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Newslinks for 11/15/2007

CCRKBA Says Buy Ammo, Support Those Who Enable Exercise of Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Second Amendment supporters should buy ammunition November 19th to support freedom, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today."

"Monday, November 19th is National Ammo Day, described as a BUYcott of ammunition. The goal of National Ammo Day is to empty the ammunition from the shelves of your local gun store, sporting goods, or hardware store and put that ammunition in the hands of law-abiding citizens."

"According to the National Ammo Day website, each law-abiding supporter of the right to keep and bear arms is encouraged to buy 100 rounds of their favorite ammunition. Supporters are exhorted to 'Make your support of the Second Amendment known -- by voting with your dollars!'" ...

Gun-free zones offer criminals, lunatics no-risk targets
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The recent shooting of a Miami Carol City High School algebra teacher identified as Sergio Miranda will no doubt bring wails from gun control extremists that the nation needs tougher gun laws - when it really serves as another failure of so-called 'gun-free zones.'"

"By all accounts, Mr. Miranda and a colleague were minding their own business outside the school during a lunch break when two gunmen approached in what has been described as an attempted armed robbery that went bad." ...

"Our sympathies lie with [those] who have been victimized by a law that was perhaps well-intentioned but is so disastrous in its implementation that it may one day be viewed as one of the worst legislative atrocities foisted upon this nation ..." ...

National Ammo Day Nov 19th
Submitted by: Dustin

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"Next Monday Nov 19th is National Ammo Day. If another day of the week works better for you Saturday Nov 17th through Sunday Nov 25th is National Ammo Week. Support those who supply our ammunition - replenish your emergency stock & get some extra to shoot next week. What is more fun than taking the family out to shoot before &/or after eating a nice Thanksgiving meal? It's a nice way of giving thanks to the entire gun & ammo industry for putting up with all of the 'stuff' that they have to put up with in an effort to stay in business."

"The goal is for all participants to buy at least 100 rounds of ammo but why stop there? I can easily go through hundreds of rounds in a single day of fun for the whole family. ..."

Our view on The Second Amendment: High court has rare chance to guide gun-control debate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"By the end of this month, the U.S. Supreme Court is expected to decide whether to wade into a historic, grammatical and constitutional thicket over the ever-contentious Second Amendment." ...

"The high court's action could negate gun-control regulations across the nation. Alternatively, it could destroy the longstanding rallying cry of the gun lobby that weapons' ownership is an unfettered right. Or — and this would be the ideal — it could sensibly define the limits of both individual gun ownership and government's ability to control it." ...

John Longenecker: For Non-Gun Owners: D.C. v. Heller and Nutshell 2A
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The Supreme Court Of the United States may soon decide whether to hear District Of Columbia v. Heller, a case about gun bans and frustration of a civil right in high crime areas. In these areas, the right is needed most, and in these areas, it is vexed and frustrated the most. How does blocking a civil right operate in the public interest?"

"D.C. v. Heller, if the Supremes elect to hear the case, can have a profound impact on the country’s gun control policy, and thus an effect on individual liberty and on how crime is met. Gun bans do not work, and where the Second Amendment is affirmed, crime doesn't seem to be a problem. ..." ...

Opposing view: More arms, less crime
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Supreme Court should agree to hear District of Columbia v. Heller and uphold the majority opinion of the federal appeals court."

"Heller presents the Supreme Court with a clear choice as towhether the Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep andbear arms or a collective right of states to have a militia. Judge Laurence Silberman's opinion ... presents a strong case for individual rights."

"In recent years, the Supreme Court has already stated that whenever 'the people' is mentioned in the Bill of Rights that it refers to the same 'class of persons.' So if 'the people' in the Second Amendment doesn't refer to all of the people, then it doesn't in the First or Fourth Amendments either." ...

Supreme Court Gun Control Case Decision Is At Least A Week Away
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The U.S. Supreme Court won't decide for at least another week whether to hear a case on gun-control laws that could have an impact on Chicago." ...

"At issue is the 31-year-old handgun ban in Washington, D.C., a law quite similar to Chicago's. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia struck down the ban in March as incompatible with the Second Amendment."

"DePaul University Law Professor Jeffrey Shaman said the ruling flew in the face of 68 years of court decisions."

"'This is unprecedented,' he said. 'This is the first decision of a federal appellate court in all these years to invalidate a gun control regulation.'" ...

Submitter's Note: And Mendez et al. v. Westminster School District et al was "the first decision of a federal appellate court in all these years to invalidate" school segregation laws. Does Prof. Shaman think that was a bad case too?

High Court flirting with gun law case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The U.S. Supreme Court may break its long silence on gun laws."

"For almost seven decades during which a number of politically diverse justices have held seats, the Supreme Court has been virtually mum on the Second Amendment's language regarding the right to bear arms."

"Yet, among the general public, it has been one of the most fiercely argued propositions in the Bill of Rights. And neither side, gun enthusiast nor gun control advocate, has been willing to give much ground."

"That could change if the justices decide to hear an appeal from district officials in Washington, D.C., regarding the city's 31-year-old ban on handguns, which is among the strictest in the nation. ..." ...

TX: Intruder shot in North Dallas
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Dallas police were investigating Wednesday the shooting of a home intruder.

Investigators said the man had a gun and entered an apartment in the 9700 block of Forest Lane around 11:30 p.m. Tuesday. A man in the apartment shot the intruder, according to police.

"The complainant goes to the apartment to buy or rob drugs," Sgt. Gil Cerda said. "He knocks on the door. There are three people inside the apartment. They are suspicious. He comes in with a gun and they shoot him. Our shooter was brought in for questioning and we are looking at a Grand Jury referral."

The intruder, 24, was taken to a local hospital where he was remained on life support Wednesday.

Nation's Cops Applaud Presidential Candidate Ron Paul
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While most of the politicians vying for their party's nomination for President of the United States pay lip service to the nation's law enforcement officers, Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) is actually doing something to earn the respect and gratitude of America's cops ..."

"For example, the American Federation of Police -- with well over 100,000 members -- recently praised Ron Paul for introducing a bill that would help cops obtain topnotch body armor ..." ...

"In addition, Congressman Ron Paul believes that the Second Amendment is "not about duck hunting." It is an individual right that is guaranteed. He stated that he believes it is about the citizenry having the ability to restrain tyrannical governments and would be dictators." ...

Ron Paul Calls to Abolish the ATF
Submitted by: Red's Trading Post Inc.

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... "This Week's GUNWEEK reports the following two stories:"

"Ron Paul Calls to Abolish the ATF Presidential candidate Ron Paul's address to this year's GRPC (Gun Rights Policy Conference), called for abolishing the federal gun police, the ATF. 'I don't even like the ATF,' Paul said. 'I'm not looking ... to enforce these laws ... that I don't even believe in.' The news story also noted that, while Paul admits 'I don't pretend I hunt and shoot guns a lot,' he does own a few and his commitment is philosophical and Constitutional: 'My issue is the political reality and the importance of the Second Amendment for defending one's self against all forms of danger, including our own government if necessary.' ..." ...

MD: Maryland Shall Issue Calls Governor O'Malley 'Arrogant'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Wednesday, Maryland Shall Issue, Inc. ... praised the Maryland General Assembly on handing Governor O'Malley his first veto overturn of the year when it passed a bipartisan and overwhelmingly--indeed, unanimously--backed bill to save the state money by permitting police officers to recycle their old handguns."

"The Maryland Governor had ... decided to promote his agenda for gun rights control by turning a money-saving issue into a gun control issue and calling an emergency session to raise taxes after he had vetoed the bill. This would have resulted in higher costs for the citizens in the form of taxes and for the police by forcing officers to buy brand new handguns instead of getting recycled guns for sometimes no cost at all." ...

Tot v.U.S./U.S. v. Delia, U.S. Supreme Court, "he was found in possession of a loaded automatic pistol", June 7, 1943
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"...Tot took the stand and testified that he purchased the pistol in 1933 or 1934. He admitted the criminal record charged in the indictment and other convictions. His sister and his wife testified in corroboration of his evidence, but their testimony was shaken on cross-examination. In rebuttal the Government produced a representative of the manufacturer who testified that the pistol had been made in Connecticut in 1919 and shipped by the maker to Chicago, Illinois..."

"...he was a person previously convicted of a crime of violence-robbery while armed5-and that he received and possessed a firearm, described in the indictment, 'which firearm had theretofore been ipped and transported in interstate commerce.' ..."

Collins v. U.S., U.S. Supreme Court, "went after his pistol, took it out of the pocket", Oct. 30, 1893
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"... The boy turned to run away, and the deceased followed. Seeing the controversy, the defendant left his place in the dance, went after his pistol, took it out of the pocket of one Turner, with whom he had left it, came near to the deceased, and without a word shot him..."

"...though he has the same right, as affecting his brother, as affecting himself, because he has a right to defend his brother in any case where his life is imperiled, and use the same violence as he would in his own case..."

"...and, further, that 'the law, kindly appreciating the infirmities of human nature, extenuates the offense committed, and mercifully hesitates to put on the same footing of guilt..."

Mike Sullivan, Media Victim?
Submitted by: Idaho Ordnance

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"Who knows when, or even if, US Attorney Michael Sullivan will be confirmed by the Senate to run ATF? (Who knows, for that matter, exactly what the head of ATF does, or what real impact its director can have on public safety or law enforcement? Or why someone would give up a position like US Attorney, where you can make real decisions in real cases, for that kind of bureaucrat's job? But I digress.)"

"Whatever the timetable may prove to be, it’s clear that, now more than ever, the media knives are out for Sullivan, as evidenced by a hatchet job by Joe Keohane in Boston Magazine and a more balanced but generally unflattering piece earlier this week by Jonathan Saltzmann in the Globe" ...

Former ATF Agents create association
Submitted by: Red's Trading Post Inc.

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"Former employees of the ATF have recently came together to form Association of Former ATF Agents:
The Association of Former Agents, Inspectors, and Explosive Enforcement Officers of the United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) was established in 2007 as a means of providing a federation to bring together former and current ATF colleagues for fellowship, friendship and to provide support in a time of need." ...

"What have these members done:
The members of this association have ... enforced our Nations firearm and explosives laws in furtherance of preventing terrorist acts, reduce violent crime and to protect the public in a manner that is faithful to the Constitution and the laws of the United States." ...

Maximum Mike Goes to Washington
Submitted by: Red's Trading Post Inc.

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"Talk about your double dippers."

"For the past year, Michael Sullivan, our ambitious U.S. attorney for Massachusetts, has been moonlighting as the acting director of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. Common sense suggests that each of those critical jobs requires the round-the-clock dedication of a top professional, but never mind: As of mid-October, Sullivan is now in line to take the reins at the ATF full time. Nothing was official as of this writing, but he’s expected to skate. At his confirmation hearings, Senator John Kerry said Sullivan had 'proven more than qualified and capable,' and Senator Ted Kennedy lauded his 'distinguished career in public service.'" ...

David Codrea: The Borg Collective Wants YOU
Submitted by: Red's Trading Post Inc.

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... "Me, I like where BATFU tells us they have their 'roots going back to the creation of the American Constitution' (yeah, like enforcers for tyrants were the reason the Founders wanted to place strong, unequivocal restraints on the central government)."

"That and the close-up showing the field agent knows how to tie his boots ('Make two bunny ears. The bunny runs around the tree. The bunny jumps in a hole. Close it up tight!')."

"I'm also relieved to know that--at least when they stage takedowns for the camera using stand-ins for 'criminals,' they look like they know how to apply proper restraint, as opposed to what happens in the real world." ...

Kennedy At The Confirmation Hearing Of Mike Sullivan For Director Of The ATF
Submitted by: Red's Trading Post Inc.

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"It's a pleasure to welcome to the Committee today two fellow Bay Staters, my good friend and colleague Senator John Kerry and Mr. Michael Sullivan, whom President Bush has nominated to serve as the Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. ..."

"We need to strengthen Brady Law background checks for gun purchases, especially for persons with mental illness."

"We need to close the gun show loophole once and for all."

"We need to renew the assault weapons ban."

"We need to pass Senator Feinstein’s bill for stricter requirements on the sale of extremely dangerous fifty-caliber sniper rifles."

"We need to amend federal law to ensure that all cop killer bullets are banned." ...

ID: Lawyer: Ex-Idaho Falls police officer reaches plea deal in gun case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Idaho Falls police officer facing felony weapons charges plans instead to plead guilty to a misdemeanor to avoid a trial that could have put him behind bars for years, his lawyer said."

"Todd Ericsson ... is charged in 7th District Court with two counts of grand theft for receiving stolen property from Kimball Mason ... now serving a prison sentence for stealing weapons from the city's police evidence locker."

"Instead, Ericsson will plead guilty to misdemeanor obstructing officers ..."

"Investigators have said Ericsson lied to them about two handguns he'd received from Mason. The guns were later found at the home of Ericsson's daughter in Utah. ..." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

FL: Woman questions crash investigation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Jody Robinson believes she has been wronged."

"She was driving to pick up her prescription from Walgreens in Gulfport in October when she got into a car accident with a St. Petersburg police officer."

"Ultimately, St. Petersburg police determined that Robinson had attempted to change lanes illegally and issued her a traffic citation."

"But Robinson said Officer Michael Ward had been speeding when his unmarked police car crashed into hers as she was switching lanes. That information was included in a Gulfport report but not in the St. Petersburg police report." ...

"Robinson questions several factors surrounding the incident:"

"- St. Petersburg police investigated the crash, even though it took place in Gulfport." ...

IA: Fired officers: Bosses had it in for us
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Fired police detective Don Rosdail said Wednesday that Police Department higher-ups had "a vendetta" against him, and investigator Greg Koenighain said he was fired in retaliation for a letter he wrote objecting to the internal affairs probe against him."

"To make his point in colorful fashion, Rosdail, 64, said police Capt. Jeff Mellgren, who conducted the department's internal affairs probe, had 'painted legs on snakes,' going out of his way to try to make a case out of nothing." ...

"Rosdail and Koenighain are accused, in part, of using their official police positions — 'the color of the law' — to pursue Rosdail's alleged personal agenda of helping his son in a child-custody case against the son's former wife ..." ...

PA: Officer charged with forgery, suspended
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A Pittsburgh police officer was charged yesterday with forgery and another misdemeanor, and was suspended from duty, according to city police.

Officer Faquar "Terry" Holland, a 12-year veteran and former narcotics detective who was once named Officer of the Year in 2000, was arrested on one count of forgery and one count of unsworn falsification to authorities.

He was arraigned yesterday and released. He was relieved of his duties "pending the investigation and outcome of this case in criminal court," police said.

MA: Appealing Parking Tickets Made Impossible
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For many Massachusetts residents, it's practically impossible to appeal a parking ticket before an independent judge. Framingham resident Deborah Adcock learned this the hard way when the city charged her $200 for parking in a handicapped space. Adcock ... has a valid handicapped parking permit. On August 22, she neglected to flip down her visor to make the permit visible."

"Adcock mailed her appeal to the city which was denied by the hearing officer Allan Nardini. Nardini is a former Framingham Police captain, he still reports his hours to the police department and he is paid by the city." ...

"... To fight the $200 ticket before an impartial judge, Adcock learned she had to pay a non-refundable $275 fee ... plus $25-55 in other fees. ..."

PA: Troopers Serving Warrant Next Door Shoot, Kill Fenced-In Dog
Submitted by: jac

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"Pennsylvania State Police shot a family's fenced-in pet to death Tuesday."

"Troopers later admitted they weren't supposed to be in that yard in the first place."

"State troopers were in the neighborhood, trying to serve a warrant on someone. They sent a couple of extra troopers around to guard the back door. Those officers, however, cut through a neighbor's yard, and that's when they came across Sheeba, a very protective family dog ..."

"'She was doing her job. That's what she does, she protects us,' said DiQuan Dill said."

"DiQuan and his five brothers and sisters got the bad news when they got home from school Tuesday that their Belgian shepard was killed in their back yard." ...

FL: No Gun Charges for Reporter Near School
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Prosecutors have dropped the case against a TV reporter who was arrested carrying a loaded gun near a high school while working on a story on school violence ..."

"Jeffrey Weinsier of WPLG ... was arrested last month after police said he carried a weapon onto the grounds of Miami Central High School and refused to cross the street when asked by an officer."

"A cameraman caught the encounter on videotape, which the state attorney's office used in deciding not to pursue the charges ..."

"Weinsier had been charged with armed trespass on school property, possession of a weapon, violation of carrying a concealed weapon and resisting arrest without violence. But he was not on school grounds when police approached him ..." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

CA: Muir Beach man cited for cleaning his beach property
Submitted by: none

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"No good deed goes unpunished."

"At least that's how Muir Beach resident Sigward Moser felt Friday after he says he was threatened with a Taser gun, forced to the ground and handcuffed by a National Park Service ranger for refusing to stop cleaning up the oily beach beneath his home."

"Moser, a 45-year-old communications consultant, said he was forced to sprawl handcuffed on the wet sand for an hour before he was released and given two misdemeanor citations ...." ...

"'They were upset, but we tried to reassure them why trained professionals are needed to do this work,' said National Park Service publicist Rich Weideman, citing health hazards and unintended injuries to wildlife by untrained volunteers."

"'These kinds of things are awkward for us, but they seemed to be pretty pleased with our explanation.'"

Canada: Trial begins for cop charged with sexual assault
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The trial for a Toronto police officer charged with sexually assaulting a stripper and pointing his firearm at her began on Tuesday." ...

"Green was on duty and in uniform when he entered For Your Eyes Only ..." ...

"Moments later, the constable asked if she had had her breasts augmented, and then touched her breasts without consent, said the stripper ..."

"When the dancer objected, Green began playing with his zipper and said, 'We can make it even,' ..."

"The woman told the court that when she said no, the officer pulled out his police-issued handgun, pointed it at her and said, 'What's with the attitude?'" ...

"After an investigation, Green was charged with sexual assault and two firearms offences. ..." ...

Canada: Mom should not watch video of son's death at Vancouver airport, says witness
Submitted by: clell

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"Hands raised as if in surrender. The blood-curdling scream after he is hit by a shot from a Taser. An RCMP officer pressing his shin with the full weight of his body into the prone man's head and neck."

"These are all reasons why Kamloops resident Zofia Cisowski should choose not to watch a video that captures the last moments of her son Robert Dziekanski's life, says the Victoria man who filmed an incident last month at Vancouver International Airport." ...

"He turned over the video to police investigators on a promise it would be returned within 48 hours but went public with a lawsuit after being told RCMP might keep it for years. They returned it last week."

"Pritchard said he expects the video to have an impact with the public and the police, who will likely re-examine their policies when it comes to use-of-force guidelines." ...

CO: Big Gun: SWAT expert takes long shots with .50 caliber
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Brad Trelstad is one bad dude."

"He is a former police chief, a counterterrorism expert who trains SWAT teams, and a Bible-thumping preacher."

"And he carries a big, big gun — and knows how to use it."

"The 50-year-old Cripple Creek resident won fifth place at this year’s Fifty Caliber World Championships, a long-range shooting competition that uses bullets with cartridges the size of Magic Markers."

"He is now sponsored as a professional shooter by Barnes Bullets — the latest twist in an intriguing life." ...

PA: Shootings Spark Crime Fighting Debate
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"After yet another police officer shooting in Philadelphia, much of the talk has been about what police and city officials see as the need for tighter gun laws."

"Al Bonds said he is the owner and manager of the rooming house where the cop shooting took place last night."

"He took us on a tour of the squalid first floor apartment where the 16-year-old gunman, identified as Donyea Phillips, allegedly opened fire on police." [emphasis added] ...

NY: Second Amendment's meaning draws comments
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & PIstol Association

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"A Nov. 4 letter writer suggested that we have 'one standard of interpretation for the entire Bill of Rights.' I couldn't agree more and suggest we begin with the Second Amendment. The Nov. 4 letter writer and an earlier October writer both want their interpretation of the Second Amendment, one that prohibits gun control laws, to become the standard."

"The Second Amendment ... is worded precisely by our nation's founders; it does not explicitly state the right of the people to keep and bear arms, except in the context of 'a well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State.'"

"The amendment does not prohibit Congress from making any law restricting or regulating an individual's right to bear arms ..." ...

NY: Advocates for guns in the LGBT community to speak
Submitted by: Matt

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"The founder of Pink Pistols, an organization that advocates members of the gay community arm themselves as a means of protection from violence, will speak about why the group is important tonight at Cornell University."

"Doug Krick, who founded the Pink Pistols in 2000, will also speak about the impact the group is having on the gun enthusiast community and the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community."

"Guns can provide those in the gay community a level of protection and security, Krick said. 'Armed Gays Don't Get Bashed,' reads the organization's Web site."

"'It's like wearing a seatbelt,' Krick said. 'You pray you will never need it, but if you do, you want to have it.'" ...

PA: Airline Fails To Report Gun Stolen From Baggage
Submitted by: jac

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"A former police officer said his gun was stolen at Philadelphia International Airport. Because of the theft, there is a federal investigation."

"But what is just as upsetting to the former SEPTA police officer is the attitude of the airline."

"Two weeks after the gun went missing from his US Airways baggage, Tim Boukouris said he can't get a call back from the airline."

"'It's in reference to my stolen firearm,' Boukouris said, making one of the phone calls."

"Now, he's convinced his gun is in the hands of a criminal on the streets of Philadelphia. So, he called Lu Ann Cahn and the NBC 10 Investigators." ...

ID: Idaho - lots of guns, low murder rate, F+ Brady Rating
Submitted by: Dustin

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"A recent Idaho Press Tribune article complained about 'lax gun laws' in Idaho & a well deserved F+ Brady rating. I say well deserved because when it comes to Brady ratings, the lower the grade, the better. It's like Golf - you actually WANT a low score. More on that later." ...

"The Brady campaign lists Idaho with an F+ because Idaho does not infringe on the 2nd Amendment as much as the Brady campaign would like it to ..."

"According to the FBI crime data for 2006, Boise had a ... murder rate of 3.03 per 100,000 people ... The Brady campaign rates DC with a B ... in 2006 Washington DC had a ... murder rate of 29.06 per 100,000 people. That is 9.6 TIMES the murder rate in Boise! Nearly 10 times the murder rate!" ...

UK: Brown calls for bomb-proof Britain
Submitted by: motoboy

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"Britain is to ramp up security at air and rail terminals as part of sweeping new anti-terror measures that will see buildings bomb-proofed and citizens placed under more surveillance, Prime Minister Gordon Brown said Wednesday." ...

"They 'will require not just military and security resources, but more policing, more intelligence, and an enhanced effort to win hearts and minds,' Brown said." ...

"'We will only seek new powers that are essential to the fight against terrorism,' Brown told lawmakers." ...

An enemy of liberty is no friend of mine. I do not owe respect to anyone who would enslave me by government force, nor is it wise for such a person to expect it. — Isaiah Amberay

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