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Newslinks for 11/16/2017

MI: Act on data to curb gun violence
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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It is long past time to have a serious conversation about gun violence in this country. That said, a “serious conversation” isn’t enough. We need action.

Growing up in the city of Detroit, going to middle school in the Cass Corridor, my experience around guns wasn’t a positive one. Gangs, gun runners and the drug trade were my associations with the gun issue.

As I’ve gotten older and gained more life experience, I understand that my experience as a kid isn’t the full story of guns. I have friends who love the hunt and treat guns with great respect. As a husband, father and homeowner, I completely understand the position of the many responsible gun owners who choose to keep a weapon to protect their homes and loved ones.

Self Defense in Church- The Invisible Hands of God and Man
Submitted by: Rob Morse

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Millions of parishioners, pastors and church elders woke up to a new world after the murders at a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. They felt the responsibility to keep their families and their congregations safe. We bring every problem with us to church. Fortunately, we also bring solutions.

We are god’s hands, so it is up to us to stop violence when it comes to church. We are already doing so, and have been for years. You probably won’t notice it, but the change is very real and already underway.

MI: Ortonville double shooting suspect arrested, according to Oakland County Sheriff
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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Michael Quigley has been arrested by Oakland County Sheriffs and is in custody for a double shooting.

A Brandon Township resident spotted Quigley and held him at gunpoint until the authorities arrived. Quigley was found inside a vehicle that was not his, according to investigators.

A cell phone and gun were recovered belonging to shooting suspect Michael Quigley earlier Wednesday afternoon.

Quigley is wanted for shooting his wife and another man in their heads Tuesday night at 8 p.m. at an apartment in Ortonville on Village Court.

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MI: State Board of Education divided on wading into guns in schools debate
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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An effort by Democrats on the State Board of Education to issue a statement critical of legislation that would allow concealed guns in schools was defeated this week, after the board's Republicans abstained from the vote.

Cassandra Ulbrich, D-Rochester Hills, who pushed for the board to take a stance on the legislation - approved by the state Senate last week - said guns don't belong in schools.

And while she expressed support for a provision in the bill that closes a loophole in state law allowing guns to be openly carried in schools, she said the legislation is not the way to create a safer environment for children.

Supporters of the bill argue allowing concealed guns in those areas could deter or prevent mass shootings.

Less Complaining And More Encouraging
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Some heartening news came from the tragic shooting in the Thornton, Colo., Wal-Mart that left three innocent Americans dead. It was that several shoppers in the store at the time of the shooting drew their own handguns and prepared to defend themselves and their loved ones from evil. They didn’t try to be the “Rambo” that all the anti-gun zealots predicted legally armed citizens would be in situations like this. They didn’t hurt anyone. And they were prepared to save lives if action became possible and necessary. These are the people who allow me to keep some faith in my fellow Americans.

MD: Safety and Second Amendment rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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How do we balance our rights under the Second Amendment with the safety of our public? If Columbine was felt as an earthquake and endures as an emblem of national calamity, the subsequent mass shootings have become less and less surprising. Once the killing of children and innocent, peaceful people is bearable, it becomes incongruous with the Christian notion of love and compassion. It is natural to want to do something to prevent another Sandy Hook, Sutherland Springs or Virginia Tech. Working on finding ways to prevent such tragedies rather than removing rights should be the path to follow. And that could be pursued and accomplished through those safety rules we set in place to prevent us and others from harm.

FL: Why mental health test for gun ownership is a slippery slope
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As a Life Member of the National Rifle Association I don’t know any member who thinks the truly mentally ill should have unrestricted access to weapons of any kind. The problem we have is what the criteria are for restriction and who gets to decide.

I’ve been called a “nut” simply because I believe in and have extensively studied the legal history of the Second Amendment. Is the fact I’m well-educated about, and choose to exercise, my historical right to own firearms the clinical criteria for being “nuts?”

Giffords Group Solves Gun Violence Problem By Going After… Muzzleloaders
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Never let a good tragedy go to waste. With a couple of mass shootings unfolding this autumn, the anti-gun rights group founded by Gabby Giffords and her husband has just released a new set of targets for federal regulation. You’ll recognize some of them as old chestnuts which are regularly opposed by those who object to the Second Amendment, as well as some new bits of technology we’re still wrestling with in the court of public opinion.

FL: Update on Legislative Committee Week
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The following is an article from News Service Florida in which they try to get a handle on what's in store for gun bills in the upcoming legislative session. It is reprinted with permission.

However, we must point that the reporter who wrote this story totally misread SB-274 By Sen. Kelli Stargel (R-Lakeland).

The bill is NOT about private schools, the bill is about CHURCHES. It restores the private property rights and the security and defense rights of churches so they may determine whether or not all allow firearms on church property.

CA: The Tehama County shootings: Why did this guy have guns?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The red flags were flying all over the place.


Let’s review: crazy guy, history of wreaking violence on others, and multiple weapons at his disposal in a state with the toughest gun laws in the nation.

It doesn’t quite add up.

Ed.: That war on guns is working about as well as the war on drugs, huh?

Boston Globe Op-Ed Says Forget the Second Amendment and Turn in All Your Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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An op-ed that appeared in the Boston Globe on Friday did away with the formalities and admitted that if gun control advocates really want to achieve their desired goal, they have to call for a complete gun confiscation:

IN: 'Castle doctrine' considered in fatal South Side shooting investigation
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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An Evansville man who told police he shot and killed his former roommate in self-defense was released from jail the day after his arrest and no murder charges will be sought, officials say.

Robert Mills, 47, was accused of fatally shooting 41-year-old Keith Kessinger at Mills’ South Side home.

Evansville Police Department spokesman Sgt. Jason Cullum said before deciding not to pursue charges, investigators looked at Indiana’s law about using force for self-defense or to protect property, sometimes called the “stand your ground law.”

AK: Charges against shooter dropped
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The case against a 30-year-old Fairbanks man accused of shooting his neighbor in the back last year was dropped this week halfway through jury selection in Fairbanks Superior Court.

Assistant District Attorney David Buettner said he made the decision Tuesday morning after he spoke with his investigator and the victim during a break and concluded the state did not have sufficient evidence to disprove self-defense beyond a reasonable doubt.

IL: Norridge hardware store plans to sell weapons in new sporting goods department
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The owners of a family-run hardware store in Norridge are proposing to open a small weapons section as part of a new sporting goods department, selling a total of up to 180 rifles and handguns.

Members of the Norridge Zoning Board of Appeals on Monday voted 6-1 in favor of the request from the owners of the Ace Hardware store, at 8330 W. Lawrence Ave., for special zoning, finding it met the requirements of the village's weapons dealer ordinance.

KY: Prepared not paranoid: How to survive an active shooter situation
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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By day, Bruce Watson is a school resource officer. By night, he’s a self-defense expert.

“Every time you step out the door, you’re stepping into a possibly hostile environment, because you don’t know,” says Watson.

Watson says now is the time to prepare for the unthinkable: an active shooter situation.

“We’re not telling you to be paranoid, because if you’re aware and prepared, you don’t have to be paranoid,” says Watson.

NY: Disassembling the gun control issue
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun control.

It is an extremely controversial issue – some people want to place restrictions on the sale and use guns in an attempt to prevent mass shootings, while others argue that guns are a right of the American people that should not be violated.

In the wake of the recent Texas church massacre, the United States came together to mourn.

However, many people seem to question why tragedies like mass shootings seem to be occurring more frequently.

Why must we go through pain and suffering at the hands of a person with a gun? Why must we face the consequences of one person making poor choices? What is being done, and what more can be done, to address the situation?

WV: Clarksburg man acquitted in alleged stabbing trial
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In Harrison County Wednesday, jurors acquitted a Clarksburg man accused of stabbing three people in March.

Donald Amos, 54, was found not guilty on all five counts.

He was indicted in September on charges of malicious assault, burglary, and domestic assault.

According to police, the incident on March 7 stemmed from a domestic dispute with his ex-girlfriend. Amos contended that he acted in self-defense.

MT: Can I carry a concealed weapon in Gibson Park? Gun rights advocates protest Great Falls ordinance
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Local gun owners are pressuring city commissioners to amend a 20-year-old ordinance that appears to prohibit licensed permit holders from carrying concealed weapons in Great Falls’ parks and trail systems.

During the opening proceedings of the past two city commission meetings, numerous people have expressed their concerns about the city ordinance.

DE: Second Amendment shouldn't protect assault weapons
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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My family and I have legally owned guns for the protection of our households for as long as I can remember, and I believe that every adult citizen has the right to legally own a firearm for protection or hunting.

But when the Constitution of the United States was written in 1787, I'm sure the Founding Fathers could not envision that, in future generations, Americans would be using the Second Amendment to justify ordinary citizens owning military-style semiautomatic weapons or bump stocks that enable a person to turn a gun into such a destructive weapon.

Guam: Don't blame the weapons used in killings
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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We can presume this was in reference to the recent shootings and murders of innocent men, women and children and that he was referring to semi-automatic rifles similar to the AR-15, which are civilian variants of the standard Department of Defense service rifles and carbines, the M-16 and M-4, respectively.

This confusion seems to be a common mistake among those unfamiliar with firearms.

Private ownership of fully automatic weapons on Guam is illegal. It is also highly regulated in the U.S. mainland, complete with a six- to nine-month wait during your background investigation and an ATF tax assessment.

CT: Madison-based Remington Arms goes to court in Newtown shooting lawsuit
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Newtown school shooter Adam Lanza heard the message loud and clear when gun-maker Remington Arms marketed an AR-15-style rifle as an overpowering weapon favored by elite military forces, a lawyer for relatives of some victims of the massacre told the Connecticut Supreme Court on Tuesday.

Lanza, who killed 20 first-graders and six educators with a Bushmaster XM15-E2S on Dec. 14, 2012, was obsessed with violent video games and idolized the Army Rangers, attorney Joshua Koskoff said.

Gun Sense or Non-sense?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Please help me understand why any American not in the military, organized law enforcement, or who is not a museum collector should have a right to own live functional bazookas, hand grenades, mortars, rocket-propelled grenades, land mines, nuclear bombs, napalm, automatic rapid-fire machine guns (1200 rounds per minute [RPM]), submachine guns and machine pistols (1000 RPM), automatic assault rifles (900 RPMs), or semiautomatic (fires one round per trigger pull; 150 RPMs in theory but must reload) with 30-round ammunition carriers, Colt AR 15s, Kalashnikov AK-47s, and so on.

You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the struggle for independence. —CHARLES A. BEARD

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