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Newslinks for 11/17/2008

MO: Concealed guns needed in parks for protection
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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Every Springfield citizen -- whether personally interested in firearms or not -- should steadfastly oppose any effort to ban licensed concealed carry in our parks. Why? It's fairly easy to demonstrate from known facts that such a ban would inescapably do far more harm than good. A ban would increase, not decrease, the levels of violence where our families and children go to play.

OH: Altering the Outcomes
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"What would disarming you and me do to stop outrageous, cowardly violence like this--except make us easier prey?"

Question 59 and the Myrmidons
Submitted by: Anonymous

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During the first debate between John McCain and Barack "the Lightworker" Obama, there came a moment that revealed, unintentionally I am sure, far more about the candidates than they wished to show us. It also illustrated how far we have come from the Founders' republic.

OR: Lobbying industry adapts to Democratic power shift in Washington, D.C.
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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Wanted: Democratic congressional aide seeking new career. Must have strong powers of persuasion, excellent connections and good marksmanship. Contact the National Rifle Association's government affairs office for details. It's clear times have changed in Washington when the nation's biggest gun-rights lobby — long considered Republican-leaning — points out the Democrats on its team and only half-jokingly talks about hiring more.

SC: Sales tax holiday for gun purchases coming to South Carolina
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Beginning the day after Thanksgiving, South Carolina residents will have a 48-hour period when they can purchase guns, shotguns, and rifles tax-free.


The sales tax holiday, approved by the South Carolina General Assembly in June, will permit the purchase of fixed-cartridge handguns, shotguns, and rifles without state and local sales and use taxes.

Ed.: The libertarian in me hopes they permanently remove the tax from of all "tools of freedom": guns, computers, etc. You shouldn't have to pay a tax to exercise a right.

Legal flaw could give guns back to domestic abusers
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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But during Monday's argument, Scalia said possessing a gun was "lawful conduct," and a wife-beating charge lodged against a West Virginia man was "not that serious an offense."

The government lawyer shot back that the defendant "hit his wife all around the face until it swelled out, kicked her all around her body, kicked her in the ribs."

"Then he should have been charged with a felony," Scalia interjected, "but he wasn't."


The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence said a ruling for Hayes "could re-arm thousands of convicted domestic violence abusers." ...

On the other side, the Second Amendment Foundation said the "fundamental right" to own a gun should not be taken away over a misdemeanor.

IN: Gun owners loading up
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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But Eickhoff expects at least a ban on semiautomatic rifles that hold more than 10 rounds — and possibly even more restrictions. After operating the Red Ghost Gun Shop for more than a dozen years, Eickhoff thinks he may have to shut his doors for good within the next two.

"I honestly believe if things go as predicted, I will be out of business in 24 months," he said. "It's not that they will completely ban the stuff, but they'll make it so hard, so expensive to buy it. ... It worries me to death." It also worries Eickhoff's customers.

Little-known tale of heroic brothers opens at Holocaust Museum
Submitted by: Frank Clarke

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The Bielski brothers hid 1200 Jews in a Belarus forest....

"In the forest ... [t]here was a bakery, a blacksmith shop, a tannery, an ammunitions workshop..."

"In the summer of 1944, German soldiers came upon the encampment as they fled from Russian soldiers. In the standoff, a handful of Jews died, but more than 1,200 walked out alive."

Submitter's note: Proof, as if more were needed, of Aaron Zelman's Rule: "...and the will to use it...".

CA: Gun-store business booming
Submitted by: John Jorgensen/GS2AC

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The economy may be in the tank, but business has never been better at the El Cajon Gun Exchange.

Semiautomatic rifles, handguns and short-barreled shotguns are moving off the shelves and into the hands of customers who share widespread fears that President-elect Barack Obama will restrict their right to own a gun.

“Obama is the salesman of the month,” said store owner Louis Baldridge.

Saving Lives, Two Uncomprehending Texas Twits at a Time
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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The GOP pols, who we first put in power in 1994 with their false promise that they would shield us from more gun control, are gone, swept away. Talk radio is about to muzzled by the Orwellian-named "Fairness Doctrine." Next will be Hate Speech Codes on the Internet (three guesses who that will be aimed at). And then there's this whacky Obama "civilian defense corps" which is supposed to be as large as the military and with as big a budget. What's that going to look like? The Hitler Jugend? The Young Communist League? The Ton-Ton Macoute? And, no, Dr. Agger, you are wrong. This has nothing to do with race.


PA: H&R Buffalo Classic produces .45-70 rifle as affordable option
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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For those who enjoy the nostalgic aspects of hunting big game with historical combinations of firearms and ammunition, the resurgence in popularity of the .45-70 Government cartridge is a welcome trend. Unfortunately, for several years many of those wanting to hunt with a rifle chambered in .45-70 were priced out of the market. Now, owning a modern version of such a rifle is once again obtainable with the reintroduction of the Buffalo Classic Rifle, first introduced by the Harrington & Richardson Gun Company in 1871, which has a selling price in the $500 range.

When Seconds Count: Stopping Active Killers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There have been so many school shootings over the last 40 years that researchers have been able to develop a profile of the typical mass murderer." ...

"The other statistic that emerged from a study of active killers is that they almost exclusively seek out 'gun free' zones for their attacks." ...

"Now tacticians believe the signs themselves may be an invitation to the active killers."

"The psychological profile of a mass murderer indicates he is looking to inflict the most casualties as quickly as possible."

"Also, the data show most active killers have no intention of surviving the event."

"They may select schools and shopping malls because of the large number of defenseless victims and the virtual guarantee no on the scene one is armed." ...

Submitter's Note: The media finally notices the blindingly obvious.

OR: A letter to our President-elect
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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We are the hunters and shooters who voted for you despite your less-than-stellar background with gun ownership and the 2nd Amendment.

We voted for you with some trepidation, I might add, because we’ve been hearing for months from the National Rifle Association (NRA) that you will take our guns away, that you will restrict our 2nd Amendment freedoms, that you are the devil incarnate.

We voted for you because we believed you when you told us that law-abiding gun owners have nothing to fear from you.

OK: Looser laws don't equal more guns
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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Parked on Main Street in the middle of a weekday morning, a Rogers County farmer reaches behind the seat of his F-150 pickup and pulls out a pair of loaded guns. One is a 9 mm automatic pistol with a shiny silver finish and a leather holster. The other is a .22-caliber rifle, painted bright pink with a flower decal on the barrel. John Humboldt keeps one for self-defense, although he's never had any need to use it. The other, he gave to his daughter for Christmas last year, right before she turned 9. "I thought she was getting pretty old for it, really," Humboldt says. "I learned to shoot right after I learned to walk." He laughs at his own exaggeration, but the point remains: Guns are simply a normal part of life in rural Oklahoma.

Big Fifty Caliber Rifles
Submitted by: 45acp1911

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I recently watched an episode of Lock and Load on the History Channel. The episode was hosted by retired Marine Gunnery Sergeant R. Lee Ermey.

This show confirmed a view that I have held for several years now which dispenses with the argument that the Second Amendment only applies to the type of firearms that were in existence at the time it was written and that the country’s founding fathers could not have imagined today’s modern firearms; that modern firearms are directly descended from the very first firearm.

Spain: Basic Rights Granted to Great Apes by Spain
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Spain's parliament has passed a resolution urging the federal government to adopt specific legal protections for great apes, and the measure is expected to become law within one year.

The vote marks the first time that a national legislature has called for recognition of any nonhuman's right to life and freedom. Once the measure becomes law, it will be the first time that nonhumans have been granted formal legal standing.

Ed.: Previously, I had posted that Spain was considering this; now they have done it.

GA: Under the gun: Will Obama ban guns?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The upsurge in sales precipitated by Obama’s election is only the latest development in a decades-old battle over gun rights that, at its most basic, boils down to two simple opposing views:

1. Those who oppose gun control believe that while Europe’s countries developed around the idea of faith in one’s government, even to the point of believing that God had anointed the heads of state, the United States of America came into being as a direct result of distrusting government. Colonists, with guns in their civilian hands, defeated the European system. Without guns, firearms rights advocates like to say, we would all be driving on the wrong side of the road today.

FL: Teen Kills Classmate in Boca; Calls it Self Defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Police suspect a student at North Broward Prep School is responsible for the stabbing death of 17-year-old Jacob Zweig outside a Boca Raton hookah bar early Saturday.

The alleged killer is not charged with a crime, however.

Police are trying to determine if he acted in self defense following a confrontation with the victim.

After an argument at about 1 a.m. outside the Shisha Café in the 200 block of Southeast First Avenue, the alleged killer tried to leave the area.

Zweig followed him and beat the smaller teenager, a witness and police said.

The smaller teenager, whose name was not released, pulled a knife and stabbed, according to reports.

TX: Shifting political landscape drives up gun sales in Houston
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A shifting political landscape in Washington is packing gun shows, including the one in Houston at the George R. Brown Convention Center.

Over 10,000 people showed up on Saturday, and just as many turned out on Sunday.

"I believe people are in fear of not being able to purchase firearms in the future. They believe that a Democratic president and legislature will outlaw guns," said Tom Bean from the High Caliber Gun & Knife Show.

MO: Fearing restrictions, gun lovers buy now
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Barack Obama's election to the highest office in the land has triggered some Ozarkers to stockpile guns and ammunition, fearing the new president will seek to restrict their constitutional right to bear arms.

Their general belief is that Obama and his fellow Democrats who control Congress will move quickly to pass new laws next year restricting gun sales or adding new taxes on ammunition.

"The more liberal side of the Democratic ticket will rear its head like it did during the Clinton administration, and it will come up with more restrictions," said Dennis Naber, owner of Ozark Gun Traders & Pawn at 429 E. South St. in Ozark.

NC: Obama win triggers run on assault rifles
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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But gun rights advocates see another ban on the horizon.

Customers are looking for guns they expect to be banned, said Dana Fitzpatrick, owner of Flatwoods Outfitters on 2nd Amendment Lane in Hubert.

"People call up all the time looking for ARs and AKs," Fitzpatrick said, adding that if he had a large supply of those type weapons his business would likely be booming.

"We had a big rush right at election time," he said, but things have slowed since because shoppers are looking for guns he doesn't carry.

WI: Oshkosh Newspaper to Censor Pro-Gun Letters to the Editor
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The letters ... have a real doom and gloom tone about them. We'll defer printing letters critical of the President-elect until he actually does something. For example, cabinet selections are fair game for critical analysis. His experience as a community organizer is no longer relevant. Letters expressing opinions on his plan to repeal presidential executive orders will be accepted. But predictions of his secret agenda to rewrite the Second Amendment are not. It just doesn't seem to be productive or constructive criticism to rehash the anti-Obama talking points now that the nation has voted. I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunity to criticize him as he starts making decisions. We'll even accept the "I told you so" letters then.

TX: Area gun sales show upward trend
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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Fears about possible changes in gun laws may be prompting gun enthusiasts to stock up on weapons and ammunition. At least one local gun dealer said sales at his store soared since last week's general election. "There's been a definite increase in both sales of guns and sales of ammunition which actually started last month," said Bobby Williams of Lone Star Shooting Supply. Williams said the increase in sales may be the result of concerns about tougher restrictions on firearms.

Gun owners stock up after Obama's victory
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The glass case by the back wall in the Gun Trader store on East Plumb Lane usually is lined with a row of black, semi-automatic handguns, according to the shop's owner.

But today it sits empty.

And on the walls, Frank Morreale said he usually stocks about 25 varieties of assault weapons, but now has only one.

Since Barack Obama was elected president on Nov. 4 and the Democrats took control of both houses of Congress, Reno's gun shops have been selling out of various weapons and ammunition out of fears that new, stricter gun laws will soon be passed, shop owners and managers said.

And warehouses have been slow in restocking, they said.

"People are panicked," Morreale said. "Everything's selling like crazy."

SCCC Kicks Off "Pitch it to the People Week," Asks Supporters to Donate to Friday "Money Bomb"
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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During the week of November 17-21, Students for Concealed Carry on Campus will hold its first national Pitch it to the People Week. The Pitch it to the People Week is intended to serve as an opportunity for all SCCC members to contribute to diminishing the negative preconceived notions that permeate most debates about concealed carry on college campuses.

As part of SCCC's Pitch it to the People Week, SCCC ask members and supporters to consider making small donations to SCCC on Friday, November 21. SCCC hopes to receive enough small donations to create a "money bomb" that will help SCCC keep its wheels turning well into 2009.

The last mosquito
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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So one particular day I'm out in sublimely gorgeous nature, sitting on my deck chair, propped up on a lumbar support pillow, still nursing the evil rash. Beside me is a Smith & Wesson .38 caliber snub-nosed revolver. Don't worry, no suicidal thoughts from this wretch. But earlier I'd heard one lone mosquito violining in the area, and I knew it would head straight for me if I tried to enjoy the afternoon. Remember, not many more days like this. Soon winter will beset us.

I sit, take in the climate voraciously, the birdsong, the golden leaves, the ratcheting of squirrels ... I meditate, maybe pray ... but mostly enjoy. And then the infernal hum near my left ear. I swat, miss, the mosquito vortexes away.

Is it really their business?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I am a strong Obama supporter, and I grew up hunting and fishing in America's open spaces. While I am reluctant to criticize the Obama administration ..., I resent the fact that applicants for a government position are asked about whether they or anyone in their family exercises their Second Amendment right, just as I would resent them being queried on whether they have exercised any of their other constitutionally guaranteed rights, such as freedom of assembly, freedom of speech or freedom of worship. Indeed, I would hope that when queried about their history with exercising Second Amendment rights, applicants for the Obama administration would be wise enough to exercise another of their constitutional rights - the Fifth Amendment.

OH: Gun sales booming after election
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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[Rich] Baran [owner of Baran's Shooters Supply] said his sales were very slow before the election.

"But people are calling me now for stuff I can't even get," he said. His customers have asked for the AR-15, the civilian version of the U.S. Army-issued M-16 rifle, and the semi-automatic version of the AK-47, he said.

"I can order them, but they're all sold out," he said. "Glock pistols, either 9-mm or .40-caliber, are very hard to get. I've sold a lot of ammunition. Wholesalers I talk to have been cleaned out. They have been selling cases and pallets of ammunition."

"Judges ought to remember that their office is jus dicere, and not jus dare; to interpret law, and not to make law, or give law." --Francis Bacon, From "The Essays of Counsels, Civil and Moral"

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