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Newslinks for 11/17/2003

Choose Your Future: With Guns and Freedom—or Without
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Here's a Future where millions understand, right down to gut level, that "gun control" kills. These future citizens know that civilian gun ownership makes the world safer and happier. This is the world we WILL have once a critical mass of people see the life-changing documentary film, Innocents Betrayed..." ...

"NOW if you prefer, here's a future where millions go on imagining that 'gun control' will make them safe. This is a world where Innocents Betrayed never gets outside the realm of Second-Amendment supporters:"

"This future looks (and smells) familiar because we're already on its borders."

Power to the State!
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"In an article entitled 'Mugger goes free, victim arrested,' a perfect example is documented of how the superior purpose of the state overrides individual needs and survivability. ...The article begins, 'He survived a violent mugging, but now 80 year-old Lester Campbell faces criminal charges for defending himself with an unlicensed gun.' Of course it must be understood, that the compassionate state cannot allow just anyone to either run around armed with a gun, or to use it in an unlicensed, unauthorized manner, especially against another human being. The state is responsible for protecting all equally, even criminals. Criminals are people too!"

Firearms carry legitimate uses (Letter)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"...Should match-makers be sued when arsonists sets fires? Should we ban assault matches?"

"Lose the tired canard that sporting use is the only legitimate purpose of firearms. The Second Amendment is not about hunting any more than the First Amendment is about licensing obscenity. It is clearly stated that these ensure that the federal government behaves itself."

"Good governments ban arms, assuming people aren't virtuous. Malevolent governments ban them when planning a pogrom. The only functional policy is to arm the commoners and to vigorously promote their virtue."

"What is outrageous is using the First Amendment to trash the Second, which is logically/morally equivalent to using the Second to trash the First."

Refuting Gun Myths
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"Obviously, The US Constitution and its history are not taught in political science courses, otherwise you would have known that we are NOT SUBJECTS! I am a sovereign INDIVIDUAL who resides in one of the several States comprising our Union. Only Kings and despots have 'subjects.' If this is what you have learned, or are teaching in our Universities, things are much worse that I previously feared. Were it not for the right to keep and bear arms, our country would not exist today, which seems to be what you desire. Tell me sir, what type of country do you envision for us? Would it be one of Marxist socialism, Hitler's fascism, or perhaps Pol Pot's brutal totalitarianism? Each of these great experts would agree wholeheartedly that gun control surely works! God help us."

Choose the right gun to protect yourself
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"If you saw the recent video of "Old Mr. Grump" shooting the 'Lucky Lawyer' in Los Angeles, you can learn a valuable lesson about which firearm to choose for self-defense."

"The press rarely reports what kinds of guns are used in crimes and usually gets it wrong when it tries. Nevertheless, I have concluded Mr. Grump used a .22-caliber pistol. Otherwise, the Lucky Lawyer would not have remained on his feet for so long."

"Now, a .22, a .25 and a .32 will kill you, provided the bullet strikes a vital organ. Sometimes the person will bleed to death if the wounds are not treated promptly. But in a self-defense situation, you will not be comforted by the fact that your assailant bled to death an hour after he cut your throat or blew your brains out. And, as Mr. Grump demonstrated on camera, hitting a vital organ is not that easy for an untrained pistolero."

UK: Four Years for man with stolen Police gun
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"A 21-YEAR-OLD Bangor man who admitted having a defective loaded pistol stolen from an RUC man's home 17 years ago was given four years detention, less a day, on condition he serves a further year on probation after release."

"Belfast Crown Court heard yesterday that when police stopped James Roberts in the town in December almost two years ago, he claimed he had found the defective Walther pistol and seven rounds of ammunition."

"Roberts, from Bloomfield Court, Bangor, maintained he had found it just moments earlier as he was being chased by two men, but his claims were rejected by investigating officers."

China: Police arrest man accused of knifing 65 people to death
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"Chinese police have arrested a man accused of knifing 65 people to death in one of the most horrifying cases of serial slayings in China’s recent history."

A disarmed Chinese populace was terrorized by a serial killer, who found a most effective way to slaughter his victims. He killed 65 people before the police were able to apprehend him, and yet the people were supposed to rely on the authorities to protect them?

MO: Concealed gun opponents are stalling, Nixon charges
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"Opponents who sidetracked Missouri's concealed gun law are now stalling resolution of the issue in court, state Attorney General Jay Nixon complained Friday."

"His office, which is defending the statute against a claim that it violates the state constitution, urged the Missouri Supreme Court to 'act now to stop the delaying tactics.' "

"On Thursday, attorneys who had gotten St. Louis Circuit Judge Steven Ohmer to temporarily block the law asked the Supreme Court to hear appeal arguments no sooner than Feb. 9. Nixon wants to do it Dec. 3."

MD: Fund for Animals Says DNR Policies To Blame for Death of Ten-Year-Old Hunter
Submitted by: Jim Sr

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"The Fund for Animals, a national animal protection organization with more than 5,000 members and active supporters in Maryland, has called on Governor Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr. and Natural Resources Secretary C. Ronald Franks to end the state's 'lethal experiment with the crossbow and establish a minimum hunting age of sixteen.' The call comes in response to the recent death of ten-year-old Tyler Mattison of Baltimore County, who was fatally wounded by his own crossbow while hunting with his father. Maryland has no minimum hunting age, and this fall marks the first year in three decades that hunting with a crossbow has been legal for the general hunter population."

NY: Activist Pushes Peace, Gun Control and Nonviolence
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"At Norma Cohen's 80th birthday party in January, her daughter, Beth DeGrasse of McLean, Va., told a story about her mother." ...

"She was a social worker for 33 years, until retiring a few months before her 75th birthday. For the past three decades, she has marched for peace, helped make connections among religions, lobbied for tighter gun-control legislation (as a member of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence) and protested what she considers assaults on civil liberties. Cohen marched in 1971 during the Vietnam War and was back in Washington 31 years later."

Unsurprisingly, she doesn't consider the ability to defend yourself effectively against armed criminals a "civil liberty."

Canada: Neighbours warned about accused sexual offender
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Children can usually be seen swinging on monkey bars and digging their toes in the sand of this small park just a few blocks away from the Lansdowne shopping mall in Richmond."

"But yesterday, it was empty."

"Since Vancouver police issued a public warning that Richmond resident Leonardo Da Vancouver, a repeat sexual offender suspect, was released from custody on Thursday, residents have stayed indoors and not let their children out of their sight." ...

"Out of frustration that judges keep releasing him, police have now circulated his photo to warn the public." ...

"Abby Cheung, 18, a Kwantlen University College student who lives in the same apartment complex as Da Vancouver, said she's considering taking self-defence courses."

Colombia: Corrupt police and a mayor with no tie - welcome to Colombia
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Colombia's chief of police, General Teodoro Campo, has just resigned along with four other senior officers after revelations that they had been using an account meant for payments to informants to fund three years of lavish dinner parties, whisky and expensive chocolates."

"The resignation came as inquiries continued into the disappearance of two tonnes of cocaine being held in police custody. While things can go missing in the best-run offices, it is thought the missing two tonnes of coke was returned to the drug traffickers from whom it was seized, a rather literal interpretation of the duty to return lost property."

But only cops like this and the military are trustworthy enough to have guns, according to the misanthropes at HCI.

Brazil: Amnesty International documents human rights abuses by police in Brazil
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Amnesty International says Brazil is facing a deepening human rights crisis. The organization's secretary general, Irene Khan, says there are two Brazils: one that espouses human rights and one that abuses them with impunity.

In a report, Amnesty documents official figures of 664 civilians killed by police in Sao Paolo, and 917 dead at the hands of police in Rio de Janeiro by the end of September alone.

Amnesty says many of the killings were unlawful. Police argue they are increasingly forced to deal with criminals and drug lords, and many of the killings are in self-defence.

Amnesty also highlights vigilante attacks on activists fighting for land and indigenous rights.

So while the Brazilian government is busy implementing more gun control to disarm its citizens, the police - still armed - are busy killing them. That's why only government agents should have guns, right Sarah?

A Taser that really jolts (or No, really, this one works. We bet your life on it!)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Taser was invented in 1974 by Jack Cover, who was a scientist for the Apollo moon landing program. It resembled a large flashlight, and when a gunpowder charge was detonated, it fired two wires that latched onto the target's clothes and delivered an electrical charge."

"Tasers were supplied to police agencies, including the Los Angeles Police Department, some of whose officers beat up Rodney King in 1991 after the Taser they used had failed to subdue him. That same year, Smith said, two friends of his were killed during a dispute with an angry motorist."

" 'I got very interested personally in the whole topic of self-defense,' Smith said. Smith, who had read that the Taser failed in the Rodney King incident because of a battery problem, developed a business plan for marketing an improved Taser-like invention for the average citizen."

SD: Officers will hand out 60,000 gun locks around South Dakota
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Law enforcement officers in South Dakota will hand out 60,000 free gun locks this week in an effort to reduce gun deaths, especially among children."

"The gun locks, which will be given out Monday through Friday, are part of a national, $50 million program called Project ChildSafe. The program is being paid for by the U.S. Department of Justice."

In other words, it's being fielded by the taxpayers, whose earnings are being used to make gun owners more dependent on mechanical gadgets for their safety and less on training, education and personal accountability.

KY: Wife says husband made a honest mistake in bringing gun to Louisville Airport
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Jason Jennings was arraigned Saturday morning on charges he brought a concealed weapon into the Louisville International Airport on Friday."

"... An FBI spokesperson says security screeners spotted a 40 caliber automatic weapon in his carry on bag. Jennings is a contractor who had moved to Arizona from Louisville."

"...she said her husband has been traveling back and forth for the last four months to see her and their two children. She says the whole incident was an honest mistake."

When a police officer (former Detroit police chief) Jerry Oliver made the same "honest" mistake for the second time, he got off with a $250 fine and a misdemeanor charge.

Brazil: Under the Gun in Rio
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"...The longer you stay in Rio, the greater your chance of a violent death. When one of the thousands of desperate poor decides to assault you, he will do so with a pistol, not a knife. Demonstrate even the slightest resistance and you will be shot. Firearms killed 40,000 Brazilians in all of Brazil, last year, according to anti-violence NGO Viva Rio. In a city where gun violence is out of control, arms control should be the first and most important goal of prudent public policy."

Oh yeah! Because arms control has worked SO well in Britain and Australia where the population is disarmed, and the criminals have free reign over their unprotected prey.

OH: What do kids learn from gun education?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"In rural areas like his native Geauga County, he says, gun safety is often taught in the home and gun accidents are rare. But that's not the case in urban areas, which is why Rep. Grendell, R-Chesterland, worked for three years to get House Bill 95 passed this summer to fund gun safety education in Ohio schools." ...

"Ohio thus becomes the first state to fund gun safety education in public schools. This month, all 612 Ohio school superintendents were notified about the two-year, $40,000 pilot program, which will cover the cost of the National Rifle Association's Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program, designed for pupils in K-3."

AL: The Alonzo Family Still Needs Justice
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"Former Libertarian Presidential candidate Harry Browne had one of the best political one liners ever. He said, 'Government is very good at one thing: breaking your leg, then handing you a crutch and saying 'See? If it weren't for the government, you wouldn't be able to walk!' "

"I was reminded of his words while following recent developments in the Marta and Javier Alonzo case, first reported in LFA by Stephen Gordon."

"Marta Alonzo may be reunited with her one-year-old son Javier as early as Tuesday, according to news reports." ...

"Alabama Department of Human Resources (DHR) Commissioner Bill Fuller announced this hopeful development, basically restating Browne's quip, but with a straight face."

" 'She needed backup services... a safety net,' he said. 'There was no accusation of harmful intent. This is one family that can be revived.' "

FL: Gun toters, you can relax
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"I don't recall ever hearing of a television set being used to rob, rape or kill someone, as firearms frequently are. But to the gun lobby, the greater danger lies in letting the government know which citizens own what guns. It harbors a paranoid fear of confiscation, one of the classic paranoias in American history."

"A little touch of paranoia is not necessarily a bad thing. As James Madison put it, 'It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties.' But I think the NRA is barking up the wrong tree. Gun confiscation would be such a fool's errand as to be the most remote of dangers. The so-called Patriot Act is a very clear and very present 'experiment on our liberties.' ..."

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VA: Detective Melvin indicted in murder of suspect
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A Richmond Circuit Court grand jury has indicted Richmond police Detective David D. Melvin on a charge of second-degree murder in the shooting death of an unarmed robbery suspect."

"Two trials of Melvin on charges of involuntary manslaughter in the death of Verlon M. Johnson ended in mistrials."

Imagine if only police and military were allowed access to firearms. Would you feel safer with people like this being the only ones with guns, while you were forced to rely upon them for your personal safety?

TX: Mishaps Interfere with Robbery Attempt
Submitted by: Anonymous

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You've probably heard stories about dumb criminals.
Here's one that that happened in Beaumont that's hard to believe.

Police say two young men tried to hold-up the Quick Stop in the 8000 block of College Thursday night.

Once inside the store, they pulled a gun but part of it fell to the floor and the clerk chased the men out with a broom.

Next a woman came in and tried to grab the piece of the gun that had fallen off. The clerk chased her out of the store.

The three tried to flee in a van, but they ran the van into a ditch next to the store.

They got out and fled on foot.

Later police received a cell phone call from someone reporting the van as stolen.

Police say they located the caller and determined they were the suspects after finding the broken gun hidden in the grass nearby.

One person was taken into custody. The woman was not arrested. Police are still looking for the third suspect.

MD: "Million" Misguided Mommies put their own spin on ballistics database news in Maryland
Submitted by: Gary L. Erne

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"Currently, Maryland's Integrated Ballistics Identification System (MD-IBIS) contains casings from handguns provided by gunmakers since 2000. A bill under consideration in the state legislature would expand the database to include rifles and shotguns."

"But according to a 40-page report by the agency's crime lab, the ballistic samples in the database often are not from the type of guns used by criminals, and gun casings from certain gunmakers are unreliable. Furthermore, the database cannot be linked to a similar national system."

The Maryland state police recommend not expanding this ballistics database - a ridiculous waste of taxpayers' money, which has NEVER helped to solve ANY crimes, much less prevent any!

Nepal: Parties urge Maoists to give up guns
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"Nepal’s mainstream parties yesterday jointly called on Maoist rebels to halt their insurgency and join forces with them in a peaceful campaign against King Gyanendra."

" 'We have decided to formally invite the Maoists to join the movement against the regressive steps of the king which have affected parliamentary democracy,' a spokesman for Nepal’s five main parties said."

" 'But we ask that the Maoists first stop killing and lay down their arms to make this movement successful,' he said after party leaders held four hours of talks."

King Gyanendra dismissed the elected government last year and appointed his own prime minister. Months of peaceful protests apparently did no good. Sometimes armed revolt is the only way to overthrow tyranny.

SC: Former Chesnee officer pleads guilty to domestic violence, pointing gun
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A former Chesnee Police Officer has pleaded guilty to criminal domestic violence and pointing a gun."

"The felony plea before a judge in Spartanburg on Monday means Jason Blackwell, 30, will never be a police officer again."

"Blackwell was initially charged with aggravated criminal domestic violence. Prosecutors reduced the charge for a guilty plea. Circuit Judge Michael Baxley sentenced Blackwell to 30 days in jail and 18 months or probation." ...

"A police report says Blackwell admitted pointing a gun at his wife and threatening to kill her."

But only police officers and military should be allowed firearms, right? Because they would never abuse their power over a disarmed populace!

UK: Gun terror for factory owner
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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A factory owner was held up at gun-point by two armed robbers who pistol-whipped him and assaulted his partner before stealing valuable personal jewellery, police said yesterday."

"The majority of staff had left the engineering works in Rea Street South, Highgate, Birmingham, when the raiders struck at about 6pm on Thursday night as the owner's partner and her daughter were visiting the premises." ...

"The owner struggled with the offenders and was assaulted and pistol-whipped, leaving him with head injuries which needed hospital treatment."

Japan: Clinton to meet parents of student shot in U.S.
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Former U.S. President Bill Clinton will meet with the parents of Yoshihiro Hattori, an exchange student who was shot dead in the United States, when he visits a university in Aichi Prefecture on Wednesday."

"A friend of the Hattoris, Hiromi Bando, said Sunday that Clinton will meet with Hattori's mother, Mieko, 55, and father, Masaichi, 56, for the first time in 10 years at Aichi Gakuin University where he is scheduled to give a lecture."

"Clinton met with the Hattoris in November 1993 when they handed a petition to him at the White House signed by around 1.7 million people seeking gun control in the U.S."

OR: ‘Eminent domain’ is theft by government (Letter)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Three Keizer residents don’t want to sell their property. Perhaps Keizer city hall doesn’t really believe in private property, but rather in its own 'eminent domain,' a legal-sounding term for government forcibly taking property from its citizens."

"City Manager Chris Eppley says on one hand that it 'is a pretty fair process.' But he simultaneously wishes 'that it wouldn’t come down to that.' I suppose that is because he recognizes that he’s really talking about government-protected theft."

"The only 'fair process' is one involving a willing buyer and a willing seller." ...

"But if you’re a developer with the promise of more tax revenue, it appears Keizer’s guns are for hire."

Japan: Ex-military guard accused of stealing crime files
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 35-year-old guard hired by a private security firm commissioned to provide security at the District Public Prosecutors Office has been indicted on a charge of stealing investigative documents and other items from the office."

"According to the prosecutors office, Masahiro Nagumo, a former employee of Kyowa Security Guard Co. who worked at the office, stole 3,460 items, including personal information on victims of sex crimes, records of oral statements by the offenders and psychotropic drugs."

"A Kyowa employee in charge of employment said he had a favorable impression of Nagumo when he interviewed him in January. Nagumo, who is a former member of the Self-Defense Forces, impressed the interviewer with his attitude and good physique."

Afghanistan: Disarmament process going on smoothly in Afghanistan: UN official
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"An ambitious program to disarm all existing former combatants in the post-war Afghanistan is going on smoothly after being launched last month, a UN spokesman here said on Sunday."

"The disarmament process, known as the Disarmament, Demobilization and Integration (DDR), is currently underway in the eastern Paktia province after the first pilot project had been implemented in northern province of Kunduz, said David Singh of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA)."

IL: Law-enforcement memorial group defends semi-automatic rifle raffle
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Despite claims to the contrary, there is nothing ironic, unusual or immoral about raffling off a semi-automatic rifle to raise money for a police memorial, say members of the committee conducting the raffle." ...

"Tom Mannard, executive director of the Chicago-based Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence, said guns like the CAR UTE Elite may not be on the banned list, but they basically are cloned replicas of assault rifles that are, like the Colt AR-15."

"Mr. Mannard said the fact that it is being raffled off to help fund a memorial dedicated to officers killed in the line of duty is disturbing."

TX: Woman proves guys are not the only ones who like guns
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"McClaugherty, 54, is a constant reminder that guns aren’t just toys for big boys."

"She’s the only woman in the Rio Grande Valley who teaches the state’s concealed handgun permit class. She is also one of about a dozen women in the state who teach the class."

"When McClaugherty isn’t teaching, you can find her at the Pharr Gun Club. She’s often shooting at blue targets more than 50 yards away."

"McClaugherty is not what you would call a girly-girl: her work uniform is faded blue jeans, sneakers and a hand-painted shirt."

"However, don’t let the blue jeans and sneakers fool you — this woman is very much a lady. Her desert rose lipstick is perfectly in place, her fingernails are long and slender and her favorite color is pink."

PA: Widow who missed tax bill gets farm back
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"An 89-year-old woman who lost her home because of $572 in unpaid taxes will get it back from the man who bought the million-dollar property in a government auction for $15,000."

"Helene Shue, who has lived on her 41-acre farm near Hershey, Pa., for five decades, had paid her taxes in full every year – including this one – but was short in her 2001 payment, the Harrisburg Patriot-News reported."

"The buyer, Philip Dobson of Middle Paxton Township, Pa., informed Shue's nephew, John Arndt, he would give back the land after the story gained national attention." ...

"I got something better than a million-dollar property... I got a hug from a little old lady. That was worth more than anyone could imagine."

TX: Firearm ownership increasing among Valley women
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Although Katie Riley was 6 years old when she first fired a gun, it took a scary experience about 15 years later for her to get serious about firearms. While going through a divorce in 1999, Riley’s estranged husband stalked her, appearing when she least expected and one time he nearly hit her with his car, she said.

For months, Riley feared going anywhere alone. In the spring she took her friends’ advice and enrolled in a concealed handgun license class. After obtaining her license, she fired 50 rounds a week for one month to get a feel for different kinds of weapons. In May, Riley purchased her first firearm — a .38-caliber Taurus revolver.

Riley is among a growing number of Rio Grande Valley women who want to carry weapons.

TX: Firearm ownership increasing among Valley women
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Some firing range managers and concealed handgun license instructors said they have noticed an increase in female participation. Stephen Manwell, general partner of Tejas Shooting Sports in Mission, said that while he taught one female student in 2000 and 2001, he has taught more than 20 in 2002 and 2003." ...

"The trend is a result of society’s increasing acceptance of women who engage in masculine activities, said Ethel Cantu, associate psychology professor, who teaches the psychology of gender, among other courses, at the University of Texas at Brownsville."

"Carrying a gun or keeping one at home is a smart move for some women, as long as they’re properly trained and licensed..."

Australia: Firearms seizure praised by Ellison
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"The Federal Government has welcomed the seizure in New South Wales of 753 illegal firearms, some so tiny they could be attached to a key ring."

"Justice and Customs Minister Senator Chris Ellison says the breakthrough follows four months of investigations by Commonwealth and state authorities, leading to eight arrests and a total seizure of 815 firearms."

"A large quantity of parts that could potentially be used in the assembly of another 2,500 firearms were also seized."

"Senator Ellison says he has no doubt the firearms were destined for the criminal market."

UK: Firearms expert faces jail threat
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"FIREARMS expert Richard Ashley is today facing the prospect of spending Christmas in prison after being convicted of illegally keeping weapons at his home." ...

"But Ashley, who was described as being obsessed with guns, was cleared by a jury at Ipswich Crown Court of two charges relating to 47 handguns and 42 machine guns."

"During the nine-week trial, Ashley accused police officers involved in the search of his home – during which dozens of guns were seized – of trying to fit him up by assembling weapons from parts."

FL: NRA list leaves off real enemies
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"But I can't imagine that Levin feels so sanguine. I can't imagine he feels good about his decision to own a gun, and to use it so foolishly. If only he came to the door with pepper spray or a baseball bat. So many lives would be better today, and one wouldn't have ended."

"The NRA promotes the notion that gun ownership prevents crime. But Levin stands charged with a deadly crime, a testament to the notion that fewer guns, not more, make communities safer."

"And that makes Levin the deadliest kind of enemy for the NRA."

As usual, this particular coward will condemn millions of law-abiding, peaceable citizens based on the actions of one. One bad incident makes gun ownership a liability in this writer's eyes, regardless of the number of lives that are saved each year by armed self defense.

Contact this particular panty-wetter at:

Ashcroft Defends Patriot Act Against Critics (Again)
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"With the government's anti-terrorism legal strategy under increasing scrutiny, Attorney General John Ashcroft tried to assure lawyers Saturday that the Bush administration welcomes oversight and is using new powers to make 'quiet steady progress' in the terrorism fight."

"The government so far has successfully fended off legal challenges of its imprisonment of U.S. 'enemy combatants,' secrecy about immigrants arrested after the Sept. 11 attacks and the detention of terrorism suspects in Cuba."

FL: Miami Commissioners approve rules allowing mass arrests of protesters
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"A controversial ordinance giving Miami police more authority during protests was unanimously approved by City Commissioners Thursday, despite pleas by anti-globalization activists who said it would violate their constitutional rights of free speech."

"A week before the Free Trade Area of the Americas summit expected to draw thousands of protesters, commissioners gave final approval to an ordinance pushed by Miami Police Chief John Timoney, who has said the law is needed to ensure the safety of his officers and the general public."

"The law bans golf balls and rocks at demonstrations, and limits the thickness of the wood used to carry signs or flags."

Helping Justice Overcome a Flawed Policy
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"Senator Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.) currently seeking co-sponsors for a bill that allows federal juries to be informed when defendants facing medical marijuana charges were in fact complying with state medical marijuana laws. A similar measure is pending in the House (introduced by Sam Farr, D-Calif.). Federal prosecutors say if these bills pass and juries learn that marijuana involved in a case is for medical use, they will commit 'jury nullification of the law' - acquitting plainly guilty criminals."

All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void. — Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (2 Cranch) 137 (1803)

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