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Newslinks for 11/13/2012

Homeland Security Inspector General’s report on Fast and Furious still unfiled
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"A footnote in the report following that revelation then explains 'The ICE agent who was assigned to ATF’s Group VII declined our request for a voluntary interview.'"

"Why? And why is no one asking that?"

OK: Gun owners have plenty of rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On Nov. 1, Oklahoma enacted bill 1733, which allows Oklahomans to openly carry loaded or unloaded weapons. Before, Oklahomans were only allowed to carry a gun if it was concealed.

Though I dislike guns and am generally in favor of the most extreme forms of gun control, I agree with my opponent that this law is a good thing for Oklahomans — but not for the sake of the rights of gun owners.

In a country where there are actual disenfranchised communities who need more liberties — like immigrants and the GLBT community — it is laughable to say that gun owners need more liberties.

FL: Stand Your Ground group wrapping up
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The task force formed by Gov. Rick Scott to review Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law holds its last hearing Tuesday, with recommendations about possible changes, if any, to shortly follow.

Headed into that final session in Pensacola, opponents of the law continue to air concerns about what they see as the measure’s unintended consequences and urge the Task Force on Citizens Safety and Protection to support an overhaul that addresses them.

NY: Long Island Firearms 3rd Annual ‘Keep Long Island Warm’ Coat Drive
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Long Island Firearms in conjunction with the Long Island Second Amendment Preservation Association, is holding our 3rd Annual ‘Keep Long Island Warm’ Coat Drive.

We are again coming together to aid the coat drive that is being done by Long Island Cares and the Harry Chapin Food Bank, in partnership with the Burlington Coat Factory.

Obama second term: Gun control
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Okay, time's up. Guess what? We need gun control. Obama, if you're reading, which I know you are of course, it's time to tackle gun control now that your second term is in the bag. Be a badass. Do it.

Gun-Makers Prosper Under United States President Barack Obama
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The firearms industry has enjoyed a resurgence during President Barack Obama’s first term.

That might be surprising because gun lobbyists and the president usually are opponents, writes blogger Michele Bowman.

After Obama remarked in his Oct. 16 debate that he thought an assault-rifle ban would be a good idea, the National Rifle Association accused him of calling for a more general gun ban.

Johns Hopkins study recommends stronger gun laws
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Johns Hopkins has released a study illustrating how specific changes to our laws regarding guns could contribute to the safety of all of us.

The study makes several interesting points centered on the notion that there are things that can be done to reduce the rising tide of gun violence in our country. Some of the suggestions they make include targeting who can own guns and closing loopholes involved in the sale of guns. The study shows that such measures actually do save lives. Specifically, the study recommends that young people under the age of 21 not be allowed to possess handguns, since the highest rate of homicide is among those 18 to 20 years of age.

CT: Virginia Tech shooting victim speaks at UB
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The day he was shot four times in a French class at Virginia Tech was a game changer for Colin Goddard.

That's when he went from college student to gun control advocate.

On Monday, Goddard took that message to the University of Bridgeport, where dozens of hands in the audience shot up when he asked how many knew someone who had been shot.

MT: Firearms training class teaches proper education for using a gun
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Firearms trainer Rick Davis specializes in training women on how to shoot guns properly. So when he offered to show me some techniques, I couldn't pass up the offer. But with little firearm experience, Davis had to start with the basics, like he does with many of his students.

TX: Appeals Court Upholds Handgun Sales Ban for Young Adults
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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According to a 5th Circuit Appeal ruling, the United States now may have banning capability regarding the who can purchase a firearm.

The appeals court ruled on Thursday that the government can ban the selling of handguns to individuals between the ages of 18-21 years. The ruling is a considerable defeat for the National Rifle Association.

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in Texas rejected the concerns of the NRA, who cited that the age group being restricted would infringe on the constitutional rights. The NRA cited the Second Amendment as well as the protection clause of the Fifth Amendment.

NJ: Thank You To Shore Shot & Reminder of Next NJ2AS Shooting Social Event
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I want to let all the members and supporters of NJ2AS to know about the generosity of Mr. William Sherman (NJ2AS member and the owner of Shore Shot Pistol Range) and his staff.

TN: Maggart: 'New day' in TN Legislature after NRA fight
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It was a familiar refrain among the business-minded political elite: 'Debra Maggart is a conservative! How is she getting a legitimate challenge from the right?'

Nonetheless, Rep. Maggart, R-Hendersonville, fell in the August legislative primary to challenger Courtney Rogers.

The challenge, which gained critical fuel from the National Rifle Association, is a case study in both the definition of "conservative" and the nature of money in politics these days. In an interview last week, Maggart recounted an experience she hopes has alerted business people to both.

NM: Police oversight group blasts APD
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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An oversight group is accusing Albuquerque Police of making a very illegal arrest and they've posted the video online to prove their point.

The group 'Police Complaints of Albuquerque' claims the man was arrested for openly carrying a gun which is legal in New Mexico, but the department says the group isn't telling the whole story.

Iran: Gun purchase boosted after Obama’s re-election
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Since the re-election of US President Barack Obama the US has seen its financial market take a hit--Numerous businesses have been reporting losses. But there is one industry that has been boosted since the president’s re-election: Gun purchases.

In October, the number of background checks on people applying to buy guns, an indicator of future sales, increased by 18 percent. Shares in weapons manufacturers like Smith & Wesson and Sturm, Ruger also surged after Mr. Obama's re-election.

IL: Concealed guns not the answer to violent crime
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Illinois is the only state in the country that does not have a concealed carry law. We think it should stay that way.

Ten mostly rural Illinois counties voted to support a concealed carry provision last Tuesday, pushing the issue to the forefront and adding pressure to the state government to join the rest of the country in allowing concealed handguns to be carried into public spaces. But the arguments behind concealed carry are couched in emotion, ideology and correlative statistics; allowing individuals to carry hidden guns is simply not a defensible solution to crime and violence.

MT: Guns: Not prepared to take chances
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I can appreciate the fact that there are those who are mentally ill, but consistently take their medication and attend therapy to help control their illness, and do a fine job with it. But what about those who don’t? Apparently Morman is fully prepared to take chances. I’m not and neither is the president.

TN: Surge in gun sales
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun stores across the country, including our area are experiencing a boom in business, and they might have president Obama to thank, again.
Customers say they fear tighter regulations and a repeat of a ban on assault weapons that we saw under former President Clinton. President Obama hasn't said that he'll reinstate the assault weapons ban but that's not stopping people from rushing in to gun stores. The same thing happened back in '08 when President Obama was first elected.

What to look forward to
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Obama administration has already moved forward in support of the United Nations' Arms Trade Treaty. On Wednesday, November 7, one day following the election, the Obama administration renewed its support of the UN resolution calling for passage of the Arms Trade Treaty. This treaty is an effort by gun control activists to strip Americans of their small weapons (specifically handguns) and ban them in our country. The treaty is aimed at Americans' Second Amendment right to bear arms.

TN: Gun Legislation Could Split Republican Loyalties
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Now Murfreesboro Republican Bill Ketron says any compromise will hinge on employers, recounting what one boss told him:

“His issue is ‘I should be able to post just like the restaurants do. If I can post and say “That’s my property, you’re not allowed to bring guns onto my property,”’ he doesn’t have a problem with it.”

Not good enough, says John Harris of the Tennessee Firearms Association, which rejects any bill letting employers opt out. Harris sees lawmakers choosing between guns and business, saying quote “you cannot serve two masters.” While he thinks Republican leaders will side with business, some rank-and-file might not go along.

The triumph of persuasion over force is the sign of a civilized society. — MARK SKOUSEN

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