MI: Thousands more women are arming themselves
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Corey Salo
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“Never bring a knife to a gunfight,” explained Sheriff Schendel. “You always want to have superior firepower and protection. A gun is a great equalizer for a woman, without a doubt. Doesn't matter how small you are, or how frail you are, if you're holding a weapon you can be like the giant. |
WA: Gun Rights Advocates Tout 340,000 Signatures
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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Supporters of an initiative that would prevent Washington state from adopting universal background checks for gun sales say they have submitted 340,000 signatures with their first batch of petitions submitted Thursday to the secretary of state’s office.
Initiative 591 would prevent Washington state from adopting background-check laws stricter than the national standard, which requires the checks for sales by licensed dealers but not for purchases from private sellers. It would also prohibit confiscation of firearms without due process. |
CO: ‘Gunnies’ unswayed by survey showing Coloradans conflicted on gun control
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Mark A. Taff
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The recent Colorado Quinnipiac poll on gun control turned up contradictory but not surprising results: a majority of Colorado voters said they disapprove of the state’s “strict new gun laws” even while approving of the substance of the laws.
The poll found that 55 percent to 40 percent disapproved of Colorado’s “strict new gun laws,” but 84 percent “support requiring background checks for all gun buyers” and a slim majority, 49 percent, “support a statewide ban on the sale of high-capacity ammunition magazines that hold more than 15 bullets.” |
GA: Police: Metter man shot son in self-defense
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Mark A. Taff
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"Upon arrival, officers discovered that a shooting had occurred. Initial investigation revealed that Mr. Anthony Wayne Mosely, 40, (of an undetermined Candler County address) attacked his father, Mr. Mike Mosley, 64, of Metter, without warning."
The younger man struck his father "repeatedly with his fists and other objects," Nelson said. "Mike Mosley, who was fearful for his life, shot his son." |
WA: Panelists question Washington self-defense laws
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Mark A. Taff
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An event about “Stand Your Ground” laws quickly turned into a discussion about race between a two-person panel of defense attorney and prosecutor Tuesday, Nov. 19, at Western Washington University's Fairhaven Auditorium. Panelists Darrin Hall, from the Whatcom County Public Defender’s office, and Chris Longman, deputy tribal prosecutor for the Lummi Nation, discussed Washington’s “Stand Your Ground” laws, the Renisha McBride case and the role of race and gender in self-defense acts. The Washington state “Stand Your Ground” law allows someone to act in self-defense without retreating from an attacker. |
NY: Raymond Kelly, blind to his gun-control hypocrisy
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Mark A. Taff
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Outgoing New York City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly has spent his career promoting an extreme gun control agenda.
Kelly is a longtime, vocal supporter of Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s anti-Second Amendment policies. Kelly appeared on the Daily Show this year, and nodded up and down every time host John Stewart spewed propaganda about gun control and punch-lines that ridiculed America’s law-abiding gun owners. |
NE: Know the limitations on guns and bows this holiday season
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Mark A. Taff
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Now we’re not going to be knocking on your door Christmas day to see if your kids are shooting their Nerf guns in the house. We will however, get involved if you are shooting that new BB gun in the back yard. The same goes for that new bow and arrow; it cannot be used in the city. We all remember our first slingshot, but this too is illegal to discharge in the city as well.
Please note that I am talking about discharge not ownership or possession. Nothing in our city code prevents you from owning these devices, per se. Violations of this ordinance come up occasionally, with the most frequent complaint we receive being about BB guns. |
CA: Legislation Regulating Toy Guns
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Mark A. Taff
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California state legislators announced plans to introduce legislation regulation imitation or “copycat” guns in an effort to stem a reoccurring tragedy involving the toys being mistaken for real firearms. The Imitation Firearm Safety Act would amend California law to define what an imitation firearm is and what those imitations must look like to differentiate real guns from fake guns. Currently, toy guns such as paintball, airsoft and bb guns are not included in the California legal definition of imitation weapons. The goal of the legislation is to prevent tragedies that occur when toy guns too closely resemble real firearms. |
MI: Calhoun County concealed pistol requests on the rise
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Mark A. Taff
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There are about 6,000 active concealed weapons in Calhoun County, Calhoun County Sheriff Matthew Saxton said.
New applications for Concealed Pistol Licenses flow in every month.
Those at the meeting said people are carrying guns for protection and feel safer when they do. But they worry incidents like the one at the library could happen to them. |
TX: Barry Smitherman is ONLY Texas AG Candidate with CHL
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Mark A. Taff
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Barry Smitherman is the ONLY candidate in the Texas Attorney General race with a Concealed Handgun License (CHL). The fact that Barry Smitherman actually packs heat, on top of the fact that he got an A+ rating from the National Rifle Association (NRA), is why I believe that Barry Smitherman is clearly the best gun rights Texas AG candidate over Ken Paxton and Dan Branch. Anyone can talk a good talk about supporting gun rights, but Barry Smitherman actually practices his right to bear arms. |
WA: Former ATF supervisor indicted; more on initiatives
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Mark A. Taff
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MEANWHILE, yesterday’s delivery of an estimated 340,000 signatures by backers of Initiative 591 has become something of a line-drawing event, with public reaction showing two distinct sides and not much middle ground. That much is being demonstrated by comments to the Seattle Times and KOMO coverage.
This column yesterday quoted both Alan Gottlieb from the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and Phil Shave, executive director of the Washington Arms Collectors, but only provided a brief overview of remarks from Bill Burris, representing the Washington Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors Association. |
SC: Gun Control
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Mark A. Taff
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We cannot defend the idea of carrying weapons to defend ourselves when it would be very unlikely to successfully pull a handgun on an attacker who has a semi-automatic rifle. This is my position: Guns are causing more harm than good in our society. Trained professionals and law enforcement agents should be allowed to carry weapons, but average American citizens do not need to keep weapons in their homes to protect themselves. The dangers include the continuation of mass shootings and an increase in children who acquire unintentional and potentially fatal gunshot wounds. |
TX: Murder charge against Fort Worth firefighter dropped
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Mark A. Taff
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Shea O’Neill, 40, was accused of stabbing to death a 23-year-old man after a confrontation inside a car earlier this month. Two other people inside the car gave stories that conflicted with O’Neill’s account. O’Neill had claimed he pulled a knife in self defense after two men tried to rob him.
The Garland County, Arkansas district attorney said it does now appear to be self defense, and that the fire fighter was being robbed. O’Neill remains on the Fort Worth Fire Department with his status unchanged, according to a department spokesman. |
Yahoo Encrypts Data After Reports of NSA Snooping
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Mark A. Taff
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It wouldn't be a stretch to say that Yahoo's decision to encrypt all data moving between its data centers in order to protect its users from the prying eyes at the National Security Agency represents a low water mark in the history of the United States.
In fact, maybe it's time to expand the Second Amendment by adding the following declaration: The right of the people to encrypt their data shall not be infringed. Because let's face it, what Yahoo (and Google before it) is doing is bearing arms in the battle to keep the U.S. a free nation. The Washington Post reported in September that Google was stepping up its encryption efforts in the wake of the NSA surveillance revelations. |
MO: Sandy Hook killing video game is pro-gun porn
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Mark A. Taff
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A shameful online video game is out, just in time for the one-year anniversary of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings.
It allows players to massacre children and adults just like Adam Lanza did last Dec. 14 in Newtown, Conn.
The maker of the game spouted some nonsense that he actually wanted to promote gun control with the venture. |
DC: Treating gun owners like criminals
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Mark A. Taff
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The 1,800 or so criminals who have killed, robbed or assaulted innocent people in the District of Columbia so far this year were hauled into the police station to be fingerprinted, photographed and forced to undergo a criminal-background check. Now legal gun owners who have committed no crime are getting the exact same treatment. It's not fair.
The latest gun-control scheme that starts on Jan. 1 will force every legal firearm owner in the nation's capital to go in person to police headquarter to renew their registration certificates. |
The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them. — Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States; With a Preliminary Review of the Constitutional History of the Colonies and States before the Adoption of the Constitution [Boston, 1833]. |