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Newslinks for 11/20/2020

Feeling the Weight of the Gun
Submitted by: Robert Morse

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A gun is heavy in a physical sense and in a spiritual sense. Using lethal force to save a life is deadly serious. New students learn the weight of the gun in a concealed carry class. (800 more words at the link)

More Self-Defense Gun Stories
Submitted by: Robert Morse

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Don’t look for trouble because you might find it. Tell your roommate to lock his bedroom door and call 911. If you do face two armed men unexpectedly, then address one threat at a time.

Firearms instructor Robyn Sandoval joins us this week on the Self Defense Gun Stories Podcast. 17 minute audio. Text and links at the webpage.

TN: Tennessee bill would allow use of deadly force for a property crime
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Harris said the thinks the destructive demonstrations and looting at the Davidson County Courthouse and the businesses along Lower Broadway this past May raised some concerns.

Now State Representative Jay Reedy has filed a bill that would allow a person to use deadly force to protect their property.

Harris said with police occupied elsewhere, store owners, for instance, under current law could not use lethal force to stop looting, and people are tired of it.

WI: Kyle Rittenhouse says he used coronavirus stimulus check to buy AR-15 used in fatal shooting
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Kyle Rittenhouse cashed a coronavirus stimulus check to purchase the semi-automatic rife that authorities say he used to fatally shoot two men in Kenosha, Wisconsin, he said.

In a telephone interview with The Washington Post, posted Thursday, the jailed Rittenhouse said he acted in self-defense and has no regrets for arming himself that fateful August night as protesters marched in the wake of Jacob Blake's shooting by police.

OH: Ohio House Republicans Consider Controversial Gun Bills During Lame-Duck
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Amendments have been added to an existing bill, HB 248, that deals with antique gun sales. One proposal would expand Ohioans' ability to use deadly force in self-defense at businesses.

Another provision would allow 18-year-olds to receive a concealed carry license and purchase firearms. An additional measure would ban schools and universities from penalizing employees or students who carry a concealed weapon legally.

When cops and America’s cherished gun rights clash, cops win
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Then, around 1:30 a.m., as the two sat talking in T-shirts and underwear, they were startled by a loud knock at the door. We “looked at each other and jumped up real fast,” Mauck said in an interview.

As they rushed to throw on some clothes, the knocking came again. Scott grabbed the 9mm semi-automatic pistol he kept at home for the couple’s safety. With Mauck close behind, Scott approached the door, which had no peephole. He opened it with his right hand, the gun in his left.

They barely had time to take in the four sheriff’s deputies standing at the door with guns drawn when six shots rang out. “They didn’t even say anything, they just started shooting,” Mauck said.

VA: Loudoun Supervisors Send Gov’t Building Gun Ban to Public Hearing
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As written, the regulation would ban firearms and ammunition from buildings or part of a buildings controlled by the county government, any county public park, any county recreation or community center, and any parts of any building being used for a governmental purposes, such as polling places during voting. It would not apply to sworn law enforcement, private security hired for county-permitted special events, active duty military conducting their official duties, historical reenactments, and managed hunts. Firearms could be stored out of sight in a locked private vehicle.

Henry Axe .410 “Firearm” Review
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Henry Axe falls into that nebulous class of firearms known simply as “firearms.” These types of guns must be a minimum of 26 inches in overall length, are allowed a smoothbore instead of a rifled one, and have never had a buttstock installed. That last part is important because a shotgun is defined specifically in U.S. code as “designed to be fired from the shoulder.”

Why Police Back Gun Guys
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A new book shows how the NRA forged an alliance between cops and civilian gun owners.

Self-Defense Against Animals: What Are the Rules?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The majority of self-defense training focuses on defeating a threat posed by the most dangerous species that roam the earth; humankind. However, there is no denying that furry creatures also pose threats far more often than many realize. Animals, both domestic and wild, maim and kill quite a few people every year. Defending yourself against a threat of the furry variety proves quite different from a human attacker in many ways, both tactically and legally. What are the rules?

Self Defense and Your Vehicle
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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My suggestion would be to check with your local prosecutor’s office to see if your state law permits the use of deadly force to prevent damage to private property. It might be that there is a big difference between someone banging on your car, causing damage, and someone who is trying to drag you out of your car to administer a (potentially fatal) beating.

5 Best 9 mm Loads for Self Defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Designed by Georg Luger and introduced in 1902 in Germany, the 9x19 mm cartridge became known as the 9 mm Luger because of the handgun it was created for. However, it is also known as the 9 mm Parabellum, “parabellum” being derived from the Latin motto of DWM, Si vis pacem, para bellum ("If you seek peace, prepare for war"). Most often referred to as just, “9 mm,” the cartridge has become the most popular handgun cartridge in the world.

TX: Woman shoots, kills ex-boyfriend trying to break into her apartment, say police
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Police in Houston say a man was shot and killed when he tried to break into his ex-girlfriend’s apartment.

Investigators said the woman was home when the man got inside using the sliding glass door. She picked up a gun and shot him. He died at the scene.

OH: Let’s not expand a vigilante license to kill
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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So yet another gun measure, House Bill 784, introduced Nov. 9 by Republicans Cindy Abrams and Sara Carruthers, both of the Cincinnati area, should come as no surprise. It says that a person caught in a legally defined “riot or aggravated riot” could use deadly force if he or she was facing “imminent bodily harm.” The problem here is the same as with so-called “stand your ground” laws: The language is unnecessary and dangerous.

A Midnight Call Turns into a Shooting- Armed Citizen Stories
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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We start with a news report from WBTW News 13 in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

Your roommate called you on the phone. It is a few minutes after midnight and your roommate said someone was trying to break in. You turned around and drove back home. You walked into your house and found two strangers inside. These strangers had weapons and they threatened you.

PA: Senate Gives Final Approval to State of Emergency Bills
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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House Bill 2440, by Rep. Bill Kortz, would designate shooting ranges, sportsman clubs, hunting facilities and business relating to the sale or production of firearms and ammunition as life-sustaining.

House Bill 1747, by Rep. Matthew Dowling, would prevent state and local governments from suspending or limiting the sale, dispensing or transportation of firearms during a declared emergency. It would also remove the carry prohibitions that exist with exemptions.

Firearms Policy Coalition Files Last Pre-Trial Brief in Assault Weapon Case
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) announced that the final pre-trial brief in Miller v. Becerra, its federal Second and Fourteenth Amendment challenge to the State of California’s ban on so-called “assault weapons,” was filed today. The brief can be viewed at

The final pre-trial conference in Miller is scheduled to take place in San Diego on December 16, 2020, before Federal District Court Judge Roger T. Benitez, with the bench trial to follow on January 21, 2021. The plaintiffs are represented at trial by attorneys George M. Lee, John Dillon, and Erik Jaffe.

GA: Ossoff Thinks You Are Corrupt For Defending Your Rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In fact, if there is a “gun lobby,” it’s the activism and advocacy of people like you, the loyal Ammoland readers. This was once freely admitted by those who sought to infringe upon our rights. When you are doing this, you are doing nothing wrong.

Well, Jon Ossoff does not believe that. Ossoff, who we noted earlier supports pretty much the entire Bloomberg wish list, yet who has the gall to try to gaslight the people of Georgia into believing the support the Second Amendment, has a markedly different view of our grassroots activism.

He thinks it is “corrupt.”

PA: A Judge Rules Gun Companies Should Pay for What?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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This is disingenuous. The PLCAA does not protect gun companies from civil liability for product defects and more. The PLCAA merely protects gun makers from being sued because, for example, a criminal illegally obtained a gun and used it to commit a crime. Just imagine what would happen to the auto industry if they could be held liable for hit-and-run accidents, drunk-driving incidents and more. (The National Safety Council estimated that 4.5 million people were injured in auto accidents just in 2018.)

IL: FOID card applications lag reveals a broken system
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Illinois is one of only four states that require a license to own a firearm, but the state is routinely failing to process applications and renewals in a timely manner.

“I have constituents who have waited more than a year to get a FOID card. That is denying them a basic constitutional right,” state Rep. Tim Butler, R-Springfield, said.

The provision in the Constitution granting the right to all persons to bear arms is a limitation upon the power of the Legislature to enact any law to the contrary. The exercise of a right guaranteed by the Constitution cannot be made subject to the will of the sheriff. [People vs. Zerillo, 219 Mich. 635, 189 N.W. 927, at 928 (1922)]

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