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Newslinks for 11/18/2016

IL: Chicago Store Owner Gives Away Pepper Spray for Self Defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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When he went to restock the self defense products, he quickly learned he was no longer able to sell pepper spray in his Chicago, IL store. Undeterred, Bellino was more concerned about his community than what his corporate office thought – so he decided to give it away.

“You can’t make money at everything you do. You’ve got to give back sometimes,” he said.

Gun safety advocate: Trump won’t silence us
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America says she’s done wallowing in disappointment following Donald Trump’s victory last week.

“So many women and activists had hoped to elect the first female president – a gun sense champion – to the White House,” wrote Shannon Watts in a piece for the Huffington Post. But she says her husband reminded her that gun violence prevention isn’t hinged on the outcome of a single election.

TX: Local gun shop owner not worried that guns and ammunition stocks are down
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun stocks plummeted right after the election, but now appear to be on the rise.

Mike Muncy is the owner of Kodiak gun shop. He says the current slowdown on Wall Street was due to brisk sales before the election. "You know a lot of people bought firearms that over paid for those firearms cause they were in a frenzy thinking they're never going to get a chance to own one."

MA: 2nd Amendment does not apply
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Excerpts from the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court opinion upholding a state ban on stun guns and a conviction for possession:


We acknowledge that stun guns may have value for purposes of self-defense, but because they are not protected by the Second Amendment and because a rational basis exists for their prohibition, the lawfulness of their possession and use is a matter for the legislature.

Ed.: SCOTUS reversed this decision of the MA Supreme Judicial Court on 2A grounds, and the original charges have been dropped.

Alito outlines possible conservative agenda for U.S. high court
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In reference to gun rights, Alito mentioned Justice Stephen Breyer's dissent in the 2008 case District of Columbia v. Heller, in which the court found an individual right to bear arms for self defense. Breyer's dissent, in which he argued that the Constitution's Second Amendment protects militia-related and not self-defense-related gun rights and it does not absolutely bar government action on guns, gave a "roadmap" to those who would seek to undermine the ruling, Alito said.

CA: Firearms Bigotry in the San Bernardino County Medical Society
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In 1995 I actually got passed Resolution 109-95 (Children’s Firearm Safety Education). It called for the CMA to endorse the safety instruction to children, “If you see a gun, Stop, Don’t Touch, Leave the Area, Tell an Adult.” But the House of Delegates would pass my resolution only if I deleted the wording in the original draft crediting the National Rifle Association’s widely praised Eddie Eagle program (now called the Eddie Eagle GunSafe® program) as the source of the instruction. To credit the NRA as child-friendly was incompatible with the CMA’s institutional hatred of the NRA and gun owners.

NJ: NJ Attorney General Surrenders. Agrees Stun Gun Ban Unconstitutional
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In another NJ2AS lawsuit victory, the New Jersey Attorney, General Christopher S. Porrino, has agreed with NJ2AS that New Jersey’s ban on stun guns is unconstitutional.

The Attorney General has asked the court to grant a stay on the law, so that New Jersey and the State Police have time to repeal the law and put in place regulations to allow the lawful purchase and possession of stun guns and tasers in the State of New Jersey. It is still unknown at this time if they are going to allow the the permitless carry of stun guns and tasers, though.

The Hearing Protection Act
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Hearing Protection Act or HPA was introduced in 2015 by Representative Matt Salmon of Arizona. A simple one page bill, amazing I know, the HPA would remove the term silencer from the definition of a firearm under the NFA removing it from the purview of the NFA with regard to taxable transfers. It also would prevent any state from imposing a tax or a marking and record keeping requirement for silencers. It also provides for a tax credit on the transfer tax that was paid on any transfers from the date of the introduction of the bill. In other words, it’s a step in the direction of dismantling the NFA.

MT: Report offers insight on millennial hunters, shooters
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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They’re “indoorsmen” quick with a hashtag quip and safely anonymous snark, demanding instant gratification, high pay and comfortable lifestyle; too tech-dependent to function without electricity, too fragile to tolerate a politically incorrect word or action or thought.

That’s the millennial myth, as much a pejorative caricature as any stereotype of a large and complex social group. Born before 2000, young adults comprise the largest generation of Americans alive today, totaling 75 million in 2015. Whenever a population that big comes of age, it brings new ideas and preferences. It brings change.

WI: Guns make UW unsafe for students
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I grew up in Madison, as did my father. I now live in California, but I often thought my children might attend UW-Madison.

But we care about our children's safety. Wisconsin now requires universities to allow people (students, staff and visitors) to carry guns on school grounds. Off-campus places where students hang out also can allow guns.

I have no problem with responsible people having guns for hunting or even at home for self-defense (though there is a serious risk of accidents or self-harm). But guns don't belong on school grounds, in bars or restaurants.

CT: Connecticut Carry’s Response to Soto v Bushmaster Appeal
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In a much-anticipated legal move, an appeal has been filed in the case of Soto et al. v. Bushmaster Firearms International LLC et al.

The appeal seeks to have the Connecticut Supreme Court override a ruling by Connecticut Superior Court Judge Barbara Bellis that the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) prohibits this kind of frivolous lawsuit.

Dear Mr. Trump
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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To that end, I have three requests to make of Mr. Trump.

First, I respectfully ask that our new president appoint to the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) competent legal experts who are thoroughly devoted to the Constitution and the intent of the founders who wrote it, especially pertaining to matters concerning a citizen’s right to keep and bear arms.

Not only will Mr. Trump be appointing someone to fill the vacancy left by the late Justice Scalia, but given the age and known health of others currently in the SCOTUS, it’s likely he’ll have opportunity to fill between one and three additional positions on the court.

Brady Campaign Honors Katie Couric for Discredited Gun Control Documentary
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On Tuesday, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence gave Katie Couric an award for the gun control documentary over which she faces a defamation suit for $12 million.

The documentary — Under the Gun — drew a lawsuit from the Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) over “misleading” edits that made VCDL members appear stumped by Katie Couric’s line of gun control questions.

TX: Gun violence cuts short American life expectancy and we can't even talk about it
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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What kills them sooner? It's not heart disease or cancer. It's mostly a combination of three things. We can talk about two of those things, car crashes and drug overdoses, but it's difficult to have a discussion about the third and biggest contributor to the shortened lives of American men. Guns.

Gun violence cuts more than five months off the life expectancy of American men, say researchers at the National Center for Health Statistics who compared the life expectancy of men in a dozen high-income countries.

Conservatives let themselves dream big about Scalia's replacement
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Trump has often repeated that he will seek a nominee in Scalia's mold to take the seat. He's released a list of 21 potential successors -- all of whom are very conservative.

Of that list, a short list is already being circulating in judicial circles emphasizing two qualities: a commitment to principles of limited government and experience outside of Washington.

"All the people who I know on the short list are going to be sympathetic to interpreting the Constitution according to its original meaning," said Barnett.

CA: Kern County high school district votes to let teachers bring guns to campus
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Kern High School District trustees voted 3-2 Thursday to allow teachers and certificated staffers with Concealed Carry Weapon permits to bring guns to campuses.

Trustees Jeff Flores and Bryan Batey voted no, while Trustees Mike Williams, Phillip Peters and Chad Vegas voted yes. The trio of supporters said having more guns at high schools would create safer environments for students.

TX: Bill Would Expand, Limit Open Carry In Texas
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“We don’t think Texans should have to pay for the right to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights,” said the man who filed the legislation, HB 375, Republican State Representative Jonathan Stickland of Bedford.

Stickland said his bill would make the rules for handguns the same as they already are for long rifles.

“What my bill is not… it is not an expansion of who can carry. Under constitutional carry, anyone who is eligible for a CHL now would be able to carry. No one new would be able to carry.”

Gun Owners: This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I’ve decided, like five minutes ago, that I’m starting a new series on Bearing Arms. I’m calling it “This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things.”

I have, and I’m sure you have as well, noticed a disturbing number of ignorant pictures being posted either about gun owners or by gun owners that have something glaringly wrong with them. Take the featured image of this article for example: notice anything peculiar about the image?

Trump Considering Ted Cruz for Attorney General
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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John McCain called Senators Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Rand Paul (R-Ky.) a couple of “wacko birds” after they conducted a filibuster of CIA Director John Brennan’s drone policy. The left-wing Nation magazine has expressed alarm at the prospect that Cruz might become attorney general. Senator Lindsey Graham, however, who once joked of murdering Cruz on the floor of the Senate, arguing that if the trial was in the Senate “nobody would convict you,” has said he would be fine with Cruz on the Supreme Court. And the man who defeated him for the Republican nomination, and called him “Lyin’ Ted,” President-elect Donald Trump, hosted him at Trump Tower for five hours this week amid speculation that Cruz is Trump’s first choice for attorney general.

MD: Baltimore City Council Likely to Pass Anti-replica Gun Bill
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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When Baltimore City Council President Bernard “Jack” Young explained why he was going to vote for an ordinance banning possession of replica guns, one could smell the whiff of anti-gun paranoia:

It’s something that we should do for the safety of our children. We’re getting stores robbed with replicas. We’ve got people running around with these things and they almost look real.

Prankster Shot in Prank Gone Wrong
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“At this time it appears to be what we believe to be accidental. The best way to describe it is identification of an intruder versus a friend playing a prank.

“He thought he heard someone enter his home and had his pistol in his bedroom for protection. As he was coming down the hallway, it appears his cousin jumped out to scare him. The lights weren’t on in the hallway. You’re talking about a split-second decision when two people turn a corner, one has a gun and the other one is jumping out.”

MO: Gun and Knife Show
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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There will be hundreds of tables loaded with guns, knives and ammunition at the Overland Park Gun & Knife Show from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Nov. 19 and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Nov. 20, at the Overland Park Convention Center.

Shop for new and old guns, knives, ammunition, archery, gun parts, reloading supplies, holsters and other related products at discounted prices! Ladies, this is your one-stop shop for self-defense products and home protection. Whether you need a purse specially designed for conceal and carry, a lipstick knife, personal alarm, or a stun gun, you’ll find it here. Specific vendors for the ladies include Be Safe Girl, 513 Purses, and Damsel in Defense.

NJ: Ammo Control Had Failed New Jersey, So Of Course They Want More Of It
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Now they’re compounding their ammo foolishness (again) by noting that the previous ammo law didn’t stop bad guys from shooting one another and law-abiding citizens, so they need to make the law even more restrictive for people who aren’t the problem.

Women propelling gun sales to all-time highs
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Steve King, owner of Metro Shooting Supply, says it’s astonishing how fast women are getting locked and loaded.

“If I could open a new store it would cater to women and self-defense and it has been growing the past five years,” he said.

King says they have shooting lessons everyday and not only are the classes full, but women make up 80 percent of the class.

Trump Could Be The Most Pro-Gun President In History
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It’s impossible to understate the importance of the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton in last week’s presidential election when it comes to the Second Amendment. The Constitutional right to keep and bear arms dodged a bullet when Hillary was defeated. Clinton’s views on gun rights are well known; she supports an “Assault Weapons” ban, opposes the Heller v D.C. decision, wants to repeal the immunity firearms manufacturers have when a criminal misuses their produts, wants to set up a federal registry of all handguns, and supports closing loopholes that don’t exist.

The said Constitution be never construed to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms. — Samuel Adams, during Massachusetts's Convention to Ratify the Constitution (1788).

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