The Problem with Guns
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Bruce Krafft
Website: http://www.keepandbeararms.com/
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"To start off, I’ll offer a little background about myself and hopefully you can fully appreciate my view. I’m a 23 year old college student in a very liberal town, Boone, in a not so liberal state, North Carolina. I live off campus in 'student living' that is in no way affiliated with the school, but is targeted (no pun intended) by college students and is marketed that way. Boone is home to Appalachian State University ... Since 2007, the University has exploded in popularity and the town has doubled in size, the majority of which are college students. Now that that’s out of the way, I’m about to tell you what I think is the problem with guns . . ." ... |
A&M law prof gets harsh reaction to rewriting 2nd Amendment
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Bruce Krafft
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"Much to her surprise, a Texas law professor's statement that it's time to consider replacing the Second Amendment has unleashed a storm of controversy." ...
"[Mary Margaret] Penrose, whose areas of concentration include constitutional law, said she supports a states'-rights approach to the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution."
"States, not the federal government, should be able to decide who has guns and how those weapons should be used, she said."
"'Not one place did I suggest there should be a gun ban,' Penrose said Monday by phone."
"Her viewpoint has been mischaracterized as antigun, she said." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Apply her same arguments to speech or voting and see how they get "mischaracterized". |
The History of Mauser – As Told Through Its Pistols
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Bruce Krafft
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"'The best way to make a little money in the gun business is to start with a lot of money.' This saying describes how hard it is to be successful in the gun business. For every Samuel Colt and Oliver Winchester there have been men whose involvement in firearms was filled with disappointment. It can be said that the story of Paul and Wilhem Mauser fits into the latter group . . ." ... |
New mayor in Pa. says first act will be to quit anti-gun mayors’ group
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Bruce Krafft
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"The mayor-elect of Chambersburg, Pa., was quoted Saturday by the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, in a story repeated yesterday by Real Clear Politics, that one of his first acts will be to remove the name of his community from the cities represented by Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG)."
"Consider that a political slap in the face to billionaire anti-gun New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, whose MAIG organization touts every new member as something of a trophy." ... |
CSGV changes mind again, says 'printed' guns are threat (again)
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Bruce Krafft
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"Last week, this column noted that with the 'Undetectable Firearms Act' set to expire at midnight on December 9, forcible citizen disarmament zealots from the BATFE to Congressman Steve Israel (D-NY) and U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY), to Attorney General Eric Holder are pushing for Congressional action ... to not only renew the ban, but to dramatically expand on it, as well (more on that later)."
"Yesterday, the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) got in on the act, on both Facebook and Twitter, hysterically shrieking that 'Ronald Reagan had no problem signing this legislation 25 years ago. There's no excuses [sic] to avoid doing so now.' ..." ... |
CO: Gun-control groups urge Colorado lawmakers to "stand strong"
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Bruce Krafft
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"Amid recalls, lawsuits and what will soon be repeal efforts of the state's new gun-control laws, a broad coalition of activists and family members of gun violence victims congregated Monday to urge state lawmakers to 'stand strong.'"
"'Not one law-abiding citizen will lose his or her firearms to these laws,' Eileen McCarron, president of Colorado Ceasefire, said from the sun-soaked West Steps of the state Capitol." ... |
OH: Armed property owner confronts burglars a third time (video available)
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Bruce Krafft
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"Cleveland Police say a man just used a gun to defend his property for a third time and this man has actually shot intruders twice before."
"Miodrag Bugarcic doesn't look like the type to pull a gun on burglars or shoot them again and again."
"But police say he just had a third showdown at his property on Portage off Broadway in Cleveland."
"Days ago, Cleveland Police arrested Shadi Thompkins and Kelvin Crenshaw."
"Police say Bugarcic held those two at gunpoint as they stripped an air conditioning unit." ... |
AL: Customer Halts Armed Robbery Inside Family Dollar Store, Mobile, Ala.
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Bruce Krafft
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"Somewhere, everyday in the USA, 2100+ people use a gun for self defense, to stop a crime or save the lives of themselves or their family."
"'We believe that the American public deserve to understand that on the average, guns save 2,191 lives and are used to thwart crimes every day,' says Alan Gottlieb of the Second Amendment Foundation" ..."One of the criminals forced one of the employees to the front of the store, past terrified customers, and demanded that the employee open the safe. Upon witnessing the robbery, one customer drew a gun and fired at the thief, striking him and causing his accomplice to flee." ... |
Dems Still Don’t Understand 3D Printing, Homemade Guns
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Bruce Krafft
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"The 'Undetectable Firearms Act' expires at the end of this year, and Democrats are aflutter over the idea that scary plastic guns could soon be making their way onto the market. As proof that the law is urgently needed, they keep holding up Cody Wilson’s 3D printed Liberator handgun to illustrate the frightening future that they hope to legislate away. But the more they use that example, the more it becomes obvious that they have no idea how to handle the home-built firearms revolution and it’s scaring the ever-living crap out of them . . ." ... |
CA: Second Amendment views
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Bruce Krafft
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"In recent weeks several constituents have contacted my office informing me they are offended about comments I’ve made regarding the Second Amendment. This is an open letter to all of my constituents to share the background of my views on the Second Amendment."
"Please know that my position on the topic of the Second Amendment and gun ownership have not been made in haste. I have done some significant study and research in the past few years — most notably since my election to the Legislature. I now have a more distinct perspective, and question why the Second Amendment is offensive to so many, when our other constitutional rights are not?" ... |
PA: Pennsylvania Town Clings to Its Guns, Ousts Mayor
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"Know your constituency. It's the first rule of local politics."
"The second: What happens in New York City usually can only happen in New York City, and is best kept there."
"Policies that fit 'The Big Apple' don't fit a town that is, say, known statewide for its Apple Festival. Just ask Democrat Pete Lagiovane, the mayor of this Franklin County town who won't return to office in January. He lost his bid for re-election — to a seat he won unopposed the last time — in part because he signed up Chambersburg as one of New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's anti-gun cities." ... |
9th Circuit Issues Important Gun-Rights Decision
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Bruce Krafft
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"It took nearly two years but this morning the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals issued a decision written by ninety year old judge Harry Pregerson which created a framework in the 9th Circuit for deciding Second Amendment cases."
"The court of appeals adopted a 'Two Step Inquiry' (1) If the challenged law burdens conduct protected by the Second Amendment then (2) courts are directed to apply an appropriate level of scrutiny." ... |
DHS And FBI Memo Claims Stockpiling Ammo Might Indicate Terrorist Activity
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Bruce Krafft
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"A Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and FBI memo sent to state and local law enforcement agencies that included a warning about individuals who possess 'large amounts' of ammo. According to joint Roll Call notice, citizens who buy or own significant amounts of bullets and guns could be potential terrorists. The joint agency bulletin urged their law enforcement peers to be watchful for residents with 'unusual amounts' of guns, ammunition, explosives, accelerants, or explosive precursor chemicals." ... |
IL: Skokie officer charged with shoving woman resigns
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Bruce Krafft
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"A Skokie police officer charged with shoving a woman face-first into a cell bench has resigned rather than face possible firing, village officials announced today."
"Skokie officials had told Michael Hart last week they would seek to fire him, and his resignation took effect today, according to a news release from the village. In late October, Cook County prosecutors charged Hart with aggravated battery and official misconduct." ... |
MI: Officers arraigned on charges of armed robbery, neglect of duty
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"Detroit Police Sgt. David Pomeroy has earned two medals of valor during his 20-year career, but he and a fellow police officer face up to life in prison for their alleged roles in a July gas station assault that prosecutors say was an act of vigilante justice."
"Pomeroy, 47, and St. Clair Shores Police Sgt. Michael Notoriano, 42, each were charged with armed robbery and other crimes during an arraignment Monday before 36th District Magistrate Sidney Barthwell, who set bond at $20,000 each. A preliminary examination is set for Dec. 18." ... |
TX: Celebrity gun manufacturer James sets up shop
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Bruce Krafft
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"Following efforts by Gov. Rick Perry to convince gun manufacturers to relocate to Texas, a celebrity firearm maker has set up shop here, citing the state’s pro-Second Amendment attitude."
"'Texas is very business friendly, and more guns are legal here,' high-end motorcycle magnate Jesse James told The Texas Tribune at a Saturday launch party for his new company, Jesse James Firearms Unlimited." ... |
TX: Guns and drugs: New norm in Texas
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Bruce Krafft
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"It has the ring of parody, as if an entrepreneur opened, say, a combined hardware store and childcare center. But, no, last week I did indeed visit Nichols Westwood Pharmacy, which shares space with Nichols Guns."
"On one side of the store you take care of your health; on the other you tend to your personal safety and hunting needs. And through a convenient side door is a new 18-lane shooting range. A wall-sized sign greets visitors: 'Guns and Drugs.' Welcome to Texas!"
"Of course, Texas has no monopoly on the casual integration of firearms into ordinary public life, a 'normalization' that makes a pharmacy/gun shop seem not all that strange." ... |