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Newslinks for 11/20/2006

NY: Gun season opens today with safety precautions
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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Deer-hunting season opens for gun hunters today, and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has safety tips for hunters and non-hunters. The conservation department officials said hunters can prevent hunting-related shooting accidents by assuming every gun is loaded, unloading guns when not in use, keeping muzzles pointed in a safe direction, keeping fingers off the trigger until ready to shoot, being sure of target and beyond, and wearing hunter or blaze orange. They also advised hunters not to take chances with any firearm.

"We were resolved never to resign our Rights but with our Lives", Feb. 5, 1775....
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"...that in such Case all America ought to support that Colony in her Opposition; From the Declaration by the Congress to the Throne, that our accumulated Injuries were too severe to be any longer tolerable, & that our Militia would protect Us in Time of Peace; From a Concurrence with the Sentiments expressed to the Inhabitants of Quebec, that We were resolved never to resign our Rights but with our Lives...."

"...We must either resist or infamously submit. If We are resolved to resist, & to defend our Liberties at the Risque of our Lives, a military force & Arms and Ammunition are the only Means. To resolve to resist, without making the necessary Preparations for Resistance, appears to Me to be weak...."

PA: Striking a blow for school safety
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"People who are less likely to be victims share certain traits," Renzi said. "There is the power of words. Also, people can tell by the way you walk, like with your head down. They look for people who are easy targets. You have to be assertive. If something doesn't feel right, there's a reason you feel that way."

Renzi teaches individuals how to defend themselves against weapons, but does not believe teachers should carry guns into the classroom.

"I hope the patriotism of the people will continue, and be a sufficient guard to their liberties.”
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"...the loss of liberty very often resulted from factions and divisions; from local considerations, which eternally lead to quarrels; he would have found internal dissensions to have more frequently demolished civil liberty, than a tenacious disposition in rulers...."

"...No, sir; the spirit of liberty and independence of the people of this country, at present, is such that they could not be enslaved under any government that could be described...."

"...Who are the militia? Are we not militia? Shall we fight against ourselves? No, sir; the idea is absurd. We are also terrified by the dread of a standing army. It cannot be denied that we ought to have the means of defence, and be able to repel an attack...."

TN: In crime-pocked Memphis, the good guys -- and women -- get ready
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Bullzeye is one of several shooting ranges in the metro area that offer the eight-hour training course required by state law to obtain a handgun carry permit. Classes are typically full, and at Range Master on South Mendenhall classes are booked weeks in advance.

"We're here because of the increase in crime in the city, and for the safety of our family," says Sheree Hester, a 29-year-old pharmacist taking the course at Range Master with her husband, Ernest.

NY: Moms a Secret Weapon Vs. Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Rowe-Adams works with children at the Parks Department, and says kids as young as 9 years old tell her that guns are readily available at corner stores - for as little as $50.

"Where do you get a gun?" she asks them. She said they reply, "Oh, it's easy, Ms. Adams. Our friends go get guns at bodegas and buildings."

OR: Beaverton's ready to make replica guns a bit less real
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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BEAVERTON -- After several recent incidents in which police officers drew their guns on teenagers with fake firearms, city officials are considering a ban on replica guns in public areas.

Beaverton could be the first Oregon city to adopt the restriction.

"We've escaped tragedy because, luckily, we've resolved these situations without someone being shot," said Officer Paul Wandell, a Beaverton Police Department spokesman. "For responding officers, it's impossible for us to tell if this is a real or a fake gun."

FL: Man Finds Bag Of Guns In Bushes
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A man in Maitland, Fla., found a stash of guns hidden in his bushes Sunday, according to Local 6 News.

The homeowner said he has lived in the home for about a year but never noticed a blue canvas bag containing the weapons in some bushes.

911 Bug: Don't Do Anything Until We Get There.
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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But many crime emergencies are blocked by an armed citizen, and they often go unreported according to the FBI and diligent scholars. This is an invisible solution often ignored by officials, even thwarted by them.

Throughout the history of 911, problems with 911 have been belligerence of operators, operator skepticism of reporting parties and repeat pranksters, unclear calls without precise locations, various policies on 911 hang-ups, an over-burdening and overwhelming of the system, and general burn-out of operators remaining on the job. As I mentioned in my last piece, some 911 operators have even been found asleep at the console. For many citizens, a placed 911 call simply goes unanswered or is met with a busy signal.

OH: Man who killed car thief won't be charged, official says
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Cincinnati- A man who shot and killed a teenager who stole his car acted in self-defense and will not face criminal charges, a county prosecutor says.

Bennie Hall Jr., 61, feared for his life as a car driven by 14-year-old Qualvale Finnell headed straight toward him, Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters said Friday. Deters based his conclusion on a police investigation of the Oct. 23 shooting and said he wouldn't take the case to a grand jury.

ID: Gun ownership law makes Idaho town a media target
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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GREENLEAF, Idaho -- After watching the chaos of Hurricane Katrina, Steven Jett, a city councilor in this tiny town founded by pacifist Quakers and carved between the Owyhee Mountains and mint fields, proposed a law.

Ordinance 208, passed by the City Council last week, asks Greenleaf's residents who do not object on religious or other grounds to keep a gun in the home.

Conservatives Mull 'What Now?'
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"Most of us in this room can well remember thirty years ago when it was pretty much a safe assumption that by 2006 private ownership of guns in the United States would be illegal," Blackwell said. "It didn't work out that way. Organizations got very effective in identifying people who supported the Second Amendment."

FL: Prevent holiday-season crime at your business
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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So, I want to let everyone here in Miami-Dade know that the Miami Police Department Community Relations Section, the South District and the State Attorney's Office will present 'The Crime Prevention Gun Buy Back' from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Dec. 2 at the Winn-Dixie Supermarket parking lot at 3275 Coral Way. You will receive a $50 voucher for each gun you turn in, no questions asked. So, if you have a gun that is just sitting around, drop it off.

NE: Concealed weapons law will soon be in effect
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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With the new law allowing Nebraskans to carry concealed weapons taking effect January 1st, you will likely soon see warning signs on area buildings.

"No guns allowed," signs may be in some places, such as bars, courthouses, police stations, schools, and banks - all places where concealed handguns will not be allowed under the new law.

Canada: Gun-control rally invokes Toronto student's memory
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"It's the guns," 20-year-old Maximilian Kandler said when asked why he made the six-hour trip from Toronto to attend a rally at McGill University campus yesterday.

MN: America can thrive without the great divide
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I believe in the right to bear arms, but not machine guns and other automatic or assault weapons.

I believe we should do everything -- everything -- in our power to reduce our dependence on oil from the most volatile region in the world.

SC: Clemson group protests use of free-speech areas
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"Constitutionally protected speech is permitted at the university," said Gail DiSabatino, the university vice president for student affairs. DiSabatino said the university is planning to reply to the foundation's letter.

Clemson Conservatives leader Davis has been in the spotlight before as editor of the Tiger Town Observer, a free monthly publication that receives no money from the university.

The newspaper gave away two guns - one an assault rifle - to bring attention to the Second Amendment right to bear arms and to raise money for the paper and other charitable causes.

PA: Bear season set to begin Monday
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The hills are ringing with the resounding thumps and bangs of big bore rifles being sighted in. From my house I can hear the range off Route 6 near Decker Hollow.

The shooting starts early and goes until you can barely see. Across the commonwealth, hunters are getting ready for the coming big game seasons, the first of which will be the three-day regular season for black bears, which starts Monday.

Ed note: (off-topic) As a web developer, I must say this site is very pleasing to the eye.

ID: Town asks folks to own guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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But the menace of high crime may be on the way, Jett said. Greenleaf is on the western fringe of Canyon County, a fast-growing suburb of Boise. As developers turn alfalfa rows into tract housing and hay bales give way to big box stores, Jett wants newcomers to know criminals will not be "comfortable" in Greenleaf.

"We don't have a crime problem," Jett said. "But this area is going to grow and we're going to keep it that way."

New Zealand: Gun shop defends defence
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"He [Beckham] was waving [the machete] around in the air saying 'I'm going to kill you'," says Motley.

Carvell says he reacted the only way he could. He grabbed a semi-loaded pistol kept in the office drawer and repeatedly demanded Beckham put down the machete.

He eventually shot him in the stomach.

"Then when he [Beckham] started screaming 'give men the guns or I'll kill you' and then he come at Greg and Greg fired. [Greg] lowered his gun deliberately from his chest area to a place where he was going to wound him," says Greg's father and shop owner Ray Carvell.

D.C.'s gun lessons
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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The incoming Democratic powers-that-be in the congressional leadership and on the Senate and House Judiciary Committees are a who's who of the gun-control movement: Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Patrick Leahy, John Conyers, Dick Durbin, Joseph Biden, Ted Kennedy, Harry Reid and Herb Kohl, to name a few. If and when gun control roars back to life in 2007-08 -- we expect that it will -- the data unearthed this week in these lawmakers' own backyards by reporter Matthew Cella should loom large.

In our inner cities, where firearms are outlawed, only outlaws are armed. When our "philosopher kings" sit back and do nothing, this is the tyranny and terror of "gun control." —CHARLTON HESTON

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