Second Amendment Foundation Part of Growing International Coalition – IAPCAR
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Bruce Krafft
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"The International Association for the Protection of Civilian Arms Rights ( IAPCAR) announced today that civilian arms rights groups in the Ukraine, Moldova, and Belarus have joined the international coalition of 28 associations in 20 countries dedicated to the preservation and defense of civilian firearms rights."
"After meeting in Moscow for the second Right to Arms Congress the Ukrainian Gun Owners Association , Moldova’s Practical Shooting Association , and the Association of Practical Shooting in Belarus agreed join the growing coalition of civilian arms rights organizations." ... |
Op-Ed: Guns Gone Gone
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Bruce Krafft
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"When reporters panic about gun control, it is time for perspective. Some panicky-sounding reporters portray the loss and thefts of guns from licensed gun dealers ('FFLs' in the trade) as a huge problem, one that leads to violent crimes committed with those stolen guns. But how big is this lost or stolen gun crime problem?"
"Guns do get lost and guns do get stolen. Criminals confess to stealing them whenever possible, and some local gun stores – the place with the big safes and locked storage rooms – occasionally do get robbed by determined criminals, usually employing heavy machinery."
"But important as it is to reduce the number of stolen and lost firearms, the rate of loss and theft is comparatively insignificant. ..." ... |
Gun prohibitionists blatantly and falsely libel Texas gun rights group
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Bruce Krafft
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"Last Saturday, the gun ban lobby group 'Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America' held a meeting in a Dallas restaurant. The gun rights advocacy group Texas Open Carry ... took the opportunity to hold a rally in the restaurant parking lot."
"'Writing from the left,' as he describes his propaganda in Forbes, Rick Ungar took exception to the fact that the open carry rally featured . . . open carrying: Ungar wasted no time in making clear that 'writing from the left' means lying through one's teeth, in his 'Texas Gun Bullies Use Semi-Automatics To Terrorize Mothers Against Guns-NRA Remains Silent.'"
"Ungar, of course, presents precisely zero evidence of 'bullying,' ... and he also blatantly lies:" ... |
Guns in the Public Sphere: The Balance Between Self-Defense and Public Safety
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Bruce Krafft
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"The gun rights discourse has occupied the media spotlight during the past several years owing to the horrific gun violence at Sandy Hook and, most recently, at the D.C. Naval Yard. On Friday, October 11, 2013, California Governor Jerry Brown signed into law seven bills regulating various aspects of gun ownership in California. ..."
"One aspect of the gun rights debate that was not addressed in the recent California legislative session is the ability to carry guns in public. ... Proponents of gun rights emphasize the need for self-defense and the long history and tradition of the Second Amendment. Opponents retort with arguments rooted in public safety and the negative effects of a pervasive 'gun culture.' ..." ... |
Runner’s World Promotes Handgun Ban alongside Shoe Reviews, Training Recipes
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Bruce Krafft
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"One of the regrettable consequences of the political class’s obsession with gun control legislation (despite the American public not considering guns a significant problem) is that it encourages people and publications that otherwise aren’t political into sharing their oblivious opinions on the matter."
"Such is the case with a November 5th column on the website of Runner’s World magazine. Nestled on a front page that includes an article on 'How Pumpkins Can Help Your Running' and a video titled 'Power Yoga for Runners' is a piece by track athlete Nick Symmonds calling for a ban on handguns and popular semi-automatic rifles." ... |
Ammo Review: Barnes 300 AAC Blackout 110gr TAC-TX
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Bruce Krafft
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"Some people say the 300 AAC Blackout round isn’t good for hunting, and they might be right — if they’re using the wrong ammo. Heavier loads have a tendency to fail to expand upon impact. That means less energy is transferred to the target and therefore the shot is less effective. But a quality high velocity round with excellent expansion capability will stop that buck dead in its tracks. Barnes released their 110gr TAC-TX bullet specifically designed for 300 BLK guns earlier this year. And after extensive field testing I can say without a doubt that it’s the perfect hunting round for this caliber. Let me explain why . . ." ... |
Good Customer Experience With Springfield Armory
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Bruce Krafft
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... "I began interacting with Mr. Robert Dominacki of Springfield Armory, and I noticed that it did take several e-mails to flush out exactly what I should do. Springfield wanted my entire weapon as opposed to just sending in the barrel in order to see if any other part of the gun was malfunctioning."
"... Robert issued a return merchandise authorization ... Springfield paid for the shipment through FedEx, both to the factory and back to me. While Robert told me that it could be up to six weeks, I received it back within a week of receipt by Springfield with a new barrel, tested by their technicians to function just fine with the replacement barrel, a match grade 4.5″ .45 ACP just like I sent to them." ... |
Why Many Agencies are Switching to the 9mm
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"... I wish I could say that I spent my weekend at the shooting range, but right now I’m in Baltimore, MD on business."
"That means when I go running in the morning I’m not carrying concealed and instead have to run with only my tactical pen. It will be nice to go home soon to a state that cares about self-preservation and not a state that wants to keep people unarmed (which is always a sign of a dangerous government.)"
"Since I didn’t go shooting yesterday I spent a lot of time reading and researching. And one topic that keeps popping up lately is how several law enforcement agencies are now switching back to the 9mm. The fact is, law enforcement in Minnesota, Iowa, South Dakota, and Colorado are just a few of the places switching." ... |
Gun safety advocate tells Ed Schultz: My daughters and I get ‘threats of sexual violence’ daily
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Bruce Krafft
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"The founder of a gun safety advocacy group told MSNBC host Ed Schultz on Monday that the abuse against her goes beyond an attempt at intimidation by 40 armed gun owners this past weekend."
"'As a member of this organizations, I get death threats and threats of sexual violence against myself and my daughters on a daily basis,' Moms Demand Action ... founder Shannon Watts said to Schultz. 'This is an underbelly of America that all citizens should understand is out there, and that they do not want any kind of regulation of the Second Amendment whatsoever.'"
"As PolicyMic reported on Monday, four members of her group were meeting inside a Dallas, Texas restaurant when members of Open Carry Texas arrived ..." ... |
TX: Moms Demand Action’s “MUST WATCH” Open Carry Video (video story)
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Bruce Krafft
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"Last night, Moms Demand Action’s founder Shannon Watts Tweeted: 'MUST WATCH: This is how #GunBullies from @OpenCarryTexas treat female officers http://youtu.be/yA9biLK5Evg #GunSense #MomsDemandAction #NRA #2A' I Tweeted back: What’s the problem exactly? And why is the fact that she’s female relevant? So far no response. Oh and guess what? Seems like Shannon doesn’t want @guntruth to know her thoughts. Look what happened when I hit the 'follow' button . . ." ... |
Bracken’s ‘Castigo Cay’ offered as free Kindle download
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David Codrea
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... "As with all three books in Bracken’s 'Enemies' trilogy, this correspondent gave this novel an enthusiastic review when it first came out in hard copy. It’s high adventure true to Bracken’s trademark 'bleeding-edge dystopian thriller' tradition, full of memorable characters, excitement, and importantly, an unbending commitment to liberty. And as with his other books, the author’s real-world experience as a former SEAL, shipbuilder and sailor ensures the technical details in the fictional experience ring true." ... |
Feel in danger? Stay classy, buy a bulletproof suit
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"A Canadian tailor is releasing a three-piece suit that has everything a danger-seeking 21st century executive could need -- killer looks plus bulletproof protection that would make James Bond envious."
"The company, Garrison Bespoke, believes it has combined style and safety, using lightweight carbon nanotube technology to absorb impact from bullets fired from handguns and prevent punctures from knife attacks."
"All in all, the luxury suit, retailing at almost Can$20,000 [19,065.75USD], seeks to provide a select few customers a way to avoid being killed while traveling abroad." ... |
Demand For Armored Vehicles Booms Among Uber-Wealthy
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"Bloomberg reports that Texas Armoring, a San Antonio-based company specializing in armoring vehicles for the super-rich (the biggest in the world), is enjoying an unprecedented sales boom."
"Currently, they armor about 200 vehicles per year. In the next five years, the company's CEO, Trent Kimbell, expects that number to double."
"'If you’re rich and need protection, you are going to come to us to armor your vehicle,' Kimbell says. The part about being rich makes sense. Including the vehicle, the low-end cost is $80,000, the high-end is $500,000. Protection itself ranges from being fortified against handguns all the way up to repelling an AK-47 and M-16." ... |
OH: Police say robber fired first shot in carryout
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Bruce Krafft
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"December Long had already been shot when she opened fire on the man robbing the West Toledo carryout where she works."
"She was shot at least once in her abdomen, according to a police incident report about the Saturday night incident."
"Police Sgt. Joe Heffernan said that after reviewing surveillance video ... it appears the robber, Christopher Shockley, 28, fired first."
"Shockley was shot once in his torso, said Lucas County Deputy Coroner Dr. Maneesha Pandey, who performed the man’s autopsy Monday."
"When police arrived, Shockley was found unconscious near the front door; Ms. Long was at the back of the store, the report states. Store owner Dan Ridi did not return calls for comment on Sunday or Monday." ... |
LA: Family of Kidnapped Louisiana Woman Kills Abductor in Daring Rescue
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Bruce Krafft
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"The family of a kidnapped Louisiana mother tracked down and killed the father of her child in the abandoned house where he was allegedly holding her prisoner, authorities said." ...
"'[The family] converged on a piece of property about a mile from where the car was found,' [Capt.] Judice said. 'One of the family members heard what he thought was a scream.'"
"Arceneaux's cousin approached the home, kicked in the door in and entered, Judice said. Inside, he found Thomas with the woman. Thomas then began stabbing Arceneaux ..."
"'The cousin, who was armed, began firing several shots at Thomas,' Judice said. 'After a couple of shots, [Arceneaux] was able to get free of him and they escorted her out of the house.'" ... |
Gonzaga Students Report Confiscated Firearms As Stolen
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Bruce Krafft
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"Eagle-eyed TTAG reader EN saw this at spokesman.com regarding Gonzaga campus cops’ confiscation of Erik Fagan and Daniel McIntosh’s firearms after a defensive gun use: 'It was campus security. They entered the home, went upstairs to the bedrooms and hammered on the doors, telling them to give up the weapons, the students said. The officers confiscated McIntosh’s GLOCK and Fagan’s shotgun, which he uses for hunting and sport shooting. The guns still haven’t been returned to the men, and the two reported them stolen to Spokane police.' ..." |
WA: Students Who Used Gun to Defend Apartment Protest Punishment
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Bruce Krafft
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"The debate over gun restrictions on college campuses is flaring up in Washington State."
"On Friday, Gonzaga University disciplined two college seniors for violating the school’s weapons policy after one of the students used a legally owned handgun to fend off a potential home intruder."
"The private university in Spokane prohibits 'possession, use, sale, or exchange of weapons at any location on campus, or within University residences.'"
"The students, roommates Erik Fagan and Daniel McIntosh, were placed on indefinite probation and are protesting the punishment, claiming they should have the right to defend themselves. Over the weekend, the university said it agreed to review its weapons policy, the AP reported." ... |
WA: Gonzaga students placed on probation, will appeal
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Bruce Krafft
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"Gonzaga University yesterday advised two senior roommates who fended off a wanted felon with a handgun that they are now on probation, but this morning’s Spokane Spokesman-Review reports that Erik Fagan and Daniel McIntosh will appeal the ruling."
"KVI morning host John Carlson said this morning that the university is 'back-pedaling' on the controversy, and he did two segments on the story, once during the 5 o'clock hour and again about halfway during the 7 o'clock hour." ... |
WA: College Students Placed on Probation For Pulling Gun on Six-Time Felon
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Bruce Krafft
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"Gonzaga University seniors Erik Fagan and Daniel McIntosh were placed on probation Sunday for pulling a pistol on a six-time felon who demanded money from them in their university-owned apartment."
"School policy prohibits weapons 'at any location on campus, or within University residences.' The school board found the students guilty of possessing weapons on school property and of putting others in danger, according to the student's attorney Dean Chuang."
"Fagan told the Spokesman-Review they intend to appeal the probation:" ... |
MA: Police Entering Homes To Make Sure Guns Are Stored Safely? If This Politician Has His Way…
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"A Massachusetts politician has put forth a proposal to allow local police to enter homes without a warrant in order to inspect whether gun owners are properly storing their firearms."
"The idea was floated by Swampsott Selectman Barry Greenfield, who expressed frustration about the Newtown school massacre in the neighboring state of Connecticut and in other cases where people have obtained their parents’ guns to carry out shootings."
"'We need the ability to enforce the state law,' Greenfield said, according to the Swampscott Patch."
"... Under Massachusetts law, it is 'unlawful to store or keep any firearm … in any place unless such weapon is secured in a locked container ...'" ... |
NJ: Atlantic City police officer sued again in excessive-force case
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Bruce Krafft
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"Atlantic City Police Officer Sterling Wheaten faces allegations of excessive force and civil rights violations for the second time in a month, court documents show."
"Wheaten is accused of assaulted Janine Costantino, of Bayonne, as she used a camera phone to record an altercation last summer between relatives and police inside an elevator at Caesars Atlantic City, according to a civil suit filed last week in U.S. District Court in Camden." ... |