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Newslinks for 11/15/2010

Gun owners dodged bullet on lead ammo ban
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Here’s something that hasn’t been discussed much—outside of this readership—concerning the head of the EPA who allowed the petition to move forward in spite of a clear lack of authority to approve it..."

OH: Refine ‘Castle’ Doctrine’ in Ohio
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The statute should not be rescinded. Surely, perhaps in consultation with prosecuting attorneys, defense lawyers and judges, legislators can amend the law to keep criminals from using it as a shield. Such refinements should be considered by the General Assembly next year.

CA: A few comments from Ed Peruta on the eve of Peruta v San Diego et al CCW hearing
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On Monday morning at 10:30AM there will be a hearing for partial summary judgment in the case of Ed Peruta v San Diego County et al which will be held at the Federal Courthouse for the Southern District of California located at 940 Front Street San Diego, CA.

The net effect of a judgment in his favor is that California will become a "shall issue" state in the jurisdiction of the presiding judge, Chief Federal Judge Irma Gonzalez. As any first year law student should know, success in the Peruta case has ramifications throughout the 9th Circuit Court.

TX: Gov. Rick Perry, Texas lawmakers take aim at guns, immigration
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Texas lawmakers say they will consider a long list of gun rights reforms and immigration and border security measures when the Legislature convenes in January.

State Republicans say they plan to challenge a number of state measures, including those involving abortion and access to the new national health care law.

Turks & Caicos: Turks & Caicos offers amnesty to islanders who surrender illegal guns by end of the month
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The London-appointed leader of the Turks and Caicos Island has announced an amnesty for islanders willing to surrender illegal firearms.

Gov. Gordon Wetherell says unregistered guns and ammunition can be handed over to police or 11 pastors across the British territory until Nov. 30 without fear of prosecution.

OR: Portland mayor to announce gun buy-back event scheduled for December
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As Mayor Sam Adams prepares to bring to City Council on Thursday five proposed ordinances to stem shootings through gun-control regulations and stiffer juvenile curfews, he's expected to also announce today a gun buy-back event scheduled for the second week in December.

The mayor said on Friday he'd announce the exact date and location today. The December date, Adams said, should draw plenty of gun owners who may looking for extra shopping money for the holidays.

CA: Stockton’s Gifts for Guns program a success: Trading guns for gift cards
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Cars came by the dozens today to Stockton’s first “Gifts for Guns” exchange. The program offered a “no questions asked” gun drop-off site that would exchange the weapon, working or not for a gift card that ranged from $10 to $150, depending on the gun.

Mayor Ann Johnston was at the collection site that handed out the gift cards in exchange for the 195 handguns, shotguns and assault rifles that were taken for destruction.

NE: Intruders with guns tried to enter Lincoln home
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Three men carrying handguns tried to force their way into a Lincoln home early Sunday morning, police say.

WI: Background checks for potential gun buyers spike
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As the annual nine-day gun-deer season approaches, Wisconsin firearms dealers are seeking background checks on a growing number of potential gun buyers. The 21,543 checks done this past month — one of the state's highest figures in the past 10 years — seem to reflect a growing interest in the buying and selling of weapons.

Australia: Stop blasting away on your guns, Aussie soldiers told
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Trigger-happy Australian soldiers have been warned not to shoot so much, except in an absolute emergency.

If they just blaze away and exceed recommended rates of fire for automatic weapons, they could face serious injury or even death, authorities have said.

A defence spokesman said there had been a number of such incidents in the past three years, most on live-fire ranges in Australia.

WI: Defensive firearm legislation helps protect our citizens
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As Wisconsin transitions to a Republican-controlled state government, many changes will occur — some large, some small, some beneficial, some not. One change we likely will see is passage of concealed carry and "castle doctrine" legislation.

Concealed carry, as the name implies, allows permit holders to carry a concealed weapon for self-protection. Wisconsin and Illinois are the only two states without a concealed carry permit process.

Too Easy for Terrorists to Get Guns in U.S.
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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We make it too easy for dangerous people to get guns in this country. Deficiencies in our gun laws, like the terror gap and gun show loophole, allow suspected terrorists to buy guns legally or avoid background checks by purchasing firearms from unlicensed sellers.

ACLU head Romero responds to Gresham
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"It's interesting that Gresham noticed the deflection from the issues he'd raised to discuss promotional points he had not. That's an M.O. the ACLU has employed before, particularly where the Second Amendment is concerned."

CA: School Makes Boy Take American Flag Off Bike [video]
Submitted by: Tom Price

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13-year-old Cody Alicea rides with an American flag on the back of his bike. He says he does this to be patriotic and to honor veterans, like his own grandfather, Robert. He's had the flag on his bike for two months but Monday, was told to take it down.


TX: Suspected intruder shot, killed by resident in San Marcos
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“I'm just shocked that there would be that type of criminal and crime going on in this neighborhood and in San Marcos,” Evelyn Johnson said.

The suspected intruder was 19 year old Elijah Espinoza. Commander Chase Stapp with the San Marcos Police Department says Espinoza was shot by a resident as he tried to enter the back door of the home around 3 a.m. Sunday.

What Conservatives Believe About Gun Rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Bill Whittle’s continuing exposition on what conservatives and Tea Party people believe looks at gun rights.

Yes, guns are fun. Having guns is fun. Shooting guns is even more fun. I’ve been shooting them since long before I could drive, and carried a variety of them on a daily basis during my years in the military and law enforcement.

But guns are more than just fun. They are vital for defense–national and personal. And they are a key element of maintaining our freedom.

PA: As sheriff, I won't enforce gun control
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Every oath-taker has an individual responsibility to identify lawful orders and also the unlawful ones. To obey lawful orders and safeguard the self evident "natural rights" of the citizens and to disobey orders that take those rights away from them.

After all our right to defend ourselves doesn't come from government, it comes from God and it cannot be taken away by a "presuming" administrative official." The Constitution itself is just an affirmation of our natural rights.

Dept of Justice Report Could Mean More Gun Control
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As we noted in the Sept. 24, 2010 Grassroots Alert, a draft report prepared by the Justice Department Inspector General had called into question the BATFE’s mega-million-dollar Project Gunrunner program.

Established in 2007, this program sought to expand the agency’s firearm tracing operation, relative to the still uncertain amount of smuggling of firearms from the United States to Mexico. This week, the report appeared in final form.

Open carry Governors win elections
Submitted by: Mike Stollenwerk

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A recent press release issued by highlights last week’s pro-gun election results. Turns out open carry campaign pledges appear to run hand in hand with gubernatorial victories in 4 states: Florida, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas.

Open carry organizers are expecting success in at least two states, Oklahoma and Florida, in the near future. Perhaps this will set the stage for Congress to preempt the District of Columbia on gun control and restore gun carry rights in our Nation’s Capital.

. . .

MO: KC police fire at backfiring van
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Two Kansas City police officers who thought they were being shot at from inside a van returned fire Thursday night.
Only later did police realize that the van was actually backfiring and the man inside was not armed. He was not injured by the shots fired by police.
Windows of the police car were apparently shot out by the officers as they exited the patrol car.
The officers were dispatched on a report of shots being fired from a white van just before 6 p.m. Thursday on Gregory Boulevard near Interstate 435.
When the officers got to the area they saw a white van parked on Gregory and pulled up near it. As they were getting out of the patrol car they heard the backfiring and fired their weapons.


WA: Investigators: Man Kills Brother In Self Defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Spokane County Sheriff's investigators say a man unknowingly killed his brother in an apparent case of self defense Saturday night in north Spokane County.


Spokane County Sheriff's Sgt. Dave Reagan said when deputies arrived at the home they found a 41-year-old Riverside man dead from a single gunshot wound.

South Africa: Bar owner shoots violent robber in self defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Police say that the owner of a tavern was returning to his home in Chris Hani Village in South Africa around 9:00pm when four robbers emerged from a dark corner of his yard and attacked. One of the robbers is said to have opened fire on the man, striking him in the chest and leg. Acting in self defense, the man reportedly drew his lawfully carried handgun and returned fire, fatally wounding the armed robber and sending his three accomplices fleeing.

AZ: Police: Man stabs 2 in self-defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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One man is dead following a fight at a midtown convenience store Saturday night.

It happened just before 9 p.m. at Circle K, located in the 3100 block of East Speedway Boulevard, said Sgt. Diana Lopez, a Tucson Police Department spokeswoman.

U.S. Guns Blamed For Fueling Violence In Mexico
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Many Mexican politicians view the current drug war — which has claimed roughly 30,000 lives over the past four years — as one more curse foisted on Mexico by their rich neighbor to the north.

In this worldview, the incredibly violent conflict is fueled by U.S. demand for narcotics, fought with weapons from U.S. gun shops, and funded by U.S. cash that flows freely across the border.

At the chamber of the Mexican Senate, Sen. Sebastian Calderon Centeno says the United States hasn't done anything to curb demand for drugs or to diminish the flow of guns into Mexico. He says the drug war is actually increasing weapons trafficking.

KS: Gun ruling reversed
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Section 4 of the Kansas Bill of Rights previously stated: "The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security; but standing armies, in time of peace, are dangerous to liberty, and shall not be tolerated, and the military shall be in strict subordination to the civil power."

City of Salina v. Blaksley, an early 20th century Kansas Supreme Court case, interpreted Section 4 as providing only a right to members of the military to bear arms while on duty.

VA: Black is back
Submitted by: Mike Stollenwerk

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No, not as in the fashion sense.

Nor in the sense that District of Columbia’s Ward 8 Councilmember Marion Barry suggested today on talk radio (“DC Mayor Adrian Fenty lost his election because "there was a overtantly disproportionate number of white people . . . in top positions and that's why I want black people . . . the African American community are in rebellion over this kind of conduct’").

But rather as in the former Republican Delegate from Loudoun County, Virginia named Dick Black, a staunch backer of Second Amendment legislation long before it was politically cool to do so.

. . .

Jews: Looking Down the Wrong End of the Barrel [video]
Submitted by: Tom Price

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Aaron Zelman's organization, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, is well known in second amendment circles as an outfit that takes no ideological prisoners. The JPFO has released a video, No Guns for Jews, that states the case as well as anything I have seen.

The video makes it clear that Jews have been at the wrong end of the barrel for longer than there have been barrels. There is a long tradition of disarmed Jews -- so long, in fact, that Jews have mentally accepted it. Zelman is trying to change their minds.


And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms....The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. — Thomas Jefferson in a letter to William S. Smith in 1787. Taken from Jefferson, On Democracy p. 20, S. Padover ed., 1939

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