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Newslinks for 11/12/2003

Senate Votes to Arm Cargo Pilots
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The latest government terror warning is giving a push to the stalled effort to allow cargo pilots to carry weapons in the cockpit."

"The Homeland Security Department warned police last week that al-Qaida may be plotting to fly cargo planes from another country into U.S. nuclear plants, bridges, dams or other targets."

"That warning prompted the Senate to pass a bill late Monday that would allow cargo pilots to carry guns, according to Sen. Jim Bunning, R-Ky., the bill's sponsor."

" 'It closes a big loophole in our homeland security,' he said."


Bunning: Let cargo pilots carry firearms
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Kentucky Sen. Jim Bunning hopes the latest warning from the Homeland Security Department will accelerate efforts to beef up security on cargo planes by allowing pilots to carry firearms if they want to."

"The warning, issued to law enforcement officials and emergency workers Friday, said al-Qaida terrorists may be plotting to fly cargo planes from overseas into crucial targets in the United States such as nuclear plants, bridges or dams."

"The warning came from Homeland Security official who spoke to the Associated Press on condition of anonymity and said the information came from a single source overseas and had not been corroborated."

Holding gun makers liable misses the mark
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Regardless of how you feel about guns, holding their manufacturers and distributors responsible for what careless or evil people do with legal and properly functioning products simply doesn’t make sense. To do so would open up a Pandora’s Box. According to the Centers for Disease Control, automobiles kill more than four times as many children annually as guns do. So, do we hold carmakers and dealers liable for these fatalities? Of course not. Manufacturers’ defects not withstanding, the drivers are at fault, not the cars."

"The possible parallels are endless. As The Wall Street Journal pointed out in a recent editorial, should Sony be liable if someone uses one of its cameras to film child pornography? How about bridge builders if someone 'ends it all' by jumping off one? Grim stuff, for sure, but almost anything can be a murder weapon or a suicide aid."

"Congress agrees. The House of Representatives passed its version of the Craig-Baucus bill by a 285-140 vote, with 63 Democrats joining the GOP majority in voting for the bill. More than 30 state legislatures have passed similar laws."

On The CCW Merry-Go-Round
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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" 'I'm all for the right to bear arms,' said Lisbon, WI police chief, Patrick Clarey, 'but there has to be a balance, and the way this law is written, it would not benefit society.' "

"The first tip off that an anti-gun statement is coming is found at the very beginning of the Chief's statement, where he tries to wrap his anti-gun view in the Second Amendment. To say that there has to be a balance in the area of our liberty protected by the Second Amendment means that he has not read the amendment nor read what the founders had to say about it. When they said that the "...right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed," they were not talking about balance. They were telling Chief Clarey to keep his hands off our guns."

Heck, Give Everybody a Gun!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It should be clear why the government and your local police don’t want you to have guns: If you can defend yourself, you don’t have as much need of the police, or indeed, the military. More ominously, you can defend your person, property, and family from the government itself: An armed and educated America would not only need to be less afraid of such government crimes as Ruby Ridge and Waco; that sort of America might clamor for the reduction of the size of government, or even the institution of a different one (a natural right our founders understood and held dear). That our government doesn’t like the prospect of individual gun ownership is not unique to the US – governments all over the world have gun-control laws. Naturally, such laws are no more effective elsewhere than they are in the US."

Civilian Gun Self-Defense (New Blog)
Submitted by: Randy Hudson

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Clayton Cramer has started a blog devoted to reports of civilians using guns in self-defense.

(He does acknowledge KABA's Operation Self-Defense.)

Teen killers feel trapped by masculine stereotypes
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Teenagers who murdered in a dozen other major school shootings in the past seven years thought it was."

"The details differ, but a common thread runs through nearly all of these cases: School shooters are consistently described by classmates as "different" — specifically skinny, lanky, chubby or scrawny. These characteristics are exactly the opposite of how one might imagine a gun-wielding killer to look. And that might be the point."

"An injured manhood seems to lurk behind the explosive rage of many young male shooters. Perceived — and mocked — as different, they target more athletic boys."

More Box Cutters!
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"...the witless process of selecting out people at random for further screening. How many terrorists who flew airplanes into buildings in 2001 were little old ladies in wheelchairs? How many were ladies? How many were toddlers? For that matter, how many were white males? The answer? None."

"And yet, TSA – to maintain 'political correctness' – has a system that could actually ignore a man who could clearly be a terrorist by his appearance, in favor of hassling a towheaded little boy terrified by the procedures at the airport. What should be an exciting adventure for a little boy or girl has become something of a terror – all in the name of 'PC.' This insanity must end!"

Why true conservatives sound liberal: each side is against the centrist middle
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"True conservatives often sound liberal now because they see and comment on the same faults of the present administration, which is a false 'conservative' cabal of populists who don't care how many people they must court for votes as long as they win. To label proponents of huge government, huge federal debt, huge military operations against nations that were never a threat to national security is obviously not conservative in any way, manner, shape, or form."

Our Eroding Liberties
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"As anyone vaguely familiar with the Founding Fathers and the constitution would know, no law robbing us of our personal sovereignty will serve to protect us. It will instead surely enslave us. Whether or not a business owner chooses to allow smoking in his or her place of business is none of the government's concern. They are free to set their own standards, just as all of us are free to choose to patronize that business or not."

"Sure, we were told these laws were being drafted to protect us, from the evils of tobacco. Once more a classic case of Liberalism taking away our rights and seeking to remake America from a Constitutional Republic into a nanny state!" ...

We, The 80% can dictate to you, the 20%
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"Law is only what those who live within it make it. It is up to each one of us to stand up and be heard when we see something morally wrong and stop it if we can or prosecute it later if we can't. Too many of us, now, think that the federal government or our local governments are kings who can't be questioned concerning misdeeds. This idea is strangely similar to the Nuremberg Laws that allowed Hitler to wreak his insanity all across Europe."

MO: Gun law opponents demand more time in appeal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Attorneys who successfully challenged Missouri's new concealed weapons law in St. Louis circuit court say they need more time to get ready for an appeal before the state Supreme Court."

"Attorney General Jay Nixon wants the state high court to hear arguments on the case by Dec. 3. But lawyers for the challengers said today they can't be ready that soon."

TN: Police Blotter: Police Employee Has Gun Stolen While In Court
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Russell Morrison of the Chattanooga Police Department reported he had several items stolen, including his gun, while testifying in court."

"He said he parked his 1994 GMC truck in the County Parking Garage on Walnut Street."

"When he returned to his vehicle, he found that the inside had been ransacked."

"Missing was a Glock 45-caliber weapon, a holster, a hand-held computer and a camera."

Australia: Diamond asks for gun licence
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"AUSTRALIA's dual Olympic shooting gold medallist Michael Diamond has applied to get his gun licence back after an apprehended violence order against him was revoked, police confirmed yesterday."

"Diamond is still facing charges of assaulting his former girlfriend Tracey Kennedy and failing to properly secure a handgun in a case which is ongoing."

"His gun licence was suspended after an interim apprehended violence order was granted to Kennedy, effectively preventing him competing. But a court last week revoked the order, allowing him to apply to get his licence back, despite the outstanding police charges against him."

ME: Windham gun firm given OK to expand
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Planning Board granted conditional approval Monday to Bushmaster Firearms, Inc. to build an 11,500-square-foot addition to its facilities off Route 302. The addition would be built between two existing structures, and would be used for warehousing and assembly, but not manufacturing. The project also calls for the relocation of an existing helicopter pad."

"The board gave Bushmaster the go-ahead to proceed with its plans as long as the company resolves stormwater issues related to the project. Approval followed a public hearing at the Windham Town Offices."

IN: Milford Officers Get New Guns
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Dave Hobbs, Milford town marshal, told the town council Monday the police department needs to update its handguns." ...

"Currently, the Milford police department has six handguns for the department and four full-time officers. However, one firearm is in evidence and another is getting repaired, so the department actually has only four in operation." ...

"The types of guns Hobbs looked at are both .45 caliber but the Glocks with 13-round clips are $489 apiece and the Sig Sauers with seven-round clips are $605. Hobbs wants to purchase 15 handguns, because when the department has all its positions filled, they will have 12 officers in need of guns. There will be three extra."

NH: Precedent Setting Case By The New Hampshire Supreme Court Using The Webster Dictionary For Guidance!
Submitted by: GUNED.COM

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"On the New Hampshire's website, under the Supreme Court rulings, case number 03-0050 - In the Matter of David G. Blanchflower and Sian E. Blanchflower, the court has ruled that women having sex with women is not adultery, using the Webster's Dictionary for reference. What does this have to do with firearms?"

"To the People of the State of New Hampshire, you can now set as precedent, any Second Amendment case, whether it be at the State level or Federal, the use of the Webster's Dictionary to your defense!" ...

"...As we look up Militia, on page 860, the case is made in our favor. As we look up Bill of Rights on page 138, the case is made in our favor, and many more references are available to us now (Webster's NewWorld Dictionary, Third College Edition), thanks to these liberal Justices."

Namibia: Journalists Threatened, Assaulted, Arrested, Vehicle Confiscated
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"On November 8 2003, journalist Paulus Sackarias and driver Simon Haimbodi, both employed by the Afrikaans daily newspaper, Republikein, were threatened, assaulted, arrested and the company vehicle confiscated by Namibian Special Field Force (SFF) members."

"A young boy, showing them their way, was also in the vehicle." ...

"The SFF allegedly pointed their guns at the newspaper employees and the twelve-year-old boy and threatened to shoot them for using a road that is exclusively for police and military use." ...

But only government should have guns, because cops and military are professionals, who would never oppress the people.

DE: Magistrate suspended three months
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"A two-term Justice of the Peace Court magistrate has been suspended because of allegations of inappropriate behavior on the job including pointing a gun at a court clerk, according to Supreme Court records released Monday."

"The gun was not fired, but the display prompted officials to suspend Magistrate John W. O'Bier, 57, for three months, according to court papers. At the end of the suspension, O'Bier's $61,500 yearly salary and benefits will be restored. But he cannot return to the bench until he can demonstrate to medical and treatment providers that he is fit for duty."

"O'Bier, who was appointed to the Sussex County post in 1989, violated the Judge's Code of Judicial Conduct with willful and persistent misconduct, according to court documents."

Australia: Hotel owner on bond over gun storage
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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A Port Kembla hotel owner has been put on a good behaviour bond after a total of 12 firearms charges were heard in Wollongong Local Court yesterday.

The former Port Kembla Chamber Of Commerce official, Nove Despotovski, pleaded not guilty to possessing an unregistered firearm and failing to surrender it to police and succeeded in having the charges dismissed.

Despotovski pleaded guilty to a further eight charges related to the storage of firearms.

Magistrate Robert Walker put Despotovski on a good behaviour bond and ordered no criminal conviction be recorded against his name.

An application by police to destroy the weapons and ammunition they seized in a raid on Despotovski's hotel will be heard on December 8.

NY: Gun locks gain favor for parents
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"In Dutchess and Ulster counties, several thousand of the locks have been handed out, and police have reordered the locks in large quantities, hoping they reach as many gun owners as possible."

CO: No charges in 'make my day' case
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Charges will not be filed against a man who allegedly shot his neighbor's dog and then shot and killed the neighbor when the man confronted him, the Weld County district attorney said Monday."

"The decision not to file charges was a hard one, said Weld County District Attorney Al Dominguez, but the shooting is justified under Colorado's 'make my day' law."


UK: Safe in the city: advice from the SAS
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Opening your bag or getting a mobile phone out with your back to a wall, can reduce the chances of being robbed by up to 50%." ...

"Staying safe is about forward planning and preparation."

"There is a small amount of self-defence taught, but if someone has to use it then we've feel as though we have failed - they should be able to avoid trouble in the first place."

"Most of it is common sense stuff."

"But we do give specific information such as if you are opening a bag or getting your mobile out, do it against a wall so no-one can approach you from behind."

"Or carry a dummy wallet so if you are mugged you can hand that over."

"And if you are walking on your own down a street, if possible walk facing traffic so cars can't approach you from behind to abduct you."

Crime is on the rise. Simply opening your purse could get you victimized, so take extravagant and ludicrous precautions, but don't carry anything that could be a weapon, because that's illegal.

Australia: Accused killer's hide-out
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Murdoch is expected to be extradited to Darwin tomorrow following his arrest on Monday after a SA jury acquitted him of charges of raping a 12-year-old girl before abducting her and her mother at gunpoint."

"The trial heard Murdoch began turning up in SA with large sums of cash to buy cannabis and amphetamines about 12 months before Mr Falconio was allegedly shot at Barrow Creek, 220km south of Tennant Creek." ...

"The court also was told that - since the alleged murder, which captured international headlines - Murdoch . . . usually wore a 9mm semi-automatic pistol in a shoulder holster, while keeping a high-powered rifle with a telescopic sight in his LandCruiser."

And disarming peaceable citizens will help protect the populace from people like this how?

CA: Jesse James gun gets $350,000
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"THE gun that killed outlaw Jesse James has sold at auction for $US350,000."

"The .44 calibre nickel-finished Smith & Wesson was purchased by an absentee bidder who requested anonymity, said Brian Maize, spokesman for Little John's Antique Arms Inc, which organised the auction."

"There were more than 20 bidders for the gun, which had been expected to bring about $US300,000." ...

"Maize said the top bid was a record for a Western history firearm. The previous high was $US240,000 paid in 1998 for a pistol used by outlaw 'Blackjack' Ketchum."

NY: Armed thug brutally beats disarmed man
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police have released a sketch of one of the suspects involved in a robbery on Saturday."

"Police say a 64-year-old Scarsdale man was walking home from the train station in Hartsdale Saturday when a car pulled up to him. According to police, one of the men in the car got out, demanded money and showed a gun. He allegedly made off with $300 and then pistol-whipped the man until he was bloody in the face."

"The two suspects then took off in a Lincoln town car and headed towards White Plains. The man managed to make it home and his wife called 911."

Welcome to thug-friendly New York, where victims are almost sure to be disarmed for the robbers' convenience.

UK: Converted Replica, Air Weapons Contribute to U.K.'s Rising Gun Crime
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Scotland Yard report finds that the conversion of replica guns and air guns, such as those used in paintball games, are contributing to rising gun crime rates in England and Wales."

" 'In recent years there has been an extraordinary improvement in the quality of the replica weapons available on the British firearms market, and, in particular, a rapid growth in 'air-soft', black-powder, CO2, or 'blank-firer' replica weapons, directed in particular at war-games enthusiasts and at other 'sport shooters',' the report said."

"According to the report, the compact Italian-made Derringer blank-firing pistol is 'notoriously simple to convert' and is popular among girlfriends of drug dealers because it's easy to conceal."

This just goes to show you that enterprising criminals will figure out a way, despite the government's gun ban.

South Africa: Officer arrested as 'love feud' ends in death
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A police officer has allegedly shot and killed a prison warder he believed was having an affair with his wife.

Henry Andrews was shot three times and fatally wounded by a police inspector at the policeman's home in on Saturday after the officer accused Andrews of having an affair with his wife.

The policeman was arrested and charged soon after the incident.

The Independent Complaints Directorate (ICD) is investigating the incident. The watchdog body has opened a murder docket in connection with the matter and is also looking at whether the police were in dereliction of duty in allowing the suspect to retain his service pistol, despite a pending charge of attempted murder.

In South Africa, while the citizenry is being disarmed, this guy is armed and dangerous. Only police and military should have guns, right Mrs. Brady?

UK: Man, 36, in court over 'gun factory'
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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A MAN has appeared in court charged with the possession of prohibited firearms after police raided a suspected gun-conversion factory in South London.

Paul Henry Packham, of Wickham Lane, Plumstead, appeared at Greenwich Magistrates' Court on Saturday charged with possessing seven replica firearms that had been converted to fire live ammunition.

Packham, who was arrested on Thursday, is also charged with possessing 175 rounds of ammunition, producing cannabis, possession of cannabis with intent to supply, and possession of a stun baton.

The 36-year-old was remanded in custody.

UK: Queen's Home in Gun Raid
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"GUNMEN burst into a shop in the grounds of Windsor Castle and took £15,000 from a safe."

"Three men in balaclavas held staff at gunpoint as they stole the weekend's takings."

"A deputy manageress and three male assistants were ambushed at 7am as they prepared to open Windsor Farm Shop."

"They were threatened with a handgun by the gang, who sped off in a silver BMW. The shop is a short walk from the castle, which is the Queen's weekend home."

IA: Free gun locks to be distributed in Fayette County
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The locks consist of an armored steel cable with one end permanently secured to a keyed padlock. When the lock is properly installed, the
firearm is unloaded and the lock prevents the firearm's action from closing."

"To lock the device, a gun owner inserts the loose end of the cable into the padlock, with the key turned to farthest clockwise position. The key is then turned counterclockwise and removed. The gun owner should always check that the cable is secure."

"To unlock the cable, an individual turns the key clockwise, removes the loose end of cable from padlock and threads it through the unloaded firearm."

Do you think the home invader, rapist or murderer is going to wait patiently for you to remove your gun lock?

OK: Oklahoma Ready for 16-Day Gun Season
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Not since the 1960s have deer hunters had the opportunity to hunt a full 16 days during the deer gun season. Running Nov. 22 through Dec. 7, the deer gun season is undoubtedly Oklahoma's most popular hunting event and this year hunters have reason to be excited about the upcoming season." ...

"More than 161,000 gun hunters took to the woods last fall, harvesting 59,824 deer. With good weather, hunters can again look forward to excellent opportunities to harvest a deer this fall."

MD: Plan To Keep Tots From Toting Toy Guns Hits Snag
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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A ban on toy guns in Annapolis has been put on hold.

Rather than see her proposal go down in defeat, Annapolis Alderwoman Cynthia Carter tabled the measure Monday night.

The legislation just didn't have enough backing, but Carter said she will try to line up enough support to pass the measure soon.

Opponents on the council said the legislation isn't necessary and would infringe on a parent's right to choose toys for their children.

The measure was introduced by Carter after a 7-year-old boy was arrested in April for aiming a toy gun at a video store clerk. The ordinance would have outlawed realistic-looking toy guns, and imposed penalties of up to three months in jail and a $1,000 fine.

MO: Lawmakers question scope of concealed-guns injunction
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Legal experts say a St. Louis judge's injunction blocking Missouri's new concealed guns law applies statewide, though some lawmakers who support the measure believe the ruling is valid only in St. Louis."

"St. Louis Circuit Judge Steven Ohmer issued the injunction Friday, a ruling that Attorney General Jay Nixon immediately appealed to the Missouri Supreme Court. Lawmakers adopted the concealed weapons law in September by overriding Gov. Bob Holden's veto."

"Ohmer's temporary injunction on Oct. 10 halted the law one day before it was to take effect. His ruling Friday made the temporary injunction permanent."

Kenya: Lecturer gunned down in night attack
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Egerton University don was shot dead by gangsters in the outskirts of Nakuru town."

"Dr Michael Thuo Kuria, the dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, and the coordinator of Community Resource Centre, a HIV/Aids project involving the university and the community surrounding the Njoro main campus."

"News of Dr Kuria's death on Monday night plunged the institution into a state of mourning with striking lecturers who were meeting at the university's Graduation Square expressing anger at the killing."

"The lecturers called on the government to conduct thorough investigations into the incident and ensure that the culprits were brought to justice."

Guns are outlawed to your average Kenyan, and only security officers are allowed firearms. Here you see another government-disarmed victim.

Vietnam: Cops armed with paintball guns
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"POLICE in the Vietnamese capital have a new gun in their holsters and it's got a colorful bang."

"They've armed themselves with paintball guns to brand and track robbers and illegal motorbike racers."

"The guns will be used to pelt thieves and racers with red, yellow and green dyes, said Tran Quoc Hung, administrative head of Hanoi's police."

"The guns have a range of 10 metres and will help police to track fast-moving suspects on motorcycles who could otherwise dart unnoticed into a sea of other bikes."

"Robbery is not a major problem in Hanoi, but street racing on motorbikes is becoming more common."

OH: Officer Who Accidentally Shot Daughter Won't Likely Be Charged
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A police officer who accidentally shot his daughter while cleaning his service revolver likely won't face any charges."

"Mickey Collins, who works for the Campbell County Police Department, was reloading his gun after cleaning it at about 9 p.m. at his home ... The gun discharged once, hitting his 10-year-old daughter in the buttocks. The bullet exited through one of her legs."

"Both the Campbell County and Boone County police departments are investigating the incident, though it doesn't appear that Collins will be charged, Hamrick reported."

Once again, the "trained professional" gets off scot-free for what is obviously negligent discharge of his firearm - failure to keep his finger off the trigger.

KY: Jury acquits man in fatal shooting
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Kelly O'Hara contended all along that he was acting in self-defense when he shot and killed his girlfriend's ex-husband during a struggle last January."

"Yesterday, a Jefferson Circuit Court jury acquitted him of a murder charge in the death of Michael Henry — and refused to find him guilty of any lesser crimes, including manslaughter or reckless homicide."

OH: Van Wert man avoids indictment in shooting
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry

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"A Van Wert County grand jury has declined to return an indictment against a city resident in connection with a shooting during a domestic disturbance last month, the county prosecutor said yesterday." ...

"For the third time this year, a grand jury has refused to punish an Ohioan simply for defending themselves or someone else. Bravo."

"Now the next question - why are they being charged by prosecutors in the first place?"

Gun control? It's the best thing you can do for crooks and gangsters. I want you to have nothing. If I'm a bad guy, I'm always gonna have a gun. Safety locks? You will pull the trigger with a lock on, and I'll pull the trigger. We'll see who wins. — Sammy "The Bull" Gravano, whose testimony convicted John Gotti.

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