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Newslinks for 11/11/2010

Violent leftists agree with SPLC and 'Waco Jim' on threat from the armed right
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Just in case you were wondering who agrees with the SPLC’s and Waco Jim’s concerns about you being an armed conservative or libertarian… and about the type of company the fascist opposition keeps." ...

Portland mayor sends signal that WA gun owners better heed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Perhaps emboldened by last week's voting results that did not turn Oregon's Legislature over to Republicans – the GOP 'wave' seems to have stopped at the Cascade Crest, same as here in Washington – Portland Mayor Sam Adams has announced he will essentially challenge the state’s 1995 preemption statute with a trio of new anti-gun ordinances for the Rose City."

"Maybe he figures it's safe with a returning Democrat governor and enough Willamette Valley liberals in Salem that he won't get laughed out of town." ...

Accusations of a Terrorist (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"What makes someone a terrorist? According to former terrorist Bernardine Dohrn, planting bombs and attempting to kill Americans doesn’t cut it. Participating in your Second Amendment right to bear arms, however, does, especially if you’re one of those evil, racist, extremist tea partiers! In a recent interview, Dohrn hypocritically labeled tea partiers as violent terrorists, conveniently forgetting the litany of terrorist activities she participated in as one of the leaders of the Weathermen, an underground terrorist group in the late 60s and 70s. Watch the video:" ...

A Gun is Not the Answer (videos available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When it comes to self-defense, a gun is 'an' answer, not 'the' answer. In fact, it’s best to look at a self-defense firearm as the last answer to the question 'How do I defend my life?' There are plenty of reasons for de-prioritizing armed self-defense, from moral concerns to practical considerations. ..." ...

Barrett Gets MRAD with .338 Lapua Magnum and Interchangeable Barrels, Dude (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An adjustable cheek piece never rocked this hard before. ..."

Gun Review: Henry Repeating Arms Lever Action .22
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ahh, Christmas, that magical time of the year. Nothing beats the joy and pride a parent feels when they pick out that perfect gift and see their offspring open it up on Christmas morning. Their first bicycle, a well-oiled baseball mitt, a … Who the hell am I kidding? The latest edition of 'Call of Duty' plus a live internet link for the X-box. Done. However, there's one old-fashioned present that still rocks – their first rifle! A finely crafted, bolt-action single shot .22 rimfire will be a prized possession for years to come, or until they're old enough to want something else. So . . . then what? What do you get your progeny some years down the road?" ...

Mexico ambassador says NRA can help stem gun flows
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The powerful National Rifle Association (NRA) should be helping the United States and Mexico stem a flow of U.S. guns to Mexico's drug war, Mexico's top diplomat in Washington said on Wednesday." ...

"About 90 percent of the guns seized and traced in Mexico last year were initially sold in the United States. This 'iron river' of weapons flowing south to the cartels includes assault rifles and decorative pistols popular with drug kingpins." ...

Submitter's Note: Still trying to convince people that the ficticious 90% of seized guns are from the US figure is not a misleading red-herring.

Ayla Brown – (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Cam Edwards talks to singer Ayla Brown about her upcoming tour of Southwest Asia – For more information, go to" ...


Survivor of Virginia Tech Massacre Brings Gun Control Message to Maine
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A survivor of the Virginia Tech massacre of 2007, which claimed the lives of 32 students and teachers, is in Maine tonight to talk about his experience and push for tighter gun control laws. MPBN's Tom Porter was also on the Virginia Tech campus at the time of the country's largest mass shooting and has this report." ...

Submitter's Note: Pushing to "close the gun show 'loophole'" even though the VA Tech shooter bought his guns from a FFL dealer, not a gun show!

UK: Celebs beware! New Pandora's box of 'personal' drones that could stalk anyone from Brangelina to your own child
Submitted by: Larry

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"They could put your mind at ease - or do very much the opposite."

"A new arms race is on and it could change everything from the way we parent to how we get our celebrity gossip."

"For the technology currently being used by the CIA to ferret out terrorist leaders in the hills of Pakistan is set to arrive in a neighbourhood near you - and there's nowhere to hide." ...

MA: Man was 'scared to death' during Dorchester road rage incident, his attorney says
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Quincy man lashed out with a folding knife to fend off an attacker he feared was going to kill him during a road rage incident in Dorchester on Monday, an outbreak of violence that snarled the evening rush hour traffic for hours, his attorney said today." ...

East St. Louisans taking responsibility for their own security
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Residents of East St. Louis, Illinois, tired of rampant crime, and of a police force unable or unwilling to rein it in, have lost patience with being dependent on the police for their own protection. KMOV News, St. Louis reports (be sure to watch the video segment ...):"
"Residents in one East St. Louis community are buying guns after dozens of home burglaries and car thefts, claiming police have been too slow to respond."

"They say there have been at least 75 incidents in the last two months.
"And what do the police say?"
"When asked about these crimes, police said they could not verify the high number of incidents residents cited because of a computer glitch." ...

VA: Road Rage: Yogurt vs. Handgun - Two drivers arrested in I-95 road altercation
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Virginia State Police are investigating a case of road rage involving two drivers -- one armed with a gun and one with armed with a carton of yogurt."

"A Toyota Rav4 cut off a Lexus on Interstate 95 in Quantico Friday afternoon, said police spokesman Sgt. F.L. Tyler. After that, the driver of the Lexus started to tailgate the Toyota, and the Toyota driver responded by tapping on his brakes."

"At some point, the driver of the Lexus pulled up and threw a container of yogurt at the Toyota. That’s when the driver of the Toyota displayed a small caliber handgun." ...

Open Carry Advocates Gearing Up in 5 States Including Florida
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Having held five events over the weekend, Second Amendment advocates continue to promote changing laws in Florida to allow citizens to openly carry holstered handguns. Open carry was legal in Florida until 1987 when Janet Reno, then an assistant state attorney in South Florida, lobbied the Legislature to ban the practice save in some situations -- namely hunting, fishing and at firing ranges."

"'The Janet Reno open carry ban will be repealed,' said Sean Caranna of Florida Open Carry." ...

OK: Election energizes open carry supporters
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Open carry advocates soon may have an ally in the Governor’s Mansion, and have faith the state’s future CEO will, as promised, sign authorizing legislation." ...

OH: EVERY VOTE COUNTS: Several elections involving BFA endorsees hang on less than one half of one percent
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Every election season, articles are published on this website imploring pro-gun rights supporters to volunteer for candidates, to rally their friends and family, and to get to the polls and vote for pro-gun rights candidates. 'Every vote counts,' is the battle cry."

"And in every election, a few races are decided by fractions of a percent of the total votes cast." ...

NC: Does working for the government give workers a free pass to carry a gun?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "'If you have a concealed weapon permit, you can carry a concealed weapon with you to work for the town,' [Alderman Eric Dills] said, voicing his considerable displeasure with the situation. 'You can’t go down to Blue Ridge Paper and punch in with a pistol. It’s just a safety issue. It needs to stop. It needs to end.'"

"Matthews said he doesn’t know how many employees carry concealed weapons on the job, noting sagely that it would be hard to know as they are, in fact, concealed. But, he said, it’s never yet been a problem." ...

WY: City of Cody Wyoming challenging lawful carry with nuisance code
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Once again the gun control movement has reared its ugly head in Wyoming. But not where one would expect. The City of Cody being rich in gun history declares lawful gun owners a public nuisance!!!"

"We expect this kind of stupidity in California or New York, but not in Wyoming...Just another case of Politicians that tell you what rights you can and can’t have." ...

October sees 1.5% jump in firearm sales over same month last year
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The FBI has released its National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) figures for October 2010. NSSF-adjusted figures (854,563) show a 1.5 percent increase over October of last year (841,631)."

"The adjusted NICS data were derived by NSSF by subtracting out NICS purpose-code permit checks used by several states such as Kentucky and Utah for CCW permit application checks as well as checks on active CCW permit databases." ...

Fox news 10 toughest Sheriffs list (slideshow)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Submitter's Note: Fox news list the top 10 toughest immigration Sheriffs in the U.S.

3 ex-Marines accused of selling assault rifles to L.A. gang
Submitted by: R. Smith

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"Three former U.S. Marines have been arrested for allegedly selling assault weapons to a Los Angeles gang and others, the Associated Press is reporting."

"Federal officials said today that Adam Gitschlag of Orange County was the suspected ringleader and that he was arrested Nov. 2 at his home. AP says that investigative documents it obtained state that he oversaw the sale of two cases of firearms, including an AK-47, two Russian and Romanian variants of the weapon and two other semiautomatic rifles." ...

ATF Project Gunrunner Falls Short, IG Finds
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Among the problems specifically cited were deficiencies in ATF’s intelligence tracking and information sharing with Mexican authorities or with other U.S. agencies such as Drug Enforcement Administration, Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Customs and Border Protection. The report also found 68 percent of cases featured a single-defendant, and investigators were discouraged from pursuing complex conspiracy investigations that could have led to the arrest and prosecution of higher-level traffickers. Moreover, ATF and ICE do not conduct joint operations, consistently communicate about cases or coordinate investigations." ...

MI: Woman Mistaken As Fleeing Felon (video available)
Submitted by: none

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... "The deputy turned his cruiser around, unsure of where the suspect's car has gone. When he turns down a side street, he spots a Toyota Camry backing into a driveway."

"That car actually belonged to Selbee who was in the front seat when deputies rushed to her with guns drawn."

"'Keep your hands up, keep your ****** hands up!' shout police."

"The dash cam video didn't capture what happened outside the driver's side of Selbee's car, but the audio did." ...

AZ: It’s official. Gun safety has been censored
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After rounds of meetings and phone calls, the city of Phoenix, perhaps prophetically on Election Day, Tue., Nov. 2, passed final judgment and decided that censorship of our bus-stop advertisements would remain final. 'Educate Your Kids' with the big red 'Guns Save Lives' heart, which they tore down more than a week ago, were deemed unacceptable and would stay down. They blamed CBS Outdoor with the 'error' for having put them up."

"WorldNetDaily columnist Jeff Knox describes it perfectly –"

"We have a few options:" ...

MI: Woman sues; cop cover-up alleged
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A woman who says that two Westland police officers beat her while she was in a holding cell filed a lawsuit Tuesday in federal court in Detroit seeking $2 million in damages."

"Her lawyer says a video of the incident that he made public Tuesday proves his client is telling the truth and that officers were not responding to an attack by his client, as police allege." ...

UK: UK Teen Gets Two Years in Prison for Air Pistol Rampage
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It’s not really as bad as the headline suggests. A judge reduced the sentence to 18 months. So that’s alright then—if you think a bit of tom foolery with an air pistol merits prison time. ..."

The prohibition is general. No clause in the Constitution could by any rule of construction be conceived to give to Congress a power to disarm the people. Such a flagitious attempt could only be made under some general pretense by a state legislature. But if in any blind pursuit of inordinate power, either should attempt it, this amendment may be appealed to as a restraint on both. — William Rawle, A View of the Constitution 125-6 (2nd ed. 1829)

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