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Newslinks for 11/22/2003

FBI Bullet Analyses Flawed, Imprecise
Submitted by: Mitchell McConnell

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"The National Academy of Sciences has concluded that a technique the FBI has used for decades to match bullets to crimes is flawed, a position that could hand defense lawyers a new avenue of attack against the world's most famous crime lab."

"The academy's study, to be released early next month, makes about a half-dozen recommendations for changing the way the FBI matches bullets by their lead content and strongly urges bureau experts to more precisely describe the significance of their findings in court." ...

"The study's publication next month could open the door to hundreds, even thousands of appeals, and give defense lawyers in future cases new ammunition for undermining expert testimony."

Support Mounting for Stronger Assault-Weapons Ban (Antis spinning)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"On Nov. 6, Democratic Presidential candidate John Kerry attacked rival Howard Dean on the Vermont governor's questionable history on gun control." ...

"Suddenly, the silence surrounding the issue of gun control in the Democratic presidential primary had ended -- and the ongoing effort to ban assault weapons enjoyed a jolt of attention, which backers of the ban think can only be a good thing. 'I think that what these candidates are doing is elevating the issue,' said Joe Sudbay, public policy director for the Violence Policy Center in Washington, D.C., 'and that's exactly what we need.' "

Kalashnikov Opens Rare Public Exhibition
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Maj. Gen. Mikhail Kalashnikov, the inventor of the AK-47 automatic rifle, opened an exhibit of his life's work at the Military Museum in Delft on Thursday."

"The rare public showing, called 'Rifle Without Borders,' features dozens of variants of the weapon."

"It also includes multimedia displays on the various wars in which the AK-47 has played a major role, including ongoing conflicts in Africa where child soldiers sometimes carry Kalashnikovs."

Now, more than ever, the United States should be backing small-arms control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A small arm is basically defined as a weapon that can be operated by one person -- anything from a six-shooter pistol to a shoulder-fired rocket. Experts at the conference estimated that there are 640 million small arms in circulation, one for every 10 people on the planet. A full two-thirds of these are in the hands of civilians, and each year such weapons kill approximately 500,000 people. (To put that number in perspective, consider that land mines kill 15,000 to 20,000 people annually.) Millions of small arms are produced and purchased every year, making it nearly impossible to reduce the global supply through confiscation and destruction."

First of all, small arms haven't killed anyone.

Secondly, in the 20th century, governments killed 1.7 million of their own (disarmed) citizens a year. So which is more dangerous, small arms or governments wielding them against the disarmed?

NRA Supports New Handguns For Tots (Satire)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Smith & Wesson has created the first handgun designed to be used by babies 12 months and up, and the National Rifle Association has officially endorsed it. Despite widespread protests by parental and gun-control groups, Smith & Wesson plans to begin distributing the baby handguns by the end of the month." ...

"Heston dismissed the Brady Center's comments. 'The second amendment of the constitution clearly states that everyone has the right to bear arms, even toddlers. We're prepared to fight for that in court. As for being dangerous, that's just a myth. Guns don't kill babies. Babies kill babies.' "

House OKs Measure Expanding FBI Powers
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The House voted Thursday to expand the U.S. government's power to demand financial records from businesses as part of terrorism investigations, despite concerns that the measure could undermine civil liberties."

"The provision was part of a mostly secret bill authorizing 2004 intelligence programs that got final House approval in a 264-163 vote. The amount of the bill is classified, but it is believed to be about $40 billion. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Porter Goss said it is slightly more than the amount requested by President Bush."

"The Senate is expected to approve the bill soon and it will then go to Bush for his signature."

Tommy Franks: Martial Law Will Replace Constitution After Next Terror Attack
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Gen. Tommy Franks says that if the United States is hit with a weapon of mass destruction that inflicts large casualties, the Constitution will likely be discarded in favor of a military form of government." ...

"In the magazine’s December edition, the former commander of the military’s Central Command warned that if terrorists succeeded in using a weapon of mass destruction (WMD) against the U.S. or one of our allies, it would likely have catastrophic consequences for our cherished republican form of government."

"Discussing the hypothetical dangers posed to the U.S. in the wake of Sept. 11, Franks said that 'the worst thing that could happen' is if terrorists acquire and then use a biological, chemical or nuclear weapon that inflicts heavy casualties."

"If that happens, Franks said, '... the Western world, the free world, loses what it cherishes most, and that is freedom and liberty we’ve seen for a couple of hundred years in this grand experiment that we call democracy.' "

Show Us Your Money
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The reason the arguments sound familiar is that the BSA set the precedent for much of the PATRIOT Act, not to mention government fishing expeditions such as the Pentagon’s aborted Total Information Awareness program. The law authorized the government to require bank reports of all transactions over a dollar value set by the Treasury Department, even if there is no reason to suspect a criminal connection. For the first time, in the words of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, 'the government claim[ed] the legal right to maintain routine surveillance, without summons, subpoena, or warrant, over the details of citizens’ financial transactions.' "

Power To The People Empowered By The People
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"So why is it the cops can come in guns a-blazin' for a bunch of 14-year-olds, but when it's an 80-year-old in an elevator, he's supposed to just lay down and die? Why does one unlicensed gun give cops the right to rummage through Mr. Campbell's junk drawers for another? The guy's 80-years-old. God bless him. He's probably got enough trouble getting in and out of bed every day. Do we honestly think he'll go postal?"

"And as for Stratford High, what gives state workers the right to throw kids against lockers and scar their fragile minds? Why, because they might have drugs on them? Well, they might have boxes of Wheat Thins, too, but you don't beat the bejeezus out of them just because you're hungry."

World Socialists Call for World Government
Submitted by: Walter Adams

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"Concluding its 22nd global congress in Sao Paulo, Brazil, last week, the Socialist International issued its Declaration calling for implementation of 'global governance,' in a program that mirrors the recommendations of the U.N.-funded Commission on Global Governance, published in 1995."

In other words, the socialists are pushing for a single world government with the U.N. at the helm.

This would mean gun control on a global scale, control of education and regulatory authority over private property, just as a start.

Don't underestimate these people as simply kooks. They may be insane, but there are a lot of them. According to the Socialist International website, it is the world's largest political organization, working through more than 140 national organizations.

We Called Them Traitors... And Everyone Laughed
Submitted by: John Fansler

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"We conservatives always knew that rank-and-file liberals, at best, are incredibly naïve. At worst, they’re scheming moochers, sucking off their hard-working countrymen. At best, we know liberal leaders are arrogant megalomaniacs, seeking power and control. At worst? They’re anti-American, bent on destroying the individual freedom and gathering power at any cost."

"We called them traitors. And everyone laughed."

"Yes, everyone laughed at us. You know, that special haughty laugh that only a sneering, smug elitist can muster when hiding their true intentions."

"But then came that Senate Intelligence Committee memo, proving Democrats were plotting to attack our own President by specifically using intelligence data and security secrets, with our troops in harms way in the middle of a war. It is time to stop the music. It is time to raise the curtain. At this point, there can be no further denials. No head-scratching introspection. No politics-as-usual shoulder shrugging."

"Democrats are traitors."

CO: Aurora probes child drowning
Submitted by: paul raynolds

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"Police investigating the death of a 14-month-old girl said she drowned in a bucket of mop water when her mother left her unattended."

"Investigators were trying to determine whether child neglect charges should be filed, Aurora police spokeswoman Kathleen Walsh said."

A tragedy to be sure, but, if a gun had been involved you can bet authorities would be filing charges immediately without "considering" and Mrs. Brady and the "couple of misguided mommies" would be dancing on this child's grave before the body even turned cold.

MS: Suspect Taken Down by Trio of Handymen, Held With Shotgun.
Submitted by: Mark Robinson

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" We've profiled him on Crimestoppers, now it appears robbery and assault suspect Lewis Chandler has harassed State Street resident and senior citizen Hebron Morris for the last time."

" 'He robbed me three times, tried twice to get into our backyard,' Morris says. 'We put up fencing, barbed wire. This guy jumps over fences to get to you.' "

"Morris says on Thursday morning, Chandler appeared through one of two holes he'd cut in the garage to commit previous burglaries. Then he attacked Morris as he and his sister, Dean Alexander, were leaving the house." ...

"Across the street, First Baptist Church maintenance man Robert Wilson got wind of it and jumped into his truck. Co-workers Dennis Chism and Joe Turner started a foot chase." ...

"Mr. Morris caught up quickly. 'When I heard Robert say, you stop or I'll blow your head off, I felt much better,' Morris says, although Morris used his own shotgun to keep Chandler at bay."

"Chandler is jailed on two counts of house burglary, three strong-arm robbery counts and one armed robbery count."

MA: Stepping up the stopping power
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Ed Pomponio, a former U.S. Marine, is an 18-year veteran of the Milford Police Department. Known among officers as one of the better shooters, he has been trained by both military and paramilitary organizations."

"Standing with about a dozen officers taking target practice deep in the woods off Cedar Street yesterday, Pomponio explains a key difference between police and the marines."

"The military shoots to kill, police shoot to stop."

UK: Using replica guns will make you our target
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"TEENAGERS carrying replica guns risk being shot at by police marksmen."

"That is the stark warning from Rochdale detectives after four teenagers who fired ball-bearing guns at town centre shoppers were caught and charged with firearms offences."

"Two 17 year olds, an 18-year-old and a 15-year-old were arrested after their shooting spree was captured on town centre security cameras."

South Africa: Committee Refuses to Protect Right to Own Guns
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A flood of submissions asking for constitutional protection for the right to own firearms privately has been rejected by Parliament's constitutional review committee." ...

"In its report to Parliament yesterday, the committee said 10 submissions had been received suggesting the right to self-defence, the right to keep and bear firearms, the right to freedom of abuse from police or government, and the right to be presumed innocent were affected by the Firearms Control Act and the Prevention of Organised Crime Act."

UT: Packing a pistol OK in Utah Statehouse
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle this week vetoed a bill that would have permitted citizens to carry concealed weapons into most public places, including a controversial provision allowing people to go armed into the Legislature."

" 'An odd feature of the bill is that it would allow hidden guns even in the Statehouse during legislative debates,' according to a story published by Stateline.Org. That feature caused quite a stir among lawmakers, who joked about coming to work armed with sawed-off shotguns and automatic weapons."

"Suffice it to say the Badger State is a long way from Utah, where concealed-carry permits allow most any adult with no criminal record to pack where they please with few exceptions." ...

KY: What happens to people who get caught with weapons at Louisville's airport?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Loaded guns, long knives, numchucks: You've seen the weapons confiscated at the airport."

"But what happens to the people who get caught with those weapons? And in this post 9/11 era of tight security, how could they possibly think they'd get those weapons past airport screeners?"

"The decision on which court they're prosecuted in rests with the U.S. attorney's office, which reviews every airport weapons case."

"The U.S. attorney’s office has prosecuted just two airport weapons criminal cases in federal court. Those two men allegedly tried to artfully hide their weapons. All other charges have been misdemeanors, sent to Kentucky district court, where penalties are likely to be lighter."


UK: Police warning: Terror gang 'will strike again within days'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police hunting a gang of ruthless armed criminals say they expect them to strike again within days."

"The raiders are believed to have struck five times this month alone."

"And police have linked the thugs to attacks in Berkshire, south Oxfordshire and Hampshire."

"Eight detectives are working on catching the gang – as well as solving another four unrelated violent robberies which have hit shops this month."

"Some have been frighteningly violent and during the raid on the One Stop Shop in The Green, Wooburn Green, on October 30, a gunman aimed a pistol at a four-year-old girl."

"At least three shopkeepers have also been viciously beaten during the raids."

What good is a warning when you can't protect yourself?!?

CA: After A Nine Year Struggle, Trial Against Gun Maker To Begin
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Kenzo Dix was fifteen years old when he died, unintentionally shot and killed by a fourteen year old friend with a Beretta pistol. The date was May 29, 1994."

"The friend had unloaded his father's gun and replaced it with an empty clip, but the design of the gun failed to reveal the hidden bullet in the chamber. Inexpensive and feasible safety features used by other gun manufacturers could have prevented Kenzo's death."

Kenzo's death could have been prevented by following one simple rule: check the chamber to ensure it's empty and never point the gun - even if you think it's empty - at anyone you don't intend to shoot. But it always has to be the gun's fault.

CO: Don't prejudge cop shooting
Submitted by: paul raynolds

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"Denver District Attorney Bill Ritter made a tough but correct call in not prosecuting Westminster police officer Karl Scherck for the Sept. 22 shooting death of suspected burglar Sergio Alejandro Medrano."

"But it's significant that Ritter said the shooting wasn't justified. Which is why we find it unsettling that Scherck's boss, Westminster Police Chief Dan Montgomery hurried to pronounce the off-duty cop 'a hero in my book.' "

"The problem is that the Westminster Police Department hasn't completed its own review of the shooting, and the review panel will consist of Montgomery and three captains." ...

"Scherck, who lives near the 1400 block of South Lincoln Street in Denver, where the shooting occurred, noticed Medrano prowling around the neighborhood, where Scherck's mother also lives. The off-duty Westminster cop was on the way to his mom's house to mow her lawn when he allegedly saw Medrano standing on her property and acting suspiciously."

Oh yeah, he was supposed to wait around until this felon, who had a long criminal history, harmed his mother, right?

VT: ATF Cracks Down On Illegal Gun Possession
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Federal law enforcement officials are calling a new program to crack down on the illegal possession of guns in Vermont crime control, not gun control."

"Police said the goal of Project Safe Neighborhoods -- PSN -- is to get guns out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them in the first place. Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agent David Campbell said lots of guns are moving in and out of Vermont quickly. He said the weapons are used almost like a form of currency."

It appears criminals know something many others do not (whether consciously or otherwise) - that our money is fiat currency. Ergo, they barter with something of tangible value.

OH: (Another) Taft holds Ohio GOP on the brink
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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"In 1912, the Republican Party destroyed itself when Bob Taft’s great-grandfather, William Taft, ascended to the Presidency as Theodore Roosevelt’s hand-picked successor. Taft rewarded his mentor by deserting the agreed upon platform and instead bowed to power brokers concerned more for special interest groups than for the constituency. Roosevelt, incensed at the betrayal, and determined to follow through on Taft’s broken promises, created the Bull Moose Party and ran for President. Taft chose not to aggressively campaign, but refused to support his former friend. Even Roosevelt’s formidable charisma was unable to overcome the party’s division. Woodrow Wilson was elected President, and the Republicans did not regain control of the White House for another eight years."

"Today, in Ohio, the parallels between Governor Bob Taft’s record and his family legacy are undeniable."

OH: Double-Cross: Taft Raises the Bar to Invade Privacy, Register Guns
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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"After convincing Senators to support provisions in the bill for which many voiced reluctance (on a false promise that he would sign their version) Taft has now pulled out of their deal, leaving these Senators trying to explain their vote to frustrated constituents." ...

"Taft is now demanding that a privacy-invading, de facto gun registration scheme be added by conferees to avoid his veto."

OH: Invasion of Privacy: Taft's latest attempt to block your right to self-defense
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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"Bob Taft and the editors of some Ohio newspapers have opposed concealed carry legislation since first proposed. The tireless opposition is always based on some illogical pre-conception or emotional rhetoric previously defeated in the process of passing such reforms in forty-five other states."

"Clearly, no amount of historical evidence is enough to change the minds of those whose decisions are driven by anti-gun bias instead of rational thought and reasonable consideration."

OH: Asked and Answered. Tracking the Taft "invasion of privacy" conspiracy
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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"We first learned of Taft's new 'concern' with HB12 in early November. His attempts to insert yet another poison pill into the bill were dashed by committee leadership, who told him they would stick to Article 19 of the rules, which authorizes conferees only to address differences between the two versions of the bill."

"Taft realized he hit a dead-end in asking the committee to break the rules. So he went to his liberal media accomplices, who were more than willing to carry the torch."

OH: Warren, OH Official Accused of Harassing Cop (Or Was It Tomfoolery?)
Submitted by: Don Hamrick

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"A police officer filed a complaint Thursday claiming Safety-Service Director Fred Harris harassed him nearly two years ago while working a security detail."

"Detective Jeffrey Hoolihan claims Harris was trying to provoke him when the director reached for a cellular phone on his duty belt the evening of Jan. 28, 2002. The safety-service director's actions were improper because Hoolihan's gun is located on the belt next to the phone, Hoolihan said, and officers are trained to never allow someone to get near their weapon."

" 'He ought to know better than to reach toward an officer's weapon,' Hoolihan said."

Now it is painfully clear that cop knows how law-abiding citizens feel about the government reaching for their guns! Does it matter, though?

NY: Youths hear pleas to stop gun violence
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Each speaker worked toward the same point about stopping gun violence, employing every method from tough love to scared straight."

"But when all was said and done, young audience members - drafted from the recreation rooms and basketball courts at Edward Saunders Community Center - remained reluctant Wednesday night to join the effort. They raised their hands in response to questions but were hesitant to talk when pressed further."

OH: Governor's Mansion 'Defense' Walk - Nov. 30
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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"Local activists interested in protesting Governor Bob Taft's obstruction of concealed carry legislative reform will gather at the Governor's Mansion Nov. 30 while 'openly' carrying their sidearms on a walk through the neighborhood."

"If Republican leaders remain reluctant to override a Taft veto in the name of 'party solidarity', as Ohio Sen. Carnes recently put it, Ohioans are ready and willing to exercise their fundamental right to bear arms for self-defense by carrying firearms openly."

OH: New Taft Veto Met With Legislative Disbelief, Defiance
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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"A new threat from Governor Bob Taft to veto a carrying concealed weapons bill because of a permit privacy provision was met with a mixture of disbelief and defiance Thursday from supporters of the legislation who said Mr. Taft's demand was not one on which they could compromise."

"Mr. Taft's long-held position has been that he could not support a measure (HB 12) that would let law-abiding, trained Ohioans obtain permits to carry concealed weapons unless it had the endorsement of law enforcement."

"The governor for the first time added a second condition in a letter to House and Senate leaders this week in which he said a gun licensee's 'basic identifying information' including name, date of birth and county of residence should be considered public information. However, he said some other information gathered in the application process that would reflect mental illness, substance abuse or certain other conditions should be kept confidential."

FL: Another Police Officer Leaves Gun Inside Local School
Submitted by: Bob Wolfley

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"For the second time this week, a gun was found inside a Central Florida school. And, once again, it was lost by a police officer."

"The gun was found in a bathroom at Apopka Memorial Middle School. A teacher found the gun in the bathroom. That teacher then called an administrator who then called police."

"The school resource officer left his gun in a bathroom. The officer's name is Dennis James. He's been with the department for eight years, a school resource officer for two."

MN: Face 2 Face Poll on the MN Personal Protection Act
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The topic of this week's show is MN’s Personal Protection Act: The Challenge. This week's guests will be Marshall Tanick, attorney, Mansfield Tanick & Cohen and Dr. John Lott, Resident Scholar, American Enterprise Institute. Face to Face will be broadcast on Twin Cities Public Television, channel 2, on Sunday, November 23, 2003, at 10:30 a.m."

F2F Poll

Are you satisfied with MN’s Personal Protection Act?

Personally I am not satisfied with it, because it is still asking the governmentfor permission to exercise your rights, but I voted yes.

NJ: Officer who accidentally shot self will retake gun test
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A Hopatcong police officer who accidentally shot himself in the leg during a firearms qualifying test will have to retake the test, the department said Friday."

"The officer, whose name was withheld, was wounded at a Jefferson Township firing range while taking the gun qualifier Thursday. The five-year police veteran was due to be released Friday from Morristown Memorial Hospital, Lt. Michael Siciliano, a Hopatcong police spokesman, said Friday afternoon."

"Siciliano said the department requires officers to pass two firearms qualifying tests a year. Siciliano said the officer did not complete the test Thursday because of his wound, and will be retested after he recovers and returns to duty."

IN: No charges filed over gun that went to school
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A man who unintentionally caused his fourth-grade son to carry a gun to school earlier this month will not face criminal prosecution."

"Instead, he has been asked to dispose of the gun and turn in his gun permit for it to be canceled, said Vigo County Prosecutor Bob Wright on Thursday."

"The boy was expelled from Lost Creek Elementary School because of the incident, Wright said, an action that could not be confirmed." ...

"He did not take the gun out or threaten anyone with it at school, according to a school letter sent home with students on Nov. 5."

"Under federal and state law, school districts must expel a student for one calendar year if they take a firearm to school." ...

OH: Public has right to know who holds gun permits
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"We applaud Ohio Gov. Bob Taft's strong backing of public records access by threatening to veto any bill that keeps the names of those issued concealed weapons permits secret." ...

"For the past few years, the Republican-controlled General Assembly has slowly eroded your right to inspect government records by greatly expanding the list of records excluded from Ohio's open records laws. ..."

"And when you consider the ever-increasing federal restrictions on releasing information, including the new health-care privacy law, it's not hard to see your rights to information are being compromised."

What about that right to privacy the liberals love to crow about? Does that not apply to gun owners?

UK: Gun brandished in carjack
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A carjacker pointed a gun at a woman before stealing her son's car following a 'terrifying' chase in Manchester."

"The theft took place outside the home of the 19-year-old driver and his 15-year-old brother, in Burnage."

"On Friday Greater Manchester Police appealed for help in tracing the man, and two accomplices, who drove off in a red Peugeot 205."

"What has been described as a black handgun was pointed at the brothers' step-mother when she came out of the house to find out what was happening."

What now? Calls for more gun control?

China: China targets drunken, gun-toting police
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Some 587 Chinese police are under investigation for drinking on duty, drinking and driving or carrying firearms while under the influence of alcohol, state press said Thursday. So far 250 have been sacked since new regulations against such behaviour were enacted earlier this year, the Beijing Star Daily said." ... [NEW regulations against being drunk and armed while on duty?]

"Following the beating to death of a migrant worker while in police custody, Minister of Police Zhou Yongkang called for stronger implementation of the new rules."

Meanwhile, the disarmed, enslaved Chinese are supposed to rely on these drunk buffoons for their safety!

NJ: Dissident Stafford board member's 1989 gun assault exposed
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Township Board of Education member Kevin Thomas Tully served three years in state prison for shooting a former girlfriend with a shotgun on the same day she turned down his proposal of marriage."

"Board President Thomas Dellane made the matter public during an impromptu news conference after a school board meeting last night. The shooting occurred 14 years ago when Tully lived in High Bridge, Hunterdon County." ...

"Tully had criticized other board members last month after they attended a New Jersey School Boards Association convention in Atlantic City and used taxpayer money to stay at the Hilton Casino Resort, while advancing themselves $75 per day for the trip and convening a meeting at the hotel."

IL: National Ammo Week Has Special Meaning for Illinois Gun Owners
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"I'd like to see each of our members purchase no less than 100 rounds of ammunition and head out to the field or the shooting range this weekend... Every pull of the trigger should serve as a reminder that Chicago's Mayor Daley and the state's leading gun control organization are working feverishly to obliterate private firearm ownership in Illinois. Every kick of the butt stock should remind them once again that Senate Bill 1195 is alive and well and that, if passed, most rifles, nearly all shotguns, and most handguns would be banned in the state and subject to forced confiscation."

GA: Dogs Used to Search for School Weapons
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Police used five K-9 units in their search for more weapons at Stone Mountain High School Friday morning."

"The search took place before students arrived at 6 a.m. and lasted about 45 minutes. While the dogs alerted five times to the scent of weapons, none was found."

"The search came after handguns were found at the school twice this week. On Thursday, school officials suspended a 15-year-old boy after finding him with a loaded .45 caliber handgun."

[The American Colonies were] all democratic governments, where the power is in the hands of the people and where there is not the least difficulty or jealousy about putting arms into the hands of every man in the country. [European countries should not] be ignorant of the strength and the force of such a form of government and how strenuously and almost wonderfully people living under one have sometimes exerted themselves in defence of their rights and liberties and how fatally it has ended with many a man and many a state who have entered into quarrels, wars and contests with them. — George Mason, "Remarks on Annual Elections for the Fairfax Independent Company" in The Papers of George Mason, 1725-1792, ed Robert A. Rutland (Chapel Hill, 1970).

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