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Newslinks for 11/14/2005

Talking to children about guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dear Mr. Dad: Should I tell my preschoolers about guns? We don't watch violent programming or own any toy guns and no one I know even owns one, But you can't turn on the TV or open a newspaper these days without a story about someone getting shot."

"What should I do?"

"A: To start with, continue to keep your children far away from violent media, including children's programs that involve guns and gun-like lasers."

"Don't allow them to play with toy guns, especially realistic-looking ones."

"But be realistic -- you can't shield your children forever. One of these days, they're going to come across a gun and it's critical that they know what it is and that it's dangerous." ...

Warning--National Rifle Association Recruitment SCAM
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association is using any and every method to recruit members and some of the people on the phone are now resorting to using the United Nations as a way to get people to join the NRA. I can vouch for this and attest that this is the truth."

"I received a call from a person working for the NRA and was told the United Nations was trying to shut the NRA down and they needed the help of people in America so Americans could retain the right to own and bear arms."

"The bottom line is that the next thing I heard from them was a letter in the mail with a temporary membership card. That has been followed by a daily barrage of calls from the NRA, which I have not answered. ..." ...

CA: San Francisco Eliminates Second Amendment Rights (blog)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I've got the solution for what to do with the mentally ill in this country: We'll build a huge wall around San Francisco and send the mentally ill from far and wide to live with their brothers and sisters who already live there. After all, now that the sane people have to turn in their guns, most of them won't want to live there anyway."

"We've always known San Francisco was a loony bin and they proved in spades last week by voluntarily signing away their fundamental right to keep and bear arms. The idea that a select group of insane leftist idiots can sign away the constitutional rights of EVERYONE who decides (God only knows why) to live in the asylum with them is rampant idiocy. ..." ...

IL: Gun shop's bid to reopen faces opposition
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Protesters plan to march against a controversial west suburban gun shop that is seeking to reopen under new ownership after the federal government revoked its firearm dealer's license two months ago."

"Bell's Gun and Sport Shop has been in the sights of gun-control advocates since 1999, when the city sued its owners and other members of the firearms industry for $433 million, claiming they flooded Chicago with weapons used by criminals."

"But the Illinois Supreme Court dismissed the lawsuit last year. And in 2000, the company that owned Bell's and a Bell's store clerk were acquitted of federal criminal charges of knowingly selling weapons to gun-runners." ...

CA: After Outlawing Second Amendment, San Francisco Now Goes After the First
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The bad boy of cable news, Bill O'Reilly, touched a raw nerve when he angrily told his substantial audience that as a result of their latest anti-American legislation, San Francisco deserved to be struck by rabid terrorists."

"O'Reilly's anger was on display on national television for all to see after residents of San Francisco passed two ballot initiatives: one prohibited military recruiters from visiting schools, while the other banned citizen ownership of handguns. What really got the goat of the popular host of Fox News Channel's 'The O'Reilly Factor,' is the fact that in the midst of a war on terrorism, the denizens of the People's Republic of San Francisco view the US military and the Second Amendment as the enemy." ...

GA: Deputy encounters injured bear who refused to die
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When Department of Natural Resources officials told a Twiggs County deputy he should euthanize an injured bear that had been struck by a car, he didn't realize what he would be facing."

"Lt. Chip Stokes fired a bullet from his .40-caliber Glock pistol into the back of the bear's head. But the bear refused to die. Instead, the 150-pound bear got up on his hind legs and started swinging at the officer." ...

"Stokes fired two more shots into the bear's head, but the animal ... kept coming at him." ...

"The persistent bear finally succumbed to a shot from Stokes' shotgun."

"... Stokes said [he] ... won't ever try to tackle a bear with his handgun again."

"'Maybe with a bazooka, but not a Glock,' he said."

Submitter's Note: But why would any need a .50 revolver?

NC: 10-year record would vouch for expanded gun law
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"North Carolina's concealed handgun law, which becomes 10 years old next month, has worked well. Even gun-control advocates concede that point. Now one gun-rights group - Grass Roots North Carolina - hopes the law will be expanded so that people with concealed handgun permits will have fewer restrictions on where they can carry their weapons."

"We think that there is some merit in the organization's idea." ...

NC: New Gun Ordinance Aims To Protect Homeowners From Wayward Bullets
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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Randolph County commissioners want to protect homeowners from wayward bullets.

The board will vote on a proposed amendment to its gun ordinance that will restrict places where gun owners can fire their weapons.

If approved, the change would prevent anyone from shooting a gun within 100 feet of someone else's home.

The issue has become more critical as more people move into the county.

The board decided to give Randolph County citizens 30 days to review the proposed amendment and provide feedback.

Commissioners are scheduled to vote on the matter on December 5th.

NY: New law complicates suit over shooting
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"More than two years ago, teenager Daniel Williams survived a drive-by shooting near his Girard Place home."

"Now, his attorneys are hoping that his lawsuit survives a new law that insulates gun makers and sellers from many legal actions."

"Attorneys for Williams on Oct. 17 filed an amended version of a lawsuit that blames an Ohio gun manufacturer, an Ohio gun dealer, a gun show operator and others for the shooting that severely wounded Williams as he played basketball on his street in August 2003."

"The Hi-Point handgun used to shoot the high school basketball star was one of about 250 weapons that Buffalo gun runner James Nigel Bostic purchased illegally at gun shows in Dayton, Ohio, in 2000. ..." ...

TX: Former New Orleans officer accused of abandoning post arrested for driving stolen truck
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Texas authorities say a former New Orleans police officer who resigned after being accused of abandoning his post during Hurricane Katrina has been arrested while driving a stolen truck.

Houston police say 39-year-old Willie Bickham will likely be charged with a number of felonies, including unauthorized use of a motor vehicle and impersonating a police officer. Authorities say he could also face weapons charges because he was carrying a New Orleans police pistol.

Houston police say Bickham told them he was still a New Orleans police officer. But officials in Louisiana say he resigned in September to avoid being fired.

Police say the truck Bickham was driving is from a New Orleans dealer who had reported several vehicles stolen during the Katrina crisis.

NY: New Paltz residents oppose gun purchases
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Over strong opposition, the Town Board has voted 3-2 to allow the New Paltz Police Department to buy four AR-15 semiautomatic assault rifles." ...

"The police department currently owns two such firearms. The purchase of four more would ensure that at least one such weapon would be in the field in an officer's patrol car at all times." ...

"But a vocal group of citizens who attended the Town Board meeting on Thursday disagreed and contested the purchase."

"'The only purpose of these guns is to kill people,' said Sylvie Lagodkall, 11." ...

India: Soldier ends life
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A soldier committed suicide by shooting himself with his service weapon in south Kashmir’s Islamabad district on Saturday.

Local news agency UNS said CRPF’s MD Feroz Khan stationed at Srigafoora, fired upon himself with his service rifle.

Khan was rushed to Bijbehra hospital where he succumbed to his injuries. The reason behind his taking the extreme step couldn’t be ascertained.

CT: Controlled hunt nears to thin out deer herd
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The first controlled hunt to thin the town's deer population could take place in the next month or two."

The newly formed Deer Management Implementation Committee is looking to hold the hunt on land owned by the non-profit Land Conservancy during this year's hunting season. Any hunt on town-owned land probably couldn't take place this year.

"'If it happens will be up to the Land Conservancy,' said committee chairman Tom Belote. 'In order for the committee to implement culling the herd on town-owned land, the town ordinance would have to be amended. At this point, no hunting is allowed on open space by town charter.'" ...

FL: Gun range season heats up
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"It's that time of year again. Hunting seasons are opening. Nimrods are anxious to fine-tune their shooting weapons, or wanting to sight in their new guns or scopes of the season. Couple the thousands of hunters with the hundreds of shooters who don't give a whit about opportunities to bag game but settle for the satisfaction of punching tight groups of holes in paper targets or bust clay birds." ...

FL: Gun law clarified (last letter on page)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "This law gives a person who is in a place that they are legally entitled to the right to take deadly force, if they fear for their life or are in danger of serious injury. ..." ...

"Mr. Stronach also alludes to 'law-abiding citizens' entering their vehicle under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol and their ability to make life-threatening decisions. At the second they got behind the wheel, they ceased to be law-abiding citizens and they are wielding a much larger weapon than a pistol. More people are killed by drunk drivers and red light runners than are killed by citizens who are legally entitled to carry a concealed weapon." ...

NC: Gun suit bills' scope
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The vice president of the N.C. Rifle and Pistol Association, in a Nov. 5 People's Forum letter, dismissed North Carolinians Against Gun Violence President Jerry VanSant's outrage at Congress giving gun manufacturers, distributors and dealers immunity from civil lawsuits. The letter-writer said that in 1995 North Carolina had passed legislation similar to the new federal law. However, it was not until 2002 that the state Senate voted for House Bill 622, Firearm Regulation Amendments, which included a provision to prevent municipalities from suing the gun industry. And the state law differs from the federal one because, thanks to lobbying by our organization and others, the attorney general and individuals can still sue." ...

MN: Deer And People Clash On The Edges Of Cities
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The deer population is getting so thick around Pig's Eye Lake that one frustrated local official has taken to saying the hooved intruders are 'like rats.'"

"In a recent aerial survey of this 11-square-mile, mostly residential area just a few miles east of downtown St. Paul, county biologists who were expecting to find about 100 deer instead counted more than 500 of them."

"It's close enough to urban landmarks that errant deer have turned up recently at the emergency entrance of Regions Hospital, in front of the pro hockey arena, and most notably, a big buck broke several windows at the State Capitol and bounded just a few feet away from Gov. Tim Pawlenty and his startled security detail." ...

WV: Hunting prodigy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Through the scope mounted atop his .30-30 lever-action rifle, Cody Bailey could see the bear clearly as it growled and snarled at the dogs milling below."

"'The bear was holding onto the trunk of the tree, looking back over its shoulder,' said Bailey. 'That’s when I shot it.'"

"The bear, a female that weighed an estimated 330 pounds, would have made a fine trophy for any hunter. For Cody, who is 10 years old, it will make an exceptional one."

"'That was my first bear,' said the Ravenswood Elementary fifth-grader. 'I want to have a bearskin rug made, or maybe have the bear’s head and front legs mounted as if it were coming out of the wall.'" ...

MI: Sighting in firearms a key to success
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The single simplest thing deer hunters can do before the firearms season to increase their opportunity for success is to sight in their firearms."

"Simply put, it doesn't matter how much work a hunter puts into deer season if he misses when a shot presents itself."

"Shooting-in a rifle or shotgun is really a simple matter if shooters understand a simple principle: They are adjusting the sights to where the firearm is shooting. If you are shooting to the right of the target, then you move the crosshairs of your scope to the right -- you move the reticule to the point of impact, not the opposite direction." ...

MT: What's the best kind of rifle to use for bison hunting?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"So what's the best weapon to be packing if you happened to be lucky in the drawings and are going after a bison this year?" ...

"Centerfire rifles must be used. They must pack a 150-grain-or-larger bullet. And, those bullets must have sufficient force to produce a quick kill."

"'We encourage rifles that are .30 caliber or greater,' Kropp [chief of law enforcement for Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks] said. 'In our management actions, we've brain shot some with .22-250s. We've shot plenty of them with .270s in the heart. Those calibers will bring them down, but it's not what we recommend to hunters.'" ...

MO: Deerstalkers start hunt at shop
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The thrill is gone for Travis Wise."

"After hunting for more than 10 years, Wise said he found it too easy to hunt deer with a rifle. That’s why he bought ammunition for a handgun Friday night at Powder Horn Guns and Sporting Goods Inc."

"'I like nature,' Wise said. 'Even if I wasn’t killing deer, I’d be out scouting around anyway.'"

"Wise was one of a handful of people patronizing the Columbia shop on the night before firearms deer season began. Carl Armontrout, one of the shop’s clerks, said the store at 1213 Old Highway 63 N. had been busy, but not as busy as it was before there were multiple deer-hunting seasons each year." ...

PA: Group fears development could threaten rifle range
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For nearly 70 years, members of the Rouzerville Fish & Game Association have tried to be good neighbors to those living around their 37-acre site off Mentzer Gap Road."

"Now, they're worried that their neighbors might not be good to them."

"Last week, four of the association's members ... met at the clubhouse to talk about their fears that new people moving into housing developments being built around the fish and game association property won't want to live near a place where there's a bunch of guys shooting guns." ...

"Last week, Stoner, speaking for the association's 380 members, went before the Washington Township Supervisors to express their concerns." ...

WI: Hunters aim to keep annual tradition alive
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Wade Jeske sights his rifle in preparation for the gun-deer season that opens Saturday, but he keeps an eye toward the future and what it may hold for his 11-year-old son."

"This will be Jeske's 33rd year of hunting ... And as he prepares his hunting gear and tests the rifle he has carried for the past 20 seasons, he says he looks forward to bringing his son to the base camp for a firsthand glimpse into what he will experience next year at 12 when he can legally hunt deer for the first time."

"'This year we'll bring him out a couple of times to stay at the shack, just to make sure he's ready for next year,' said Jeske ... 'You want to pass on how you started. There's a lot of steep tradition.'" ...

TN: Guns, horses and hoop skirts
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gerald Augustus used to participate as a soldier, but time has relegated him to a role he enjoys equally as well."

"The former educator teaches people about the arms used by Confederate and Union soldiers during the Civil War."

"'I am a retired Lenoir City elementary school teacher, so I am big into show and tell,' said Augustus, clad in the uniform of a Civil War officer. 'I'm a little old for the re-enactment, but I love to teach people about history.'"

"As he handled a .36-caliber 1851 Colt pistol - which was favored by officers - his wife, Sandra, modeled a hoop skirt typical of a Southern 1860s woman dressed to impress." ...

MI: Deer hunt all about tradition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Doug and Judy Mummert live for hunting."

"Deer camp is a tradition for them this time of year, though they also spend much of the year raising and training dogs to hunt coyotes, raccoons, bobcats and bears."

"More photographs are taken than rifle shots, and they say they kill only what can be eaten."

"'I think both Judy and I hunt because of the adrenaline flow you get at a certain point in the hunt,' Doug Mummert said."

"The retired husband-wife hunting team returns each year to a 120-acre tract in Emmet County, where their family has owned property for generations. They walk the land and check for tracks and other deer sign in the days before the firearm season begins."

"Firearms season opens Tuesday and ends Nov. 30." ...

NY: Rifle Rolls To 4665-4487 GARC Win Over N.C. State
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sophomore Chris Abalo was the high shooter in smallbore for the fifth straight meet, and freshman Wesley Hess was medallist in air rifle as Army's unbeaten rifle team romped over North Carolina State, the newest member of the Great America Rifle Conference, 4665-4487, Saturday at Tronsrue Marksmanship Center."

"The reigning NCAA champion Black Knights, who boosted their overall and conference mark to 4-0, close out the fall segment of their schedule with a non-conference home match next weekend against UIP." ...

MS: Ole Miss Rifle Defeats West Virginia
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Ole Miss Rebel rifle team knocked off Great America Rifle Conference foe West Virginia on Saturday, by a team aggregate of 4630-4556."

"The Rebels were led by junior All-American Jennifer Lorenzen, who bested her own school record in the smallbore with a mark of 584."

"Ole Miss also set the school mark in the team smallbore, with a combined score of 2311, with bested the Rebels output in last year's GARC championships."

"Ole Miss bettered West Virginia in the both the team air rifle competition (2319-2276) and smallbore competition (2311-2280)."

"Sophomore Shannon Wilson led Ole Miss in the air rifle competition with a final score of 583, which was the best mark of the match." ...

Canada: Patrons 'horrified' as gunfire erupts at sports bar
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two men in their mid-20s are in hospital with multiple gunshot wounds after they were shot at point-blank range at the coat check at Burnaby's Shark Club at about 1 a.m. yesterday."

"Video-surveillance images show a victim lying on the tiled floor. His attacker, standing over him, is aiming a handgun at his chest. Another camera recorded the attackers, after the shootings, running down a short flight of stairs toward the front door. Both were clutching guns."

"Police believe the suspects were part of a group of six men. They were still at large last night." ...

Canada: Toronto gripped by US gun violence
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Residents of Canada's biggest city are living in fear of increasing gun violence and blame their neighbour, the United States, for exporting their gun culture and weapons north, officials told AFP." ...

Submitter's comment: At the bottom of the article is a link to "Discuss". Follow this link and let them know what you think! I liked the discussion entitled, "Not true" from "albertan_all_the_way " who writes: "Notice the important end of this sentence: 'officials say so'"

The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding. — JUSTICE LOUIS BRANDEIS (1928)

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