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Newslinks for 11/12/2002

OH: Man shot during domestic fracas
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The neighbor, Chad Leonard, saw the woman being assaulted, was threatened by Mr. Garcia, saw a knife that he was brandishing, and shot Mr. Garcia with a 45-caliber pistol, police said."

"Jennifer Dushane, who had cuts to her head, face, and hands, was treated at Bay Park Community Hospital." ...

NY: Cab Driver Is Shot Outside His Home
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"52-year-old taxi driver was in critical condition yesterday after being shot in the head outside his home in Woodside, Queens, apparently during a robbery attempt, the police said." ...

"A shot rang out, the witness told the police, and the two men apparently fled. The police found Mr. Quizhpi on the ground with a gunshot wound to the head. It was unclear, they said, whether he had been robbed. He was in critical condition at Elmhurst Hospital Center last night." ...

Fear Trumps Freedom
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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Politicians have effectively vilified the one instrument that guarantees all other freedoms. By sensationalizing the irresponsibility of a small percentage of people that own firearms and do not exercise proper caution, politicians have turned all gun owners into potential suspects to be feared. Not a single election passes these days without some would-be nursemaid promising to protect us from the evil guns by sponsoring life-saving legislation...

Flash Presentation: "Lessons In Anti-Gun Logic"
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Those pesky gun cotrollers sure like to make a lot of statements about guns and gun owners. But when you analyze the statements, you start to notice some contradictions in their logic, if you can call it logic. And some statements don't just clash with themselves, they clash with basic common sense.

It can get a little confusing, so here we offer our first installment of Lessons in Anti-Gun Logic.

Democrat suggests "ballistics fingerprinting" would "prevent such an act from occurring again"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The District of Columbia is relaxing now that last month's series of sniper shootings has come to an end, though a debate over gun control is just getting started as a ballistics database bill gained support in Congress in the wake of the sniper shootings."

"It is unclear, however, to what degree last week's Republican victories in the House and Senate and the new 108th Congress will impact the gun control debate."

"D.C. Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton, a Democrat without voting rights in the House of Representatives, held a press conference Nov. 1 at the intersection of Georgia Avenue and Kalmia Road NW, the site of the only sniper shooting within the District. Norton promised to work to prevent such an act from occurring again as she announced her support for the Gun Ballistics Safety Act of 2001." ...

Hold onto your wallets now that GOP controls both House and Senate
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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Now that Republicans control both houses of Congress and the presidency, Americans should brace themselves for an era of skyrocketing federal spending and ballooning budget deficits, Libertarians say. "Our prediction is that with a GOP Congress egging him on, George Bush is going to make Bill Clinton look like a fiscal conservative," said George Getz, Libertarian Party communications director.

Russia: Curious Crowd Checks Out Guns
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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MOSCOW -- "If the long waiting lines were any indication, the public's interest in the guns, body armor and high-tech security gizmos was high as the sixth Interpolitech fair of security equipment opened Monday, just two weeks after dozens of armed guerrillas entered Moscow unchallenged." ...

"All visitors have to go through metal detectors to make sure they are unarmed before they get inside and have the chance to buy a weapon. The crowd of people wandering between booths Monday was composed of those with the money and licenses needed to make purchases and those who just wanted to play with guns."

" 'They let you touch the weapons and pick them up,' said Alexander Ivanov, 16, who skipped school to attend the expo." ...

Sitting in jail for spanking
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Suzanne Shell, director of the American Family Advocacy Center in Colorado Springs, writes: 'I'm working on a Wisconsin case where the mother now sits in jail. ... She was charged with a felony for spanking her 10-year-old son on the bare bottom with her non-dominant hand.' "

"Kay M. Henson, 31, a mother of six from Sharon, Wis., pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of 'simple battery' after she 'admitted spanking her son 15 times, but said she also tried grounding him, using timeouts and ordering him to do extra chores as forms of discipline, but nothing worked,' The Associated Press reported Aug. 18, 2001."

" 'I spanked him on the bare butt with my hand,' said Henson, who weighs 110 lbs. 'This was after a whole summer of this boy misbehaving.' "

"The boy reported to school officials that his mother had spanked him 30 times on his bare buttocks. Henson could have faced a maximum 10-year prison sentence." ...

Sen. Orrin Hatch's Book is Out
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Utah Republican, who'd been elected to the Senate in 1976 as an ultraconservative, found himself being booed by an unruly bunch of ultraconservatives at Utah's Republican 2000 convention. Despite his solid record of supporting the rights of gun owners, Hatch's co-sponsorship of a crime bill with Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy containing some minor concessions on the matter of guns made him a traitor in their eyes." ...

"Hatch wants to remind us that participating in the political process, putting together coalitions and working out compromises with members of the other party should not be branded as 'selling out' one's principles." ...

Brazil: 9 dead in prison uprising in which firearms were used
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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SAO PAULO, Brazil - "A 14-hour prison rebellion in southeastern Brazil that left nine inmates dead ended Monday with the release of three guards who had been taken hostage, a prison official said."

"The uprising began Sunday afternoon at the Franco da Rocha penitentiary, on the outskirts of Sao Paulo, when one group of prisoners overpowered the guards and then attacked members of a rival gang, an official at the Sao Paulo State Prison Administration Department said."

"The official, who asked not to be identified, said the gangs were armed with knives and at least two revolvers. It was unclear how the inmates were killed or how the firearms entered the prison, the official said."

"The rebellion ended when authorities agreed to transfer five members of one gang to another prison facility, the official said."


If firearms can't even be kept out of prisons, what makes people think they can be kept off of the streets?

New York Times: "Rethinking Ballistic Fingerprints"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Site username: Newslinks
Site password: Newslinks
Must have cookies turned on for it to work.
New York Times has been promoting and endorsing so-called "ballistics fingerprinting" -- a national firearms registration -- for quite some time. But now they've come out with this:
"But another look at the science involved has convinced us that first, the government must get an authoritative judgment on how feasible the project really is. There is no point in setting up a system that might fail." ...

"The real obstacle confronting a large-scale system is whether the computer programs can find the proverbial needles in a very big haystack. The automated searches do not conclusively identify a culprit weapon; they simply try to narrow the field to a small number of suspect bullets or shell casings that can be examined under the microscope to clinch the identification. Many experts worry that the automated searches wouldn't be discriminating enough to work with a huge database. In tests carried out by the state of California, the automated searches had an alarming failure rate — as high as 62.5 percent." ...

"The benefits of a successful system would be immense, but the backlash from a large, messy failure would be a terrible setback for the entire effort to control the misuse of firearms."
Hardly a full reversal, and possibly a sneaky way to get forward motion, but definitely not the strong support they've been pimping.

Mailing Raccoon Called Hate Crime
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Community leaders are calling for an investigation after a severed raccoon's head was reportedly mailed to the principal of the high school. A group of community leaders called the act a hate crime against Debra Houchins, principal of Maple Heights High School. Stanley Miller with the NAACP that the act is unacceptable. People have died over issues like this in the past, he said." ...
A cruel student prank, definitely...but a felony hate-crime punishable by years in the federal pen?

Positively False
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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"One example [of survey errors] is in the question of how many times privately-owned guns are used defensively each year in the prevention of crime. Every time someone has run a survey to answer this question, the answer has been surprisingly large, from around 765,000 incidents to over 3.5 million. As very few defensive uses of guns are reported to the police, these numbers seem to some to be inappropriately high." ...
The higher numbers generally tend to include all unreported cases -- which means most of them -- and the crimes thwarted by criminals avoiding places where they thought an intended victim might be armed.

Calling 911 is a waste of time!
Submitted by: Larry E. Bigham

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This is one of the most deplorable accounts of calling 911 that I've ever read.

MA: Proposal would guarantee hunting rights under assault
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Supporters of a proposed constitutional amendment say the measure would guarantee the right to hunt, trap and fish in New York as well as silence local efforts to ban the sports." ...

"The amendment would be the first in such a populous and urban state as New York. Similar acts are on the books in Virginia, North Dakota, Minnesota and Alabama. A bill has also been introduced in Alaska, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures." ...

PA: Lock and Load – Women Hunters on the Move
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"...woman's place is in the woods – with a gun."

New Zealand: Day of action for police
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A gun is pointed at a security guard's head, then a car in a police chase is clocked at 128km/h despite a blown-out tyre." ...

"Next the police helicopter follows another car across the city, officers finally catching its four occupants down a side street."

"The three incidents - believed to be unrelated - all happened within two hours in South Auckland yesterday." ...

MI: Man with 30-year criminal history sues for gun permit
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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The man's been arrested 15 times in the last 30 years and has some old, non-violent felonies on his record. He says he deserves a permit to purchase a handgun.

WA: Taser maker says it's unlikely device is to blame for Shelton man's death
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The maker of the Taser gun says it's unlikely the device caused the death of a Shelton man who was stunned while being arrested.
In 30 years, no death ever has been attributed directly to the Taser stun gun, said Steve Tuttle, director of governmental affairs for TASER International Inc. in Scottsdale, Ariz."

" 'Typically, it's cocaine, pre-existing medical conditions and, in some cases, excited delirium,' Tuttle said." ...

IN: Recent Gwinn's robbery spurs memory of 1948 holdup
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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An account of an armed robbery that took place in 1948.

"After opening the register, Johnston said he refused to put the money in the robber's bag. As the gunman became agitated, Johnston said he ducked behind the counter and made a beeline for the back of the store, where he knew store owner Howard Gwinn was in his office. Johnston also knew Gwinn kept a pistol of his own."

"...Gwinn pulled his gun and fired two shots."

"The robber didn't get any money and was never captured." ...

UK: Fresh plea on gun horror
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The hunt for a man wanted in connection with a shooting in a Coventry bar is continuing as police renew their appeal to the public for help."

"Detectives on Thursday released a picture of 22-year-old Anthony McLeod, also known as Anthony Summers, and warned he could be armed and dangerous."

"They want to question him about a shooting in Bar Zest, in The Burges, early on October 31 which left a 28-year-old man critically ill after he was shot in the face." ...

Australia: Through the barrel of a gun, a distorted view of violent crime
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"After Port Arthur, our police ministers banned semi-automatic and pump-action shotguns preferred in mass killings because of their capacity to fire many rounds quickly and keep police at bay."

"In the 6 years since Port Arthur there have been no incidents in Australia where four or more people were shot. [So, as long as they are shot in ones, twos and threes, it's okay?] Between 1987 and 1996, 100 people were shot dead in Australia in mass shootings ..."
And how many were otherwise victimized by gun-toting criminals?

PA: 6-Year-Old Expelled For Threatening Classmates
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The child, a student at Altavista Elementary School, told a boy and girl in his class he was going to shoot them with his gun. School officials considered the comments to be threats toward his classmates, suspended him and recommended he be expelled."

"The family claims the child was bragging about a new toy gun."

The boy's parents say he "...cried when they told him he couldn't go back to see his friends." ...

Attack firearm violence (letter)
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Despite an epidemic in firearm violence, (Epidemic? On what planet does she reside?)I believe there is a glimmer of hope in the recent focus of applying the public health approach to primary prevention of firearm injury."

" laws have been passed in California and Maryland banning the sale of Saturday Night Specials." (Which will have no effect on crimes committed with firearms, but will keep affordable firearms out of the hands of the lower income citizens.) ...

VA: Gun group aims to end restrictions in Norfolk
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"So the Virginia Citizens Defense League will send an armed delegation to a City Council meeting Nov. 26, as it did for a memorable session in September. It'll keep coming back, making its case, packing the chamber, until the council achieves enlightenment."

" 'We've got to be realistic: Criminals can get guns,' Van Cleave said. 'They'll always be able to get guns. And there's a certain amount of danger we at least mitigate by allowing citizens to protect themselves.' " ...

Australia: Stolen guns still in state
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Police believe that at least some of the 98 firearms stolen from a Beauty Point home are still in Tasmania." ...

[They call in a special reader of sacred kangaroo chips to pull that data out of the ethers, or what?]

" 'We're hopeful (the guns) are still in the State - the indications are that some of them are still here.' "

"Five rifles, 13 shotguns, 35 revolvers and 24 semi-automatic pistols were among the firearms stolen from the West Arm Rd property." ...

Europeans Outlaw Net Hate Speech
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Council of Europe has adopted a measure that would criminalize Internet hate speech, including hyperlinks to pages that contain offensive content. The amendment bans 'any written material' which advocates, promotes or incites hatred, discrimination or violence, against any individual or group of individuals, based on race, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin. It also obliquely refers to the Holocaust, outlawing sites that deny, minimize, approve or justify crimes against humanity." ...
Guess that means the British gun control organizations will be required to pull their sites down. Gun prohibition is clearly a crime against humanity.

One-Stop Shopping For Bombmakers
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"They look innocent enough, and the names sound like things you might find in a baker's pantry or a chemistry set. But when they're mixed the result is a compound called flash powder that can cause a powerful explosion."

"This isn't the work of terrorists using sophisticated materials. The ingredients and the know how to build extremely powerful explosives are easy to come by."

"A joint investigation by CBS News and affiliate KCNC found the chemicals needed to build a bomb right out in the open at a Denver-area gun show, along with the printed instructions on how to make them explode." ...

Quarterly Press refuses to allow author to dedicate book to conservative Justice
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"At the core of Clarence Thomas's judicial philosophy is the Declaration of Independence. ... A fascinating new book on the history and continuing vitality of that document, 'The Declaration of Independence: Origins and Impact,' shows the essence of Justice Thomas' attachment to the Declaration in notes he wrote in 1987: 'Here we find both moral backbone and the strongest defense of individual rights against collectivist schemes, whether by race or over the economy.' " ...

"Justice Thomas has again become the focus of controversy over this new book. Mr. Gerber wanted to dedicate the book to Justice Thomas because he "has said more about the Declaration of Independence than any other public figure since Martin Luther King Jr." But Congressional Quarterly Press refused to permit the dedication. Mr. Gerber says he will not write for that publisher again." ...

VA: Weber City police department offering free firearms classes to women
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A southwest Virginia community is fighting back against rape by teaching women how to protect themselves against an attack."

"The Weber City, Virginia Police Department is offering free self-defense classes for women beginning later this week."

"Students will learn basic self defense techniques and will be taught to do whatever it takes to get away from someone in case of an attack." ...

"The Weber City Police Department is also offering free fire arms classes to women who are interested."

NY: NYC to pay officer $327,500 for firing her over criticism of wrongful shooting death
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The city has agreed to pay $327,500 to a black police officer fired after criticizing the department following the fatal shooting of unarmed African immigrant Amadou Diallo, her lawyer said Monday."

"The Police Department also agreed to reinstate Yvette Walton so she can retire with a pension, said her New York Civil Liberties Union attorney, Christopher Dunn."

"Walton, 40, 'has been completely vindicated,' Dunn said. 'She intends to move on with her life.' " ...

"U.S. District Judge Alvin Hellerstein found last year that Walton would not have been fired if she had not criticized the department after the 1999 shooting. The judge said the officer's First Amendment rights were violated." ...
Diallo was the man shot for wielding a wallet. The four officers who shot at him 41 times (hit 19) were exonerated of all charges.

Australia: Criminals target gun owners after crackdown
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Firearm owners claim a Federal Government crackdown on hand gun ownership has left them vulnerable to criminals operating on the black market."

"A recent theft of nearly 100 guns in northern Tasmania has led to concerns that thieves are now targeting gun collectors."

"The Tasmanian Firearm Owners Association believes the raid on the Beauty Point home is an indication that criminals are closely watching gun collectors."

"The association's president, John Green, says the Commonwealth's crackdown on hand guns in the wake of the Monash University shootings is making legitimate gun collections more appealing to the black market." ...

That the said Constitution shall never be construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press or the rights of conscience; or to prevent the people of The United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms... — Samuel Adams, Debates and Proceedings in the Convention of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, at 86-87 (Pierce & Hale, eds., Boston, 1850).

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