Guns to Be Locked at Home
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Several Los Angeles City Council members on Friday proposed a city ordinance that would require residents to safely secure their guns at home when not being used, either with a trigger lock or in a locked container."

"Council member Paul Krekorian, the author of the motion, said it was modeled after a city law in San Francisco passed in 2007 that requires guns to have a trigger lock when not in use."

"San Francisco’s ordinance was challenged by gun owners, who said the regulation prevented them from easily using their firearms for self-defense. In March, a Ninth Circuit Court upheld the ordinance, saying it did not infringe on gun owners second amendment rights." ...

TN: Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall
Submitted by: Liston Matthews

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... "The beginning of the end for that wall was those famous words by President Ronald Reagan, 'Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!' spoken at the Brandenburg Gate on June 12, 1987."

"Today, lovers of liberty say to the mayor of Farragut, 'Mr. Mayor, take down this sign!'"

"The Berlin Wall kept Germans in bondage to a Communist dictatorship. The Parks sign subjects good citizens to the bondage of every pedophile, rapist, or jihadi that makes a stop at Campbell Station Park, as well as in the other parks and greenways around the town. . ." ...

NY: Buffalo Police Department Confiscates Guns From Widows
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Buffalo Police say they're determined to get more guns off the streets and now they're checking to see whether pistol permit holders have passed away and what happened to their gun or guns." ...

"They feel that, in some cases, families are holding on to weapons even after the person who bought them originally has died." ...
"Forget passing down heirlooms to family members, or bequeathing cherished things to those you love. The state has decided to send the Gestapo to collect your stuff. Instead of calling it 'stealing private property,' which would land you or me in prison, they do it all under the rubric of protecting the safety of the public. That’s always the stated reason, no?" ...

CA: LAPD officer accused of faking military documents to get paid leave
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A veteran Los Angeles Police officer was arrested Tuesday on charges of stealing public funds related to allegedly submitting fictitous military leave documents on several occasions."

"Christine Bulicz, a 15-year LAPD officer and a California Army National Guard member, is alleged to have submitted fake military documents that allowed her to take more than $5,400 worth of paid time off from the department, which she was not entitled otherwise, an LAPD news release said." ...

NY: Ex-NYPD sergeant busted for accepting $9K in bribes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former NYPD sergeant accepted thousands of dollars in bribes from a private investigator in exchange for key confidential information from an FBI database about witnesses in federal criminal cases, prosecutors charged Wednesday."

"Ronald Buell, who retired from the NYPD in February, and Joseph Dwyer, a Long Island-based private investigator often retained by court-appointed lawyers, were arrested Wednesday and each charged with bribery, bribery conspiracy and unauthorized access to a federal database." ...

CA: Source: Richmond police investigating marijuana find at officer's home
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An officer with the Richmond Police Department has been placed on leave and is being investigated for 'potential administrative and/or criminal consequences,' after police serving a search warrant found an unknown amount of an illegal drug in his Oakley residence last month."

"Richmond police Capt. Mark Gagan confirmed the officer is on paid leave and under investigation, but could not confirm his identity because of administrative laws. However, other sources inside and outside the department said the officer is Joe Avila, a veteran member of the department's K-9 unit."

"Those same sources said the drug involved is marijuana." ...

WA: Man kicked by off-duty cop: I didn't know why I was arrested
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Jake Baijot-Clary was lying, face down, on a wet sidewalk with his hands cuffed behind his back when he was kicked in the head. 'I saw it coming,' he said. 'And as I looked up to him, he came and just stomped down on my face, bounced my head off the curb.' The kick, which was caught on the dash cam of a police cruiser, came from an off-duty Seattle police officer, Garth Haynes. ..." ...

TX: Open Carry or Constitutional Carry? Second Amendment advocates weigh in
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"CHL instructor Raul Camacho has 7 years of law enforcement experience."

"He teaches gun safety courses and CHL classes at 'Safety Measures' in northwest Austin."

"Like the rest of the gun community, he heard our next governor, Gregg Abbott say this last week: If an open carry bill is passed by the House and Senate and arrives at my desk, I will sign it into law."

"Camacho says he supports the right to open carry only with a permit and training -- that doesn't mean he thinks carrying openly is a good idea." ...

MI: Open carry gun advocates tackling issue at Huron Valley
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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"Huron Valley Schools are tackling the issue of the right to openly carry a gun on school property versus the safety of students and staff after a district parent with a concealed pistol license told administrators he intended to open carry in the schools his children attend."

"About 20 vocal advocates of open carry, many members of Michigan Open Carry, spoke during a recent board of education meeting, quoting laws and pointing out that concealed pistol license holders are 'normal, law-abiding citizens.' ..." ...

MI: Veterans home residents bond at shooting range (video available)
Submitted by: Corey

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"Some residents of the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans are showing that age doesn't have to keep one from having fun on a shooting range."

"For the past 15 years, volunteers at the Grand Rapids Rifle & Pistol Club have been inviting veterans to come shoot."

"WZZM 13 came along Friday morning when veterans ranging from 50 to 93 years old visited the club. They each shot 10 rounds, to see who can get the most bullseyes."

"'Shooting is a sport that anyone can do at any age,' explains Terry Dunn, volunteer instructor at the club." ...

"'We offer this program to the veterans at no cost to the veterans home' ..."

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until a majority of voters discover that they can vote themselves largess out of the public treasury. — Alexander Tyler (in his 1770 book, Cycle of Democracy)

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