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Newslinks for 11/17/2001

Student jailed for having unloaded .22 in vehicle glove box
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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Harnett County sheriff’s deputies charged a Triton High School student with bringing a .22-caliber handgun on campus Tuesday.

Authorities found the gun, which was not loaded, in the glove compartment of another student’s car.

KABA NOTE: We've gone from storing our guns in the locker at the back of the room to going to jail for violating a federal gun law by storing unloaded .22's in a vehicle.

Federalism revival in terrorism's wake?
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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On Friday, Attorney General John D. Ashcroft announced a "wartime reorganization and mobilization" of the entire Justice Department that might be the most revolutionary development in federal relations in decades.

Lobbies step up gun-law advocacy
Submitted by: WildWest

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"Gun control advocates on Thursday urged the government to tighten gun laws as part of its wider effort to keep weapons away from potential terrorists.

"The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, the National Troopers Coalition and the International Brotherhood of Police Officers, joined Barnes in pushing for gun records, which could be kept to help law enforcers track gun crime."

Drawing a Line for Liberties
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Under pressure from the war against terrorism, the line between civil liberties and security is moving steadily toward greater police powers for the government. This isn't surprising, given heightened worries about a hidden and potentially catastrophic threat. But the alarms set off by these developments in Congress and elsewhere (see story) should not be ignored.

Teen threatened family with knives
Submitted by: serinde

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KELLER, TX - A 16-year-old boy suspected of threatening his mother with a knife held Keller police at bay for about 45 minutes Monday night before he surrendered after a patrol officer shot him with a beanbag round...

At some point, the boy armed with the knives walked to the front of the door, where he was shot by an officer...

Because a nonlethal weapon was used, the officer remained on duty...

KABA NOTE: Because the kid used a knife, this will not get anywhere near the national coverage it would if the weapon he used had been a gun.

Afghanistan: Weapons will be forbidden in Kabul
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"We created a security plan. There will no longer be armed men in Kabul," Younus Qanooni, the Alliance's interior minister, said yesterday. "Tonight, we will make an announcement on the radio. Tomorrow, no one will be allowed to have a Kalashnikov (rifle) in Kabul."

Canada: U of T gun range shut pending police probe, May not reopen
Submitted by: WildWest

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"The majority of committee members felt the shooting range was an anachronism," said Mr. Neelands.

Margaret Hancock, the warden of Hart House, quietly closed the 82-year-old range. "I think we've behaved prudently and honourably," Ms. Hancock said of the closing. "We've been part of the investigation."

Step to Confidence in Cops
Submitted by: WildWest

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These two sentences are in the same paragraph: "Of course, it will remain possible for a department to hold back information." AND "This can only bolster the confidence of citizens in the police who protect them."

Civil liberties become front in anti-terror war
Submitted by: WildWest

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"We have to find a way to tell the public we're not taking anything away; we're just using a different method" of justice, Terwilliger told a gathering of conservative lawyers Thursday.

"Our friends on the civil liberties side of the fence are worried that we are bypassing the courts entirely -- as if our enemies have any right to be in court."

--What is his Definition of enemies?

Nov. 15 Neal Knox Update
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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* McCain Doesn't Trust Armed Pilots

* Wisconsin CCW

* Michael Bellesiles' "explanation" for the gross distortions in his book

* Armed woman in wheelchair shoots predator

* Aussie gun dealer got a three-quarter million dollar Circuit Court judgement against his government

* Anti-gunners in full cry pushing for new gun show laws and treating .50 caliber rifles like machine guns in order to "disarm terrorists"

Armed Pilots Provision Adopted as Part of Airline Security Bill
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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GOA ALERT -- Congratulations! In the face of initially scathing opposition from gun-haters in Congress, you -- through tens of thousands of letters, emails, post cards, and petitions -- have forced Congress to allow pilots to carry firearms in the cockpit for the defense of themselves and their passengers and crew.

A last-minute intervention by Senator Bob Smith (R-NH) was also successful in defeating an "eleventh hour" effort by anti-gun zealots to limit the provision to stun guns.

Pilots May Shut Down System If They Can't Carry Guns
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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The aviation security bill agreed to by House and Senate negotiators Thursday would allow pilots to carry firearms, under certain conditions. Some pilots say if those conditions are used to deny them guns in the cockpit, they may refuse to fly...

GA: Atlanta Asks State Appeals Court to Keep Alive Suit Against Gun Makers
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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The city of Atlanta fought to keep its lawsuit against gun makers alive Wednesday as gun company lawyers sought to crush it in the Georgia Court of Appeals.

The city claims the Legislature is stealing the authority of the courts. Gun makers say the city is encroaching on the state's exclusive power to regulate guns. Bailey told the court that recent amendments to the Georgia Code say specifically that Atlanta has no authority to bring this suit.

France urged to bite the bullet on gun law
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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The officers say thousands of illegal firearms, mainly from eastern Europe, have flooded onto the black market over the past year, allowing even small-time crooks and vandals to carry lethal weapons that cost as little as £70 for a pistol or £120 for an assault rifle.

They are demanding a radical tightening of France's gun laws, as well as bulletproof vests for all patrolmen, a major new recruitment drive and significantly more pay to take account of the increased danger of their job.

Girls, 12 and 13, convicted of trying to poison teacher
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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The girls, 12 and 13, were convicted of contamination of a substance for human consumption, a first degree felony.

A third girl, 13, who pleaded guilty last month testified for the prosecution.

A fourth girl, 14, who also had been charged and accused of serving as a lookout, was cleared last month of wrongdoing.

All of the girls were accused of pouring liquid drain cleaner into teacher Nancy Wyenandt's water bottle.

KABA NOTE: No guns used! Is the "major" press interested?

CARA Almost Dead—But Still Breathing: Time to Strike a Death Blow!
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Recently, CARA opponents chalked up a victory at the National Rifle Association’s Board of Directors meeting. Some on the board had taken the initiative to endorse CARA... However, property rights advocates, many of whom are NRA members, persuaded the NRA to severely limit its support of CARA to one small provision within the bill.

Contact your Rep. and urge him/her to SAY NO TO CARA!

Call House Speaker Dennis Hastert to hold the line against CARA: 202.225.0600

We the Government -- Bureau of the National Rifle Association
Submitted by: John G. Lankford

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We all have a stake in the NRA, and just as with the vast federal behemoth, we have, members and nonmembers alike, been shirking our self-governing duties respecting it. A just-concluded (maybe) controversy over "CARA," a mammoth parcel of federal conservation legislation, highlighted the problems. Let's straighten them out now, because the opportunity to do so happens to be before us, just possibly for the last time...

TX: Gun crimes new Asst. DA's purview
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Johnson County District Attorney Dale Hanna hopes within two weeks to have a new assistant to prosecute gun crimes. County commissioners voted Tuesday to accept a federal grant aimed at helping counties enforce existing gun laws. The county will pay $56,000 over the next three years and receive a $120,000 grant. The new DA would be paid $43,000 in fiscal year 2002.

Armed and ready to defend!
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"We need to show (children) the reality of shooting. My children are not allowed to have toy guns. Guns are not toys." --Sharlene Shappart, 30, with her son Anthony Gonzales, 4, and her .380 Beretta

When law and morality contradict each other the citizen has the cruel alternative of either losing his sense of morality or losing his respect for the law. — Frederick Bastiat

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