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Newslinks for 11/13/2003

The Epiphany of an Anti-Gunner
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Original title: Brown: Allison Gets Her Gun (Almost)

"It was one of those issues that, for me, was completely black and white. No grey areas. I made my position clear to anyone who asked. I was a card-carrying member of Handgun Control, Inc, – a fact I am now ashamed to admit (hey, think they’ll give my money back if I ask?)." ...

"...I’m not sure which is more embarrassing – the ignorance I displayed in my previous attitude, or the speed at which I was convinced how wrong I was by someone I barely knew. Oh, I tried to put up a fight with the person who started all of this, but I found out quickly how truly unarmed I was. I found nothing on the Internet to support my arguments, and everything to support his."

Gun laws wouldn't have halted killer
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Gun-control laws didn't stop Gary Ridgway. Background checks did not prevent his killing spree. Waiting periods never interrupted his schedule." ...

"In all of these killings, there was one striking common denominator: Ridgway never used a gun." ...

", in communities all over the nation, convicted sexual predators are being routinely placed in so-called 'halfway houses,' often without the knowledge of neighbors and at other times against the overwhelming objection of local residents and businesses."

"Ironically ...they are also supporting efforts to restrict your right to own and carry a firearm for your protection and the protection of your family." ...

The Assault Weapons Ban May Be Bush's Undoing
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Don't be surprised in the coming months to see the Bush administration pushing for a renewal of the assault weapons ban by promoting it as an effective tool in our fight against terrorism. After all, such a ban would make it easier for law enforcement officers to break up terrorist organizations here in the United States. ..." ...

"Like most federal laws, the assault weapons ban was originally passed with the assumption that Americans are willing to sacrifice liberty for safety. This, of course, has been historically a safe assumption on the part of our elected officials in Washington. But Bush's position on the assault weapons ban may very well come back to haunt him when he seeks to reconnect with his conservative base in 2004."

Innocents Betrayed: A Movie Review
Submitted by: Jennifer Freeman

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Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
- George Santayana

"Unlike Michael Moore's crockumentary, Bowling for Columbine, Innocents Betrayed contains actual footage, photographs, and historic facts that demonstrates a definitive link between 'gun control', firearm confiscation, and genocide."

This is the introductory quote to the dramatic documentary, Innocents Betrayed, recently released by Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership.

Unlike Michael Moore's crockumentary, Bowling for Columbine, Innocents Betrayed contains actual footage, photographs, and historic facts that demonstrates a definitive link between "gun control", firearm confiscation, and genocide.


Safe Families Gun Safety Tips
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Experts say it's okay to have a gun in your home, if you follow some important safety guidelines."

" 'The old days of putting a gun on a top shelf of a closet, that's ridiculous now a days,' says Doug Brown with Lafayette Shooters. 'Children are curious. They are going to try to find it, unless you educate the child unless you make the gun completely safe.' "

"Several ways to make a gun safer is to keep it unloaded, in a gun case, with a trigger lock on it."

How many home invaders will wait for you to open the case, retrieve your ammunition and unlock your trigger lock? Care to stake your life on it?

CCRKBA Commends Senate Vote on Armed Cargo Pilots
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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" 'We commend the United States Senate for voting earlier this week to allow cargo pilots to carry guns in the cockpit,' John Michael Snyder, public affairs director of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA), said here today." ...

"Snyder, named Dean of gun lobbyists by national media, noted that, 'our country is at war with militant, radical Islamist terrorists. Just last week, according to reports, the Homeland Security Department issued warnings to police that Al-Qaeda may be conspiring to fly cargo planes into American nuclear plants, bridges, dams or other targets.' "

CCRKBA Calls On Gov. Doyle to Sign CCW Bill, or Lawmakers Should Override Veto
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"After reaching several compromises on a concealed carry bill, Wisconsin lawmakers have hammered out a sensible package that Gov. Jim Doyle should sign, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) said today."

"CCRKBA Executive Director Joe Waldron noted that the compromise bill addresses several concerns raised by concealed carry opponents. While the final bill is not ideal, he called it 'a reasonable first step,' and urged Gov. Doyle to sign it, or allow it to become law automatically. If Gov. Doyle vetoes the bill, Waldron expressed hopes that the Legislature would override."

Sleeping With The Enemy
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"If there is one thing that is certain in the fight to preserve the Second Amendment, it is that the gun confiscation movement would prefer to 'divide and conquer' the various subsets of gun owners and their related specialties."

"For example, the appeal to elitism amongst trap and skeet club members, versus the more socially 'unacceptable' firearms uses (practical shooting, long-range big bore shooting, etc.) is a case in point."

The M-16 jamming debate continues
Submitted by: gary g

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"On a quick reading of the story, I noticed that Miller said that he had grabbed his rifle when they got stuck in a shoot-it-out type situation. This means to me that Miller grabbed the standard-issue M-16 that has been Army and other American military branch issue since the Vietnam War."

"And that answered the question in just a couple minutes' time, since the M-16 has always had this reputation of crapping out through jams just when you need it to work in the very worst way. The stories of our guys being found dead in Vietnam after firefights with a hopelessly jammed M-16 are legion, and apparently the so-called fixes the military put in place early on have not remedied the basic problem -- what we have in the M-16 is a basically inferior design as far as inherent ability to function under adverse conditions."

Guns, Pain and Horror: Congress Should Act (2 Letters)
Submitted by: paul raynolds

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"If the gun makers' immunity bill passes in Congress, it will be one more example of how a powerful lobby can create a situation that is a danger to the public. You remind us that the assault weapons ban expires next September. Of what use are assault rifles to the average citizen?"

Smith & Wesson honored by wholesale group
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Smith & Wesson Holding Corp., the Scottsdale-based parent company of handgun maker Smith & Wesson Corp., was named '2003 Hunting and Shooting Sports Firearms Manufacturer of the Year' by the sporting goods industry's national association of wholesalers, company officials said Wednesday."

UK: Pub raid gang shoot landlord
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"THE owner of an Upton Park pub was shot in his right thigh in front of terrified customers during an armed robbery on Guy Fawkes night."

"One of three masked men, all armed with handguns, shot the 48-year-old landlord after he had already handed over money from the safe amid demands for more cash."

IA: FREE gun safety kits!
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Ogden Police Department will provide free firearm safety kits to local residents through a partnership with Project ChildSafe, the nationwide firearms safety education program."

"The 200 safety kits, which include gunlocks, will be distributed starting Nov. 11, 2003 until they are gone."

CA: Harris slams Hallinan on city's gun violence
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"San Francisco district attorney candidate Kamala Harris on Tuesday seized on the fatal shooting of a 15-year-old boy on a Muni bus to claim that incumbent Terence Hallinan isn't doing enough to combat gun violence."

"Hallinan countered by saying Harris is exploiting a tragedy for political gain and claimed that she doesn't have her facts straight."

"Joined by community activists from Bayview-Hunters Point and the Mission District outside San Francisco's Hall of Justice, Harris said the district attorney should be leading the fight against what she calls a crisis of gun violence in the city."

An anti gunner is exploiting tragedy for political gain. Does this really come as a surprise to anyone?

'Just say no' to gun-wielding cops in school
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Thankfully, no one was shot or hurt, but then neither were any drugs confiscated. Instead, the entire exercise was a lesson in everything we hope not to teach our children, that:

- School officials are not to be trusted;

- Police are not to be trusted;

- Grownups are dangerous and weird."

"That's what I heard as I watched reruns with two college freshmen, and that's what I would take away from the experience were I a Stratford student." ...

"What happened at Stratford is inexcusable, unacceptable and un-American."

AZ: Some seniors feel protected by carry, conceal weapons
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Sergei Sikorsky of Sun City Grand has taken a step to protect himself. He said he carries a firearm wherever he goes with the confidence he could save his own and others' lives if necessary." ...

"More and more seniors also share those thoughts."

"According to the state Department of Public Safety, 31,236 state residents between the ages of 50 and 69 have the right to carry concealed weapons, which includes 6,195 women."

WI: More anti-American whining from the Brady corner
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Wisconsin's concealed handgun bill, SB-214, is an extreme proposal that would force local law enforcement officials to issue permits to carry concealed handguns (CCW) to any applicant who meets a few basic standards. Wisconsin law enforcement strongly opposes SB-214 because of the threat that hidden handguns pose to police and public safety."

"SB-214 Is Too Extreme - Puts Wisconsin On Far Right"

VA: Parker details anti-crime initiative
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"With the news of the city's 84th murder still fresh, Richmond Police Chief Col. Andre Parker dissected the city's new crime fighting initiative Wednesday at his weekly press conference."

"Parker, who is extremely punctual, arrived late for the meeting. En route to the meeting, Parker came across a driver who was making an 'unsafe maneuver,' according to Parker. Parker proceeded to pull over the motorist."

VA: Private city streets, keep out -- RRHA reinstates its rule telling those who don't belong to leave or else
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"As part of the city's effort to reduce the climbing crime rate, Richmond police and the city's housing authority will again enforce a no-trespassing policy in its public housing projects."

" 'The RRHA policy is an admission by police officials that they have no idea how to provide for public safety without violating the Constitution,' Steven D. Benjamin said in a written statement. 'The policy creates a constitution-free zone that permits police harassment and further alienation of citizens.' "

VA: Rejecting Reality
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Believe it or not, but after years of racial tension, economic envy and mutual distrust, it took the Richmond City Council to finally bring this city together. Thanks to council’s performance, Richmonders of every race, creed and color agree: The City Council is a disaster.

The collection of incompetents, careerists and low-rent crooks who pretend to run the city have moved past tragedy (Chuck Richardson), through comedy (Sa’ad El-Amin) to municipal natural disaster. The City Council is no longer a laughable organization but a malignant organism, a boil to be lanced, a cancer to be excised." ...

"It is probably safe to say that every racial, ethnic, religious and special-interest group from the NRA to the NAACP cast a majority vote against Richmond’s current government. Mayor McCollum, Sen. Marsh, Rev. Hedgepeth, look around: There’s nobody on your team."

Welcome to a corrupt, anti-gun welfare-state city.

The Europeanization of American Education
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Have not men been feminized, drink, sports and sex worshipped, immodesty and infidelity popularized, money idolized (and yet, the rich demonized), tyranny adored (after the communist model), a knowledge of American history and government debunked, internationalism enthroned, and illiteracy standardized - and this in our schools?"

"America fled Europe in search of religious liberty, and defeated Europe in order to secure that liberty. But in her prosperity, she looked back to Europe to educate her children. Europe answered and Europe conquered."

"Isn’t it about time we turned back the clock?"

TX: Jury Finds Durst Not Guilty of Murder
Submitted by: Lyndell Rottmann

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"A jury on Tuesday delivered a stunning verdict of not guilty in the murder case of cross-dressing New York millionaire Robert Durst."

"Durst was on trial for the shooting death of his 71-year-old neighbor, Morris Black, whose body was chopped up and thrown into Galveston Bay." ...

"But Fox News' senior judicial analyst Andrew P. Napolitano said that in one way, the verdict was not unexpected. 'Texas has the broadest self-defense principle in the union,' he said. 'This is a defense that rings true with Texans.' " ...

"But defense attorneys contended Black was shot accidentally while the two men struggled for a gun after Durst found his neighbor illegally in his apartment. The defense said prosecutors failed to show jurors any motive for the killing or disprove self-defense."


SC: Goose Creek or Goose Step
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I would think – silly me – that if I ordered a drug raid on my school, I would ask for a description of what would happen, so that I might be prepared, or maybe even ask for a different type of search if I didn’t like the default method. What we had here is failure to communicate."

"Police, on the other hand, have a sound and logical reason for what they did. Goose Creek police Lt. Dave Aarons said the guns were drawn as 'a matter of officer safety.' He said, 'I don't think it was an overreaction…Anytime you have qualified information regarding drugs and large amounts of money, there's a reasonable assumption weapons are involved.' "

"Makes sense. Now, let’s examine the inventory of drugs, guns and money confiscated in the sweep. What’s that you say? Nothing? They found nothing? In a high-school, where drugs are said to be a 'growing problem?' You found not one gram of pot, crack or anything? No guns? Nothing? We seem to have a significant intelligence problem here."

UK: Gurkhas face court martial
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Fourth story on the page


Three British Gurkha soldiers appeared before a court martial yesterday on charges relating to the death of a 14-year-old boy after a bar brawl in Belize two years ago.

Rifleman Durgahang Limbu, Rfn Yograj Rai and Rfn Ramesh Rai, all of the 2nd Gurkha Rifles, pleaded not guilty to charges of violent disorder. The trial, in Colchester, Essex, was adjourned and will reconvene in Belmopan, Belize, next Tuesday.

David Zabaneh was found severely injured after a brawl involving Gurkhas and other British soldiers - understood to include SAS - at Raul's Rose Garden nightclub in Belize in May 2001. He was flown to Florida for emergency brain treatment, but died in hospital.

More proof that only government agents should have the right to keep and bear arms, right?

MO: Businesses, residents take a closer look at concealed gun law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Even though the law has been tied up in St. Louis circuit court for several weeks and will likely be for several more, many business owners and municipalities are trying to address the law's wording." ...

"Many buildings and businesses already have signs posted trying to prevent firearms from being brought in. Signs posted by private property owners must be at least 11 by 14 inches in size with 1-inch letters and clearly visible." ...

"Scott, a Lowry City business owner himself, said Missouri has the strongest conceal and carry law in the U.S. and only eight states don't have some form of conceal and carry law on the books."

" 'The people that get a permit are not the ones I am going to worry about,' Scott said."

OH: Statehouse 'Defense' Walk brings big numbers to Columbus!
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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"Early reports from Columbus are that we had the second-highest 'Defense' Walk attendance to date, as over 120 OFCC supporters openly carried their firearms around the State Capitol today (plus probably 10-15 children who were, of course, not armed)." ...

" 'Even the reporters were amazed we got that many people out there on a weekday,' said Gerard Valentino, OFCC's Central Ohio Coordinator. 'I used it as an example of how strongly Ohioans believe in this issue.' "

OH: Taft's willing media accomplices at it again
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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But the REAL story on how law-abiding CCW license holders are is being told in Michigan

"Two weeks ago, OFCC learned that Gov. Taft had been trying to influence conference committee members to change provisions agreed upon by BOTH House and Senate - specifically the issues regarding protecting the privacy of Ohioans who apply for, and are granted or denied, CCW licenses."

"Taft should know better than that." ...

NC: Storm swirls around drug sweep
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's been nearly a week since the Goose [Step] PD's drug sweep sparked both widespread criticism and a state law enforcement investigation. School officials -- tentatively, at least -- still stand behind the drug sweep, which netted no drugs or arrests. Questions about why police officers felt it necessary to draw their weapons on teenagers and whether black students were unfairly targeted have only grown more insistent."

"Representatives of the ACLU plan to come to Goose Creek this week to investigate whether the group should sue." ...

". . . when the search was over, police told them that any innocent bystanders in the crowd should blame the search on the people bringing drugs to school."

EU: Internet censorship coming to a computer near EU
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Over in Euroland the Euro-socialists are seriously going about establishing a real censorship not seen since Hitler's Third Reich; perhaps it's not a coincidence that in the UK, among certain conservative circles, the EU is often referred to as the Fourth Reich. The EU just passed an amendment to their Convention on Cybercrime that outlaws any speech these thought crime specialists deem as 'any written material, any image or any other representation of ideas or theories, which advocates, promotes or incites hatred, discrimination or violence, against any individual or group of individuals, based on race, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin, as well as religion if used as pretext for any of these factors.' If passed into law by the various national legislatures which comprise the EU, online books, such as Oriana Fallaci's The Rage and Pride, which is an honest and impassioned examination of Islamic immigration into the West or even The Bible, which is examined and reproduced extensively on the Web, could be deemed 'hate speech' by Muslims in France and homosexual activists in the UK respectively."

Federal Police Invasion Forces Are Coming
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"To principled state and local peace officers:

I have walked in your shoes and confronted the dilemmas that you face. The majority of people understand that honor and decency guide the actions of most local officers. Citizens are also well aware of the dangers and sacrifices related to your vocation. You deserve our gratitude. However, consider well, the present direction of the law enforcement profession. Recognize the injury done to your family, neighbor, state, and nation as a result of the unconstitutional conduct by legislators, federal police agencies, courts, administrators, and an alarming number of fellow officers. Ultimately, it is you--the individual officer--that must judge right from wrong. Never enforce unconstitutional laws, or obey orders that are repugnant to your sense of justice. The liberties and welfare of the people are far more important than employment security. You must decide whether your loyalties are to the people of local communities and the Constitution or to federal bureaucrats and their police invasion forces. You have also sworn to uphold your State Constitution. The sovereignty of your State must be defended!" ...

Australia: Man jailed for gun and drug offences
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A man who had more than $30 000 worth of cannabis bagged, 32 cannabis plants, watering equipment and unregistered firearms in his house has received a four month jail term plus another 11 months suspended after appearing in Shepparton Magistrates' Court."

"Darren Street, 34, of Ferris St in Bearii, pleaded guilty to charges of trafficking a drug of dependence, cultivating a drug of dependence, using a drug of dependence, possessing an unlicensed firearm, possessing a silencer without a permit, possessing ammunition without a permit and handling stolen goods."

Australia: Gun crime taskforce raids Sydney home
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A New South Wales police taskforce investigating gun crime in south western Sydney have raided a property in Sydney." ...

"Police say the raid is not connected to a series of fatal shootings in the past few months."

"The raid comes as legislation to increase penalties for people convicted of drive-by shootings has passed the State's Upper House."

"Under new laws, drive-by shootings would attract maximum penalties of 14 years jail, rising to 25 years if intent to murder can be proved."

"The change in law has come after a number of fatal drive-by shootings in Sydney's south west."

Australia: Samuels to investigate gun courts
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Dedicated gun courts similar to ones in the US may be created as the State Government considers responses to the explosion of firearm crime across Sydney."

"The Attorney-General, Bob Debus, said yesterday the retired Supreme Court judge and former NSW governor, Gordon Samuels, will head an inquiry into the gun courts idea."

"But Mr Debus said he was dubious about the proposal, as well as the need to follow the lead of several US cities, such as New York, Washington, Seattle, Detroit and Minneapolis."

Australia: Cops pull gun on millionaire
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"NT police yesterday pulled a gun on millionaire businessman Warren Anderson after he made a dramatic arrival into Darwin." ...

"Police said last night there had been a 'hostile intervention' of Mr Anderson's hire car." ...

"Earlier he told a companion at the airport he had to collect his rifle from Qantas. The rifle was contained in a sealed case about 1.5m in length." ...

"There was a report there was a vehicle with a gun in it and we acted as per our standard orders..."

"Any responsible police officer would do the same given the report. To our knowledge, as of now, he hasn't committed an offence."

The SS officers were just following orders too.

UK: Gun brothers jailed
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"TWO Liverpool brothers were today beginning jail terms for operating gun factories in the city."

"Anthony and David Hampson were craftsmen - able to turn an imitation firearm into a deadly gun in 20 minutes."

"They converted their Liverpool homes into gun factories kitted out with large drills and other tools."

WI: Senate sends gun bill to governor
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"The state Senate approved a revision of a bill Tuesday that would allow people who meet certain requirements to carry concealed weapons except to exempted places such as taverns."

"Gov. Jim Doyle reiterated his opposition to the legislation, which he said was riddled with problems and would do nothing to improve safety in Wisconsin."

"The Senate on a voice vote approved the bill, which the Assembly amended last week in an effort to generate more support among Democratic lawmakers. It now goes to Doyle for his consideration."

NY: Activists, lawmakers push for bill to prevent gun violence in the BX and city
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"One Mott Haven resident says gun violence has many in the area living in fear."

"That fear has prompted Wallace Hasen to join forces with New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, a group that supports legislation that would allow victims of gun violence in NYC to sue gun manufacturers. The group met at City Hall Wednesday to push lawmakers to pass the legislation."

"The National Rifle Association is against the bill. ...the legislation would create frivolous lawsuits aimed at bankrupting law-abiding manufacturers or retailers."

"But supporters of the bill say the only way gun trafficking and violence will stop is if gun manufacturers are held liable."

Translation: sue legitimate manufacturers out of business.

OH: Concealed Weapons Records Would Be Secret Under Bill
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"A bill that would allow Ohioans to carry hidden weapons would require all gun permit information be kept private."

"Supporters say the issue is one of safety, not secrecy. If criminals can determine which homeowners have a permit, they might be more inclined to target unarmed households, said Jeff Garvas, founder of Ohioans for Concealed Carry."

"Opponents see it differently."

" 'We want to be informed so we can keep our families safe,' said Toby Hoover, who heads the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence. 'If this is such a good idea, why all the need for secrecy?' "

And these same hypocritical nazis who scream "RIGHT TO PRIVACY!" when they're pushing their social agenda.

NM: Conceal gun law challenged
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"A children's advocacy group and a physician have sued to get New Mexico's new conceal gun carry law declared unconstitutional."

"The new law gives New Mexicans the right to carry concealed handguns beginning Jan. 1."

"The Santa Fe New Mexican reports Voices for Children and Dr. Victor LaCerva, a Santa Fe physician, filed their lawsuit Monday. It asks the New Mexico Supreme Court to declare the new law unconstitutional and to block the state from issuing handgun permits next year as planned."

The limitation of tyrants is the endurance of those they oppose. — Frederick Douglass

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